One Tubers

awww thanks guys your all so lovely!! GOD check out me with the hormones and emotions hahahaha!! no seriously its a fantastic thread and i wanna see ya all get ya bfps, its hard when things havent gone right in the past for any of us but the future always looks brighter and we all get there in the end :)
Well said Shell'sAngels! Hope you don't mind me asking but how long have you been ttc?
oops didnt see the other fourthded, will teach me to read the whole post!!!
CONGRATULATIONS ShellsAngels I am so excited for you. And it gives me so much hope that it does happen with one tube relatively quickly.
So when will you start having the HCG done? When AF is due? I am sure bub has found the nest for you to get a nice dark line at this stage. Woohoo

I am so tired. Worked till almost 4am now I am off to work soon again. I never expected such a late finish or I wouldn't have committed myself to work today (have two jobs)

Just got my second +OPT. Its darker today then yesterday and I had a BD. Sorry bout two much information but I am excited.
thank you guys! yes Olivia will go in monday morning for the hcg level checks!

KimmyB im extremely lucky second month of trying, the same with ds 2!! ds 1 took 2 years but different father so i guess my partner has super sperm hehehee!! i charted and did opks this month and it seemed to work, and i really thought i ovulated on my bad side this month but i think now i ovulated from both sides cuse i had pains both sides around ovulation so im so lucky just pray its sticky now and in the correct place! :)

Never give up it does happen, ive been blessed with well 3 nearly since my ectopic and have one tube.

Babydust to you all xxx
Thats such an inspiring story Shell's! I have my fingers crossed that it's a sticky little bean. Its funny you should mention but I think I am around ov time and I thought I would ov from bad side (as had pain there) then yesterday pain in right side?! Confused! I've only just started using OPKs this cycle and today they are so much darker but not as dark as the control line so I guess thats a negative?? I have all the other signs of ov though as I have been keeping a check on cm, breakout of spots, tearful, bad tempered...Ah well, i'll just keep on wit the OPKs and see if they get darker?

Olivia - Poor you, you must be exhausted! Fingers crossed for your BFP this cycle!

Newbie - LOL! You'll have to take fifthded!
Kimmy B... get bd'ing girl cuse my opks are never as dark as the control line there dark but never 'as dark' and if the signs are there i bet you are!!! i know they say they should be dark as, or darker.... but rubbish in my case!

Yes thats exactly what happened this cycle with me had pains on bad side then a day later good side?? i was but i just carried on regardless, cant hurt hey? and well im glad i did now!!!

Got a good feeling bout you, you will have your bfp very soon :)
Hi lovlies!! Hope you are all well today...

Kimmy- another little tip for you. Look at the line on your OPK (the line that appears when you test) - sometimes it will will appear not so dark as the control line but take another look at the very edge of the line. This can sometimes be as dark as the control line but not very obvious unless you look closely. This is a positive!

Hope this makes sense. There is a good site which explains everything about OPK's. Its called :flower:

Thanks Shell's and Zero, those OPKs are confusing!! I just popped on here coz I am quite worried and I hope you ladies can offer me some words of comfort...
Well (TMI alert!) me and DH had a little accident tonight..We're supposed to be using condoms until 31st december as I received the methotrexate shot on 8th oct. I was told to wait 3 months before ttc again. But we just got carried away know the rest.
It couldn't have happened at a worse time could it?! As i think i'm close to ovulation...Should I go get the morning after pill? I really don't want to do this but if it is for the best...
Oh my! I do get myself into some bad situations :(

Hope you're all well
Kimmy I would call somewhere for some advise. The reason they advise you to not ttc as methotrexate (as I am sure you all know) acts on rapidly dividing cells (like cancers and early pregnancies) by depleteing your folate which is needed to grow babies/cells. It takes along time to get your folate levels back up so you are at a very high risk at this time of a future pregnancy been effected by low folate stores. Lacking in folate which you still would be dramatically increases the risk of miscarriage around the 7week mark as well as nuchal tube defects like anephalic, cleft lip/palate and spina bifida. I would say at this time its still abit soon for your folate to return to a more desired level which puts you at a huge risk of these things occuring at the moment. Usually after methotrexate you have your levels tested every week to ensure your BHCG level is returning to a non pregnant level. When its returned to a non pregnant level you can start taking folate or folic acid to restore your levels quicker. I assume as you have had the surgery after this to remove your pregnancy then there is no risk now of taking the Folate.

Before your level returns to a non pregnant state after methotrexate (without surgery) taking folic acid too soon will stop the methotrexate working and the pregnancy in the tube and cells that remain can start to regenerate and start growing again. As your pregnancy was removed by surgery I am sure it would be safe to start taking folate again to replace what has been removed from the body. I am no expert on this so I would go and see a Gyno or Obstetrician and ask them for their opinion. Maybe they can test your folate levels now or any GP to see if the levels are dangerously low or at a level that wouldn't put a new pregnancy at risk. Are you taking folic acid? If so for how long have you been taking it for? The longer you have been taking it the higher your folate levels should be by now.

I know of a lady who didn't know she needed to take folate after the methotrexate and her baby was anaphalic which is not compatible with life. She is currently campaining to make Drs aware of what methotrexate does to reduce the likelyhood of other woman having the same thing happen to them. Its surprising how many health professionals don't know themselves the risks to future pregnancies if the folate levels are not restored.

The wait is really horrendous. I found that so difficult and this is the first cycle we are trying again. I guess I would way up weather you want to risk it. I mean the chance of getting pregnant and bubs been ok would be higher the it not been ok but do you want the worry that perhaps a new pregnancy would bring at the moment worrying if bub is ok? If it wasn't are you strong enough to cope with that so soon after all this has happened already? I am no expert so I don't want to advise you either way but from what I know these are the risks at the moment. Had you been ttc for long before your EP?
Probably I would have a BT to see what your levels are that way you will know if the risk is great or if the risk would be only that of someone who hasn't had the meth. I am so sorry you had to have the works. Both the drug and the surgery.
Have you been on the UK ectopic site. Ill send a link as they have the best advise. Maybe post a message and see what other ladies who have been through the same thing suggest. Here it is
Maybe wait this cycle and try next that will be closer to the 3month mark then at the moment. I dont know.
Thanks Olivia. We were going to start ttc again on 31st december as that is the 3 month mark. Can't believe this happened, I feel so stupid!

So now I'm in this situation where I don't know what to do for the best! And I can't even get a doctors appt for today so I had to explain to the receptionist who will then pass it on to the doctor and get back to me, argh! After this I'm putting a sex ban on!

Think i'd feel a lot better if I could see a doctor and explain...

I only started taking folic acid again a coupla days ago coz I was unsure whether I could or not. I'll let you know what the doctor says...
Kimmy if you could somehow have your folate levels checked that would give you some idea of how the methotrexate has effected your system. Easier said then done. That way you would know if you were safe to ttc again. Also I think following the meth you take a different amount of folic acid when you start taking it again incomparison to what the general population take. This you will have to find out from a Dr because I know there is a level too high thats not seen as safe either so I would be finding out exactly what you need to take and how much.
Kimmy also the morning after pill is seen to increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy as it reduces the mobility of the tube making it easier for emby to implant in the tube. Well thats what I was told when the Dr was trying to figure out what caused the EP in the first place. Some pills also are said to increase the chances of EP if they are progesterone only as they effect the mobility of the tube. Just something to have a think about if you didn't already know. So basically no contreception for us well thats what the Dr told me except condoms and you know how reliable they are.
Well I blame the mini pill for my ectopic after reading so much about it. I saw the doctor today and she recommended that I take the morning after pill...I've taken it but feel so confused and guilty. I wish I wasn't in this situation, I've been through enough and now this! So now I'm worrying I'm going to have another ectopic because of the morning after pill and if not that then my cycle will be messed up at least! I am so fed up, never risking sex again (until we are allowed to conceive!). I'm so fed up of all this! We just want a baby! I am so angry with everything right now,

Sorry for the rant, I really am just totally fed up. I hope this pill doesn't mess with anything and we can ttc end of december as planned, I know it sounds harsh but I can't see the point anymore. I've had enough.
Kimmy hugest :hugs:. The waiting is so horrid. Thats what I found the hardest. I am all excited now as we are starting to ttc again but I worry as the months go by and no BFP Ill get really down again and the feelings I had like you feel now will return. I am just praying that I will get pregnant soon and everything will be ok. It has effected our lives so much. Its hurt our marriage. We never arged before but now we argue alot. Its effected so many of our relationships, our finances and alot of my friendships at work. Its just so bloody hard. Now its been 3months since my EP it doesn't feel like the wait was that bad but during the wait it felt like it took forever.
The hardest bit I find at the moment is all the pregnant ladies where I work. There are now 6 of them. All around my age. I started ttc before them all by more then a year. Who ever would have thought a year ago I would still be babyless and getting upset that I am like the only one having trouble. I am happy for them all but gee it sucks for me. Even if I did get pregnant now I don't feel like I can ever join there little club which I use to be part of. I feel like a recluse. Even a baby for me and DH wont fix the relationships that have been effected from that. But that is more to do with LTTTC then EP.
Anyhow I thought I O yesterday but now I think it has been today. I dont know what ovary did it. Sometimes I think oh definately tubey side then I think oh it might be tubeless.
So sorry Olivia :hugs: I've just read my post back and it sounds so selfish :blush:

I'm sorry for what you've been through/are going through. I really really hope you get your BFP really really soon, you deserve happiness. Perhaps you did ov from your tubeless side but the consultant told me that even if that happens the egg can travel down the other tube (somehow?) This is why they don't take the ovary anymore because it has no benefit (so i've read). How long in all have you been trying to conceive, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm feeling a little better today, although I did wake up with dread thinking that this pill is going to cause me another ectopic. My one tube is so precious now, I hope it's safe...
Kimmy I am sorry for my post. Not for a minute did I mean to sound like I was turning it back on me woops. I dont read what I write half the time hence the spelling errors etc. I just meant to say how much it sucks ttc when your having trouble or its not going to plan. Most of us are in the same boat or a very similar one thats why I love this thread as I know you lovely ladies can relate to how I feel half the time. I have two children so I feel greedy wanting a third and been devastated it hasn't happened yet. If I knew I would only have two I would have been happy its just I planned for a third and was so excited to think I would have that etc. Its hard to change your plans. Also DH only has one child which is our 3yr old. So I have his desperation to get me pregnant also which doesn't help the situation of wanting another so much.
Well I just got sidetracked. Its been 15months going on 16months ttc my third, DH second. It feels so much longer then that as I was desperate to ttc as soon as DD came along 3yrs ago. DH refused wanting the "ideal" 2yr gap despite me saying he will never get that and that if he makes me wait it "won't happen" I feel like I jinks myself in insisting that he should realise ttc doesn't mean a baby 9months later. I feel so cranky at him sometimes as if he had of allowed me to ttc sooner maybe things would have been different. It was 18months waiting until he would allow us to ttc again. No compromise which makes me cranky sometimes too. You would think atleast he could have met me in the middle. I know I can't really blame him but sometimes I have that sadness that if only we had of done it my way. It might not have changed a thing but you never know. No point dwelling on it I guess.
Yeah I was told the tube can pop over and get the egg from the tubeless side however my only tube is stuck on the left side so I dont think it could get the egg on the right side. Tube is open but it stuck with adhesions so the mobility is very reduced. I am hoping the fact its opened well it will still get the emby to the uterus. Only time will tell.
Olivia I never thought for one minute you were trying to turn it back on you! This thread is for all of us and I seem to have been blocking it up with my posts lol.

I can see why you would be cranky with DH for that, but as you said, it won't help dwelling on it (easier said than done I know from experience, i'm such a worrier!) Ah right, I see what you mean with the tube...Although how the consultant explained it to me, the egg travels to the tube, not the other way around if you get me? Perhaps I got this wrong. It seems like such a weird concept anyway doesn't it?!

I feel for you, 16months must feel like a lifetime :( And it's not greedy wanting a third, you can't help what you want! I think 3 would also be my perfect number :) Especially sfter what has happened, we definitely want more than we did before! I'm getting a little excited at ttc, only 4 weeks left! But obv there's the worry that I won't fall pregnant blah blah blah. I fell pregnant very quickly with the ectopic but I know that things have changed now so will just have to wait and see...The thing is is that I'm sooooo impatient!!
Shells, i'm late, but congrats! I can't wait to see more bfp's on here.

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