Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?
First, I read some articles about rising temps without a pos OPK. I got a lot of info. It said that there are times when a woman's LH surge can be so short, that she just misses the prime time to get that pos. And sometimes it's just not strong enough to fully register on an OPK. They're usually very reliable, but it can happen. One woman said she O's every single cycle (confirmed by blood tests and temping), but has never once gotten a pos OPK. That would definitely be "different" for me since I've ALWAYS been able to get one. But who knows. This feels like a weird cycle anyway. Trust me, i'm not freaking out just because it's two days past when I expected it... I'm more interested in the fact that my temps have risen so well. They aren't pretty, but they've certainly been rising, and are unbelievably high for me today. Temp rises like this just do not occur in the follicular phase, so I had to look it up. And even last month while on Clomid, my temps didn't rise like this until after I O'd.

I also got on FF's website, as they will give you updates on your chart and what FF thinks. I read the "Ovulation" status for the first time today (I just never thought to go there and look before, since I'm usually just on the app!), and it says that for my chart ovulation can't yet be pinpointed within a 24-hr period, but that once it has more temp data (I'm thinking it wants to see if my temp stays up), that its "possible" I may have O'd on cd10 or 15, according to current data. I dont think 10 is correct, as we're not supposed to O until 5-9 days after the Clomid, but I'm wondering if something happened, and it was a fluke. But cd15could be quite possible.

Anyway, just thought I'd talk this out... it's not definitive info or anything, and I'll keep checking the OPK. But every time I think of taking out the OPK now, I think about how my temp is already up, and since higher temps are what i look for after O, what would i be looking for in my chart now?? That's why i can't help but think it already happened. So it's possible that i COULD be in the TWW now. But I'm going to give it a few more days and see if the OPKs start getting lighter. Might even do one after work. If they do get lighter again at this point, I think I can assume I already O'd and just missed the surge, or I didnt O at all and have some freak occurrence of temps going on.

The weirdness makes me uneasy... it's hard enough TTC as it is. I had such a consistent and predictable experience with temps/opks up until this cycle. Oh, and even if I did O on either of those days, we were BDing around both of those times consistently, so at least my bases are covered.
Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?

Oops I missed this one Allison.... Hmmm, I don't know... I don't know anything about it, but if I were you, I'd be feeling same way... Weren't your others pos?? Are they getting lighter?? Maybe take a pic of what the last ones have been looking like so we can see.
My friend is actually living in Hawaii right now, so it definitely wouldn't work at the current time, but luckily she's moving back home next year. That would require a lot of thought before I went through with it anyways. I still have a lot of trying to do! Lol. As for adoption, I don't know. I'd want to be selfish too and go the closed adoption route, but I'd be worried as my child grew up that they would want to know their real mom and hold it against me that I hadn't let them know them. It would definitely depend on the biological parents too though. If they were nice people who genuinely just wanted a good home for their baby, I may be open to the open route, but definitely not if they were drug addicts or something of that sort. I really haven't even thought too much into adoption, I guess I'm just trying to stay hopeful that I can have my own. : /

I would def give my child the info if they wanted it...just not sure how I would feel about totally open though...but who knows.

My journey has been longer & taken many different routes & thought lines, so I have thought about all options. I hope you & everyone else is able to have their own too. :)
First, I read some articles about rising temps without a pos OPK. I got a lot of info. It said that there are times when a woman's LH surge can be so short, that she just misses the prime time to get that pos. And sometimes it's just not strong enough to fully register on an OPK. They're usually very reliable, but it can happen. One woman said she O's every single cycle (confirmed by blood tests and temping), but has never once gotten a pos OPK. That would definitely be "different" for me since I've ALWAYS been able to get one. But who knows. This feels like a weird cycle anyway. Trust me, i'm not freaking out just because it's two days past when I expected it... I'm more interested in the fact that my temps have risen so well. They aren't pretty, but they've certainly been rising, and are unbelievably high for me today. Temp rises like this just do not occur in the follicular phase, so I had to look it up. And even last month while on Clomid, my temps didn't rise like this until after I O'd.

I also got on FF's website, as they will give you updates on your chart and what FF thinks. I read the "Ovulation" status for the first time today (I just never thought to go there and look before, since I'm usually just on the app!), and it says that for my chart ovulation can't yet be pinpointed within a 24-hr period, but that once it has more temp data (I'm thinking it wants to see if my temp stays up), that its "possible" I may have O'd on cd10 or 15, according to current data. I dont think 10 is correct, as we're not supposed to O until 5-9 days after the Clomid, but I'm wondering if something happened, and it was a fluke. But cd15could be quite possible.

Anyway, just thought I'd talk this out... it's not definitive info or anything, and I'll keep checking the OPK. But every time I think of taking out the OPK now, I think about how my temp is already up, and since higher temps are what i look for after O, what would i be looking for in my chart now?? That's why i can't help but think it already happened. So it's possible that i COULD be in the TWW now. But I'm going to give it a few more days and see if the OPKs start getting lighter. Might even do one after work. If they do get lighter again at this point, I think I can assume I already O'd and just missed the surge, or I didnt O at all and have some freak occurrence of temps going on.

The weirdness makes me uneasy... it's hard enough TTC as it is. I had such a consistent and predictable experience with temps/opks up until this cycle. Oh, and even if I did O on either of those days, we were BDing around both of those times consistently, so at least my bases are covered.

I actually meant to mention to you maybe the surge was short & it didn't register on the opk. And remember, I think I o'd on cd 10 or 11. So if I am right, it is completely possible to O'd before the 5-9 days after clomid. At least you kept up the baby making sessions.

So many of us are having a crazy cycle! AHHHH! My husband just said I think you got a pos & just didn't see it. Too funny.
Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?

I am sorry I have no experience here...but I may start doing some googling. I may have to deal with it myself one of these days.
Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?

Oops I missed this one Allison.... Hmmm, I don't know... I don't know anything about it, but if I were you, I'd be feeling same way... Weren't your others pos?? Are they getting lighter?? Maybe take a pic of what the last ones have been looking like so we can see.

I'm really thinking that the positives I got were just false from the clomid bc that would've been waaaay too early for me. I went and got the CB digital, the smileys are so much easier for me. Lol. I'm hoping I miraculously get a smiley tmrw or Sunday though so I can think about how silly I was to worry. Lol
Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?

Oops I missed this one Allison.... Hmmm, I don't know... I don't know anything about it, but if I were you, I'd be feeling same way... Weren't your others pos?? Are they getting lighter?? Maybe take a pic of what the last ones have been looking like so we can see.

I'm really thinking that the positives I got were just false from the clomid bc that would've been waaaay too early for me. I went and got the CB digital, the smileys are so much easier for me. Lol. I'm hoping I miraculously get a smiley tmrw or Sunday though so I can think about how silly I was to worry. Lol

That is probably exactly what will happen :) Silly!
Ok, give me some advice ladies. I've been thinking about this damn appt all day, and I can't help but think my follicles HAVE to be almost ready. So, I'm thinking even if I don't get a positive OPK, I might go ahead and do the shot maybe Sunday night or Monday morning after I take another OPK? Would this be silly? I want them to release and I'm scared if I don't get my positive that they won't release! Should I do it? Or no?

I am sorry I have no experience here...but I may start doing some googling. I may have to deal with it myself one of these days.

Ok, so I just googled it. I was under the impression that the ovidrel just forced the eggs to release, but it actually will cause an LH surge bc of the HCG hormone. So ultimately, I suppose it wouldn't hurt any to take it. I'd just be forcing my own ovulation. I think I'm going to do it. They say they want the follicles 18mm, and I did have one that 18 across, but it was only 15 wide. So I mean that's practically ready one would assume, right? At least it should be by Sunday...
Yes beaglemom, we do seem to be having some crazy confusing cycles, lol! I've never had a confusing one before this one, so it's crazy that so many of us are now! And I do remember you O'd early too, so it's certainly possible that I did. Either that or on cd15. After this weekend, I think FF will have enough data to give me an O date, so we'll see. Btw, I did another opk tonight, and the line is WAY lighter (the lightest it's been this whole time), so I def think it happened already. Thanks for taking the time to read my long, drawn-out rant, lol!

Allison, I think I agree w/ you then... Your follies were gettin there, so by Sunday, I think you just might be ready. Especially if the shot will give you the LH surge. I really do think you'll be fine. I'm no doc, but I'd think if your doc really didn't want you doing it without a pos opk, he would've specified do NOT do it if you don't get a pos. Did you find any other women's stories about it? It just sounds like if it'll give you the surge, it will do the job it's meant to do, right?
Yes beaglemom, we do seem to be having some crazy confusing cycles, lol! I've never had a confusing one before this one, so it's crazy that so many of us are now! And I do remember you O'd early too, so it's certainly possible that I did. Either that or on cd15. After this weekend, I think FF will have enough data to give me an O date, so we'll see. Btw, I did another opk tonight, and the line is WAY lighter (the lightest it's been this whole time), so I def think it happened already. Thanks for taking the time to read my long, drawn-out rant, lol!

Allison, I think I agree w/ you then... Your follies were gettin there, so by Sunday, I think you just might be ready. Especially if the shot will give you the LH surge. I really do think you'll be fine. I'm no doc, but I'd think if your doc really didn't want you doing it without a pos opk, he would've specified do NOT do it if you don't get a pos. Did you find any other women's stories about it? It just sounds like if it'll give you the surge, it will do the job it's meant to do, right?

Yeah, I think so too. I'm not dr either, but it all seems to make sense and I can't imagine how it could hurt. I couldn't find any stories that were exactly the same as mine bc I think ovidrel is normally used with IUI. And they never told me to use OPKs until today, so I assume it doesn't matter if I'm having a natural LH surge, just as long as my follicles are mature. I'm just going to do it Sunday night before bed if I don't get a positive by then.
That's good that you at least got your bases covered in case you did O early! It's all so confusing, but I figure as long as you just keep up the BDinh you'll be sure to not miss it!!
Allison, keep us posted this weekend. Btw, I'm excited you got the CB digital. It is indeed much easier to read, and although I never got a pos for LH this month, it has worked great for me for the 6-7 months prior.
I got a smiley this morning!!! Already!!! I just called my dr office and they're checking with the dr to see if he wants me to go ahead with the shot yet or not. I'm just so excited I got the smiley! I confirmed it with the FR and it was positive too. I'm so excited! I thought it wasn't going to happen! Lol
I got a smiley this morning!!! Already!!! I just called my dr office and they're checking with the dr to see if he wants me to go ahead with the shot yet or not. I'm just so excited I got the smiley! I confirmed it with the FR and it was positive too. I'm so excited! I thought it wasn't going to happen! Lol

Congrats! I hope you get that bfp soon too.
Still getting high on the cbfm. . . really thought/hoped i would have got a peak today, but i can wait. i believe high is better than lows, so i will take it good thing my work schedule is favorable this week. usually i work 3 12hour shifts back to back and don't see the dh for four days. maybe since we can bd every day it will be our month.
I got a smiley this morning!!! Already!!! I just called my dr office and they're checking with the dr to see if he wants me to go ahead with the shot yet or not. I'm just so excited I got the smiley! I confirmed it with the FR and it was positive too. I'm so excited! I thought it wasn't going to happen! Lol

Ahh, yay!!! You have no idea how happy this made me when I read that! With all the confusing OPKs, I was SO hoping you'd get a clear pos so you'd feel good about doing your shot!! Yay, Allison, great news! :happydance:

How silly that I'm so excited about a pos opk, lol!
Still getting high on the cbfm. . . really thought/hoped i would have got a peak today, but i can wait. i believe high is better than lows, so i will take it good thing my work schedule is favorable this week. usually i work 3 12hour shifts back to back and don't see the dh for four days. maybe since we can bd every day it will be our month.

I bet you'll get a Peak any day now! How many days are the Highs on that monitor usually? I'm sure you'll get Peak by tomorrow or so. :) And I agree, all the BDing you're doing could make this your lucky month!
Just saw some spotting today. I may be out this month.
Still getting high on the cbfm. . . really thought/hoped i would have got a peak today, but i can wait. i believe high is better than lows, so i will take it good thing my work schedule is favorable this week. usually i work 3 12hour shifts back to back and don't see the dh for four days. maybe since we can bd every day it will be our month.

Good luck! Even if you don't get the peak, you could still O, so at least you got plenty of time for BDing this weekend!! Good luck!!
Just saw some spotting today. I may be out this month.

Oh no!!! It's still not over til she shows her ugly face though! Hang in there, you still just never know!! Keep us posted! My fingers are crossed for you!

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