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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Hey ladies, I will be starting round 4 of clomid coming up of AF shows after 2 natural cycles off. We had a BFP on round 2 but sadly ended in MC. Hoping one of the next 3 rounds works so we don't have to move onto paying someone to getting us pregnant! Good luck all!

Welcome!! Glad to have you join! We've had this thread going for a couple weeks now, so a couple of us are waiting to ovulate, a couple just did recently, and one is testing with HPTs! (I think i have that right!). So we're all over the board, lol!

So sorry about your mc. I know that had to be hard. :hugs: Did you say AF hasn't come yet?? So that means there's still hope for this cycle, maybe??
Hello, I am new to the forums and came across this thread. I am 32 and we have been trying to conceive for a few years. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease and the DR believes that may have been the reason for unexplained fertility as the majority of my test results were normal. I did have a short luteal phase, I was ovulating on CD 19/20 of a 28 day cycle because of this my dr decided we should give clomid a try.

CD1 for me was Oct 31. I am on my 2nd round of clomid CD 3-9.
My fiance and I BD on CD 10,12 and 14. I got a positive OPK this afternoon but of course it is on a day where he wont be home until 11 PM. I am patiently waiting for him to get home so we can BD again LOL

Our first round of clomid was not successful. During my fertile window I was out of town because my grandmother was ill, she passed away a few weeks ago. It was a little frustrating but i'm glad I was able to spend quality time with my grandmother before she passed.

I wish everyone luck this month!
Hi shiftworker and MissStacy!

MissStacy - I am sorry to hear you have celiac disease. I have IBS - after 3 years of suffering, I just started the low fodmap diet in hopes of feeling better.
Hello, I am new to the forums and came across this thread. I am 32 and we have been trying to conceive for a few years. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease and the DR believes that may have been the reason for unexplained fertility as the majority of my test results were normal. I did have a short luteal phase, I was ovulating on CD 19/20 of a 28 day cycle because of this my dr decided we should give clomid a try.

CD1 for me was Oct 31. I am on my 2nd round of clomid CD 3-9.
My fiance and I BD on CD 10,12 and 14. I got a positive OPK this afternoon but of course it is on a day where he wont be home until 11 PM. I am patiently waiting for him to get home so we can BD again LOL

Our first round of clomid was not successful. During my fertile window I was out of town because my grandmother was ill, she passed away a few weeks ago. It was a little frustrating but i'm glad I was able to spend quality time with my grandmother before she passed.

I wish everyone luck this month!

Hi MissStacy! Welcome! I started cd1 on Oct 31st as well, so we're on the exact same cycle! So is allisonmh. :) Savvy and FutureBabyG started their cycles literally just a day or two following us. Beaglemom and our new friend shiftworker are reaching the end of their cycles, and we currently have fingers crossed tightly for beaglemom (and shiftworker too, as I think she's still waiting to see if AF comes)!!

I'm also on my second round of clomid. Last month I O'd on cd14, so I expected same this month, but haven't seen a fully positive opk yet (at least I don't think), so I guess it's gonna happen later this time. Hoping to very soon. Great that you got a pos this afternoon! Keep BDing tomorrow and the next day since (I'm sure you probably already know this!) you can O within 12-72 hrs of seeing a pos!

I'm only on 25mg of clomid, but if I don't get prego this cycle, I'm having my doc up my dose to 50mg. Good luck Hun, and keep us posted!! (As you can see, we're a very chatty group, lol). :)
Hello, I am new to the forums and came across this thread. I am 32 and we have been trying to conceive for a few years. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease and the DR believes that may have been the reason for unexplained fertility as the majority of my test results were normal. I did have a short luteal phase, I was ovulating on CD 19/20 of a 28 day cycle because of this my dr decided we should give clomid a try.

CD1 for me was Oct 31. I am on my 2nd round of clomid CD 3-9.
My fiance and I BD on CD 10,12 and 14. I got a positive OPK this afternoon but of course it is on a day where he wont be home until 11 PM. I am patiently waiting for him to get home so we can BD again LOL

Our first round of clomid was not successful. During my fertile window I was out of town because my grandmother was ill, she passed away a few weeks ago. It was a little frustrating but i'm glad I was able to spend quality time with my grandmother before she passed.

I wish everyone luck this month!

Welcome! Sorry to hear about your grandma! That's so sad. And unfortunate that it had to happen during your prime time!
As ERosePW said, my first cycle day was Oct.31 as well, only I took my clomid on CD 5-9. I'm also doing the trigger shot hopefully this weekend, I have an appt tomorrow to see if my follicles are ready.
That sucks that you have celiacs, but at least there are a lot of gluten free options now! Have you been feeling better since being diagnosed and changing your diet? And when do you plan on testing? Can you wait the whole two weeks or are you impatient like most of us here? Hahaha.
Hello, I am new to the forums and came across this thread. I am 32 and we have been trying to conceive for a few years. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease and the DR believes that may have been the reason for unexplained fertility as the majority of my test results were normal. I did have a short luteal phase, I was ovulating on CD 19/20 of a 28 day cycle because of this my dr decided we should give clomid a try.

CD1 for me was Oct 31. I am on my 2nd round of clomid CD 3-9.
My fiance and I BD on CD 10,12 and 14. I got a positive OPK this afternoon but of course it is on a day where he wont be home until 11 PM. I am patiently waiting for him to get home so we can BD again LOL

Our first round of clomid was not successful. During my fertile window I was out of town because my grandmother was ill, she passed away a few weeks ago. It was a little frustrating but i'm glad I was able to spend quality time with my grandmother before she passed.

I wish everyone luck this month!

Welcome! Sorry to hear about your grandma! That's so sad. And unfortunate that it had to happen during your prime time!
As ERosePW said, my first cycle day was Oct.31 as well, only I took my clomid on CD 5-9. I'm also doing the trigger shot hopefully this weekend, I have an appt tomorrow to see if my follicles are ready.
That sucks that you have celiacs, but at least there are a lot of gluten free options now! Have you been feeling better since being diagnosed and changing your diet? And when do you plan on testing? Can you wait the whole two weeks or are you impatient like most of us here? Hahaha.

When I was first diagnosed I did not take the GF diet very seriously, i had been eating the same food for 30 years so it was had and frustrating! I have been trying really hard for the past 6 months and I have felt better and have lost a lot of weight. I was kind of an odd one because most people with celiac are underweight. I was overweight and had a very hard time losing weight most of my life but now it seems like eating well and exercising are finally paying off because my body is healing.

I have an obsessive personality so I don't know if I am going to be able to wait a whole 2 weeks, I will probably be thinking about it every min that i'm not distracted by something. I am so regular, every 28 days, in the past few years there have only been a couple of cycles were I was a day or 2 late. On those cycles I tested because I was so use to being regular and it was always disappointing to see a BFN.

I hope at least some of us see a BFP this month!
Another neg for me today. The cramping seems to be intensing but thankfully still no spotting. Saw a stroller on sale but the husband says it's tempting fate to buy it.
MissStacy, that's great that you've been feeling better. My mom just went to gluten free bc of Crohn's disease and she said it's made her feel a lot better. I know they say it helps PCOS too, which I have, so if I don't get my BFP by the end of the year, it might be a New Years resolution to give it a shot. And yeah, I don't think any of us here wait to test either, so welcome to the group! Lol

Beaglemom, it's still early. My dr actually told me to wait til 17dpo to test. So don't lose hope yet! I hate when I see cute baby stuff or stuff on sale! I feel so crazy buying it early, but I mean it's bound to happen sometime, right? I have a small obsession with sock monkeys and Cracker Barrel is like the megastore of sock monkeys right now, so I did buy a little sock monkey onsie and some sock monkey booties. But I figure if it's just an item here or there, I'm just being prepared... It's like buying food for the end of the world, everyone thinks I'm crazy for that too, so who cares! Lol
MissStacy - I just stated the low fodmap diet and eating gluten free, dairy free, high fructose corn syrup free, artificial sweetener free...etc...it has only been 4 days, feel ok so far. Appointment with a dietician next week. Hard to find foods that fit into this diet and it is very expensive to eat healthy - especially when the GF stuff costs at least double if not triple the price of regular foods. Glad to hear that you are feeling better from eating GF!

allison - are you a doomsday prepper? :) I keep a small stock for a short emergency. I am also guilty of purchasing baby items...lets not talk about how they are hidden at my house...
Good luck at your appointment...Fx'd.

erin - positive opk yet??

Fx'd for beaglemom - did you test? Like allison said, you might have to wait until after your missed period.
I wouldn't say I'm a doomsday prepper, I don't get too crazy. But I do have a few tubs of canned food and stuff like that. I don't really think the end of the world is coming, but you never know what's going to happen. The power could go out or we could could get flooded in, etc. You just never know. I have my baby items hidden in a box in the closet. My husband actually supports me on that though. He's so optimistic it's going to happen, that he feels like the more we buy now, the less we'll have to spend when the time actually comes. Makes sense to me, I just hope it happens sooner than later!!

Yeah, Erin! Positive OPK yet?!
Allison, Doomsday prepping is crazy :)

The only items I have bought are like cheap onsies I find that are cute. I actually don't think my husband knows about them. I planned to use them to tell him when I got pregnant. I used to have a small box of Snoopy things I collected. But when we gave up TTC a few years back, I gave it all away. I have never bought any large items. We saw really cheap carry things (that thing to strap on you & carry the baby) but my husband wouldn't let me buy it. He thinks if we spend more than a couple of bucks, we will jinx it. We have stores here called Once Upon a Child. If you guys don't know what they is, look them up. They are great consignment shops. Some of them are a little run down, but larger cities have really nice ones.

I also feel like if I can get a good deal, why not? We have already committed to moving forward on IUI or IVF if we have to...so we have a great shopt at it really happening for us.

I know it is still technically early. I am not discouraged. Just wish I knew when to expect my period. Now I know how all the ladies out there feel who have crazy cycles. The cramping still getting intense. It almost feels like the first day of my period. I felt a little sick to my stomach which happens because of the cramps when AF is here.

So something else that has happened...I have been waking up with sort of a stuffy nose. I didn't think much of it because the temperatures have gotten colder. But then this morning it hit me that I have read this can also be an early sign.

Anyways...let's hope the spotting doesn't show up!
beaglemom, hoping for a BFP for you! I do feel the same as you about getting a baby, we will do IUI and IVF if we have to, without a doubt. In fact, I'm thinking about getting a start on the IUI. It's been a year, and his sperm is fine, and as far as I can tell from past OPKs and temps, I think I'm fine too (although I haven't had any blood tests). I'm wondering if for some reason our sperm/egg just isn't clicking! LOL. So I may not wait much longer before starting IUI.

So ladies, thanks for checking on my OPKs. I love this thread, it's so nice to have you ladies! :) It still looked about the same this morning. The lines are very close to similar, but the test line just isnt quite as dark as the control line. And CB digital is still neg. ugh. But look at my temp today! It already went up once, but today its stupid high. That would normally never happen before O for me. Not even on the clomid... My temps became more erratic after clomid, but they never climbed like this until after I had O'd. I'm really wondering what's happening here.
I'm really glad to have found so many who are going through the same thing I am. It's hard to not have anyone to talk to besides our DR. I don't know any friends who are in the same situation but then again maybe they are like me and keeping it quite. I do have an Aunt who had struggles and they ended up adopting two beautiful girls.

We have some very fertile friends with lots of children, I swear they just look at each other the right way and they are pregnant. I am happy for them but it does get a little frustrating. I guess it will be that much better when we get a BFP and know we worked hard for it! LOL
So didn't quite get the news I wanted to hear today... My follicles are the same size as they were on Wednesday and I'm done with the ultrasounds unless I want to pay another $270. They told me to just use the OPKs and if I get a positive, I can give myself the trigger. It's so discouraging and it literally took all I had to not just start crying right there in the office. I'm trying to stay positive and hope things are just taking a little longer this time, but it's so hard sometimes. As erin and beaglemom said, y'all are planning to move forward to IUI and such... I'd totally do it. But it's so hard to spend that kind of money with no guarantee when I've already spent so much. My husband is definitely supportive, but not so much of all the medical help. He's just so optimistic that it'll just happen, which is great, I wish I was that positive, but it's like I know something is wrong with me. I just highly doubt it'll happen on it's own. So unfortunately, if it doesn't happen this cycle, I'll be taking a break and maybe trying herbal remedies; maybe the Fertili-tea? I don't know, this is all so hard. I just never imagined id have so much trouble having a baby. : ( sorry to be the Debbie downer on a Friday! Hope everyone else is having a good day!
So didn't quite get the news I wanted to hear today... My follicles are the same size as they were on Wednesday and I'm done with the ultrasounds unless I want to pay another $270. They told me to just use the OPKs and if I get a positive, I can give myself the trigger. It's so discouraging and it literally took all I had to not just start crying right there in the office. I'm trying to stay positive and hope things are just taking a little longer this time, but it's so hard sometimes. As erin and beaglemom said, y'all are planning to move forward to IUI and such... I'd totally do it. But it's so hard to spend that kind of money with no guarantee when I've already spent so much. My husband is definitely supportive, but not so much of all the medical help. He's just so optimistic that it'll just happen, which is great, I wish I was that positive, but it's like I know something is wrong with me. I just highly doubt it'll happen on it's own. So unfortunately, if it doesn't happen this cycle, I'll be taking a break and maybe trying herbal remedies; maybe the Fertili-tea? I don't know, this is all so hard. I just never imagined id have so much trouble having a baby. : ( sorry to be the Debbie downer on a Friday! Hope everyone else is having a good day!

Do not apologize allison, this is what we're here for. We want to hear the updates, and we want to hear how you're doing... vent as much as you want! Do as the doctor says, and check out the OPK again, and if it looks pos like the pictures you posted the other day, give yourself the shot, and do NOT lose hope. I feel like it's these types of cycles where women feel like something didn't go right and they feel down and count themselves "out" for the month, that end up being the lucky cycles. I feel like I've read tons of stories of women who thought they might be out for the month because of one thing or another, and then bam, they got their bfp.

The trigger shot will make you O for sure, right? If the follies aren't as big as the doc wanted, what does that mean exactly? Does it mean they can't release an egg, or does it just mean the egg might not be viable?
Hello ladies, I am new to the website and have posted on few posts on some other forums. I have been trying to conceive since April. I have PCOS. I am on my 6th month of Clomid but first month with trigger. I had us down on cd 17 and follicle was 23. I triggered that night and did the dead the night and the following night. I received positive opk that afternoon prior to trigger. I had cramping cd 24 which was 7dpo. Yesterday was cd 27 / 10 dpo and I had some bleeding. Sorry for TMI but it was red and thin. I passed a small clot the size of a dime and within an hour it was done. No more at all. I took a pregnancy test last night which had a faint positive and then two this morning and both were negative. Will test again tonight. I will be out of town all next week and want to get beta done to see if positive. I am ridiculously thirsty ( drinking 4-5 time more then I usually drink) and exhausted. Thoughts? I had a mc in June and really afraid and want a healthy pregnancy
I have also considered fertilitea. Can't take it while on clomid. Also look in to accupunture. The one thing I do plan before iui or ivf is more tests for me. Want to make sure I have a chance before taking the risk. This is only my second clomid month but I can tell you it is way different than month one. I have good feelings for the days to come for you :)
Good luck wishing wife. sorry i have not idea. i would wait a few days and test again. can i trigger shot give you false positives?
Hello ladies, I am new to the website and have posted on few posts on some other forums. I have been trying to conceive since April. I have PCOS. I am on my 6th month of Clomid but first month with trigger. I had us down on cd 17 and follicle was 23. I triggered that night and did the dead the night and the following night. I received positive opk that afternoon prior to trigger. I had cramping cd 24 which was 7dpo. Yesterday was cd 27 / 10 dpo and I had some bleeding. Sorry for TMI but it was red and thin. I passed a small clot the size of a dime and within an hour it was done. No more at all. I took a pregnancy test last night which had a faint positive and then two this morning and both were negative. Will test again tonight. I will be out of town all next week and want to get beta done to see if positive. I am ridiculously thirsty ( drinking 4-5 time more then I usually drink) and exhausted. Thoughts? I had a mc in June and really afraid and want a healthy pregnancy

Welcome to the thread, Wishing! You never know, that could be implantation cramping/bleeding. And the faint pos on the HPT is a good sign, even though neg's the next morning... it's still early, for sure, so I'd keep testing! Good luck, hun! When you got the faint pos, did you look at it within the alloted timeframe? Just want to make sure, because if it was a blue dye test, I will tell you, I get evap lines EVERY single time on those. Not everyone has that experience, but I have heard TONS of women say blue dye tests are the worst for evap lines that look too similar to a faint pos. I stopped buying them and stick to the pink ones. But if you looked at it in the allotted time, no matter what color dye, then I would think its legit!
Yes it can, I tested it out thought- I took tests daily till I got a negative. Maybe it is still in my system. I read it could take 10-14 days

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