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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

tested this morning and got a neg...the wait continues
FutureBabyG, that is so funny!! No I don't think you're the only one! You're right, without all the poas while waiting too O, we don't have much to keep us busy during the TWW, and that's probably why we obsess over symptom spotting, lol.

Beaglemom, like Allison said, its still early, don't be losing hope yet! I know too many girls who didnt get their bfp until after they'd missed their period. So, fingers still crossed for you!

Allison, another pos opk, that sounds very positive!! GL at your appt, I'm excited to see how it goes!

As for me, still neg opk this morning on the digital, and the lines on the FR are only getting lighter. I wish I understood what happened this cycle. Honestly, if i didnt O this time, I think this will be the first cycle ever that I've not O'd, even before clomid. So I'm really confused. I'm starting to wonder if the dark FRs that I got on Sun/Mon were my pos, and that maybe the CB just didn't pick it up. I'm thinking about posting a pic of one in the "ovulation test" forum to see what they think (or this thread if you girls are interested, lol!). If they were pos, then that would mean I O'd early. I'm thinking about taking those "High" ones outta my chart because as far as I'm concerned, without an LH surge, I don't have a pos. so maybe I should just figure out if the lines on the others were dark enough to be pos.
beaglemom - is this 12dpo? I think I read that it is still too early, if your eggie implanted a day or two ago you might not test positive until 14dpo or later. Fx'd!

allison - Fx'd for a good doc appointment for you! Keep us posted!
erin - I am sorry about your opk! :( Post a pic here if you can, so we can take a look at it. Are you planning on testing again after work?
Yes today is 12 dpo. I could be off by a day on my O date so it could only be 11. I am definitely not giving up. I know it is early, plus I am still on on CD 23 & no clue how long the cycle will last. Never O'd this early. I am only using the cheap tests (Walmart 88 cent) so it may not pick up. Determined to not use any of the expensive ones yet. I think I have some Walmart brand blue dye plus/minus tests & a couple of the frer & one lonely digital test only to be used as a back up if I do get a positive. I will probably test again on Fri & probably EOD until AF shows.

Rose - feel free to post some pics. I will warn you, I am not very good at looking at the pics online. With the HPT, it seems I see nothing but all the other ladies insist there is a line.
Ok girls, these are my tests for a few days straight, the top one being the earliest. Sorry for the poor quality... I took one with flash and one without flash. It just doesn't look to me like the left line is equal to the right line (and certainly not darker than). But there are obvious lines for sure, and they've gotten an obvious lighter color since this last one was taken. Anyone have any thoughts? i'm going to post them in the other forum as well, as I think there are some ladies in there that love just looking at people's tests all day long, lol.


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Ok girls, these are my tests for a few days straight, the top one being the earliest. Sorry for the poor quality... I took one with flash and one without flash. It just doesn't look to me like the left line is equal to the right line (and certainly not darker than). But there are obvious lines for sure, and they've gotten an obvious lighter color since this last one was taken. Anyone have any thoughts? i'm going to post them in the other forum as well, as I think there are some ladies in there that love just looking at people's tests all day long, lol.

To me, they do not quite look positive.
I'm with beaglemom, there's definitely lines there, but not quite positive. I'll post a pic of mine in a bit and we can compare bc I'm almost positive that mine were positive. It could just be not picking it up yet, bc even though I'm getting positives, I clearly haven't Oed yet, so maybe it's just taking a little longer this time.

So yay!!! My follicles had grown! They want them to be 18mm, and I had one that was 14mm and one that was 10mm. They're not quite ready, so I go back on Friday and they said id probably take the trigger shot on Saturday. Yay!!!!
Ok, well I tried to post a picture but it's too large. Boo. I don't know if I can edit pictures on my phone. : (
I agree that they do not look positive yet - keep testing! Maybe you are just a bit late from the clomid?

allison - glad to hear you had a positive appointment - keep them growing! Update us on Friday after your appointment!!
Thanks everyone, that's what I was afraid of... :( The thing is, they're getting lighter, which usually means they're not gonna get dark again. In those pics, the first is from Sun, the second 2 are from Mon morning and night, and the last 2 are from Tues morning and night. You can see from the last one that they're getting lighter instead of staying the same or getting darker (and this morning's was even a tad lighter than that). I know today is only cd14 for me, but since they're getting lighter, I have this terrible feeling that the LH came, but not enough to O, and now it's starting to go away, and for some reason, I'm not going to O at all this cycle. I'm SO disappointed. Also surprised since this would be the first cycle ever that I haven't O'd! Even before the clomid I was O'ing on my own! :( :( Well, I won't lose hope. I'll keep testing and BDing.

savvy, I dont think it would still be because of the clomid. I did an experiment and went ahead and tested one day while on the clomid, and one day after the clomid, and they came out negative, which would be correct. They didnt start darkening until Sun, which was still a day earlier than I'm supposed to test. But Mon was the three day waiting period that the docs recommend, so the clomid shouldnt still be affecting them. But I can alwys hold out hope that it is. :wacko:
Ok, well I tried to post a picture but it's too large. Boo. I don't know if I can edit pictures on my phone. : (

allison, I sure wish you could get your pix to post so that I could compare and see one that's truly positive!! BTW, that is GREAT news about the follies, wuhu!!! :happydance: So excited for you! I have a good feeling about this cycle for you!!!! Ahhhh!!!! :) :)
Thanks everyone, that's what I was afraid of... :( The thing is, they're getting lighter, which usually means they're not gonna get dark again. In those pics, the first is from Sun, the second 2 are from Mon morning and night, and the last 2 are from Tues morning and night. You can see from the last one that they're getting lighter instead of staying the same or getting darker (and this morning's was even a tad lighter than that). I know today is only cd14 for me, but since they're getting lighter, I have this terrible feeling that the LH came, but not enough to O, and now it's starting to go away, and for some reason, I'm not going to O at all this cycle. I'm SO disappointed. Also surprised since this would be the first cycle ever that I haven't O'd! Even before the clomid I was O'ing on my own! :( :( Well, I won't lose hope. I'll keep testing and BDing.

savvy, I dont think it would still be because of the clomid. I did an experiment and went ahead and tested one day while on the clomid, and one day after the clomid, and they came out negative, which would be correct. They didnt start darkening until Sun, which was still a day earlier than I'm supposed to test. But Mon was the three day waiting period that the docs recommend, so the clomid shouldnt still be affecting them. But I can alwys hold out hope that it is. :wacko:

I think they could still darken back up. It really wouldn't make sense that you just wouldn't O with the clomid. Especially if you Oed last cycle on it. I know people can be clomid resistant, but I think it would've started last cycle. And if you've always Oed on your own I wouldn't worry too much. The clomid is just doing it's job and delaying your O a little longer. My follicles obviously took longer this time, so don't give up just yet. And BD anyways, just to be safe. Lol.
Thanks allison! I did read some other forums, and there were some women who said they were never able to get positives on their OPKs, but they still knew they were Oing, either from their BBT charts or because their doc was doing the blood tests. So maybe with the clomid, each cycle my hormones may just be different. I will continuing trying the OPKs a few more days, but I will also pay attention to my chart and see if my temps stay up, and go up higher. Perhaps I O'd early this time, but the OPKs were completely screwed up from the clomid that early? According to my chart, there's a possbility I could've Od around CD10, BUT only if those temps continue to rise. I switched my FF chart from Advanced mode to FAM mode, and it gave me crosshairs with an O date of cd10! But when I switch it back to Advanced mode, it takes the crosshairs away for now. Hmm.... we'll see what happens in a couple days if the temps rise.

Which is also weird anyway, because the whole reason I got on clomid was to push my O out further than cd10, which worked last cycle. So let's hope that if I did O on cd10, that the clomid helped to make those eggs nice and mature! Or if I didn't O on that day, let's hope I see something happen soon!
I think you probably just haven't Oed. Google says that most women O 5-9 days after the last dose of Clomid. So going off of that, today is the first day you may have Oed. That also makes me feel a little reassured that my positive OPK was just false. I think it'd be kinda weird that you'd O so early. I've also read that clomid can stay in your system for up to 40 days. So I would think maybe it's possible that you still had a little of the last cycle still in your system, therefore making it a little off from last cycle? I think you'll O here any day now! : )

Ok, I figured out how to make the picture smaller. These are my OPKs from yesterday and today. I'm not sure which is which though. Lol. Hope this helps, Erin!
View attachment 698197

Ok, I figured out how to make the picture smaller. These are my OPKs from yesterday and today. I'm not sure which is which though. Lol. Hope this helps, Erin!

Oh thanks Allison! Yup, yours def look pos! Ok, so mine needed to darken just a tad more. I'm gonna go do another right now (haven't peed in 6 hours! Lol) and see what it's looking like now. Not going to waste the CB though. I think I'll wait on those unless I see the FRs darkening again. Thanks again girl!
I am waiting to test on November 22nd or 23rd...hoping to get a bfp!

When do you plan on testing futurebabyG?

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