Sis...sheesh, they are expensive but hopefully you'll be able to eek some money out of the insurance company. That would be great

Terri..first I forgot to say yes I do want to hear the audio from your wedding so I'll send you my email address. And second, I'm using this time to catch up on my recordings of A Baby Story and Make Room for Multiples and Baby's First Day. I love how the women say " I want an all natural birth and no meds, meds are harmful to the baby. Women have been giving birth without meds and that's what's best for the baby". Then well into labor you see her change her mind and say " I want an epidural or something for the pain, I can't do it". I always think to myself " I have nothing to prove to anyone or myself...I'll take an epidural". But I give those ladies an A for effort.

Rad....that whole experience was scary. I had been ignoring warning signs my body was giving me before and I would keep pushing myself to do something be it laundry, etc even when I was tired and I haven't Ben sleeping well at night to boot or drinking enough water THEN I started going back to te gym the day before I started spotting. Guess my body wasn't as amped about going to the gym like I was. Lol. But this whole thing has taught me to take better care of myself and to learn to let things go until another day. No one cares if the freakin' laundry is done 2 days later or the floor is not mopped exactly when I wanted it to be. Learning how to not be on the go all the time is hard I tell you.
AFM: Donation complete!! :thumbup: I noticed there wasn't as much liquid this time - I am not going to worry about that too much... I didn't say anything to him... When he dropped me off at work I said to him "thank you for your donation to the cause this morning!" :rofl: He laughed and drove off to Hardees to get something really bad to eat!!! :haha:
We have laughed more together the last 24 hours than we have in months... it made me realize something - no matter what happens - we really do have fun together and its going to be ok. so I am feeling sappy happy this morning... maybe its just the progesterone from O'ing on Friday... :haha: either way... I am going to enjoy feeling happy!

Hope you ladies have a lovely Monday!!

Wonderful, Wish! :happydance: for the SA!!
It is awesome to just relax and laugh with our spouses, isn't it?

AFM - AF came yesterday. Yay! Haven't said that in awhile. Hopefully this means we're back on track. :happydance::happydance::happydance: Back to temping today. All aboard the TTC train! Woo woo! My brother and SIL announced they're having a baby in October. I'm really happy for them. I know they struggled with their first and I'm just guessing they've been trying for awhile for this one too. The due date is a week after my LO. So hopefully they'll get to share a birth month, although my niece was born 4 weeks early so we'll see. Happy Monday to all!

Yay for TTC! :thumbup:
I am glad you are at peace about your SIL's pregnancy. Come on overlapping pregnancies!!!! :dust:

Looks like I'll have some time to stay on top of all the posts being as though I have to take it easy until my Dr's appt on the 21st. Last Tuesday I went to the bathroom at work and when I wiped I saw some blood. I didn't panic because I know sometimes it is coming from my rectum ( thanks to hemrroid brought on by the pregnancy...TMI I know) but something kept telling me to make sure it was just blood from there and not the vagina. So there I was in the stall at work (thankfully I went into the handicapped stall and got more room) sticking tissue in my butt and at the same time wiping the vaginal area to verify there was no blood from there. It was a mess! Finally I was able to see a tinge of blood was coming from my vaginal area as well. Called the Dr, went right in and they listened to the heartbeat and checked my cervix so everything was fine and I went on my way. Fast forward to Saturday afternoon. At the hair salon with my daughter and I started to have pains about noonish. Didn't think too much about it and I chalked it up to the baby moving around was causing the pain. It kept happening so when I finally got home a 5 or so I relaxed a bit but the pains kept coming- closer and more intense. I went went to bed about 10 and woke up at 4 am Sunday in tears. Had been tossing and turning all night because of the pains. By 4 am along with the pains in my abdomen I started to have pains across my back and in my pelvic area and I realized they were contractions. By the time I realized what they were they were coming every 5-10 minutes and by the time I got to the hospital they were 2 minutes apart. Spent a few hours in the PET unit hooked up to an IV and monitors and watched the print out on the monitor spike everytime I had a contraction. Blood and urine was taken and finally saw the dr who checked my cervix and she said it was still closed-thank God. She said I had a yeast infection and sometimes a yeast infection, UTI or bladder infection could cause contractions-who knew?!?! Got my prescription, filled it and went home to rest. Still having some today but they are less frequent and less intense. Last Tuesday I was told not to exercise, lift anything or have sex until my level II ultrasound on the 25th just to be on the safe side, then the whole contraction episode happened and now I'm just home in bed loading up on fluids and getting up only when I really need to. Being a person who is always on the go is making this hard for me but I know it's best for the baby. Luckily I have a job where I can work from home and a boss who is very understanding so it does make it easier. Well...sorry for the book but figured I would update everyone.

Oh my goodness, Smiles! :hugs::hugs: I am so glad you and LO are okay! That had to have been so terrifying- my heart sunk as I read it until the end, when I nearly cried with relief!

AFM: Appointment with new OB went well. She seemed very concerend about my DD being over 10lbs, and has promised to not let that happen again. :happydance: I had to call the old OB office this morning to cancel upcoming appointments with them. They were nice as can be until I told them I was changing practices. Oh well.

This weekend we took our DD to the Texas Wildseed Farm in Frederickburg to take pics in the wildflowers (if you are from Texas you get the whole "bluebonnet" picture thing :haha:), and now my allergies hate me. But it was a beautiful day, so I can't complain!

Awesome about the new OB! It sounds like she will really try to help your specific pregnancy issues (sometimes docs get too hold-up in 'the average' pregnancy experience). You get the brave mama award for dealing with the old OB's office of cantankerous crankies! :bodyb:

AFM, I'm still waiting for the green light on TTC. My HCG was at 146 on Friday, so hopefully one more week until normal. The ultrasound showed that there is still some "pregnancy product" left. My doctor is sending me for another one tomorrow. And OH won't :sex: (even just for fun) until it's all gone. :nope:

:hugs::kiss::hugs: FM!

For those of you who asked, I am having a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and D&C on Wednesday to clear out endo and hopefully make me generally more fertile. Today was a lot of running around with the preop and doctor's appointment, but it is over now. Now onto tomorrow...:paper: :haha:
Sis...sheesh, they are expensive but hopefully you'll be able to eek some money out of the insurance company. That would be great

Terri..first I forgot to say yes I do want to hear the audio from your wedding so I'll send you my email address. And second, I'm using this time to catch up on my recordings of A Baby Story and Make Room for Multiples and Baby's First Day. I love how the women say " I want an all natural birth and no meds, meds are harmful to the baby. Women have been giving birth without meds and that's what's best for the baby". Then well into labor you see her change her mind and say " I want an epidural or something for the pain, I can't do it". I always think to myself " I have nothing to prove to anyone or myself...I'll take an epidural". But I give those ladies an A for effort.

Rad....that whole experience was scary. I had been ignoring warning signs my body was giving me before and I would keep pushing myself to do something be it laundry, etc even when I was tired and I haven't Ben sleeping well at night to boot or drinking enough water THEN I started going back to te gym the day before I started spotting. Guess my body wasn't as amped about going to the gym like I was. Lol. But this whole thing has taught me to take better care of myself and to learn to let things go until another day. No one cares if the freakin' laundry is done 2 days later or the floor is not mopped exactly when I wanted it to be. Learning how to not be on the go all the time is hard I tell you.

I was go-go-go as well, and my fluid levels ended up being low at the end of my pregnancy, warranting an induction from my OB.
The natural birth held appeal for me- until my induction made hard labor come almost immediately. You really never know how you will react to pain like that until it comes.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you my not taking it easy was probably one factor in my having low fluid levels. I told my doc that this happened to me today, and he explained that when we get to the end of our pregnancies, placental function decreases a lot after about 36 weeks (especially if you are a more mature lady), and it can make a big difference in how your pregnancy ends. So rest up, lady!:hugs::flower:
Vjean....I am now 18w 3 days. Feels like I should be further along or something at times. Lol. Glad your appt with your new place went well and flip the bird to the other doctor's office. They were all sorts of whacked over there. :haha:

Oldermom...I actually was tearing up about it today thinking and being thankful for outcome. At that moment I started to think about the all the other ladies and their losses and felt so bad for them. This whole journey from start to finish can take a toll on us and I'm so thankful for all of you ladies for your support. It really does help to be able to share feelings and concerns with you all.

Oh I forgot to mention one part of the story that while it was happening wasn't funny at all but now that I replay it in my head I crack up. At 4 am when I woke up crying and asked my DH to get me some water and then I laid back down to see if that would help, after about 20 minutes my husband says " where are the pains exactly?" So I tell him my abdomen, back, etc. he got silent for a few seconds then says " maybe it's gas because gas can travel around to the back too and is really painful and I did hear your stomach making a gurgling sound earlier". As I was laying there in pain I managed to say without yelling "it is NOT gas". I swear men are just so clueless at times but you gotta love them.:haha:
Oh I forgot to mention one part of the story that while it was happening wasn't funny at all but now that I replay it in my head I crack up. At 4 am when I woke up crying and asked my DH to get me some water and then I laid back down to see if that would help, after about 20 minutes my husband says " where are the pains exactly?" So I tell him my abdomen, back, etc. he got silent for a few seconds then says " maybe it's gas because gas can travel around to the back too and is really painful and I did hear your stomach making a gurgling sound earlier". As I was laying there in pain I managed to say without yelling "it is NOT gas". I swear men are just so clueless at times but you gotta love them.:haha:

Hehe- gas traveling. Definitely a guy thing.:haha:
Why do u think guys Fart so Much Gas makes them feel like they R in Labor!! :rofl:

Man idk what's wrong w me I've been an emotional wreck today crying At stupid movies and the fact I have to PAY taxes I've never had to Pay B4 I wanted that money for the house Updates!! :nope:

I don't see how I could be lucky enough to get PG right away but my hormones are outta wack :shrug:
OMG Smiles-So glad you and the baby are ok. Reading your update was terrifying!
For those of you who asked, I am having a laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and D&C on Wednesday to clear out endo and hopefully make me generally more fertile. Today was a lot of running around with the preop and doctor's appointment, but it is over now. Now onto tomorrow...:paper: :haha:

GL OlderMom!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Smiles, I'm so relieved to hear you and baby are ok!! How frightening! The story about you shoving toilet paper up your butt had me rolling though. And gas traveling to your back?? Oh, men. Bless 'em! :)

Thank you for sharing your experience, because it is a very good reminder to all of us that when we do get pregnant we need to be very mindful of overdoing it.

And by the way, I used to absolutely love watching all of those baby stories on TV with the first-time moms who were committed to having a natural childbirth. They go on and on about how there is no need for pain medication, how our bodies are made to be able to do this process naturally, and they break out their soothing pan flute music CD and birthing ball and fill up their birthing tub....and that's when I'd get my popcorn and sit back for the show. Cuz most of them end up realizing their vision of a natural childbirth is never as easy as they stood on their soap box and professed it would be! It's not that I have any ill-will toward women who have a natural birth...I'm actually in awe of their strength to do it. I just have a problem with people preaching about things they have no experience with, in general. So there!
Fezzle--Hey that cervix thing sounds good because isn't it supposed to be really high as a sign of pg, instead of coming low for AF? You're testing this Thursday? Ok you have me intrigued!

Kfs1--Sounds like you are right in a perfect spot for that red moon stuff! And glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend with friends and little ones. It's times like those that really lift your spirit. :)

Wish--Hope all went well with the SA today and thanks for the info on the one hour limit to bring it in..and carrying it between the boobies is classic! I'm not even kidding, I will absolutely do that when my time comes. And I'm do glad to hear you and DH are in a good place right now. So good to hear!

Sis--Oh. My. Stars. I was dying when I figured out what your msg about bedding on O with the doggie emoticon meant. Totally going to shoot for all of that this cycle! And when will you find out how much this homeopathic doctor can charge to insurance for the saliva tests? And you silly, silly goose! First you were worried about you BD schedule which seemed great, and now you're wondering how you could be lucky enough to get pg again when you are supposed to be super fertile following a m/c? I am ordering you to have a positive outlook because you absolutely should!!!

Terri--I forgot to send you my email address, too, because yes I want to hear the wedding audio. Will do that now! Really interested to see what happens with your Opks...how frustrating to think you Od and then maybe not. Yeah, really interested to see if you get a positive Opk soon! I guess that's why I like the line Opks instead of the smiley face kind. I like to see the progression of the line darkening and then lighting after the surge. It's WAY more exciting than looking at an open circle for days on end! And personally, I think it's bad practice for that nurse to question you about TTC a child. I mean, I'm the type who overshares info with anyone who will listen, and even I think that convo was not appropriate, so good for you with your short responses!

Oldermom--Yep. I just forgot what your procedures were going to be, because now I remember since you've listed them. Is it a little crazy to say that I got excited to hear about your procedures? Granted, it sucks to have to go through them, but they are all for such a great purpose! You have done a phenomenal job of getting your testing done and following through with what you need to do to right the things that need correcting. You go girl!

Radkat--Glad to see you are moving forward on the TTC path (I mean not happy that you are back here, but that your spirit and optimism are back!). And I know what you mean about being excited about AF following a m/c. You just hope your body will right itself because in a way, it helps you to get that spirit and optimism back. Like your body is saying, "It's going to be okay. Everything is back to normal." Totally get it!

Future Mom--I'm sorry you are still having to go through the end of this m/c. Hang in there as you should be getting there soon. :(. But glad you, too, are in a place where you are looking ahead at getting back to TTC. <3

Vjean--So happy to hear you are doing well and like the new doctor! At least we can still fire our doctors in the US and I'm glad you did. And yes, I know all about the blue bonnet pics in TX. Very cute tradition, but sorry your allergies hit you. So, can you take allergy Meds while pg?

Moni--Still watching your progress this cycle! :)

Btw, is there an April thread?
My cervix was lower this morning- and firmer as well. It's still pretty high, but I could actually reach it as opposed to the last few days where it's been way up there! I'm just waiting too :coffee: I woke up at 4am with a headache and took my temp then- you can see the nose dive it took! Even if you adjust it for the time it's pretty low. The headache also usually means AF is coming for me, so I'm waiting for her now. I wouldn't be that upset about her coming if it meant that I finally had a normal cycle though and a good LP! I think the Metformin and iron are definitely helping, and OH and I can do much better this cycle with our BDing.

Smiles- sounds scary but glad you are ok! I also laughed a bit at the toilet paper butt-checking, or at least the description of it!

GL, oldermom!
Oldermom....I will be taking it easy. It's funny I have been thinking about my fluid the past few weeks. I think I might be paranoid though. When I feel or see extra cervical fluid I think "is that my amniotic fluid leaking?" I swear I am a nervous wreck at times

Katie and Fezzle....yeah the toilet paper thing is pretty funny. I don't know how much I used but at one point I knew I needed to flush before I put more tissue in to avoid the toilet getting clogged. :haha: That's all I needed to happen, have a toilet overflow at work....embarrassing! Lol
Wish so Glad U R Happy and are having Fun w DH that's all that matters today so Enjoy it!!

Katie yes the Red Moon is like the Harvest Moon very powerful so FX it brings u guys Luck and BFPs!!

Well the Dr was a bust my Dr wasn't in just the nurse and when she told me the price of the test I was like :nope:
$170 for the Saliva Test
$390 for the nutrient test
My dr was suppose to run as much as she can through my insurance to cut cost so I will just wait I guess

KFS1 they use Saliva to test Hormones it's more accurate than blood cuz your hormones fluctuate through out the Day!!

Hmm - that's really interesting about the fluctuation. I'm in the process of researching FEs so I'll definitely bring this up with either them or my OB. Thanks Sis!
Oldermom-Today you have to drink that stuff right? Hopefully you can mix it with something good so it isn't too disgusting. I've never had to do anything like that so I can't really comment, but I know you'll get through it. :coffee:

Futuremom-Sorry about the leftover product. Hopefully it will all go away soon so you can get back to your normally scheduled routine.

VJean-I'm so happy that you like your new OB. It really does make a world of difference. It took me forever to switch gyn doctors (because I only had to go once a year so I thought it wasn't that bad). My original doctor, who I really liked, left and they stuck me with a PA who looked like an owl and criticized everything I did or didn't do. Then she wanted to take me off BCP because of my high blood pressure. She was on such a high horse, and not to be mean, but if you don't have an MD after your name, you don't get a high horse. You get a faulty pony, if that. My bestie finally convinced me to switch and I am so glad I did. I'm happy for you.

Katie-I took advantage of the red moon today :haha:, but I think I ovulated the other day. I hear you on staring at empty circles, but I'm ok with it for the next few days.

Well, work called and I lost my train of thought. Have a great day everyone.
Smiles - That's so scary! I'm glad everything's OK. I know it's hard but just stay off those feet until you get the all clear.

Radkat - Congrats on the witch showing.

Terri - That's so frustrating that your OPK was broken. I hope you just continued to BD anyway - just in case you missed that peak. Red moon! Red moon!

Future - I hope your levels return to normal soon. :hugs:

Vjean - Gglad your new Dr. seems better than the last! It took me forever to switch but I'm happy with my new OB so far.

Oldermom - Good luck with everything today!!

Katie/Smiles - I have a problem with ANYONE preaching about "how are bodies were built for childbirth and it's better for the baby" - blah blah blah. Everyone is different so it drives me crazy when people try to push their "beliefs" on you. What - are you trying to make someone feel bad if they choose an epidural? I'd be absolutely fine with it! :)
Morning Ladies Oldermom GL today make sure not to watch any Food networks or Cupcake wars!! :)

Think I'm gonna spend the day w my Bestie since she's going to NOLA this weekend :(
We both need our nails done and lunch of course!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Morning friends!

Yes Oldermom - good luck today and shake your fists at those Dairy Queen commercials!!! I know you will make it through - it will be worth it when that BFP comes and sticks!! :flower::hugs:

Sis - i love getting my nails done! Have a great day with your bestie!!!

:hi: kfs, Katie, Smiles, Fezzle and all you other ladies out there reading n stalking!!

Terri - I am with Katie on the cheapie OPK's - I use wondfo's (50 for a buck - ok not that cheap :haha:) but I watch the surge come and go... and its much more reassuring - or I am a control freak....uhmmmmmm:blush:

AFM: things that make you go hmmm - my temp went below cover line today - not sure it has done that since I started temping during the TWW - atleast not at day 4! :coffee:
I think I will blame TAX DAY!!! :haha:
Meetings all day today!! Woohooo!!!
Enjoy your day ladies!!:hugs::hugs:
Just checking in ladies to wish oldermum all the best for today and hope it brings good things in the future.

Afm - just plodding along reading but not posting sort of weaning myself off Bnb I guess:wacko: also got the children off hogging the internet so that is helping me a little:flower:


Good to hear from u Garfie :hugs: we miss U!!!

Katie I'm trying to stay positive but also realistic so if I get a BFN I won't be shattered into a million tiny pieces!! :)
Did have stretchy Snotty CM this Am hope I don't have an infection :(
Oldermom - Thinking of you today. I hate it when I can't eat. You'll have to read or something non-food related. Sorry I said food. :wacko:

Fezzle - It sucks that AF may be coming, but your chart looks great! Very typical, normal chart! :thumbup:

Katie -Are you asking if there is an April testing thread? Yes there is. I've been stalking some to get to know some of the newer ladies. I'm waiting for the May one. :)

Sis - Hooray for getting your nails done! :happydance: I desperately need a pedi.

Wish - Hmmm...not sure on you temp. Maybe see what's up tomorrow.

Kfs - Good luck on the FE search. What a process. Nice to have all these knowledgeable people here to help guide you. :flower:

Thanks for all the official welcomes back to TTC. Feeling good/hopeful. DH keeps talking about my "extra fertility" after the mc. We'll be giving it the old college try this month for sure. (Of course if that were in reference to my college experience it would mean drinking 5 nights a week and eating terribly, so I'm not going to do that!) :haha:

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