Wish-Yeah on the weight loss! Keep up the good work.

ERose-You're welcome. I used to be a math teacher (as a second job in years past), and I had to explain addition/subtraction/multiplication and division to adults, SOOOO...you find any way possible to make things easy and fun so they want to come back and learn. Glad you found it helpful.

That's so great about your appointment today. That reminds me that I need to ask about AMH when I go in on Thursday. I found this statement (Ebner et al determined that an AMH between 1.7 and 4.5 ng/ml results in maximal egg quality), so yeah, I trust your doctor now. HA!!HA!! It looks like all things are a go for you this month. Did your DH get his SA done yet? I can't remember, but I'm super excited for you. fxfx :dust:

Kayotic-Again, super congrats.
Yep, DH had SA done several months ago. My OB wouldn't even give me clomid without him doing an SA. So that was one of the first things we did. I'm assuming if he hadn't had that done, this RE wouldn't be giving me Femara or doing anything at all for that matter. My DH's SA was fine according to my OB, and according to my RE once she reviewed. But she still has him taking CoQ10 anyway, I guess because it can't hurt!
Kayotic - Hooray for the beta jump! You should shake that result in that nurse's face. Is that too much? :haha:

Wish - I'm sorry you and DH had a fight. I hope you all can figure out how to make things work and move forward. Hope to hear from you from time to time, if that works for you. Congrats on the weight loss!

Terri - I think I would've liked Math if you were my teacher. I just had a bunch of egg head old men who had always "gotten" Math and didn't know how to explain it any other way. I got through Calculus because another student basically taught us what our teacher was saying.

ERose - Congrats on the good AMH results and for looking forward to a good cycle.

Katie- Thanks! I'm definitely excited about this cycle.

I started OPKs yesterday. Neg of course. Just wanted to start early, in case my cycle was off a bit. Think we'll start some more regular :sex: if we can get healthy. DH and I have both had colds and DH is recovering from a stomach thing. Gotta get healthy for fertile week!
I did speak with the nurse manager today. It turns out that somewhere between the blood draw and the Dr reading the results, it was lost that I was only 10 or 11 DPO. THey thought I was at the LEAST 14. My little bean is just a late implanter :)

We told the rest of the world today!
Well, the nurse still didn't have to be so rude. She should have verified again the date before she copped a 'tude.

Radkat-I guess I am also an egghead (see pic) but I try to make it a little more enjoyable. My engineering teachers were all eggheads and egg faces. A double whammy!! Hee hee
Well, the nurse still didn't have to be so rude. She should have verified again the date before she copped a 'tude.

I totally agree!

I feel so badly - I have a friend who is kinda of close but has been going through her own IF for a few years and it destroyed her marriage. She is not taking my news well at all. :( I've reached out to her and told her that her feelings were completely valid and it's okay, but I still know she is aching.
What is IF? Sorry to hear about your friend...it's so hard trying to be happy for others when you are hurting inside because of your own problems. Now I'm sad.

My stupid crosshairs are back. So, I'm a little happy about that, but mostly I'm ambivalent. TTC is such a pain. :growlmad:
Erose - glad you had a great appointment. Keep that positive attitude. Fx this month!

Radkat - glad you're feeling excited, too! Fx!

Terri - I see crosshairs again... :)

Kayotic - aww - I'm sure your friend will come around eventually. It's so tough hearing about other people's pregnancies sometimes, even if you truly are happy for them. :( I'm glad that you mentioned something about the nurse, though. And, ummm, maybe they should be a little more organized and sure before telling someone to stop their meds.

My DH still has to get his SA done but he has his formal review at work this week (he's a teacher) so I didn't want to put too much pressure on him all in one week. For anyone who's not a teacher in NY (or doesn't know any), these reviews are INSANE. Anyway, I'm going to schedule for early next week and we're going to have to stay at a hotel near the testing site because he doesn't really want to deal with producing a sample at the clinic (can't say that I blame him). The only crappy thing? No hotel sex, which is always fun! Boooooo.
Thanks ladies for all the kind messages :hugs:

Kayotic - Woohoo for great numbers hun - I'm off for my 1st HCG today (I phoned the dr and he didn't even argue with me:haha:)

Terri - Egg head? here that must have a different meaning - you are anything but an egg head. Pleased the results came back fine, ladies remember my results came back - not quite over the hill - but not far off :haha: and now look stick little one stick:happydance: I also loved your explanation KISS is also my moto (keep it simple stupid):wacko:

Wish - So sorry you and DH are arguing - I have been there far to many times hope you can resolve things :hugs: Well done on the weight loss:happydance:

ER - Cysts can throw out your cycles - but here's to getting your BFP and congrats on good AMH numbers :happydance:

Radkat - How long are your cycles normally hun:flower:

Moni - Sorry for your BFN:hugs:

Sis - BIG :hugs: to you and hubby a loss can really take its toll hun on the strongest of relationships - people don't always realise it's kind of like it's happened now get over it:dohh: communication is always the way I have found even if they don't wanna sit down and talk I always dropped it into conversation:hugs:

Katie - I just love your posts - they are always so full:flower: me I have lots to say and think about you ladies while peeling potatoes etc :haha: but by the time I come to sit down and type it's gone:wacko:

AFM - I am going to the Dr's soon for my 1st HCG test and I am trying to carry on as normal - I am also on progesterone although I know they cannot stop anything bad happening I will at least know I have tried - also got my lady with her needles this evening she doesn't know yet:winkwink:


kfs1- I laughed at your hotel sex comment. It's for the best to leave it be! hee hee.

Kayotic-I snuck a peek at your FB posting. It is adorable, and you have the funniest friends. I also had to laugh at your pee stick collection. Wow...I haven't peed on that many sticks including ovulation since October of last year!!

garfie-I'm sure egghead means the same. Nerdy...geeky...I can't wait to hear your updates from the doctor and you're right. No matter what your test statistics show, you can always have miracles happen, and if you don't give up, you'll get your blessing! Some just happen sooner than others! <3
Kayotic-I snuck a peek at your FB posting. It is adorable, and you have the funniest friends. I also had to laugh at your pee stick collection. Wow...I haven't peed on that many sticks including ovulation since October of last year!!

Feel free to add me if you want! No worries if not :)
And I do have the best friends ever. Last year, we found 9 puppies in the woods. They raised over $900 in 24 hours so we could get their shots, checkups etc. They're the best :)
Terri, do you still have yours and Sis' numbers available? Here are the numbers that I got for day3 (except AMH was done prior)...

Estrogen: 83 (she said that could be considered high, but they are okay with anything under 100)
FSH: 7.5
LH: 3.6
AMH: 3.5
Antral follie count: 16

Oh, and I'm clean for HIV and syphillus ;) (required testing by the state). All the genetic testing came back negative, so DH doesn't need to be tested.

My RE claims for someone my age, the AMH and the follie count is excellent, but I know with the other numbers, each clinic has their own opinions of what is good and what is not good. So I wanted to check in with you ladies.
Looking good Erose your E is a Lil high u might be E dominant like I am but w the extra help u should get the BFP in no time!!! GL
ERose- The date Sis posted her paperwork was 3/31. I have it at home, so if you can wait that long, I'll report back. 16 follicles!! Woohoo. I thought I was high at 12, but 16 is great! I believe the paperwork said <20 is good. The other thing that I can remember right now is that you want a ratio of about 1:1 between FSH and LH. Your ratio is a bit high, but I'll double check what each individual number means.

Sis-HI!!!! Glad to see you here. Are we going to have to post about numbers all day to woo you back? #####387234-97-384-35234=5358. Come back!! hee hee.
Uh oh... well, my FSH to LH is certainly not a 1:1 ratio. The clinic didnt even mention that to me. :(
Kayotic - Congrats on telling others. It's a fun moment. And the nurse's DPO excuse is lame and kinda concerning that they aren't checking that.

Terri - While you may physically be a bit eggheaded :haha:, I'm quite sure you have more personality in your little finger than these guys had in their whole lives. I would've guessed you ovulated where your CH are now, BTW.

Garfie - My cycles are usually 28-29 days. GL with the hcg.

ERose - Congrats on the numbers. I don't have anything to compare them too, but it's great that some others here do.

Sis! Good to hear from you. How are you doing?
Terri--Too funny..."When two people love each other..." Omg I laughed at that. :) Very good, understandable explanation. And I know I need to start looking at charts and understanding the lingo since all you ladies seem to chart, but I'm just dragging my feet on joining in on the "fun."

Kayotic--FABULOUS beta! Oh you must be feeling so relieved.
And Garfie--Looking forward to your betas, as well!!! Excited!!

Oh Wish, that's terrible but as Terri said, pain is only temporary. But I think we all understand going through the rocky part of the road in a relationship. Oh it's just the pits. You feel sick and emotionally spent and its hard to focus on anything but the status of your relationship. But it passes. It gets worked out. And how you handle it and work through it can strengthen your relationship. You'll get there. It just sounds like you both need a breather from the stress and frustration of TTC which is negatively impacting your marriage right now. Hang in there hun...there will be brighter days!

Erin--See there? That's the positive outlook. The universe cut you a break this cycle! It's really not surprising that your cycle was a bit wacky after that cyst removal, but I'm interested to see how your next cycle does! And what happy news about your AMH and follies. Wahoozie!

Radkat--At least you've got time to get both of you back to feeling better before O time. Load up on that Vit C! It's supposed to be good for fertility health, too, I think?

Kfs1--My mom is a teacher, but not in New York. And the pressure they put on teachers even in her state is absolutely insane! She's actually retiring early because she's DONE with the system. Ok off soapbox. Anyhow, is this your DH first SA? And believe me, I know what you mean about hotel sex. What is it about that which is so fun? I dunno!

Sis, Glad you popped in! Hope things are settling down a bit on your end and tensions aren't running so high. <3

AFM, Spent the weekend in Florida with my aunt who was in the hospital. She went in with liver issues, but do you know the reason she was so incredibly sick and on death's doorstep? The hospital was overdosing her on morphine!! OVERDOSING her!! So, then they had to detox her which took a big toll on her body because she is a recovering addict (sober 30 years)...and getting overdosed and detoxing a recovering addict is a lot harder on their body than it would be for you or me. It's a very long story, and all of her paperwork said that she can't have morphine...but they gave it to her anyway for 5 days and she almost slipped into a coma. Anyway, she is doing much better now and recovering at home, but the reason I bring this up, is its a reminder that we need to be our own advocate for our medical care! The healthcare system will never care about our own health with the voracity we do, and they are capable of screwing shit up, which is incredibly scary. So, that's my rant for today. The end!
I have to get to class, but ERose, I am home and looking at the chart that Sis gave us:

Estrogen 25-75 is normal, so yeah, it might be a little high, but not that excessively out of range.

FSH: 4-7 is excellent. 7-9 says needs IVF on one column, but then it says 6-9 is good. I had 8.65 and they said it wasn't bad.

LH: <7 is normal. I had 8.17, and again, they said it was fine.
It does say that an LH higher than FSH may mean PCOS, so you're in the clear there.

They don't give any clues as to what the problem is if your ratio is not 1:1, so I wouldn't worry about that. It's just a number. :)

Gotta run!
Oh Wish and Sis-I am so sorry you are both having spousal issues. It is stressful enough TTC and then fighting just makes it all harder!

Garfie-I am so happy for you to get your BFP in the down low!!! Apparently your SO just needed to not realize he was TTC to aim right! :haha::haha:

ERose-I think overall your numbers look good. When is your next appointment with them?

Kayotic-OMG your numbers are amazing. Maybe its twins!!!

AFM-DH and I had a date night last week and we discussed TTC. We both apparently think we are the reason we have not conceived yet. He stopped his medication for a minor issue (I had no idea that he did) because he thought maybe that was the issue. It really was a great talk and really solidified for me that he is in this with me. He really made me feel loved and that he really wants us to have a family. So if we fail to get a BFP this cycle its off to test!

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