Wish-Are you still taking your vitamins this month? That is odd for you to have a drop at 4DPO. Your temperature is usually so high even a small drop is way above the coverline. I guess it's just something to note. Hmmm...

garfie-We miss you! :hugs: Now that warmer weather is here, it's good to get outside and off the computer. Hope all is well.

Now my train of thought is back. My sister had all three of her kids naturally. I think she waited to long to get to the hospital, personally. One of her kids she had in the waiting room. They told her 'Yes we understand you're pregnant. Please wait there.' Her hubs was telling them, 'she's going to have a fast labor, you don't understand.' They said "Please. sit there." Thank GOD an ambulance driver was walking through the waiting room with some clamps (or something-you know I don't know), and was able to deliver the baby. My sister said that other patients were horrified. HA!!HA!! Then, the hospital tried to charge her for a bed an anesthesia. She said "no sir..this is incorrect! I had the baby right in that waiting room." I know I would've been horrified, but I try to avoid the emergency room at all costs.

Last time I was there was probably in 2002 when I was really, super drunk. My bf tried to make a big deal that I was out without him and got wasted with others. The girl I was with told the nurse-she doesn't have alcohol poisoning. She's just drunk. I think that was enough for the nurse because we left. I don't remember much before or after that. All I remember is goign to the bar and going to the emergency room. HA!!HA!!
Smiles WOW take it easy!!

Oldermom - Good luck.

Everyone else - nice to hear the updates, keep them coming.

AFM - I am waiting until the weekend to test - I want Easter good vibes when I do.
I also "donated" about 12 viles of blood to the IVF cause yesterday - when I saw how much blood they were taking I asked them to weigh me after, because that probably dropped me at least a pound. They are doing all the genetic testing, HIV testing and many other tests that are needed before we can move onto IVF.
Terri.....bless your sister's heart because 1. I would need an epidural for sure and 2. For not ripping the admitting nurse's head off and getting her to a room. :haha: those poor people, I'm sure they're still telling that story til this day. Lol

Oldermom...lots of luck tomorrow. :hugs:
Smiles-HA!!HA!! I imagine she was probably just in pain and like 'whatever' hee hee.

Moni-I hear you on lots of blood vials. I think I did 5 at Quest, and then I think I did another 3 when I went for my u/s. I laughed at you asking them to reweigh you. Did they? HA!!HA!! I hope this is it for you and your Easter is fabulous. :friends:

I might be busy the first half of the day tomorrow, so I just want to pass good vibes to Oldermom tonight. Hope everything goes as planned. BFP in May for you, coming right up!
Hello everyone hope u All had a Fabo day!!!

Mine was pretty good except for DH picking a fight via text cuz he's sleep deprived and being a Butt!!
He did admit that he thought I have been cold since the MC cuz I blame him for losing the baby due to his Crooked sperm!! :nope: WHAT??
I had to tell him I only blame myself and have been dealing w that so not the case at ALL !!
Hope he understands what I've been going thru my BFF says he's the one being distant so IDK!!
We will try to make up for lost time when he gets home ;)

Went to Lunch w my BFF but didn't feel like eating much after that long ordeal so we went to do our nails and Chit Chat :)
Got my nails and toes done Easter Purple of Course ;)

Had a Bday dinner for her 17yr old DD our kids our 10 days apart we keep telling them they are each others baby daddy and Momma cuz they look great In pics together!! :haha:

I'm going for RC 4 in the AM was trying to wait until I can take a test but it hurts to bad I gotta go :nope:
I'll take a test in the Am but it will be too early I'm thinking slim chances anyway!

Oh yea and DS1 will be driving his truck in the Am :happydance: he got it home and it sounds great FX it stays that way!!
Just a quick note to pop in and tell Terri How much I enjoyed listening to your wedding audio! What a beautiful ceremony! And it wasn't even weird listening to it over audio and not seeing video. :)

Your Dad is so cute I can't stand it! Giving you away on behalf of everybody under the sun was so freaking sweet. And then, it sounded like he added more people at the end of the ceremony. Ha!

Your pastor did a tremendous job, as well. It wasn't just reading from a cue card, his words were so sincere and beautiful and I loved how he sang the Lord's Prayer.

Ugh, just AWESOME!

And when you started to read your vows and were crying, I started to tear up as if I could see you. You DO NOT have a hillbilly laugh. It's adorable!! Btw, you're husband's voice is sexy pants! (Was that out of line? Sorry, just look back on my post about how I love to overshare everything.)

Thanks for sharing that special occasion!

It's interesting how sometimes we receive things that we need and we don't even know it. I got this audio file earlier and meant to listen to it throughout the day but kept getting interrupted. At the end of the day, I found out that one of my Aunts is critically ill. And I've been communicating back-and-forth with other family members about how we are all going to get down to FL to see her. This Aunt is the healthiest of anyone in our family and would have been the last person I would've expected to be so sick. This is also the very first immediate family member I've ever had be in such a serious health crisis. I'm 36 and still have all of my grandparents alive and kicking. So this is a huge scare. And then, after all the conversations were over for the night, I had a chance to sit down and listen to your wedding audio.

The combination of hearing such a happy event taking place, the laughs, the love, and hearing your pastor speak God's word, made me remember that no matter what comes in this life, there are still going to be bright days and happy occasions and it really helped me put things in perspective.
So, thank you for that, too! <3
Sis-Sorry your hubs is feeling super bad about the MC. He doesn't have anyone but you to talk about it, so if he's showing signs of anger, it's probably truly just sadness. :hugs: I'm glad you got to spend time with your girlfriend. I'm painting my nails pastel purple on Saturday for Easter too. Yay!! And cool about your son getting his truck, and the birthday dinner and all that.

Katie-Thank you! My dad thanked my aunts and uncles at the end. He has 10 brothers and sisters, and they were not invited because I didn't have money for them, and they are super cheapskates, so he had to throw their names out in the end. I sent his side of the family the audio so they could hear that we were thinking about them. So sorry about your aunt. It is hard when family members get sick. I only have one grandfather left (he's 99!), and it's going to be tough when he moves on because even at 99 he still has jokes, great stories and a great life (he's been blind for about 10 years, but because he had all those kids, they each take a month to watch him. That's the beauty of having a big family. Just talk to your aunt and pray for her, and let her know how much you mean to her. That's all you can really do.

And on the fertility front, I almost didn't take an OPK this morning because I was kind of feeling defeated, and then thought that a few more wouldn't hurt, and I had a smiley face. :happydance: I told hubs that I'm back on the fertility train, and we have until Saturday morning to get to our stop. HA!!HA!! He said he wants to ride along HA!!HA!! Oh, and yes, isn't his voice sexy pants? :blush: His first words to me was 'you are', when I asked who was sitting next to him at the bar. I did a double take when I heard it, and then acted like I knew tons of cuties with deep voices. HA!!HA!!

Have a great day all.
Yay Terri so Glad u got Ur surge I just knew it was coming better get the Party started w My Sexy Pants!!! :happydance:

Katie I'm so sorry about UR Aunt but like Terri said all u can do is show her how much u care and Love her!!
I wish I had any of my grandparents I miss them ALL dearly :cry:

Oldermom GL w the surgery Today!!!

AFM I got a BFN no surprise so I guess I'll be going to the dentist :( Booooo!!!
Sis - sorry for the BFN :( but now is the perfect opportunity to go and get those teeth fixed before you're PG again.

Terri - woohoo. Get to it!

Katie - I'm so sorry about your Aunt. :hugs:

Older - Hope you're doing OK. Good luck today.

Moni - Good luck with testing this weekend. Fx!

Nothing much to report here. Had a slight temp jump today but no crosshairs yet. Got plenty of BDing in so I'm crossing my fingers.

Hi everyone else!
Sis - you are still early lady!!! only 7 DPO?? you could still get that BFP...but I agree get those teeth fixed - that way they aren't even a thought once the BFP appears!!! :hugs:

kfs - I think I see crosshairs in your future!!! :thumbup: on the Bd!!!

Moni - FX for your testing this weekend!!! :hugs:

Katie - wow all your family is still living that is awesome... I have no grandparents and my dad is gone (along with some aunts n uncles) I agree with Terri - just shower the Aunt with love... that's all that matters at the end of life - love!!!

Older - definitely thinking of you today....update when you feel like it lady!! :flower::hugs:

AFM: down 2.6 lbs since Monday... hello healthy eating!!! and exercise... I feel good this morning (could be the P cream or the BFP on April testing thread) :haha:
I am looking at my chart and think "whatever"I feel like my chances are so slim this month that the weird temps are just what they are!!!
Weather is beautiful today - Hope you ladies enjoy your Wednesday!!! :hugs:
Wish-We had snow last night and it was still on the grass this morning! It's crazy for April, but luckily it's all gone now. I hope that is the last of it...it's supposed to warm up later in the week so send that warmer weather east, chica!

I hear you about just letting your temps do whatever. That's how I felt until this morning. hee hee. I was resigned to accepting them the way they were. I just BETTER get my crosshairs back, or I'm deleting that positive OPK. Nice job on losing a few pounds and exercising! Good for you. The April thread did get exciting this morning, that's for sure. Hopefully it'll stay exciting!
Ok ok I'm going to have to check out the testing thread NOW ladies!! :haha:

I'm back from the dentist I just Opted to pull the tooth it only took 1Hr verses 3Hrs of drilling and about a 1/3 of the price it was my way back Molar and I had already grinded it down to a Nub so why not!!

DH should be home tonite so I went and got some sexy PJs and nice spring candles along w all the Easter stuff for the boys!!
Hot Pink Polo shirts It Is ;) lets see how hard they fight it!!
Katie - I'm sorry about your aunt. I hope you are able to share some conversations with her. :hugs:

OlderMom - Thinking of you! Hope all is going well.

Terri - How cool that you get another chance with Oing! :sex::sex::sex:

Kfs - Hooray for a temp jump. FF always takes awhile to confirm O, huh? Glad you feel good about your BD timing. :thumbup:

Wish - Big congrats on the weight loss! Enjoy your good weather! It's sooo much easier to be healthy in good weather! :wohoo:

Sis - 7DPO is super early. Do you usually get results by then? Mine have been 14DPO. But still, go get to the dentist, then it's done and you don't have to worry about it. :hugs:
Radkat No I got a BFP at 9Dpo last time but I went to the dentist 6dpo B4 I knew so I was kinda worried about it that's why I took a test this AM
I knew it would be a BFN but wanted to verify B4 I went to the dentist!!
Thanks ladies for the kind words. <3.

I'm a bit of a pissy pants tonight because I got a beautiful positive OPK this morning, but hubby forgot to take his "magic pill" (which by the way, is a Godsend for them being ready to go when needed), and he's super tired. So gonna try a morning BD session...which will mean 5:30 am since DD usually wakes up and comes and crawls into bed with us around 6! Blah.
Hope u got that BD in Katie u shouldn't O Until 36 hrs after ++++ OPK so FX u catch that Eggy!!! :)

AFM ... DH made it home and is already at the office :nope: hopefully he will have Tom off to spend time w the Boys!!
My jaw is quite sore today so I still won't be eating and Jumbo Bugers!! :haha:

Happy TGI almost Friday since most will Be off Tom for Good Friday!! :happydance:
My boss' last day is today so we're going out to lunch and then someone set up a happy hour for her. I was thinking about taking a half day tomorrow but now I see that the interim boss has set up a meeting from 3-3:30 to talk about our group's future. REALLY? On Friday, let alone GOOD FRIDAY, you want to talk about the future? I think it can wait until Monday. *sigh* I normally come in at 7 and leave at 3:30, so I try to skedaddle on Fridays. I think I'll come in late tomorrow. :frustrating: Maybe tomorrow my temperature will jump up a little. :frustrating2: hee hee.
Terri - that's horrible that your new boss set up a meeting that late on Good Friday! Not a good way to start off with the new team!!! Have fun at lunch and happy hour today.

Katie - it drives me CRAZY when things don't work out on the peak day. I hope you had a chance to BD this morning. I had a friend over on my peak day and I usually don't BD when people are over (because my house is so small - not too private) but we did quietly in the morning before she woke up. I just had to!

How's everyone else doing today?

As I said on the other thread, crosshairs this morning but I was naughty and had a beer last night so I'm not sure that my big temp jump was accurate. :blush:
Terri - why oh why would anyone set up a meeting at 330 on a Friday - especially Good Friday... maybe she didn't know? someone she discreetly tell her - YO NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! :rofl:

katie - :growlmad: i don't like it when that happens either - here's hoping to some early am :sex: :thumbup:

:hi: to all and I hope many of you are off tomorrow - I am not but DH is...

AFM: ugh... DH and I had a tiff last night - this morning I come in to work and find out I am going to have to travel three weeks in a row from 26 April - 15 May... seriously... blows... and he is going to be pissed about it... I will be home 3-4 May and that's it during that entire time...
and lets not even talk about TTC... I was supposed to have follow up on 5 May... I called the office today and I will talk to the nurse about calling in the Clomid - they sent the instructions to me again in the mail?
and see what they say about starting it when I get back on the next cycle.. what a mess :growlmad:
tomorrow is urologist appointment...
down another 2lbs today - total lost 4.8.... now I just want to eat cake...
Terri have fun at the Lunch and Happy Hr and I think I would be like wow can't believe it's Good Friday Tom time sure does fly :haha:

Wish so sorry everything seems to be Adding Up I know that feeling ALL to well hope the Uroligist gives u guys some good News Tom!! :hugs:

AFM I'm having way more CM than normal not sure if it's cuz I'm not using the P Supps or what hopefully I will know either Way by Easter!! ;)
Watching Baby Boom and dreaming today I guess!!!

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