One Born Every Minute US is horrible!!

Do US ladies get any pain relief options other than epidurals?

I think it depends on where you birth, but I was only offered pain relief in pills and an epidural. I do know that gas and air is rarely used here if at all. I have just read that laughing gas is making its way into a few hospitals here though. (apologies if gas and air is the same as laughing gas)
^^ it is the same basically, but dentist grade laughing gas is waaaay nicer/stronger than gas and air.
I've been thinking about it and I can't remember if the pain killer I had was a pill or done in the iv. Oh said pill, but I am thinking iv. It was stadol. Anyway, that is one reason I want med free next time, I can't even remember any details.
I'm wondering why none of the US ladies moved around during labor? :shrug: I labored in a US hospital & I was able to switch positions and such, which really helps deal with contraction pain. Plus, my nurse explained the pain relief options once, and didnt mention them again (as not to press it, I guess)... They picked pretty dull hospitals apparently. :nope:
When I gave birth to both of my kids I had to be in the hospital bed on my back the entire time and my pain relief options were epidural or stadol (which they gave me through my IV). And as soon as you get to the hospital they have you sign the consent forms to get an epidural whether you intend on getting one or not. Once you get there you are confined to your bed with your IV in. It's not a very nice experience. And unfortunately, there just aren't any other options at this point. Where I live there's the one hospital in a 60 mile radius, no birthing centers, and I don't know if there are any midwives who do home births at all. :nope:
i actually saw a positive ish birth on there last ngiht but it was accidental - a young 1st time mum had a natural pain-relief free labour and birth, it was accidental but still so nice to see someone being able to feel their birth experience

I saw that one too :thumbup: although I was annoyed the MW left her saying "oh I'll come back in an hour or two, no point keeping on when it's going to be ages" A few minutes later she was ready to push! I thought all labours were different, surely you can never tell how long it's going to be?

My 11 yr old DD loves watching these programs and I was worried she would get the wrong idea of what a birth can be but she has since asked if she can be at my home birth so she'll get an eye-opener then!
I have to say though my sis had to have her feet in stirrups 18 years ago in the Liverpool hospital. And I have found MW's here wanted me to labour on my back, I guess because it's more convenient for them. The UK might be more open to less intervention but you still have to fight for the birth you want I think.
I'm wondering why none of the US ladies moved around during labor? :shrug: I labored in a US hospital & I was able to switch positions and such, which really helps deal with contraction pain. Plus, my nurse explained the pain relief options once, and didnt mention them again (as not to press it, I guess)... They picked pretty dull hospitals apparently. :nope:

Hospitals aren't run Nationally so most are either independent or run by the state their in. Medical care differ's from state to state. i.e. NY hospitals deem viability at 24wks but there are some states that are between 20 and 23wks.

Rules depend upon the state laws and the medical facility the patient is in. So that is why not every hospital has the same experience. While I'm sure there are some that DO allow natural labors, most here in the U.S. will not.

In fact, here in New York State it is in a sense "illegal" for homebirthing. Though there ARE some women who've done it anyways with midwives from other areas OR have traveled to PA to birth in a natural birthing center.
It may seem like we're being pressured to take pain medication, but by law here they are required to counsel us on our pain medication options. We're free to say no.

Likewise, many hospitals will give you the option of unassisted birth with the comfort of knowing that a nicu/or is just down the hall if you start hemorrhaging or the baby isn't breathing etc.
When I gave birth to both of my kids I had to be in the hospital bed on my back the entire time and my pain relief options were epidural or stadol (which they gave me through my IV). And as soon as you get to the hospital they have you sign the consent forms to get an epidural whether you intend on getting one or not. Once you get there you are confined to your bed with your IV in. It's not a very nice experience. And unfortunately, there just aren't any other options at this point. Where I live there's the one hospital in a 60 mile radius, no birthing centers, and I don't know if there are any midwives who do home births at all. :nope:

Yep, that was basically how it was for me too. I also had to sign the c-section form up front. There are also no birthing centers near me either.:growlmad:
When I gave birth to both of my kids I had to be in the hospital bed on my back the entire time and my pain relief options were epidural or stadol (which they gave me through my IV). And as soon as you get to the hospital they have you sign the consent forms to get an epidural whether you intend on getting one or not. Once you get there you are confined to your bed with your IV in. It's not a very nice experience. And unfortunately, there just aren't any other options at this point. Where I live there's the one hospital in a 60 mile radius, no birthing centers, and I don't know if there are any midwives who do home births at all. :nope:

Yep, that was basically how it was for me too. I also had to sign the c-section form up front. There are also no birthing centers near me either.:growlmad:

Yup, same here. Though I'm unsure about the bed issue. They DO have a birthing tub but they don't allow you to actually birth in it. The hospital requires you to get out of the birthing tub. It's only used for laboring I was told and they are limited in how many they actually have. As I said, I had no choice when laboring my son. Though he was preterm at 22wks. It may be different with full term. :shrug:
Morning ladies! :flower:

Forgive my ignorance! :haha: However!!

Why do women not just tell them to get lost?? :shrug:

Get out of the birth pool. No.
Lie on your back. No.
I'll put this epidural line in just in case you want it later. (a quote!) No - and I don't want to hear any more about it - I'll ask if I want anything thanks.

I'm just a wee bit stumped as to why anyone would allow themselves to be led by the nose. :shrug: Or is it a case of 'it makes good TV'?

Though to be fair some of the ladies I've met since getting preggers scare me! 'I don't want to read up on what happens (during labour and birth), I don't want to hear about what may go wrong!', 'I don't want to do any exercise.', 'If I crave for McDonalds for three meals a day then that's what I'll have!'. Truthfully!! Terrifying!! :nope:
Morning ladies! :flower:

Forgive my ignorance! :haha: However!!

Why do women not just tell them to get lost?? :shrug:

Get out of the birth pool. No.
Lie on your back. No.
I'll put this epidural line in just in case you want it later. (a quote!) No - and I don't want to hear any more about it - I'll ask if I want anything thanks.

I'm just a wee bit stumped as to why anyone would allow themselves to be led by the nose. :shrug: Or is it a case of 'it makes good TV'?

Though to be fair some of the ladies I've met since getting preggers scare me! 'I don't want to read up on what happens (during labour and birth), I don't want to hear about what may go wrong!', 'I don't want to do any exercise.', 'If I crave for McDonalds for three meals a day then that's what I'll have!'. Truthfully!! Terrifying!! :nope:

I thought that I had done enough research, but I hadn't. I think epidurals are so common here that a lot of people don't even question it (like myself). To have the epidural you have to stay in bed. Also I wanted an epidural, but looking back on how is was offered was wrong. I feel like they only gave me the information they wanted me to have so that I would choose the epidural to make things easier for them. I think the problem is that they are so quick to give an epidural (they gave me one at only 3cm). I feel they don't want to offer any other pain relief options because it is a hassle (birthing balls, shower, etc). I feel like they take advantage of the uneducated (I don't mean schooling, I mean birth/pain options) and only tell you what they want to tell you.

This is how I felt about my experience and the hospital I was in.

Also they are so easy/ quick to say "okay, you are not progressing fast enough, lets start you on some pitocin". And although you may be able to move a little, once you are hooked up to all that stuff it is almost impossible to get into other positions to labor, so the pain is too much and you get an epidural.

These are just my thoughts about it. After having Carter and and spending time in other parts of the forum, my eyes have been opened to all these other options. Last time I thought "why wouldn't I get an epidural?" and had no problem laying in the bed, because that was practically all I knew. Now, after gather lots more information and seeing what a truely wonderful experience giving birth can be I want a home water birth. So I really believe the lack of information/knowledge is the problem in the US.
Morning ladies! :flower:

Forgive my ignorance! :haha: However!!

Why do women not just tell them to get lost?? :shrug:

Get out of the birth pool. No.
Lie on your back. No.
I'll put this epidural line in just in case you want it later. (a quote!) No - and I don't want to hear any more about it - I'll ask if I want anything thanks.

I'm just a wee bit stumped as to why anyone would allow themselves to be led by the nose. :shrug: Or is it a case of 'it makes good TV'?

Though to be fair some of the ladies I've met since getting preggers scare me! 'I don't want to read up on what happens (during labour and birth), I don't want to hear about what may go wrong!', 'I don't want to do any exercise.', 'If I crave for McDonalds for three meals a day then that's what I'll have!'. Truthfully!! Terrifying!! :nope:

The answer is unfortunately very simple - they don't know any better. Women in North America (moreso in the US but also in Canada too) are raised to believe that babies are born in hospitals with an epidural and on your back. Midwifery and home births were illegal for quite some time (and as far as I'm aware, maybe currently in some states too?). Where I live (Quebec), you aren't even allowed a home birth if you are more than 35km from one of TWO birth centres for a province of nearly 8 MILLION people. That's 2 birth centres for 4 million potential mothers!!! Eeek!

While most of us US/Canada ladies here on BnB seem aware of midwives, home births, G&A (although used in Canada), etc... we generally are a bit of an exception. Most US/Canadian girls would not even entertain the thought. And out of my experience, any non-BnB woman I know who has used a midwife is actually a woman who has had a previously bad hospital birth.
While most of us US/Canada ladies here on BnB seem aware of midwives, home births, G&A (although used in Canada), etc... we generally are a bit of an exception. Most US/Canadian girls would not even entertain the thought. And out of my experience, any non-BnB woman I know who has used a midwife is actually a woman who has had a previously bad hospital birth.

I have gave birth on my back 4 times. I hate everything about it other than meeting my baby. This baby it will be MY WAY and if they don't like it too damn bad for them. I am not going to just lay there and be told to get a epi even though I have told them that my heart stops from them and they have to bring in the crash cart. I want to have my baby at home BUT I can't because I am a high risk, I have trouble with preterm labor so no midwife can take me. I want to cut my baby's cord and breastfeed for as long as I want after it's born. I want skin to skin and no nurses telling me that I can have MY baby back after it's cleaned & put under the warmer. Lord help the nurse that tries to push me around and tell me what I can & can't do with my baby!! I am pretty sure they are going to hate me because I am going 100% natural No pain meds and if they try and push the epidural again I will slap them. I almost die from it!! If I want to walk around the hospital and scream with the pain so be it. I hate that they make us feel like they know best when we know our body's the best. I would love a dula for my labor but here where I live they are $2,000 and I just can't afford it. I wish we were like the UK when it comes to birth!!! Oh at the hospital I gave birth at they will only let women in the water for 20 mins at a time and the water is cold and if you add hot water to make it warn they say your trying to burn your baby. I have tried to tell them no about getting out of the water and they call a social worker in to "talk" to you and then put the fear in you that you may not leave with your baby because your not doing whats best for them. Yes I had that happen to me so I got out of the water to lay on my back!! Also I had a nurse slap my baby because he had slept for 6hrs without eating. He almost died during the birth and because he was faced the wrong way his nose broke when he was born. I tried to tell her that he would wake when he was hungry and the witch slapped him, Yes he woke but didn't nurse he just cried in pain. I told her off and kicked her out of my room just to wake to a social worker in the morning!! I am happy to be pregnant again but I am NOT happy to be forced into another hospital birth. Good thing I'm going to deliver in a different hospital this time.
I have gave birth on my back 4 times. I hate everything about it other than meeting my baby. This baby it will be MY WAY and if they don't like it too damn bad for them. I am not going to just lay there and be told to get a epi even though I have told them that my heart stops from them and they have to bring in the crash cart. I want to have my baby at home BUT I can't because I am a high risk, I have trouble with preterm labor so no midwife can take me. I want to cut my baby's cord and breastfeed for as long as I want after it's born. I want skin to skin and no nurses telling me that I can have MY baby back after it's cleaned & put under the warmer. Lord help the nurse that tries to push me around and tell me what I can & can't do with my baby!! I am pretty sure they are going to hate me because I am going 100% natural No pain meds and if they try and push the epidural again I will slap them. I almost die from it!! If I want to walk around the hospital and scream with the pain so be it. I hate that they make us feel like they know best when we know our body's the best. I would love a dula for my labor but here where I live they are $2,000 and I just can't afford it. I wish we were like the UK when it comes to birth!!! Oh at the hospital I gave birth at they will only let women in the water for 20 mins at a time and the water is cold and if you add hot water to make it warn they say your trying to burn your baby. I have tried to tell them no about getting out of the water and they call a social worker in to "talk" to you and then put the fear in you that you may not leave with your baby because your not doing whats best for them. Yes I had that happen to me so I got out of the water to lay on my back!! Also I had a nurse slap my baby because he had slept for 6hrs without eating. He almost died during the birth and because he was faced the wrong way his nose broke when he was born. I tried to tell her that he would wake when he was hungry and the witch slapped him, Yes he woke but didn't nurse he just cried in pain. I told her off and kicked her out of my room just to wake to a social worker in the morning!! I am happy to be pregnant again but I am NOT happy to be forced into another hospital birth. Good thing I'm going to deliver in a different hospital this time.

:shock:Wow! Some of that makes my birth look wonderful. Sorry you had to go through all that and good for you on taking charge of this birth!!!
I have gave birth on my back 4 times. I hate everything about it other than meeting my baby. This baby it will be MY WAY and if they don't like it too damn bad for them. I am not going to just lay there and be told to get a epi even though I have told them that my heart stops from them and they have to bring in the crash cart. I want to have my baby at home BUT I can't because I am a high risk, I have trouble with preterm labor so no midwife can take me. I want to cut my baby's cord and breastfeed for as long as I want after it's born. I want skin to skin and no nurses telling me that I can have MY baby back after it's cleaned & put under the warmer. Lord help the nurse that tries to push me around and tell me what I can & can't do with my baby!! I am pretty sure they are going to hate me because I am going 100% natural No pain meds and if they try and push the epidural again I will slap them. I almost die from it!! If I want to walk around the hospital and scream with the pain so be it. I hate that they make us feel like they know best when we know our body's the best. I would love a dula for my labor but here where I live they are $2,000 and I just can't afford it. I wish we were like the UK when it comes to birth!!! Oh at the hospital I gave birth at they will only let women in the water for 20 mins at a time and the water is cold and if you add hot water to make it warn they say your trying to burn your baby. I have tried to tell them no about getting out of the water and they call a social worker in to "talk" to you and then put the fear in you that you may not leave with your baby because your not doing whats best for them. Yes I had that happen to me so I got out of the water to lay on my back!! Also I had a nurse slap my baby because he had slept for 6hrs without eating. He almost died during the birth and because he was faced the wrong way his nose broke when he was born. I tried to tell her that he would wake when he was hungry and the witch slapped him, Yes he woke but didn't nurse he just cried in pain. I told her off and kicked her out of my room just to wake to a social worker in the morning!! I am happy to be pregnant again but I am NOT happy to be forced into another hospital birth. Good thing I'm going to deliver in a different hospital this time.

congrats on your pregnancy!!! I can't believe a health professional laid hands on your baby in such a manner. I hope that she brought before her practicing council for that.

To all of you ladies who have actually thought about your birth and want to make some decisions in it, based on what is best for you and your baby's, Thank Goodness!!! and good on you. It's so sad that birth has been relegated to the hippies and a medical lead baby delivery system is the popular method. Birth is the one thing men can't do, so they try to control it. So sad.
I'm an US woman but I never took epidural during my birth to my firstborn. They asked me and I totally ignored them. I still won't take epidural and still do the natural birth if I got pregnant the second time.

I got mad at my OB/Gyn for inducing me (I know she did!) after checking my cervix and I specifically told her not to. our son was born on the next day, but he was six pound 3 oz.
I have gave birth on my back 4 times. I hate everything about it other than meeting my baby. This baby it will be MY WAY and if they don't like it too damn bad for them. I am not going to just lay there and be told to get a epi even though I have told them that my heart stops from them and they have to bring in the crash cart. I want to have my baby at home BUT I can't because I am a high risk, I have trouble with preterm labor so no midwife can take me. I want to cut my baby's cord and breastfeed for as long as I want after it's born. I want skin to skin and no nurses telling me that I can have MY baby back after it's cleaned & put under the warmer. Lord help the nurse that tries to push me around and tell me what I can & can't do with my baby!! I am pretty sure they are going to hate me because I am going 100% natural No pain meds and if they try and push the epidural again I will slap them. I almost die from it!! If I want to walk around the hospital and scream with the pain so be it. I hate that they make us feel like they know best when we know our body's the best. I would love a dula for my labor but here where I live they are $2,000 and I just can't afford it. I wish we were like the UK when it comes to birth!!! Oh at the hospital I gave birth at they will only let women in the water for 20 mins at a time and the water is cold and if you add hot water to make it warn they say your trying to burn your baby. I have tried to tell them no about getting out of the water and they call a social worker in to "talk" to you and then put the fear in you that you may not leave with your baby because your not doing whats best for them. Yes I had that happen to me so I got out of the water to lay on my back!! Also I had a nurse slap my baby because he had slept for 6hrs without eating. He almost died during the birth and because he was faced the wrong way his nose broke when he was born. I tried to tell her that he would wake when he was hungry and the witch slapped him, Yes he woke but didn't nurse he just cried in pain. I told her off and kicked her out of my room just to wake to a social worker in the morning!! I am happy to be pregnant again but I am NOT happy to be forced into another hospital birth. Good thing I'm going to deliver in a different hospital this time.

you need to write a plan and send it to the hospital you plan on giving birth at. If you want a doula assisting you at the hospital, you can do that too.

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