One Tubers

Thanks guys. Here's todays test at 10dpo - taken at midday so not a full 24hrs since the last one... I'm hoping its a touch darker!

Called EPAU earlier... They said they won't take bloods - will only scan me at 7 weeks which seems crazy. This is apparently their usual policy and won't change it unless i'm bleeding or in "acute" pain!!! How rubbish is that? So I'm booked in on 1st September for my first scan. Not impressed at all... also mentioned i've got mild pain on both sides and she said well it wouldnt be caused by an ectopic when I'm only 3w1d preggo - said cells are far too small to be causing pain and prob just adhesions from my scars from the op which was in May... Hmmm so we wait and see.

I'm gonna track it with tests to make sure lines are progressing well and will move onto digis to make sure I get my 3+ conception. With the ectopic I didn't get that till 8w2d.

Fingers crossed girls bean is in right place and is going to be a sticky one!

Cupcake, the lines on hpts show nothing where ectopics are concerned... my first ep the lines were quite faint and my 2nd they were super dark and my hcg was 8000! I am not trying to scaremonger but my experience has sadly taught me not to trust the epau. It is not there body, it is yours.
They can nearly always see a sac at 5wks 2d so when u get to that stage i would lie and say u have had pain and spotting. Infact say ANYTHING to get seen before 7wks. Your fertility and life is no game and they really dnt care as its not them. Its only cos i pushed and pushed that i survived both ectopics. I am hopeful everything is fine for you, but please dont end up in the situation that me and Amy did. Push it and get seen at 5wks hun. I would truly hate to see anyone end up in my situation if its avoidable. I am sure all will be fine but please take my advice xxx
Thanks guys. Here's todays test at 10dpo - taken at midday so not a full 24hrs since the last one... I'm hoping its a touch darker!

Called EPAU earlier... They said they won't take bloods - will only scan me at 7 weeks which seems crazy. This is apparently their usual policy and won't change it unless i'm bleeding or in "acute" pain!!! How rubbish is that? So I'm booked in on 1st September for my first scan. Not impressed at all... also mentioned i've got mild pain on both sides and she said well it wouldnt be caused by an ectopic when I'm only 3w1d preggo - said cells are far too small to be causing pain and prob just adhesions from my scars from the op which was in May... Hmmm so we wait and see.

I'm gonna track it with tests to make sure lines are progressing well and will move onto digis to make sure I get my 3+ conception. With the ectopic I didn't get that till 8w2d.

Fingers crossed girls bean is in right place and is going to be a sticky one!

Our EPAU follow the same procedure its rubbish! however i went straight to my gp, demanded the blood hcgs just to put my mind at rest and then asked him to ring EPAU and they got me in earlier at 6wks. Push for it or you wont get hunni xx
I completely agree with Sarah and Shells just as a precaution.
Thanks Sarah, Shells and Amy - appreciate your advice and think I will tell a little white lie to get seen earlier... Its mad in my opinion that they don't start you on a course of HCG tests from the moment you find out.

I also have nagging pain in my left hand side - where my tube is and also on and off on the right hand side (where tube was removed). Lady on the phone told me that this was most scar tissue pains from the operation sites... and said that cells would be size of a poppy seed at most and would not be causing probs yet!!! Dunno what to think! Anyone else had pains when they've been preggo and it all work out ok?

Heres todays progression


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I am sure all is fine and will be. It does suck they arent more proactive. The pain may be just from the ligaments stretching. So hard to know what is normal and what is not. FXXX it will all be ok just try and not worry I know easier said than done. I will pray it all works out.
:hi: girls cupcake them test look good hun fx its in the right place hun xx
Thanks Sarah, Shells and Amy - appreciate your advice and think I will tell a little white lie to get seen earlier... Its mad in my opinion that they don't start you on a course of HCG tests from the moment you find out.

I also have nagging pain in my left hand side - where my tube is and also on and off on the right hand side (where tube was removed). Lady on the phone told me that this was most scar tissue pains from the operation sites... and said that cells would be size of a poppy seed at most and would not be causing probs yet!!! Dunno what to think! Anyone else had pains when they've been preggo and it all work out ok?

Heres todays progression

Hi Cupcake, how rubbish about your EPAU! I had a similar experience with this pregnancy. Phoed EPAU as soon as I got my positive test and asked to be booked in for BHcg. The midwife said "Well it won't tell you whether it's ectopic or not because the numbers can still double in the same way even if it's ectopic" I was like, well thanks for that lady! But I insisted and they did do them for me in the end. I would go to your GP if you're having no luck with EPAU. Wrt the pains, I definitely had them in both sides during early pregnancy (actually ended up in A&E around 5weeks pregnant due to these stretching pains as I was convinced it was another ectopic) So I'd say in some pregnancies the pains are completely normal. Also, just to add, when I went to A&E with the pain in my tube side they got me in for an early scan the day after (made me 5 weeks exactly) and we saw a gestational sack and yolk sack so if you're worried, a little white lie won't hurt anyone if you know what I mean xxx
Heres todays progression[/QUOTE]

Hi Cupcake, how rubbish about your EPAU! I had a similar experience with this pregnancy. Phoed EPAU as soon as I got my positive test and asked to be booked in for BHcg. The midwife said "Well it won't tell you whether it's ectopic or not because the numbers can still double in the same way even if it's ectopic" I was like, well thanks for that lady! But I insisted and they did do them for me in the end. I would go to your GP if you're having no luck with EPAU. Wrt the pains, I definitely had them in both sides during early pregnancy (actually ended up in A&E around 5weeks pregnant due to these stretching pains as I was convinced it was another ectopic) So I'd say in some pregnancies the pains are completely normal. Also, just to add, when I went to A&E with the pain in my tube side they got me in for an early scan the day after (made me 5 weeks exactly) and we saw a gestational sack and yolk sack so if you're worried, a little white lie won't hurt anyone if you know what I mean xxx[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that Kimmy! Really helped me. Just been looking on the Ectopic Trust website and I noted quite a few ladies with the same dull achey pain on the side of their good tube - most get confirmed as the corpus luteum cyst and I'm guessing that bubs (weeny ball of cells right now) would be so small, that it seriously couldn't be giving this kinda pain. I'd describe it to being similar to ovulation pain that you get midcycle.

Well I'm off to Norway on Thursday and back on Tuesday. Will try not to worry in the meantime... I just hope I don't get any spotting or bleeding around time af due as I know that will really freak me out...

Out of interest - did you get any implantation bleeding? Have you had any spotting during your pregnancy this time?

Thanks again x
Forgot to say...My pain on my tube side was confirmed as a corpus luteum cyst aswell! I did have spotting with this pregancy, around 6 weeks gestation. It was brown and heavy enough to need a pad for a couple of days then another couple of days of brown blood only when wiping. I obviously thought I was miscarrying and was devestated. Got in for yet another early scan and there was the little fetal pole with the tiny heart beating away :) still no explanation as to why I bled, midwife said it oculd be a cervical erosion as me and hubby had DTD the day before the bleed started. Needless to say we avoided sex for the rest of the 1st trimester. I also had 2 tiny spots of brown blood again at 14 weeks and had another emergency scan. Once again baby was fine and kicking around. So for some, bleeding in pregnancy is quite normal but extremely worrying nonetheless. Good luck hun, hope bean in in the right place this time (there's no reason why s/he wouldn't be so try to keep up the hope) xxx
Cupcake I am experiencing a similar thing with the pain. I agree with what the other girls have already said. I had my 1st BHCG yesterday and it came back at 82 (13DPO) My EP at 15DPO was 71 then it dropped to 61 at 17DPO and then started doubling normally pretty much. I have booked in for a scan in 2weeks time when I should be 5wks5days but thats only if the HCG rises accordingly. The IVF clinic has been good. Although they told me not to have the BT until I see my Dr which is 6days away. I think I'll go to the GP today to get a request for 48hrs. The IVF clinic thought my HCG was ok for the stage of pregnant I am (4wks today or 3wks6days) Although those stupid HPTs I just can't stop POAS and compairing lines and they are not getting darker. AF is due today keep feeling its coming.
Forgot to say...My pain on my tube side was confirmed as a corpus luteum cyst aswell! I did have spotting with this pregancy, around 6 weeks gestation. It was brown and heavy enough to need a pad for a couple of days then another couple of days of brown blood only when wiping. I obviously thought I was miscarrying and was devestated. Got in for yet another early scan and there was the little fetal pole with the tiny heart beating away :) still no explanation as to why I bled, midwife said it oculd be a cervical erosion as me and hubby had DTD the day before the bleed started. Needless to say we avoided sex for the rest of the 1st trimester. I also had 2 tiny spots of brown blood again at 14 weeks and had another emergency scan. Once again baby was fine and kicking around. So for some, bleeding in pregnancy is quite normal but extremely worrying nonetheless. Good luck hun, hope bean in in the right place this time (there's no reason why s/he wouldn't be so try to keep up the hope) xxx

Thanks Kimmi - you've put my mind at rest. Its really good to have a pregnant one tuber on had for advice so thank you for that :thumbup:

LHS pains have now stopped and just getting a few twinges on the right tubeless side and almost a stretchy pulling feel in the area in the middle where the uterus would be...

So this morning I took a digi test and got Pregnant 1-2 which is great news. I'm 11DPO and on CD24, so still 4 days before my period is due which I'm taking to be a really good sign. My LP this cycle is way longer than usual - coming in at 15 days but I'd assume the longer the better as long as its not past 16 days from what I have read.

Glad everything is ok with your little bubs :) :hugs:
Cupcake I am experiencing a similar thing with the pain. I agree with what the other girls have already said. I had my 1st BHCG yesterday and it came back at 82 (13DPO) My EP at 15DPO was 71 then it dropped to 61 at 17DPO and then started doubling normally pretty much. I have booked in for a scan in 2weeks time when I should be 5wks5days but thats only if the HCG rises accordingly. The IVF clinic has been good. Although they told me not to have the BT until I see my Dr which is 6days away. I think I'll go to the GP today to get a request for 48hrs. The IVF clinic thought my HCG was ok for the stage of pregnant I am (4wks today or 3wks6days) Although those stupid HPTs I just can't stop POAS and compairing lines and they are not getting darker. AF is due today keep feeling its coming.

Hey Olivia, so glad we're in this together!! Your bloods are high for 13DPO - so for a start that's really good :) YEs definately be good to see what your blood is doing in 48hrs... I remember last time I had humungous AF style cramps but no blood then +test so I am wondering if I'm in for lots of af style cramps on Monday - who knows, just have to take it as it comes.

I couldn't get a doctors appointment till 17th August with the female doctor that specialises in gynae issues... She saw me through the ectopic and was very understanding so I don't really want to see anyone else. My plan was to track HCG through the CLearblue digis until I'm back from Norway next Tuesday, then call up the EPU and say I'm having pain to see if they'll start running Beta HCG's then. At that stage i'll be 4w1d, so still very early.

Good luck with it all Olivia - I hope it works out well for both of us and that we can become bump buddies x :hugs:
Fingers crossed for both of you girls :hugs: I will always say what happened to me (I know it's not the same for everyone but these are my experiences and if they help someone then that is the main thing :D) Have fun in Norway Cupcake. Olivia, good idea to get in for repeat Hcg in 48hrs hun :thumbup: Fingers crossed for a nice double! At 10dpo with this pregnancy my Hcg was 28 (EPAU wouldn't tell me the number straight away-just told me it was very low-which sent me into a blind panic!) but with the ectopic I had bloods at around 21dpo and it was only 21. At the time I wish they'd just told me the number with this one as it would've put my mind at rest for definite. Good luck ladies, I'll keep checking back x
Thanks ladies. I am of to the Dr in a moment to get the request for BHCG again. I'll have them done tomorrow. I have mainly left sided ovary pain and I have had that since O time but thats nothing unusual for me. I am also cramping so so much but I guess that is fantastic as I didn't get that with the EP. The worst thing I have is it seems my vag is super wetc (not cm like watery) its always been a fear of mine I have hydrosalphinx so this concerns me but other then that just enjoying the fact I am clinically pregnant even if I don't feel it.
Olivia, just had to goggle hydrosalphinx as had no idea what it was. i know i can only offer you what symptoms i have and that we are all different, but i have clear cm constant. and seem to be constantly in the toilet, knicker checking! i think its common in pregnancy. hoping and praying for your bean xx
Thanks ladies. I am of to the Dr in a moment to get the request for BHCG again. I'll have them done tomorrow. I have mainly left sided ovary pain and I have had that since O time but thats nothing unusual for me. I am also cramping so so much but I guess that is fantastic as I didn't get that with the EP. The worst thing I have is it seems my vag is super wetc (not cm like watery) its always been a fear of mine I have hydrosalphinx so this concerns me but other then that just enjoying the fact I am clinically pregnant even if I don't feel it.

Fingers crossed with you 48hr bloods, Olivia. I have the same pain funnily enough - I'd definately explain it as ovulation pain which I get every cycle... No cramps yet but I'm assuming they'll turn up nearer to time AF is due.

Its good to see my 11dpo tests are progressing nicely - they've gone from bearly there 48hrs ago to easily noticeable now :)


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Cupcake1979 I went to the Drs last night and will go back in a few hours when DH returns from work so I dont have to take DD with me. I have to go before 5pm for him to phone for the results. I am confident its rising as my FR POAS was darker today then yesterday. I have shocking pain in my left ovary the one I know I ovulated on and the one with the tube. I am just telling myself its a nice big fat corpeous luteum providing the bub with progesterone and nothing more. My appointment with the Gyno is next week and the scan is 13days away. They will come soon enough I am sure.
I am so happy right now. My HCG has risen at a good rate. Its 236 last BT taken yesterday at 14/15DPO :happydance: The rising time was 33hrs

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