Erose - I think your numbers look fine. If you're nervous about the 1:1 thing, maybe call and ask just to ease your mind.

Katie - I'm glad to hear that your Aunt is doing better. Ugh - dealing with anything medical can be so frustrating - I mean, it says RIGHT on her chart not to give her morphine! Anyway, I'm happy that she was able to make a turnaround. And to answer your question, yes, this is my DHs first SA. It won't be until next week but I'm crossing my fingers that everything's OK.

Blues - I'm glad that you had such a great talk with your DH. It'll make the journey that much easier knowing that he's 100% invested.

Sis - we miss you!!

Hi everyone else!
Katie-Wow...I can't believe (ok, I can believe it) they were giving her morphine! That is not light medicine. I had a minor surgery on my wrist many years ago, and they gave me morphine. I was high as a kite, and I loved it! I understand why they give it to people in severe pain, or those on the battlefield. It is heavy duty stuff. And...did they know that she was a recovering addict? That is just beyond me, but I'm glad someone in your family figured it out or asked, or whatever. Hope your aunt is on her way to a speedy recovery with no adverse effects.

Blues-That's so nice that you and your DH had a good talk about things. I hope he is ok without his medicine. I have high blood pressure, and I wonder sometimes if that is causing an issue, but my primary doctor told me that it is Class B, so ok with pregnancy, etc..I just took him for his word, but I can't risk not taking my medicine. Well, for now. It's crazy because whether I take the medicine or not, I feel exactly the same. Too bad my heart can't tell me one way or the other. hee hee.

kfs1-How come you have blue crosshairs now? Did FFoe remove yours? Your temps look good! I know you're getting frustrated with temping, but your chart looks way better than mine, that's for sure.

My hubs did his SA yesterday. He said that there wasn't much in the cup, but who knows how much there really is anyway (yes, I will be looking it up). He also said that it would take 2-3 days for the results. When I went to the specialist, they said they would know by the end of the day. He went to another site, so who knows..I would think that you would have to process it the same day. Anyway...my follow up appt. is tomorrow morning at 9:30, so I'll just ask them then. I also haven't heard back about my prolactin, and I'm wondering if my nosy work nurse screwed something up. I'm chillin' about all this stuff until tomorrow when I show up.
Terri - Ugh. I switched my O date. I was just looking over everything and my past charts and I feel like that's when I O'd. Do you think I should just change it back? I mean, it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things. Temping is just aggravating me because I feel like there are such big jumps from day to day. Plus, I haven't had any symptoms or anything (I know that doesn't really mean anything yet) but it just feels like every other month is all.

I forgot about your prolactin! You're right, though - no use stressing since you already have an appointment set up for tomorrow. As far as your husband's SA goes, I'm not sure how much is supposed to be in the cup. I'm sure it's different for everyone but I'd love to hear what you find out.
Good morning Ladies :)

Terri - My Dh has done two SA's and the first time there was a lot more liquid in the cup - however it still wasn't a whole lot - compared to the cup itself. So I don't think it matters how much liquid is in the cup - just how much/what is in the liquid :haha:
and usually the results are done the same day - it doesn't take 2-3 days -he can call or you can call (if he signed the papers that says you can talk to them about his tests) and they will give you the numbers over the phone... :thumbup:

Katie - I totally support your rant about owning our own healthcare - I have done this repeatedly in the last two years - for myself and my daughter - and why is it that we have to push so hard???:shrug: - just to take care of ourselves and be HEALTHY!! ok rant done...

kfs- I hear you on the temping and frustration (I've had to set my own O date before too) - me taking this break from temping is such a relief right now...

Erose - I am jealous of your AMH!!! :haha: I think your numbers look good - you must feel good about moving forward on the TTC journey!!! BFP coming down the tracks soon!!!

Sis - I hope you and the DH are better.... we miss your words of wisdom...

:hi: all you lovely ladies

AFM: I am back to work after 4 days off... I managed to get sick on day 2 of said 4 day weekend... and I am still recovering... figuring I should try to get in to the dr since I am gone after Saturday for 3 weeks...
I have stopped temping and I feel this FREEDOM...:rofl: I am sure when this 3 weeks of traveling is done I will be back... but for now... I am enjoying a break... still no idea when the urologist appointment is - hope DH tells me :shrug:
I have lost 7+ pounds as of this morning... which is nice... just a few more to go until I hit my goal... I think its been over a year since the scale has been so gracious to me!!

Happy Wednesday ladies...
Hi Wish! Again, nice job with the weight loss and you sound so happy without temping. HA!!HA!! I'm sure it is a nice break. Thanks for the tips on the cup stuff. It is kind of yucky, but I guess I better get used to it. I know that the results are ready now, but I'm not going to think about it now.

Sometimes it just gets so frustrating, and kfs1-I am the queen of the jagged charts, as you can see. This one looks a little more normal for once, so yeah, I get it, and true, it doesn't matter whether you have blue crosshairs or not. What matters is what's going on in your body, so I hope all good things. My stomach was looking especially muscular this morning (I have on a slightly fitted shirt), so although I'd rather have a muscular belly than a flabby belly, it would be nice if something was growing in there!

Everyone else-Have a great day! I'm presenting hubs with his bday present today. A tad early, but it's a trial membership to a golf club, so I want him to be able to golf on nice days before it gets insanely hot. We are also going to dinner afterwards (of course). Oh, and I made shepherd's pie last night. I forgot the carrots though. I miss you Atty! I cant' wait for lunch. hee hee. Bye!
Kayotic, I'm just now seeing your post with beta number, and I must say congrats for such a huge jump, yay!! Such fantastic news!!!

Garfie, is today your hcg test?? If so, GL and update us soon!

Blues, thanks! My next appt with the RE is next Monday for last follie check and u/s, and I guess that's when they tell me when to do the trigger shot. Btw, great talk with your DH!! That makes me happy to hear. :)

Terri, thanks for the info on the numbers! I did find Sis's chart once you mentioned the date she posted it. But thanks for your opinions as well. :) Gotta love being able to talk to other ladies about this stuff! As for the amount of semen in the cup... my DH didn't have that much in his cup either. There have been times that he had plenty during BDing, but on the day of his SA, not so much (probably due to the nature of the situation!). Anyway, my Dr even mentioned something about the volume, and all he said was "drink more water". Seriously, that was it. The count is going to be however many sperm they see per ml (or whatever the measurement, I can't recall). So for the lab's count, the amount won't matter at all. But if you think about it, for BDing purposes, if he has double the volume of semen during BDing, that's double the amount of sperm. So I'm def all over my DH about drinking plenty of fluids. ;) Beware though, if you decide to google "drinking more water for more semen", as I came across sites with guys asking the same question who had different reasons for wanting more semen!

Katie, SO sorry about your aunt, omg! It's one thing to be giving morphine to a recovering addict at all, but to be OVERDOSING her on it! Seriously.... the perfect example of how we need to look out for ourselves, huh? How's she doing now?

kfs, I can't recall where FF had your O date before you changed it. But I feel like you could be right... if FF had it the day before, they could've had it right too. I guess it could go either way. Maybe someone who is more knowledgeable about charting can help. When FF gives me CHs, i just go with it!

Wish, when you typed out the word FREEDOM about not having to temp, I must admit, I had a little bit of jealousy, hehe! I'm looking so forward to the day when I can toss that thing into a drawer and not worry about it anymore. I'm sure when I first get a BFP, I'll temp for a little longer, but probably only a couple weeks. I'm one of those that is looking forward to putting that thing away for good. GL with your traveling, hun. That's a long time to be away. We're looking forward to hearing from you as much as possible! :flower:

AFM, nothing new to report. Third day of Femara. I have a special place in my heart for Clomid since I got pregnant on it (hehe), but I also don't mind this switch at all. I figure it certainly doesn't hurt to go all in this cycle and just switch it all up.


I had my HCG test yesterday and today I got my results - I have been informed they are low :wacko: okay when I go for my second lot tomorrow and if they haven't moved or gone up/down maybe then I will worry but for today again I am still pregnant wouldn't you agree?

My HCG level was 160 (at 13DPO):happydance::happydance:




I had my HCG test yesterday and today I got my results - I have been informed they are low :wacko: okay when I go for my second lot tomorrow and if they haven't moved or gone up/down maybe then I will worry but for today again I am still pregnant wouldn't you agree?

My HCG level was 160 (at 13DPO):happydance::happydance:



Ok, so I just read this after I had already posted asking about you, LOL! Garfie, I think that's a great number for 13dpo!!! I'm surprised they said it was low! Ignore them. No need to worry yourself at all, as they will go up tomorrow, and you'll be a happy camper! And yes, I agree... using our dear SweetPotatoPi's mantra.... repeat after me.... "Today I am pregnant, today I am happy." :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Garfie - I searched and everything I am seeing says your level is fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup::happydance::happydance:
screw those negative nancies!!!!!!!

check this out - you are WAY higher than "average" I say TWINS... hehehehe
I'm still stalking feeling pretty down today since The witch is on her broom!! :(

DH and I talked very Lil he is always on the road or going here and there for work he has mentioned going to therapy we will see if that happens since he's the one been married 3times not me I think he's afraid!!! :nope:

Garfie great numbers mine was 56 I think 13dpo so I think u are way Good!!!

Anywho love u all best of luck!!!
Thanks hun

Obviously I'm not out of the woods yet but my numbers - taken just before Christmas were:-

FSH 10.8

LH 4.1

I never had anymore tests done after these (hubby refused SA so they took me off their books) The thing I did differently this month was take Vit C and continue with my acupuncture (3 cycles now) maybe it helped maybe it didn't:shrug: but I felt a lot better whilst I was having it - I have made a decision I will continue with the acu until either I get to 12 weeks or something changes:wacko:


I'm still stalking feeling pretty down today since The witch is on her broom!! :(

DH and I talked very Lil he is always on the road or going here and there for work he has mentioned going to therapy we will see if that happens since he's the one been married 3times not me I think he's afraid!!! :nope:

Garfie great numbers mine was 56 I think 13dpo so I think u are way Good!!!

Anywho love u all best of luck!!!

Happy to see you post Sis! I'm so sorry you're going through this with DH. I hate when men can be dicks. There isn't much worse feeling than having DH be in a bad mood, being mean, and not being able to talk about it. I'm not good with that at all... I'll sit there all anxious and lose sleep. I'm way too much of a communicator to be able to handle it. Hang in there sweetie. We miss all your wise comments, extensive knowledge, and pure understanding of what we're all dealing with. GL with DH, and I really hope you get to talk to him soon!!!
erose / Terri - OK, I switched my chart back. No more playing around with the stupid thing. I'll put my trust in FF.

erose - I hope the Femera works just as well as the Clomid (minus the cysts, of course). :)

Wiiiissh!! Miss you around here! Congrats on the weight loss - that's amazing. It's been slow going for me on weight watchers (although, I had some bbqs and Easter thrown in the mix so it's understandable). Enjoy your freedom from temping and I hope you're able to relax and reflect during your travels.

Sis - Miss you, too. I'm sorry that evil witch is on the way. I hope you're able to have some quality time with your DH soon so you can sort everything out. :hugs:

Geez - what is it with the nasty nurses lately! Garfie - your numbers sound great. Don't let them stress you out.
ERose-Thanks for the reassurance on the SA. If he only needs 1ml, I am pretty sure he got that much. I realized that I should probably not be googling sperm at work. HA!!HA!! I might get flagged or something, and now is not the time to be losing my job. I'll do it tonight when I get home. Oh, and have you noticed a difference between Femara and Clomid? I realized that tomorrow is Day 21, so they may want to take bloodwork again...who knows?

garfie-GREAT NUMBERS!!! Why do these doctors/nurses say stuff that would make someone worry. Your numbers aren't low at all. A 4 is low. 160, not so much. And yes, SPP, bless her heart. She brought so much joy to our lives. Come back chica! Such wise words were never spoken. Don't forget to check in tomorrow!! :wohoo:

Sis-Sorry about the witch being on her broom. I see that drop, and I'm just as upset. Is this your first marriage? It can't hurt talking to someone, but only go talk to someone if you guys are really considering sticking it out. If your hubs has other plans, talking to someone isn't going to help if he already has his mind set. I am praying that you guys can figure out a way to get past this rocky road. It's just one road..you can get to the next one, and it'll be smooth sailing.

Wish-I hope things are getting better at your house. I haven't even been temping that long, but it seems I don't remember NOT temping. It's what I do! hee hee. I always wake up early anyway, and never sleep in, so I'm either waking up to temp, or waking up to start my day, so it hasn't really changed my life that much. The only thing that sucks is vacation time and apparently, my temps are always out of control when I'm away, so so much for temping on vacation. I won't do that anymore. Try and do something fun while you're traveling and try to check in while you're gone!

kfs1-Leave your chart alone. HA!!HA!!
Garfie - Your numbers aren't low. That nurse is bonkers.

Terri - Glad hubs got his SA done. I doubt the amount of liquid matters that much. Good luck on your appt tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

Wish - I hear you on freedom from temping. It was the last thing I added on when I was getting back on the TTC train. Enjoy your travels, even if it is for work. Go to a new restaurant or something else fun. Great job on the weight loss.

Sis - Sorry the witch is around the corner. I hope you and DH can come to an agreement about what is best. Talking to someone sounds like a good idea.

Kfs - It's so tempting to mess around with numbers, etc to get a nice looking chart. In the grand scheme of things, a day difference in O probably doesn't matter that much. :winkwink:

ERose - Glad you're feeling good about Femara.

:hi: to everyone else!
Needed todays beta to be 180 at min, it was 327!
Quick update-I just read on WebMD that a normal volume of sperm collected per ejaculation is 2-5 mL. That is such a small amount!!

Anyway...hubs is here and time to give him his gift and get to this cocktail party in 15 minutes! Yowsers!!

Congrats Kayotic - that sounds great!

Garfie - don't worry at all! It's the difference between the numbers that matters, not where they start. They should be doubling each time.

Sis - I hope you can work it out. I'll be sad if you're done TTC since you were so kind and helpful to me after my MC. I was hoping we could do this whole journey together. But you have to do what's best for you. GL :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM - still waiting on test results from most recent ultrasound and bloodwork to give us the green light on TTC. The ultrasound technician asked me if I've had a fever recently and also seemed surprised that my doctor didn't prescribe any medication after MC. So now, of course, I'm slightly freaking out about things...:shrug: I call my doctor tomorrow for the results.
Hi ladies! Thanks all for your words about my aunt, and she is on the upswing, so that is wonderful news in our family. All of the information was on all of her paperwork, in the computer system, and she told the doctors and nurses that she was recovering addict. SCARY!!! If she would've passed, my grandparents would've been right behind her due to the heartbreak...and it would've been a devastating thing to have so many losses in our family at once. So, after that cheery note…

Garfie!!! Those people are kooks. (See above rant and apply to the UK. jk!) That certainly doesn't sound like a low number at all. Excited to see what your follow-up betas are, but it certainly looks like you are off to a darn good start!

Blues--Great to hear that you Had such a nice discussion with DH. I think, so often we don't talk with our significant others much about the TTC journey, because men are just different creatures, and we have things like this thread to vent our innermost feelings on. So when you're really able to have a good heart-to-heart with the other person who is 50% responsible for this journey, and it goes well, it just makes you feel so good!

Terri--Eek! So excited to hear about your DHs SA results, which is a very weird thing to say! Also, excited to hear how your follow-up appointment goes, and what they say about the prolactin. Never heard about that before as being something they looked at?

Wish--It sounds like you're in much better spirits, and you are enjoying your freedom!! I'm telling you, when I took those two months off this year, it did so many wonderful things for my soul. I "wish" the same thing for you! And congrats on the weight loss...7 lbs is nothing to shake a stick at!

Erin--I don't know much about the medications, but I think I've heard that Fermera has less side effects than Clomid? Is that correct? Well anyhow, onwards and upwards for you girl!

FutureM-I do hope you can get back on the TTC train soon. And please let us know what the results are tomorrow! Keep on, keeping on girl!

Sis--Don't they say that men are supposed to be simple creatures? If that's the case, then why does it seem untrue so often?! It would scare the bejeezus out of me if my husband said we needed to go to counseling, but on the other hand, if you really sit down and think about it, it's good that he feels like he needs to work out his feelings. Instead of harboring them and carrying them around so that they can explode to a point where your marriage could really be in danger. I would guess after three marriages, he is not looking to become a bachelor again and start all over. He already knows the repercussions that the divorce can have and I think it is good that he wants to work on this marriage. I don't remember where I saw it, possibly Oprah, but there was an old couple in their 90s who had been married forever, and the interviewer asked them what was the secret to their success. And the wife said, "Neither one of us fell out of love with the other one at the same time." I thought that was the quirkiest thing I've ever heard somebody say, but I always keep that in the back of my mind when me and DH are going through arguments. Somebody has to be the one who wants to stay and fight for the marriage. And in your case, both of you want to stay and fight for the marriage. So hope is certainly not lost. Just remember that! <3
FutureMom-Yeah! I hope the results are good today and you can get started again. Do most people take meds after a MC? It seems that your body would know what to do naturally. :shrug:

Katie-You are too wise for your own good. Stubborn (about charts), but wise. :haha: The prolactin test is a hormone in your pituitary gland that produces breastmilk in pregnant women. For everyone else, it's just a hormone level but if it's increased, something is up. I leave in about 10 minutes for my appointment.

kfs1-I see your temp increase today and mine went back down. Today, you win. hee hee. But we're both in jagged city. *sigh*

Everybody-check back after your appointments! Have a good morning.

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