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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Thanks ladies, and yes FutureBabyG, I actually brought the digital one with me to work today, ha!! I'm planning on testing later this afternoon again.

I've used the CB digital for many months, and usually don't have an issue getting the solid smiley with FMU. BUT, there was one time that it was negative in the a.m., and then about 12 hours later at 8pm that night I tested again and got a pos. It was still there the next morning when I tested with FMU too. It was like I just didnt get my LH surge until nighttime, so it picked it up that night and the following morning. I need to stop freaking out. Just because I O'd on cd14 first cycle on clomid, doesn't necessarily mean it will be the exact same day this cycle. Perhaps I'll get the pos later today or tomorrow. I think my biggest mistake was buying the OPKs with the lines to compare with the CB Digital. If I hadn't seen those darkish lines Sun and Mon, I wouldn't even be wondering about this, I'd just be assuming I'd O a day or two later. I hate the OPKs with the lines, ugh. Should've just stuck with the CB. Watch...I'm probably totally overreacting, and I'll probably get a solid smiley later today or tomorrow! :wacko:
I took an OPK this morning, and it looked kinda positive to me. Which can't possibly be the case since I had no follicles yesterday... Maybe it's just the clomid still? Like I've said before, I hate OPKs. I just wanted to try them since I had no follicles, but now I'm questioning that...
That's really weird that it hasn't shown up on the digital one though. Maybe every clomid cycle is different? You never know, but I'd give it a couple more days before you start worrying about it. I'm sure it'll show up tmrw or the next day!

allison, I think it could potentially make sense that you'd get a pos OPK today... even though you had no follies yesterday, they could be about to pop up any day now... and when those OPKs detect the LH surge, the egg still isn't released for another 12-72 hours. So your follies could be coming today or tomorrow. Which is pretty exciting! When do you go to the doc for another u/s??
Savvysaver, at least we're all having OPK issues. You're definitely not alone! Lol

Erin, I've definitely heard of some people getting a positive in the afternoon and not the morning so good luck!! I'm going to take another one later and see if it's still positive. Just to ease my mind. I go back to the dr tmrw morning so I'll see what's going on and ask them about wacky OPKs. The nurse yesterday did tell me that women will pcos can have the follicles pop up really quick and randomly so I'm hoping that's the case. I'm just wondering though if this is why I'm not getting my BFP. If maybe my hormones and the surge is happening before my eggs are mature enough? I don't know if that's possible, but I think I'm going to ask. Your dr said after CD12 the clomid shouldn't affect an OPK, right?
Savvysaver, at least we're all having OPK issues. You're definitely not alone! Lol

Erin, I've definitely heard of some people getting a positive in the afternoon and not the morning so good luck!! I'm going to take another one later and see if it's still positive. Just to ease my mind. I go back to the dr tmrw morning so I'll see what's going on and ask them about wacky OPKs. The nurse yesterday did tell me that women will pcos can have the follicles pop up really quick and randomly so I'm hoping that's the case. I'm just wondering though if this is why I'm not getting my BFP. If maybe my hormones and the surge is happening before my eggs are mature enough? I don't know if that's possible, but I think I'm going to ask. Your dr said after CD12 the clomid shouldn't affect an OPK, right?

Yea, as long as I wait 3 days after the last pill, the OPK should be accurate. If I do it before then, they're afraid I COULD get a false positive (nothing about false negatives though). When I tested on Sunday with the one with the lines (a day earlier than I was supposed to, but it was strictly for experimental purposes), the line was dark, but again, it didnt seem to be dark enough to be a pos, and I didnt take it seriously anyway, since I didn't give it the full 3-day wait. But when it was still a dark line on Mon, that was definitely a 3-day wait. Still, to my own eye, it didnt look darker than the control line, so I really think it was a neg. And the CB digital has definitely only been giving me the flashing smiley for the estrogen since Mon. I hope to see that solid smiley later today or tmrw.

Btw, it is sometimes possible for early O to affect getting prego. It's the reason I'm on clomid, because I was O'ing on cd10 or so (pos OPK came on cd9!). But yours seems fine to me... because if you are just now starting to get your LH surge, you won't O for another day or two probably (maybe even 3 days if today's OPK wasnt a pos). Good luck on your appt!! I hope you see lots of follies by tomorrow, or at least at your next appt!
So sorry everyone is having issues with the OPKs. I have never really had to hard of a time when I was using the 2 line ones. But everyone is different & you get so crazy in your head. I supposedly O'd on CD 11 or 12 this month. It makes me a little worried. Especially since ERose is on clomid because of early ovulation. I am trying to stay positive & am in the mind set that I have never O'd that early, & never got a BFP, so maybe this will change things. I don't know. I just want this cycle over with already so I can move on. I am getting more AF like cramps today. I have not gone to the bathroom yet, but I am also feeling kind of wet again. I am hoping this increase in CM is a good sign. I usually don't keep track of it except during ovulation, but I know I have NEVER felt a wet feeling like this except during ovulation.

I just hope this is it. I don't want my husband to have to go to a urologist or have surgery & I def don't want to go through IUI or IVF. I was also thinking that even on a 32 day cycle, I will get my results by Thanksgiving. Just thinking it would be kind of funny to put a test in a casserole dish & ask my husband to get the dish out of the cupboard. :)

Again, good luck ladies!!!
Okay, so I normally hate when people say this because I sort of expect it on these boards, but I am going to start this one off like this...TMI alert!

Just went to the bathroom & had the creamy white cm. I have read a lot of BFP stories that started this way. Still feeling some cramps. No spotting as of yet. I really REALLY do not want to get excited about it. But I cannot remember this happening in the past. It is a mix of creamy & sticky to the point where it is on my underpants. Typically the really sticky can just be wiped off & mostly shows in a small clump....or shows when I wipe. As I am typing, my cramping is intensing a bit...not horrible.
So sorry everyone is having issues with the OPKs. I have never really had to hard of a time when I was using the 2 line ones. But everyone is different & you get so crazy in your head. I supposedly O'd on CD 11 or 12 this month. It makes me a little worried. Especially since ERose is on clomid because of early ovulation. I am trying to stay positive & am in the mind set that I have never O'd that early, & never got a BFP, so maybe this will change things. I don't know. I just want this cycle over with already so I can move on. I am getting more AF like cramps today. I have not gone to the bathroom yet, but I am also feeling kind of wet again. I am hoping this increase in CM is a good sign. I usually don't keep track of it except during ovulation, but I know I have NEVER felt a wet feeling like this except during ovulation.

I just hope this is it. I don't want my husband to have to go to a urologist or have surgery & I def don't want to go through IUI or IVF. I was also thinking that even on a 32 day cycle, I will get my results by Thanksgiving. Just thinking it would be kind of funny to put a test in a casserole dish & ask my husband to get the dish out of the cupboard. :)

Again, good luck ladies!!!

beaglemom, don't worry too much about O'ing around cd11 or 12 this cycle. I've read other forums where girls were early ovulaters around cd10 like me even, and they got prego that way. My doc said it certainly isnt impossible, as its still an egg! He just thought since we weren't getting prego, that it COULD be the cause. #1 the egg could just not be mature enough to get fertilized, and #2 even if we did fertilize an egg, if it tried to then ALSO implant early (for example, maybe 5-6 days after fertilization), my uternine lining may not have been given enough time to thicken and prepare for an embryo. Those are just "possible" things that could've been happening, if each different step of the process was happening too quickly in my cycle. But again, I've seen many women who were Oing around same time as me, and still got BFPs. Maybe their egg was fine, and implantation didnt occur until 10-11 days later, which would give the uterine lining more time to prepare. And if this isn't common for your cycles, then who knows, maybe your egg turned out to be just right on cd11 or 12! This could be a really great sign for you!! :) :)

Also, your other signs that I just read about your CM and some cramping! If that CM and cramping before AF is totally uncommon for you, that's pretty exciting!!!
I do typically get cramps before AF...about 3-7 days before. But the cm is new. Also, I am still unsure of when to expect AF. Based on counting past ovulation, it would be around Friday...which is CD 26 & I can not remember ever having one so early...never before CD 29 (28 day cycle). I think right about now would be a typical time for implantation. So maybe that could be the cause of my cramping. I also still have plenty of cheap tests at home. Maybe I will take another in the AM. 12 dpo is a decent day to possible get an early result.

I guess I will just have to wait & see.
It's funny that y'all all O early, and then I O late. Lol. Without the Clomid, I wasn't Oing until cd21, so cd17 with the clomid isn't too bad.

And beaglemom, 12dpo is definitely a good time to get an early result!! Good luck! Keep us posted!! That would be a great Thanksgiving surprise!!!

And Erin, I hope you get your flashing smiley soon!! I think the clomid can just mess with our normal routine! Not to mention it probably doesn't help that we just think about it all the time! But how do you not? I'm sure you will O very, very soon though. Have you tested for this afternoon yet?
Yes beaglemom, if you test, please let us know!! We'll all be wondering about each other this month, I'm sure! Cant wait to see some BFPs!!

I tested again today at work around 2:00 and still have the flashing smiley. To be honest, I dont like the CB "Advanced" Digital opk. It detects 2 days of the type of estrogen that surges right before the LH surge, which is the flashing smiley. Then usually after 2 days of that, comes the solid smiley, which is the big LH surge signaling that O is going to happen soon. I've gotten the stupid flashing smiley during random times of the month (sorry if i'm repeating myself here, I feel like I've told this story a hundred times!), so I've never paid much attention to that one. The LH surge is the one that matters most, so that is the one I'm always happy to see. I prefer the CB opk that is the non-advanced version, where all it detects is the LH surge. I'm thinking that when I leave work, i might stop and get the regular CB digital again. Maybe I have a faulty monitor or something. When i got it, i got the one that came with 20 sticks, so this is my third cycle using it. It could just be that it's become faulty after three cycles. We'll see!
I always wondered about those advanced ones. I thought about getting it, but just ended up getting the normal digital smiley one. I would've gotten the digital one this time but they were out so I got stuck with these stupid drive me crazy lines! Lol
If you think it's faulty, I would definitely get the other one to be safe. At least just for the peace of mind if anything. And then you can have 3 to compare! Best 2 outta 3! Haha!
beaglemom - Fx'd the creamy cm is a good sign - I know I have read that a lot of girls get that before a bfp! Maybe you usually ovulate early and miss the egg? After I got a positive opk on CD7 I thought maybe I wait too long to BD and miss the egg, I am hoping that is what is happening and I can hopefully get a bfp this month. Keep us posted if you take a test!

allison - I agree with erin, I can see how you can possibly get a positive opk since you won't ovulate for 12-72 hours. Hoping you can get some good news at the doctors tomorrow.

erin - did you pick up one of your regular tests? Let us know how it turns out - Fx'd!

As a note I just bought a box of the CB opk tests on amazon, 20 tests for like $16.00 (.80 a test) I have amazon prime so free two day shipping - thought that was a pretty good deal.
I always wondered about those advanced ones. I thought about getting it, but just ended up getting the normal digital smiley one. I would've gotten the digital one this time but they were out so I got stuck with these stupid drive me crazy lines! Lol
If you think it's faulty, I would definitely get the other one to be safe. At least just for the peace of mind if anything. And then you can have 3 to compare! Best 2 outta 3! Haha!

Ya know, I loved the advanced one at first... BEFORE I was on clomid though. It would give me my two days of estrogen surge, and then right after, it would give me two days of an LH surge. It was great! And even in my first clomid cycle, it worked fine, and I got the LH surge and then O'd! BUT, it seemed after I started the Clomid, I would test just for the heck of it, and it would give me the flashing smiley for estrogen just on any given day sometimes. Perhaps I have too much estrogen during other parts of my cycle, I dont know. But personally, if I'm not getting my LH surge, I'd much rather just get an empty circle until its pos for LH! So yes, I'm stopping at walgreens when I leave work in a few minutes, and I'll be testing with the regular one when I get home. Will keep you posted. If it's not pos tonight, I hope it will be in the morning.
I actually O'd around CD 18-20 before clomid...then around 15 1st clomid cycle...so this cycle is off. I always test for ovulation & I have the signs, so I don't think I have been missing it. My monitor works similar to the clearblue advance tests...giving you more possible fertile days. I heard 1-3 days before O is a great time to try. If I get a no this time, I am going to try to have sex every 3 days, then every other during ovulation. I have heard that more frequent sex is good for his little men. It is so hard for us with him working nights.

Another symptom this evening. I was taking a shower...nice & hot because it is cold here. Anyways, about half way done & I got this weird feeling in my left breast. Not really a pain just kind of weird. It felt like it was right in the middle of my breast. I am fairly small. I would describe it as sort of a dull ache. But if I press down around it, it is not painful nor does the feeling increase. Very strange. Just fyi, I NEVER & I mean NEVER have sore breasts any time during the month.
So beaglemom, you O'd on cd15 in your first cycle on clomid, and this cycle was the earlier day... Do I have that right? So the clomid doesn't necessarily make it the same day each cycle.... That makes me feel better then... I just assumed it would be the same day for me this cycle since it's the same dose and all, so I don't know why I got myself worked up over it, lol! Btw, your symptoms are sounding pretty good... A couple things you've never had before in other cycles...that could mean something good! Can't wait til you test!!! :)

Savvy, I did pick up the regular CB at walgreens, but I'm gonna wait until I really have to pee good, lol! So I'll update again tonight. And if it's neg again, I'll just try again tomorrow! :). Btw...that's cheap for the CB OPKs, omg!!! When I read your comment just now, I jumped on amazon and looked, and they're all quite a bit cheaper than walgreens! Can't believe I've been spending this much all this time, dangit, lol! So you did buy the opk, right? Not just the sticks that are sold by themselves that are for the CB fertility monitor that beaglemom uses? Just want to make sure you get what you're expecting!

Allison, yes, I feel better that I got the new kit... Just for peace of mind. I'll be using it in an hour or so. Btw, can't wait yo hear how your doc appt goes!! :flower:

So how's everyone else doing? Hangin in there? :)
So beaglemom, you O'd on cd15 in your first cycle on clomid, and this cycle was the earlier day... Do I have that right? So the clomid doesn't necessarily make it the same day each cycle.... That makes me feel better then... I just assumed it would be the same day for me this cycle since it's the same dose and all, so I don't know why I got myself worked up over it, lol! Btw, your symptoms are sounding pretty good... A couple things you've never had before in other cycles...that could mean something good! Can't wait til you test!!! :)

Savvy, I did pick up the regular CB at walgreens, but I'm gonna wait until I really have to pee good, lol! So I'll update again tonight. And if it's neg again, I'll just try again tomorrow! :). Btw...that's cheap for the CB OPKs, omg!!! When I read your comment just now, I jumped on amazon and looked, and they're all quite a bit cheaper than walgreens! Can't believe I've been spending this much all this time, dangit, lol! So you did buy the opk, right? Not just the sticks that are sold by themselves that are for the CB fertility monitor that beaglemom uses? Just want to make sure you get what you're expecting!

Allison, yes, I feel better that I got the new kit... Just for peace of mind. I'll be using it in an hour or so. Btw, can't wait yo hear how your doc appt goes!! :flower:

So how's everyone else doing? Hangin in there? :)

I find that Walgreens is always higher. You may want to try Walmart or Target if not Amazon.

I really feel like I have my O day right but I just don't know. I am going by my monitor which is not supposed to be affected by clomid. I also had the cm & slight cramping. Then after a fews days past my O I started seeing cm again. So I took another opk & it was neg. We have not put in any more baby making sessions. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also, I have not researched this, but I O on my own...the clomid is meant to be a boost. So if I O on my own already, not sure the clomid would affect the CD of O that much. But I will research some. My cycle was longer last month...don't know if that would affect anything in the next cycle.

It is all so up in the air!
erin - I freaked out and hopped over to amazon and I believe I bought the right opk's, smiley face pack of 20 for $15.98 - I wanted to read more about them and when it brought up the price now...they are $45+ yikes! How do they go up by almost $30 since Sunday? I will know for sure tomorrow if I got the right ones they are listed as: Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test, 20 Count

How much are they at the drugstore? I have never bought ttc stuff at the store - I know it would be the one time that I bump into like 5 people I know including a relative and of course the register wouldn't work so they would have to announce over the loud speaker to get the price...I purchase everything off amazon! :)

beaglemom - those symptoms sound good! After 7 cycles of ttc unsuccessful I read about the SMEP plan - I decided to basically DTD every other day this cycle until I get my bfp. Hubby travels a lot for work and it seemed like all the other months we would be apart for a few days right around ovulation. This month he wasn't so I am very hopeful that we caught the egg! I just read your hubby works night shifts...ugh that can make things harder. Fingers crossed that you get your bfp this month.
Beaglemom, I too ovulated on my own without clomid. I was O'ing on cd10, and my doc wanted to push it out to closer to cd14. That was the main reason he put me on it. Turned out, it worked! In my first cycle, it was exactly cd14. However, this cycle, 2nd on clomid, I'm not getting my pos opk, so it's not looking like I'm gonna O on cd14 this time (yep ladies, I just peed on the new one, and it's still neg). Sooo, now I just have to sit around waiting to see.

Oh, and beaglemom, I know what you mean by everything up in the air! Each cycle seems like a mystery, and a big ole' waiting game, ha!
Brooke, those sound like the right ones! You got a heck of a deal!! If I need more after this cycle, I'll be checking amazon for a deal like you got. They're usually around $40 or more!

Or I'll at least try walmart or target like beaglemom suggested.
Still waiting for my high on the cbfm. I should get it Friday! Ek... I am so excited for the tww. It helps pass the time. . . but i miss poas. For some reason when i poas i feel i am doing something to be proactive but during the tww i have nothing. am i the only one with this addiction?

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