One Tubers

Breaking - yayyyy :dance: congrats on your little girly and welcome to team :pink:!!!! So glad to hear you had such a great scan and the tech spoiled you, that's lovely! x

Kat - I'm feeling the tiredness too, but insomnia at the same time, the joys right?! Great that you've got help getting Becka to school if you're having a hard time, hopefully the physio works out and you get some relief :hugs: If you end up induced at 38wks you'll more than likely have your lady before mine! I'm jealous lol, I'm ready to get this done and over with, I'm so bloody SORE! x

Sunshine - I'm due March 24th and at this point.. I'm miserable :rofl: I'm only 5'2 and prepreg weighed 110lbs, let's just say my little body is taking a serious whooping! I'm trying to enjoy what I can though, it'll be worth it when it's over :) As for the cysts, I'd always get one when I'd O from my tubeless side, they're nothing to worry about, just annoying. Hopefully you O from your good side this cycle :dust: x

Caz - your CD 15 or 16 look like pos to me... so if you BD'd on 16 and again tonight, I'd think you're def still covered hun. I trust the BD on the night of the pos :winkwink: did the trick for me! x

Isabel - TTC after an ectopic is absolutely terrifying, we're no longer ignorant to the bad things that can happen in pregnancy and it brings up every other fear with it, I wouldn't wish one upon anyone! I personally could not afford to do IVF and my OB had given me a 40% chance of a uterine pregnancy, but I figured, I'll never know if I don't try! She told me I had to try for a year before we'd even explore my options (hsg and fertility specialist), so the heck with it, I decided I had to see what was gonna happen... the worst that could happen was that I'd lose my tube and then be eligible for IVF covered by insurance. I have to say.. I'm SO thankful I risked it, I wouldn't change my decision for anything! Give yourself all the time you need to heal physically and emotionally, it's a really traumatic thing to experience :hugs: We're always here too! x
Just wanted to share a few pictures from my week 16 scan, hope you ladies don't mind! :cloud9:

You can see my anterior placenta in the last photo. I am trying not to be worried about it because I know it is fairly common. I just hope it didn't attach to previous scar tissue because then there could be complications. :dohh:


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Breaking yay for team pink lovely pics hun. FXX all goes well with the rest of your pg. Sorry dont know much about anterior placenta sure all will b fine.

Welcome so sorry for your losses. Big Hugs. Worry is always on everyones mind but there are def losts of ladies here with wonderful success stories. I was one of the unfortunate and had 3 ectopics and researched my IVF options after losing my first and then last tube. I was told chance for ectopic with IVF are extremely low. And having tubal issues makes us excellent candidates for IVF to work. We chose to go the adoption route because it was presented to us but just know no matter what happens there is always hope of becoming a mommy. Wishing you the best of luck.
So ladies my sons birth mom is pg again and looking for someone to adopt this baby. She is already 5-6 mo pregnant. Not sure what we are going to do. I would love to have a sibling for X but not sure if I can handle two so young and all the expenses (legal fees, formula, diapers, sitter, ect...) DH doenst think we can handle it. X will be around 16 months with the new one is born kinda wish he was a little older but beggers cant be choosers.
Mommy2be- thanks so much for sharing your experience with cyst. It's a relief that it's a common thing for one tubers.

Congrats breakingdawn :) enjoy every minute of it :pink:

Puppymom- that's a tough call & definitely a decision you & your hubby need to agree on. I don't think I could say no. It would be nice that your son & that baby will have that connection between them. Stinks cause time is limited if she's already 5-6 months. Such a tough decision but I'm sure whatever you & your husband decide it will be what's best for your family. Good luck hun :hugs:
Just wanted to share a few pictures from my week 16 scan, hope you ladies don't mind! :cloud9:

You can see my anterior placenta in the last photo. I am trying not to be worried about it because I know it is fairly common. I just hope it didn't attach to previous scar tissue because then there could be complications. :dohh:

you made me cry... these scans are soooo beautiful! thank you for sharing them with us :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Breaking - yayyyy :dance: congrats on your little girly and welcome to team :pink:!!!! So glad to hear you had such a great scan and the tech spoiled you, that's lovely! x

Kat - I'm feeling the tiredness too, but insomnia at the same time, the joys right?! Great that you've got help getting Becka to school if you're having a hard time, hopefully the physio works out and you get some relief :hugs: If you end up induced at 38wks you'll more than likely have your lady before mine! I'm jealous lol, I'm ready to get this done and over with, I'm so bloody SORE! x

Sunshine - I'm due March 24th and at this point.. I'm miserable :rofl: I'm only 5'2 and prepreg weighed 110lbs, let's just say my little body is taking a serious whooping! I'm trying to enjoy what I can though, it'll be worth it when it's over :) As for the cysts, I'd always get one when I'd O from my tubeless side, they're nothing to worry about, just annoying. Hopefully you O from your good side this cycle :dust: x

Caz - your CD 15 or 16 look like pos to me... so if you BD'd on 16 and again tonight, I'd think you're def still covered hun. I trust the BD on the night of the pos :winkwink: did the trick for me! x

Isabel - TTC after an ectopic is absolutely terrifying, we're no longer ignorant to the bad things that can happen in pregnancy and it brings up every other fear with it, I wouldn't wish one upon anyone! I personally could not afford to do IVF and my OB had given me a 40% chance of a uterine pregnancy, but I figured, I'll never know if I don't try! She told me I had to try for a year before we'd even explore my options (hsg and fertility specialist), so the heck with it, I decided I had to see what was gonna happen... the worst that could happen was that I'd lose my tube and then be eligible for IVF covered by insurance. I have to say.. I'm SO thankful I risked it, I wouldn't change my decision for anything! Give yourself all the time you need to heal physically and emotionally, it's a really traumatic thing to experience :hugs: We're always here too! x

thank you so much for your comfort. i send you a big hug :hugs::hugs:
i admire you being so courageous.. i was talking with my husband yesterday (he's very supportive) and told him that we should wait quite a long time to try again.. i am really scared and afraid that i'd go through this experience again... i am really frightened. i dont want it to happen again... i want quite a few months to least, if i lose my other tube, there is always IVF which can be successful, even though we dont afford it... well, i wish you luck for your baby and hope that you'll deliver a very healthy happy baby :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:
Breaking yay for team pink lovely pics hun. FXX all goes well with the rest of your pg. Sorry dont know much about anterior placenta sure all will b fine.

Welcome so sorry for your losses. Big Hugs. Worry is always on everyones mind but there are def losts of ladies here with wonderful success stories. I was one of the unfortunate and had 3 ectopics and researched my IVF options after losing my first and then last tube. I was told chance for ectopic with IVF are extremely low. And having tubal issues makes us excellent candidates for IVF to work. We chose to go the adoption route because it was presented to us but just know no matter what happens there is always hope of becoming a mommy. Wishing you the best of luck.

i am so sorry for what you have been through...its so sad and upsetting... i really understand your feelings and emotions...but at least you are already a mummy and that is absolutely wonderful!

did you mean that you had your child after the removal of both tubes?
:hi: girls hope your all well afm think i am 3 or 4 dpo woopp we didn't :sex: last night think i will be covered breaking lv the scan pic so cute awwww x x x

Like the others have said it is scary time to ttc again. The worrys of loosing your last tube is always on your mind. Thats why when the time comes you know what you need to do. You take steps and do as much as possible as early as possible.
As soon as you find out that you have bfp, you get striaght to the doctors and you ask for bloods to be drawn. By monitoring the hcg levels they can tell if there is anything wrong. My hcg did not double normally on the 2nd loss/ectopic so they knew something was wrong early on. They tried to scan to find the pregnancy but they could not find it anywhere at all. This is why the decision to have the methotrexate was taking. I knew the pregnancy was failing so just incase it was in my tube i had the methotrexate to save my final tube.
With zak and this baby the HCG levels doubled normally so i knew that it was not in my tube.

So when the time comes you can do things early to save your tube. Just keep this in mind hun. :hugs: xx
Wow amy. She is pregnant again?? Same daddy?
Gosh i feel for you on this decision. You will be thinking that it is too soon but you also feel for X and his sibling being together.

Zak and this baby will be 16 months apart and i know its going to be so hard and challenging. I am going to be stressed so much and i am affraid that zak is going to loose mummy time when he still needs his mummy so much but i have to do it and i am going to try my hardest to be the best mum i can. When they are older and playing together and they are close, i am going to look back at the hard times and think it was so worth it. Well i hope so.

Let us know what ever you decide. Either way you will be dooing the right thing. :) :hugs:

I do not have any isomnia problems. Sleeping like a log. But zak has started waking in the night. :( I think its because he is kicking his covers off and getting cold. :( i do hope that he does not wake when the baby comes. 2 getting up. help!!!

I am ready to get this done now. Even though i know its not time yet. This bit is the hard bit. You do not feel like your body is your own. And you feel like your 20 years older than what you are.

Breaking yay for team pink lovely pics hun. FXX all goes well with the rest of your pg. Sorry dont know much about anterior placenta sure all will b fine.

Welcome so sorry for your losses. Big Hugs. Worry is always on everyones mind but there are def losts of ladies here with wonderful success stories. I was one of the unfortunate and had 3 ectopics and researched my IVF options after losing my first and then last tube. I was told chance for ectopic with IVF are extremely low. And having tubal issues makes us excellent candidates for IVF to work. We chose to go the adoption route because it was presented to us but just know no matter what happens there is always hope of becoming a mommy. Wishing you the best of luck.

i am so sorry for what you have been through...its so sad and upsetting... i really understand your feelings and emotions...but at least you are already a mummy and that is absolutely wonderful!

did you mean that you had your child after the removal of both tubes?

Actually I didnt have any children when I lost both of my tubes it was after I lost my tubes and when were researching IVF that my husbands niece asked if we wanted to adopt her baby. So now I finally am a mommy. We also couldnt afford IVF so this worked out perfectly for us.
Wow amy. She is pregnant again?? Same daddy?
Gosh i feel for you on this decision. You will be thinking that it is too soon but you also feel for X and his sibling being together.

Zak and this baby will be 16 months apart and i know its going to be so hard and challenging. I am going to be stressed so much and i am affraid that zak is going to loose mummy time when he still needs his mummy so much but i have to do it and i am going to try my hardest to be the best mum i can. When they are older and playing together and they are close, i am going to look back at the hard times and think it was so worth it. Well i hope so.

Let us know what ever you decide. Either way you will be dooing the right thing. :) :hugs:

Thanks hun I thought your little one's were going to be around the same age as X and his sibling. I too worry that X wont get to enjoy being a baby and all the attention that he needs he is a little crazy boy that is extremely high strung. But I do look in the future and see him and his sibling being the very best of friends. Regardless of what we decide both of my sister had little boys this past year so he will def have people to play with Jasper is 2 months and Hayden is 7 and X 13 so I am sure when they get older they will be trouble together. LOL
Just wanted to share a few pictures from my week 16 scan, hope you ladies don't mind! :cloud9:

You can see my anterior placenta in the last photo. I am trying not to be worried about it because I know it is fairly common. I just hope it didn't attach to previous scar tissue because then there could be complications. :dohh:

you made me cry... these scans are soooo beautiful! thank you for sharing them with us :hugs::hugs::hugs:

You are so sweet, bless you! :flower:

Thanks ladies for the comments on my pictures.. the whole anterior placenta deal has scared me quite a bit but hoping for good news at my 20 week scan that it is no big deal and not affecting previous scars, etc. :wacko:
Breaking - awww, she's such a little cutie pie already :D and so petite looking, I definitely miss mine that size!! :haha: Definitely try not to worry about your placenta either, it still has lots of time to move x

Amy - what a tricky one.. can definitely see both sides, the pros and cons! I'm sure you and hubby will have lots of long talks til you figure out what's best for your family. Good luck :) x

Kat - I'm SO jealous if you're sleeping through the night (besides Zak being a bugger), sleep is a thing of the past for me now! :( I want it over too.. thank goodness we're onto home stretch now, I can totally relate to not feeling like this is MY body anymore!!! I've been taken over by a little monster :haha: x
amy- what a tough choice this must be for you and DH. not only close in ages but financially as well. fingers crossed for you both!

jess and kat- you ladies are in the home stretch! wow!

breaking- love the pics, thanks for sharing!

so i am going to start my opk's tomorrow (2x a day). but i drink a lot of water and am constantly running around to pee- do you think my urine will be too diluted to read the opk??

I too have an anteria placenta with this pregnancy and i have not had any problems at all with it. Has not affected my scars at all. Zak's placenta was to my right where my tube would have been and even that did not cause any problems. I did have a little pain when it was stretching with zak but all was fine so i would not worry at all.

The only thing that sucked with an anteria placenta was feeling movement later than everyone else. But it was about 23 weeks when it finally happened and now she does not stop so you dont remember missing it.

:) xx

Yey on the home stretch.

I think me and oh have picked a name :happydance: finally. We have chosen Brooke. Its one syllable and it has a K in it :haha: we have not picked a middle name yet but it will come.

I think i have everything now. How about you?

Also can i say your bubs is due on skyes birthday. This is my step daughter. 24th march she will be 7. Watch me go have this baby on that date lol.

I have awful tiredness and i could sleep on a washing line with this pregnancy. Once i have placed all my pillows and my legs all over oh to stop spd hurting. I am off to noddy land. I have a good 8-10 hours a night (except for zak waking sometimes - i am sure he knows :haha: ) and i even have a nap in the afternoon. 1-2 hours. :wacko:

Yes they would be close by age. Well the same difference. Its a shame we are not worlds apart and we could go to groups together and help each other through the tears and grey hair lol.

I have said many times that daddy can have little miss when she is here and mummy is having zak. :) lol.

X sounds like he has really settled with you guys. And his cousins etc Is he saying mummy? or daddy? I guess he is at this point.


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