One Tubers

Interesting Shell's angels. From working with Obstetricians and Gynos for the last 5yrs I had never heard of it changing. I always thought it was how it is from birth. I didn't think its possible but I have a doula friend who said the same about her's. She said her's was "normal" then now is backwards. Maybe it can happen after pregnancy as your uterus stretches so I guess it doesn't exactly go back to the way it was before pregnancy. She is having baby no6 so her's should be stretched lol. I know my back the front one has never caused me any problems except finding it lol Maybe thats why I am not pregnant. Maybe the sperm can't find it lol

Not much to report on my side. CD7 for me and AF is starting to leave yeah. Another week before I am even slightly fertile and about 11days or something till I should O again. Come on left side follicle grow grow. I worked out if I did get pregnant this cycle I could wrap the test up and give it to DH for Valentines day. Then bubs would be due around our wedding anniversary. How its nice to hope.

Hope my fellow one tubers are going well. Growing your babies or like me growing a follicle thats soon to be made into a baby.
Hi Olivia, you sound more positive, i'm glad :hugs:
I'm around 4dpo (ov came early this cycle so my ticker is wrong :wacko:) not that I'm complaining! I began this cycle with amazing PMA but now that I'm in the 2ww it is dwindling...We'll see what happens but I don't think this month is it unfortunately.
Hey Olivia we are cycle buddies this month I am on CD 8 today my ticker is messed up to as AF came early last cycle. Hope my L follies are growing nice and big too. I just wish I had a magic xray to see what side it is each month so I know when to be excited and when not to. FXX for both of us this month.

Dont give up hope I know the 2WW sucks but try and remain positive. FXX for you hun.
KimmyB hope the TWW flies and you get a BFP. The TWW is my fav part of my cycle. Probably because its the shortest. Its not even much longer then my stupid AF.
I have just come to except that I will be miserable when AF arrives for a few days and so be it. Then once I am over it I feel more positive about a new cycle. I feel much more positive now then I did a few days ago. I am not excepting a BFP but its nice to hope and know I have another shot at it soonish. When AF arrives it feels like such a long way away. Just hope DH can fill his purpose this cycle. We had a problem with that last cycle when I needed it the most he wasn't overly interested.
Puppymom glad to be cycle buddies. Hope it brings us our BFP or at least you. Will have everything crossed for you.
Hi ladies!...

Olivia thats what the consultant said to me sometimes it stretches and boy my last one was a 10lber lol so could be why hehehehe...

Hope everyones well?? still keep coming back waiting to see these bfp's!!!

Got my scan on monday... hoping everything is ok and get a nice pic to share! :) will keep ya updated xxx
Shell's congrate on almost being 13 weeks. How exciting cant wait to see your scan pic.
Hi ladies

I thought i best come update you now im feeling a little more able too. Its not good news for me.

Monday i went for my scan we saw a beautiful baby all looked great, i was measuring ahead at 13 weeks and the sonographer then asked us to do a internal... at this point i assumed it was because of my rectroverted uterus it was harder to see...anyway she scanned us left the room for me to get dressed and asked us to wait in the room.

She returned and broke the news that the baby wasnt looking great, it had 5mm of fluid around it and that i was at extremely high risks of a chromozone defect how bad we do not know, i was then packed off to Bristol hopsital (2 and half hours away) on the tuesday to have a second opinon. They also agreed that there was alot of fluid and offered us 3 options, 1. to do nothing. 2. to have a CVS and take some of the placenta and try and determind what the problem is. or 3. to terminate.

At this point we were in bits.... we decided after alot of crying that we would have the CVS even though it holds a slight chance of m/c we needed to know. Unfortunetly that wasnt easy, they couldnt perform the CVS due to my rectroverted uterus and placenta position and if they did it would have harmed me. So we were no further foward.

We got hom last night after very little sleep went to bed and i woke up at 4am this morning in what i can only discribe as a 'pool' of water/bloody type stuff. I thought that this was it, in a way without sounding awful, i felt this terrible decision was taken out of our hands and we had lost the baby... however after a hospital visit our little monkey is still in there bouncing around and very determind to stay there!!

After this it made our decision easier, we have decided to continue the pregnancy for a few more weeks and have the Amnio which will determind the full extent of what we are facing, the odds are against us we have a 10% chance of a healthy baby but i cannot terminate without knowing the full reasons behind why this has happened and what is wrong with bubba.

We are completely devestated, i feel punished and i will have to be induced to have this baby as its too late for a normal termination, i cant beleive i have to go thro this again.... i keep trying to stay possitive but its not looking good.

Sorry to bring bad news but you ladies have been so great to me i wanted to update you all.
Shell's oh honey I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. How horrible and scary. I will be praying for a miracle and that all goes ok. I think you made the right decision in just waiting for now to see what happens. I really really hope that all turns out ok. Big Hugs and we are here if you need anything.
Got my :bfp::cloud9::happydance:

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo excited ..... with only one tube too :happydance:

Still early days, but chuffed to bits!

Jo xx
She'lls I am so sorry to hear your news. Like puppymom I will be praying for a miracle for you and bubs. You so deserve everything to go right for once. What an awful shock for you. Please do pop back if you need any support, we are all rooting for you x
Congrats Josiejo so happy for you. So nice when one tubers get their BFP. Sending you lots of sticky dust.
Shell'sAngels I am so sorry to hear you have been to hell and back over the last few days. I agree with puppymom about your decision. I too would do the same thing. I will add you to my prays and pray everything has just been a false alarm. A friend of mine had the nuchal translucency test which showed a 6mm fluid thickness. She had a CVS which showed she was carrying a healthy baby. At her morphology scan it showed bub had a cardiac condition (which was operated on after birth and her DD is now thriving) apparently alot of other things other then chromosome problems can give a larger reading and a perfectly normal baby can also show a larger reading. Praying so hard for you and your little one.

Josiejo huge CONGRATULATIONS and sticky vibes. Parying for a H&H pregnancy for you.

Puppymom hope your in the TWW now and you get a BFP also. Your on the top of my BFP hit list :winkwink:

ASM I am having another downer. O day today and DH can't perform. We had a huge argument over it and things didn't go well. So much for making the most of the lap and dye and doing it every 48-72hrs around the fertile time. Its 3days since our last BD (know its not impossible but with endo, one bodgy tube, PID, low sperm motility and morholgy and a completely dead libido) chances care very low. I told him I can't do it anymore (after saying the same thing last month when exactly the same thing happened and him making a new years resolution to improve things and try harder just for the next few months) even when I don't tell him I am fertile thinking its stage fright it doesn't change anything. I don't lie with my legs open and say do your thing. I am constantly doing things that I don't neccessarily like (in the way of forepolay IYKWIM) that I know he does etc. I just can't keep going to these extremes and I told him so. I am really feeling at a loose at the moment as to where to go from here. I am not happy with an almost non existant sex life and I told him so. He makes me feel so undesirable and rejected. I don't want to blow my own trumpet or anything but there is nothing wrong with my appearance to make him turned off me. Well at least I don't think there is anything wrong with me. Really hard to keep up the respect for him when I feel like I am constantly rejected. Boohoo.

Hello to everyone else.
Olivia2- I didnt want to read and run. I wanted to let you know you are not alone. My DH seems to think I have to make him ready for :sex: and doesnt bat an eyelid when I ask him whether it is fair he doesnt do the same for me. Infact I could count the amount of times he has made me orgasm on one hand! We have been together for 3 years almost. When I try to talk about it he thinks I am attacking his manhood. Sex around OV has become a chore and if it wasnt for my desire to also be pregnant I think I would not have sex when he wanted so he would know how it feels. Also he made a point of commenting how OV time made him feel like he was being used or something- and I had to mention he also wanted a child and he made me feel like that too sometimes. The last three times I have dressed up in sexy underwear- made nice dinners etc but I could count the times he has made the effort. Infact- ttc aside- I had to shout and nag about it and he would do one token effort and then go back to normal. You are not alone- BUT I will say once I pointed it out to DH and said he needed to buck up his idea's around OV he has done so. As for our :sex: outside of ttc I think we need alot of work. Do you think if you said something to him he would take note?
I am sorry you are feeling this way and I hope my post makes you feel better
I am so sorry you are in that situation. I can understand where that would be totally hard. Dh and I have gotten into several fights about him not wanting to dtd when I am ovulating. He just wants to make it all feel natural and not like a chore but if during the time of ovulation we are only having sex every 4-5 days there is no way it is gonna work. But if he was in the mood then I wouldnt matter so frustrating. Big Hugs your way.
I constantly too feel like I am the one putting forth all the effort. I think I am gonna go on strike for a month and see what he thinks of that.
I don't think men get the whole sex and timing thing like we do, and then maybe we do put to much pressure because we know how important it is. Maybe its time to step back and just work on intimacy without the baby making pressure, even though that is always there in the background? they have like 30 day sex challenges and things like that where its about intimacy and not just sex, we were thinking about doing that just to strengthen that area in our lives.

Shells- my heart goes out to you and I'm praying for the health and safety of you and your baby. Don't feel like you are being punished and keep holding on to the fact that you can and will have a healthy baby. :hugs: and i'm glad you have decided to continue with the pregnancy.

Josiejo- congrats! and I hope this is a safe and healthy pregnancy for you as well.
Shells, I am so sorry to hear your news honey. You and your OH must be going through a hellish time at the moment. You will find the strength for this in eachother I am sure. I also think you have made the right decision - there is always hope. I have also read about ladies being given bad news in similar circumstances only to find that the baby was actually fine or the problem was minor in comparison to what the parents were initially told.

Look after yourself hon. Much love to you and your OH.

Hi ladies,

Im due to go up to Bristol tomorrow for more scans and testing im dreading it but hoping it will be conclusive results by the end of the week.
I have very little hope for this little one as on friday it showed the fluids spread we are most likely looking at hydrops or patau syndrome, both very bad outcomes and would have to end the pregnancy. We are just in bits, it makes it all the more harder that my sisters are pregnant and best friends etc... as happy as i am that they are carrying healthy babies i so wanted to share that journey. very grateful for my 2 boys of course i know how lucky i am to have them, just hope we have a miracle outcome 2moro or have a future miracle. So i may be rejoining you in a month or 2 after my body recovers if worse case scenario.
Thanks for your well wishes xx
Shell's Big Hugs. I will be praying for you that all goes well. Please let us know how things go and if you need anything we are here.
Lots of love Shells. I hope and pray for you.

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