Just finished 5 days of 50mg Clomid yesterday. No crazy woman came out - Thank goodness! I felt unfocused, scatterbrained. I'm guessing like pregnancy brain without the pregnancy?! I actually felt pretty monotone. I tend to be high strung, so not like myself, but I was happy with that verses mega-B ;)

My 1st IUI cycle should take place sometime next weekend. I should find out if it takes in May on Mother's Day weekend. Wouldn't that be amazing?!

Good luck to the April testing ladies.
Awwwwww......congrats Garfie!!!!! What a happy Easter for you and the hubs. :hugs:
Garfie! I'm so excited for you! Big congrats!

Glad you're here, Kayotic. Congrats to you as well.

ERose - Sorry for the short cycle but it sounds like you have a plan.

Sis - Hope you're feeling better today.

Terri - Sounds like you have a nice day planned. Good that you're spending time with your friend. Time around a baby doesn't hurt.:)

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

AFM - AF has left the building. Starting OPKs tomorrow. DH is sick so I'm hoping he gets better by O time!
Congrats Garfie and Kayotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

And :hugs: everyone else - we're next!! :thumbup:
Congrats Garfie!!!!! :happydance: :happydance:

Hope everyone had a Great Easter !!!

AFM.... I've had a hard weekend DH and I keep fighting and he's being really mean even his friend noticed the other nite!!
He keeps saying maybe it his way of grieving he's doesn't know why he feels this way!!
IDK either but I'm not going to sit here and take it!! :cry:

So I prob won't be around here anymore not sure we will be together much less be TTC anymore if things change I'll let u guys know!!!

Wishing u ALL the best!!! :hugs: :hugs:
Wow...I have a lot to talk about this morning.

ERose-Hope your blood test goes well today. Drink lots of water so your veins are nice and plump! Don't forget to find out when you get the results, so we can compare them to Sis' paper.

Kayotic-Good luck today at your beta. I'm guessing that's a blood test. By now you should have pretty good numbers, right?

garfie-Do you have to go to the doctors for confirmation?What's the protocol in your country? Still, such a happy day.

Sis---Don't say that..when you get married, there is no exit strategy unless it's absolutely necessary. Sure, you can stop TTC, and work on your relationship, but don't mention the "getting out" words. I'm sure emotions are really super fragile right now with all that's been going on, and that's why I think you both are out of balance. Maybe take a TTC break for a while and come back when you're ready. Maybe your hubs feels too pressured and it's too soon for him to try again. I don't know for sure but that's why you have to TALK about it, and see where he stands, and tell him how you feel and make a compromise. Maybe other stuff besides TTC is going on, and obviously we wouldn't know about that, but see what he's thinking. And on top of that, you're the leader of the group. You can't just up and leave. I'm not letting you. :nope: So there!! :hugs: It's hard, I know...

AFM-I guess all 12 of my follies have shriveled up and died. Just waiting for them to make their way to the wonderful land of the pantiliner. I go for my follow up appointment on the morning of the 24th, so I really hope they can help me. Taking my temp seems so futile at this point, but I will carry on. I'm not a big shopper but today I feel like buying some spring shoes/sandals.
Hi everyone,

Happy Easter. A lot to catch up on.

Garfie - I saw on the other thread but congrats again! So great.

ERose - Sorry for the short cycle - I know it can be so frustrating. Good luck with your bloods today.

Sis - I agree with Terri. Don't give up! You need to have a long, serious conversation with him about how you're feeling. :hugs:

Wish - Hope you're doing OK. While I don't want to see you around here less :)nope:), I do think its important for you to take a step back and reevaluate what you need to do to be happy. :hugs:

Terri - what's going on this month? You ended up with a positive OPK, right?

Hi Katie, Older, Kayotic, Fezzle, L.ann, Smiles, Future, Radkat, Nessaw, and everyone else :wave:

Nothing much new here. Crazy, fluctuating temperatures and a negative feeling for this month. Found out my sister-in-law is having a girl. So happy but it stung a bit.
Congrats Garfie!!!

AFM - BFN yesterday so waiting for AF. We have decided to wait until July/Aug to do the IVF (as long as the doc approves the wait). I feel like I want to clean the meds out of my body before sticking a lot more in. It also gives us a chance to save a bit more money. I'll still be around, but prob more just stalking to see how you are all doing. I figure if we are taking a couple months off the meds I am going to relax and not temp or use the monitor. Back to just having fun for a bit right? But I'll be back in full force with the IVF at the end of the summer!
Sis - I'm sorry you're feeling down. I know it's hard when such an important relationship isn't working as it should. Please talk to DH and figure out where you both are and how to move forward. Good luck, sweetie. :flower:

Terri - I'm sorry this cycle has been a bust, but I'm glad you have plan with moving forward and help with your clinic. Some great summer shoes are definitely in order. :thumbup:

L Ann - Glad the Clomid worked. Sounds like you're in a good place.

Kfs - I know the baby news can be tough sometimes. My SIL is due a week before my EDD for the mc. Ugh. Just have to refocus on the positive. Hard sometimes, I know.

Moni - Sounds like you have a good plan. Check in with us from time to time and we'll see you at the end of the summer!
Moni-So sorry for the BFN. :hugs: I was really hoping you'd come back with a 4th BFP for the group. How are you feeling? I hear you on saving some money and having fun for the next couple months. It's really not that far away, so I don't blame you for taking it easy and sleeping in! hee hee. That is one thing I pretend I would like to do.

I just received my results from my genetic screening and I had all negative results. If I have all negatives, there is no need to test hubs. I'm happy that checked out. One more test to go (his SA), and we can find out the future. So..even though my follicles are all gone, at least they were all perfectly formed with no mutations. :wacko: :coffee:
Sis, I'm sorry to hear you are so down right now. You two are both embroiled in stressful emotions right now and Lord knows, that can really make a relationship difficult. You are both still recovering from your recent loss, you're feeling crappy because you are seeing BFNs right now, and your DH is stressed out with work. Stress, grief, and disappointment can really cause turmoil. Try to accept it for what it is right now, and give this some time to sort out. You know this will all get sorted out, it's just very hard right now. I'm sorry you're going through this right now. :(

Moni--I was anxiously wtg to see what happened with your testing and although of course I'm sorry it was a BFN, I'm glad to hear you are getting on the path to IVFand decided to give yourself some time to start that process in the summer. I really think it will allow you time to have something to look forward to and get excited about!

Terri--BIG YAYS for great test results and your DHs SA is right around the corner! Now what do you mean your follies shriveled up and died? Say huh?! You're simply going to have to clarify so I know why they are destined to make their way to the land of the panty liner. :) And spending time with your friend and little one sounds just delightful!

Erin--I know you're probably pissed about getting AF, and the wonky cycle....but you are right, it is probably due to that cyst removal. That was one HECK of a cyst! Aren't you so excited about moving forward with this next step of IUI? I think it's very exciting!

Radkat--Let the new cycle begin! There's always excitement in starting this part of the process.

Kfs1--Sorry to hear that your temps are all over the place, although I don't know too much about what that means! How many days DPO are you now? Yeah, we just never know when news relating to pregnancy will sting us and then, other times its manageable or even happy news to hear. We all get it here!

Kayotic and Garfie-- Still just so darn excited for you ladies and can't wait to start seeing your betas increasing. Just such lovely news!

Wish--Still thinking of you, as well, if you're stalking. <3
Katie-OK...when two people love each other...just kidding. Here's the scoop. Some written by me, and some with assistance. Each month you have your follicles hanging around and getting bigger and growing, and they are all hoping to mature into a big girl egg. From about.com (haha), the excess ovarian follicles are reabsorbed before ovulation occurs. Once the big girl follicle grows up, she goes to the surface and the follicle and ovarian surface opens up allowing the teenager egg to drift out of the ovary. When that occurs, it's called ovulation. If you look at my chart, there is no clear pattern from pre-ovulation to post ovulation-meaning, there is no consistent jump up in temperatures (when people have the red crosshairs, there is usually a clear jump showing ovulation. You are just going to HAVE to start looking at these charts! You've put it off long enough. hee hee). To me, that means that none of my 12 baby follicles grew up to be a teenager egg and got released into the wild to go find Mr. Hot Volunteer Firefighter Sperm, and therefore there is NO WAY I can be pregnant (unless ffoe is wrong and my hormones aren't doing what they are supposed to). So...when a chart is anovulatory, you just have to wait for the lining to shed (your period), and start anew. It's sad because I already know the answer, so I just have to wait for AF-hence, the land of the pantiliner. The end. :bows: hee hee.
Moni-So sorry for the BFN. :hugs: I was really hoping you'd come back with a 4th BFP for the group. How are you feeling? I hear you on saving some money and having fun for the next couple months. It's really not that far away, so I don't blame you for taking it easy and sleeping in! hee hee. That is one thing I pretend I would like to do.

I just received my results from my genetic screening and I had all negative results. If I have all negatives, there is no need to test hubs. I'm happy that checked out. One more test to go (his SA), and we can find out the future. So..even though my follicles are all gone, at least they were all perfectly formed with no mutations. :wacko: :coffee:

We were pretty bummed yesterday but stayed in bed discussing the options for a couple of hours. Definitely still a little down, but feeling better today. Even though we are waiting until July/august, we are still taking the class on May 8th - I'll fill you all in on what they have to say. I have many questions that I want answered.

Glad your tests were all good.

Sis - thinking of you...:hugs:
kayotic - again so happy for you :flower:

moni- I am sorry for your BFN but it sounds like you and the DH are on the same page... :flower::hugs:

Terri - thank goodness for the another round of good test results for you guys!!! I am sure the SA will be just as good!!:hugs: thanks for the egg explanation!!! I was sure you ovulated on day 14... ?? so weird this month... but I feel good stuff coming right up birthday's and BFP's for you!!:thumbup:

Sis - I am sorry you and the DH are not getting along... married life sucks sometimes... and you guys do have a lot of poo going on... but poo doesn't make things any easier... I will be praying peace back into your home!!

Katie - thank you for thinking of me!! and I hope you are gearing up for your next TTC month...:hugs:

:hi: to everyone else - Im sorry I can't keep up as well as I would like...

AFM: things have went from bad - to worse... :cry:Dh and I got into the biggest argument we have ever had in 12 years on Easter... lovely... I have stopped temp taking and vitamins - he quit his vitamins on SA day last week... I am 10 DPO but when checking my cervix on 8DPO there was blood and brown CM since - with spotting every day - so I am just waiting for AF to show.. One more blow to the heart - I was just hoping for a miracle... not for me.. ... I have a deep sadness in my heart - I wish it was just about TTC... so I will be stalking ladies... but not much else... I am still praying for BFP's for all you wonderful ladies!!
We'll miss you Wish!!!
Sorry for all the bad stuff going on in your household as well. Hurt/pain is temporary. You'll get through it..<3 :flower:
I did forget to mention that I have lost 6.8lbs in a week... So I am happy about that and there is SOMETHING good going on... :)
Wish, I really hate that you're going through all this. Not just with TTC, but also issues with DH. Its so hard. :hugs: I definitely hope you'll check in often, and even give it another go at some point. :flower:

Katie, yes, I was bummed about AF, but not as bummed as I have been in other cycles (although confused about the short-ass cycle). In my heart I knew I wasn't prego, so I was ready to get on with this next cycle, so maybe the universe said Ah, Hey, let's cut her a break and cut her cycle short by a week, lol!

Terri, NICE explanation of the follies/eggs, etc, LOL! When I try and explain it to people (my mom is always curious), it sounds so science-y. Your explanation was much more fun. ;)

My appt went really well this morning. They had my AMH results from the initial blood tests and said it was 3.5, which is supposedly an excellent number, especially for my age...? I breathed a sigh of relief, because I was really worried about that one, and as it turns out, the news was way better than I even thought it would be! Then while the Dr was doing the scan, she saw several follies at the size they should be on Day3 on both ovaries, and said she was very pleased with what she was seeing (which apparently correlates directly with my AMH level...?). Anyway, they said I'm ready for the Femara, so I start it today for five days, and I go back in one week for next scan. I dont have the results from the bloods they did today just yet... they said they'd be ready today, but I didnt get a call, so will probably call tomorrow.

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