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Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Allison...I am so sorry you didn't get the news you had hoped for. :hugs:
Yikes, wow that is expensive for ultrasounds - maybe you just need a little more time and can hopefully get a positive opk in the next day or two. It breaks my heart that all of us want babies so badly...hugs for everyone.
I have also considered fertilitea. Can't take it while on clomid. Also look in to accupunture. The one thing I do plan before iui or ivf is more tests for me. Want to make sure I have a chance before taking the risk. This is only my second clomid month but I can tell you it is way different than month one. I have good feelings for the days to come for you :)

This is only my second clomid cycle too, and I totally agree, it is completely different than the first! The first was exactly what doc wanted... for me to O on cd14. That happened, and I got the temp rise like I normally do, got crosshairs on my FF chart. Everything went as planned. This cycle my temps have been even more erratic, I haven't gotten a pos OPK (first time EVER). And my temperatures are now going up to post-O temps, even though I "supposedly" haven't O'd yet. Everything feels weird and different about this cycle. I do agree too, that I will have additional tests done prior to IUI, although I'm pretty sure they'd require them anyway. But I want to rule everything out and make sure the IUI has a chance.
Yes it can, I tested it out thought- I took tests daily till I got a negative. Maybe it is still in my system. I read it could take 10-14 days

Oh, I didnt realize the trigger shot could stay in your system that long... I assumed maybe a week to ten days, but up to 14. That must be frustrating when most women are ready to test for sure at 14 days. Hmm, well, I'm not sure then... if it's a possility that you could get false positives up to 14 days, I would consider waiting until the latest you possibly can then, as I can only imagine the emotional roller coaster of getting several false pos. :( Although your experiment sounded good...testing until it came up neg, so that you could assume it was out of your system...good idea! You never know, this could really go either way. But good luck, and baby dust! Fingers crossed that your faint pos was a true one that will show back up. :)
Thanks for the support, guys. It's nice to have people who understand.

Erin, if they aren't big enough, they may still release at O, but they won't be mature enough to be fertilized. Maybe we're both just taking longer this cycle. It's our bodies way of driving us crazy. Lol.

Beaglemom, I have looked into acupuncture as well. There's actually an acupuncture group inside of my dr office that they work with, but it's pretty expensive as well. Ugh. Everything is expensive since my insurance doesn't cover any infertility. Stupid insurance!

And welcome Wishing! I think I talked to you on another thread, so nice to see you again! I got a very faint BFP at 9dpo last cycle, but it only got lighter so I'm pretty sure it was just the ovidrel. Keep up testing though, hopefully it's the real thing!!
Wow, allison, you have a very good point... I dont get the ultrasounds or do the shots... but if I haven't gotten a pos OPK yet, it could very well be for the same reasons, that my follies aren't getting big enough either. Or since my temps did end up going up, maybe I ended up releasing an egg, but follies were small and egg was immature, so the hormones weren't strong enough to be detected by the OPK, but the prog made my temps go up... it's the only way i know to explain the higher temps.

I'm thinking I should probably get more proactive about my fertility... I have NO idea what size my follies are, even with the clomid, I never have the ultrasounds, and I haven't had bloodwork done. Might be time to schedule another appt and get this show on the road. I've wasted a year already.

Although, its strange that I've gotten a pos OPK every single month until this month, urgh.
I think we're just late this cycle. Maybe with the clomid built up in our systems, it's just delaying it a bit longer. This is the first time I've used OPKs with clomid, so I don't know about any of that. But it wouldn't make sense to me at all that you just wouldn't O this time, so I think it'll happen soon.

I just recently told my best friend that we were trying and was venting to her this morning about everything and she told me she'd carry a baby for me if it ever came to that. I just thought that was so nice of her. She already has a son, so surely she wouldn't have any issues, but it's the thought that counts. I guess you really do find out who your friends are. : )
And Erin, are you taking the clomid month to month without an ultrasound? My dr won't let me go unmonitored unless I do it every other month. I wish they would though.
I am going unmonitored on the clomid. My GYN thought my celiac disease and short lutuel phase were the issues behind my infertility. I love her attitude, at the end of our first visit she said "we're going to have a baby, I'm excited!!" and clapped her hands together.

What I liked the most is that in the past when I talked to DRs about not being able to get pregnant the #1 thing they said was, lose weight and that seemed to be the end of the conversation. Not once has she told me my weight is an issue or the "cause".
It's so weird how all doctors do different things. I wonder why mine won't let me do unmonitored w/o skipping a month. Oh well. Lol. When I told my gyno I thought I had PCOS she completely blew me off, so I went to an RE. They've been very helpful. Unfortunately my body hasn't been. Haha. Hopefully bc it's just the celiacs affecting you, you won't have to try too long!
Hoping the weekend brings positive opks for you girls! What a nice friend to even offer to carry your baby...you really do find out who your true friends are when you are sick or in trouble. With my stomach issues I have had a few friends run off...I am not contagious, I will not get you sick, I just wanted to be honest and I thought they would understand and support me...nope :(

I think I need to be more involved too...I thought that I would give it a while since I didn't expect to be pregnant the first month but after 8 cycles...I am getting older and don't want to waste more time. Busy month in December but I am going to schedule January appointments now - sometimes they fill up and then you need to wait a few extra weeks.

Everyone have a great weekend!
And Erin, are you taking the clomid month to month without an ultrasound? My dr won't let me go unmonitored unless I do it every other month. I wish they would though.

Yep, since I was Oing on my own to begin with and he was just trying to push it out a few days, he didnt see the need in u/s. Plus, he only gave me 25mg, so he doesnt have any worries of over-activity. But I think it also has a little to do with the difference between fertility specialists and regular OBs. I think the OBs are just willing to give you the little boost you may need if they dont suspect something more serious, but after a few months, they may then refer you to a specialist if it requires more in-depth evaluation. But an FS or RE's goal is to figure out exactly whats going on in your body as quickly as they can, and GET you prego, lol. So doing an u/s each month gives them a better picture of what's going on in there (especially if you're on higher doses) so that they aren't wasting time, and can determine next steps. But you've got me thinking about the whole follie thing now... and although it is convenient not having to do the u/s every month, it would certainly give me some insight into what's going on in there.
I am going unmonitored on the clomid. My GYN thought my celiac disease and short lutuel phase were the issues behind my infertility. I love her attitude, at the end of our first visit she said "we're going to have a baby, I'm excited!!" and clapped her hands together.

What I liked the most is that in the past when I talked to DRs about not being able to get pregnant the #1 thing they said was, lose weight and that seemed to be the end of the conversation. Not once has she told me my weight is an issue or the "cause".

Its such a great thing to love your doc! I feel the same about mine. He has such a positive attitude, and never acts like my age is a factor (even though we all know it is!). He jokes that I'm still young and all that, even though we both know I'm not, lol. And once he gave me the Clomid, he said "Hey, I'll see ya back in a few months when you tell me you're pregnant!" It just made me walk out of there feeling so good and wondering why I hadn't gone to him earlier about it! However, since I'm going on one year of TTC, I will most likely have to switch to a FS at some point very soon. My doc wants me to give the Clomid 5 months, but I'm giving it three cycles, and if it doesnt work, I think I'm going to switch to Femara. And after a couple cycles of that, he'll probably refer me to a specalist. But I have high hopes that the clomid will work and I'll get my BFP in no time!!
Hello ladies, I am new to the website and have posted on few posts on some other forums. I have been trying to conceive since April. I have PCOS. I am on my 6th month of Clomid but first month with trigger. I had us down on cd 17 and follicle was 23. I triggered that night and did the dead the night and the following night. I received positive opk that afternoon prior to trigger. I had cramping cd 24 which was 7dpo. Yesterday was cd 27 / 10 dpo and I had some bleeding. Sorry for TMI but it was red and thin. I passed a small clot the size of a dime and within an hour it was done. No more at all. I took a pregnancy test last night which had a faint positive and then two this morning and both were negative. Will test again tonight. I will be out of town all next week and want to get beta done to see if positive. I am ridiculously thirsty ( drinking 4-5 time more then I usually drink) and exhausted. Thoughts? I had a mc in June and really afraid and want a healthy pregnancy

Sorry...I missed this one...I hope the line comes back for you. Are you using the same brand test? What brand is it?
Wow so much activity again! I love it!

Thanks for the support, guys. It's nice to have people who understand.

Erin, if they aren't big enough, they may still release at O, but they won't be mature enough to be fertilized. Maybe we're both just taking longer this cycle. It's our bodies way of driving us crazy. Lol.

Beaglemom, I have looked into acupuncture as well. There's actually an acupuncture group inside of my dr office that they work with, but it's pretty expensive as well. Ugh. Everything is expensive since my insurance doesn't cover any infertility. Stupid insurance!

And welcome Wishing! I think I talked to you on another thread, so nice to see you again! I got a very faint BFP at 9dpo last cycle, but it only got lighter so I'm pretty sure it was just the ovidrel. Keep up testing though, hopefully it's the real thing!!

My insurance is the same with infertility. I am investing in a health savings account in 2014 so at least I will get a tax break.

Wow, allison, you have a very good point... I dont get the ultrasounds or do the shots... but if I haven't gotten a pos OPK yet, it could very well be for the same reasons, that my follies aren't getting big enough either. Or since my temps did end up going up, maybe I ended up releasing an egg, but follies were small and egg was immature, so the hormones weren't strong enough to be detected by the OPK, but the prog made my temps go up... it's the only way i know to explain the higher temps.

I'm thinking I should probably get more proactive about my fertility... I have NO idea what size my follies are, even with the clomid, I never have the ultrasounds, and I haven't had bloodwork done. Might be time to schedule another appt and get this show on the road. I've wasted a year already.

Although, its strange that I've gotten a pos OPK every single month until this month, urgh.

I am also unmonitored...I guess because clomid can be a wonder drug for some & to my doc's knowledge, we have no other issues...but also haven't tested...although I think she tested my blood once.

I think we're just late this cycle. Maybe with the clomid built up in our systems, it's just delaying it a bit longer. This is the first time I've used OPKs with clomid, so I don't know about any of that. But it wouldn't make sense to me at all that you just wouldn't O this time, so I think it'll happen soon.

I just recently told my best friend that we were trying and was venting to her this morning about everything and she told me she'd carry a baby for me if it ever came to that. I just thought that was so nice of her. She already has a son, so surely she wouldn't have any issues, but it's the thought that counts. I guess you really do find out who your friends are. : )

I have a friend who tried for 4 years & finally had success. So she is super sensitive & understanding toward me...very excited I decided to try again & am aggressive. She has also offered to carry a baby, but that would just be too weird...would she always bring it up? How would she act toward it? Would I freak on how she takes care of herself?

I am going unmonitored on the clomid. My GYN thought my celiac disease and short lutuel phase were the issues behind my infertility. I love her attitude, at the end of our first visit she said "we're going to have a baby, I'm excited!!" and clapped her hands together.

What I liked the most is that in the past when I talked to DRs about not being able to get pregnant the #1 thing they said was, lose weight and that seemed to be the end of the conversation. Not once has she told me my weight is an issue or the "cause".

My doc had almost the same response! She said here is your clomid script...it's exciting!
Ladies...I am feeling so unsure. AF like cramps...came home & worked on laying laminate with my husband a couple of hours, went to eat, came back & started moving furniture & out of no where the hormone monster showed & I totally snapped on him. I really hope it is prego hormones, not AF hormones. UGH!
Ladies...I am feeling so unsure. AF like cramps...came home & worked on laying laminate with my husband a couple of hours, went to eat, came back & started moving furniture & out of no where the hormone monster showed & I totally snapped on him. I really hope it is prego hormones, not AF hormones. UGH!

Well it's certainly the one time when snapping at your DH can be a positive thing!!! Hehe! You're still in it so far, yay! STAY AWAY AF!!!
Hoping the weekend brings positive opks for you girls! What a nice friend to even offer to carry your baby...you really do find out who your true friends are when you are sick or in trouble. With my stomach issues I have had a few friends run off...I am not contagious, I will not get you sick, I just wanted to be honest and I thought they would understand and support me...nope :(

I think I need to be more involved too...I thought that I would give it a while since I didn't expect to be pregnant the first month but after 8 cycles...I am getting older and don't want to waste more time. Busy month in December but I am going to schedule January appointments now - sometimes they fill up and then you need to wait a few extra weeks.

Everyone have a great weekend!

That's awful that you've lost friends bc of something so silly. I think sometimes people have problems dealing with illness and being sympathetic. In the long run of things though, I've learned just a couple good friends is better than a bunch of sh*tty ones. Lol.
The first of the year is a great time to get going on the baby train! Hopefully it happens before then though!!! : )
Erin- yeah I think you're right. An RE is more lets get pregnant and get outta here! My gyno wouldn't even talk about it with me, so it didn't even occur to me that they wouldn't be as involved. It'd definitely be a good idea to find a specialist if you're worried about it, which of course we all are. Hopefully it'll happen for you before that time comes though!!

And beaglemom, I don't know how my friend would act... She was super healthy through her pregnancy, so I don't think id really be worried about that aspect. But it's hard to say on emotions. I'm sure the baby and her would always be close, but I think if it was all gone into with fully knowing you were doing it for your friend everything would work out. I'd do it for someone. I think that would be such an awesome gift I could give someone. I've known my friend literally since pre-k, so as close as we are, I'd assume she'd be close with my baby no matter what. I guess it just depends on the friendship. I really hope it doesn't get to that point for either one of us though. I really want to experience being pregnant. And I really hope AF doesn't show up for you!! My fingers are crossed that those are your raging pregnancy hormones!!! : )
Erin- yeah I think you're right. An RE is more lets get pregnant and get outta here! My gyno wouldn't even talk about it with me, so it didn't even occur to me that they wouldn't be as involved. It'd definitely be a good idea to find a specialist if you're worried about it, which of course we all are. Hopefully it'll happen for you before that time comes though!!

And beaglemom, I don't know how my friend would act... She was super healthy through her pregnancy, so I don't think id really be worried about that aspect. But it's hard to say on emotions. I'm sure the baby and her would always be close, but I think if it was all gone into with fully knowing you were doing it for your friend everything would work out. I'd do it for someone. I think that would be such an awesome gift I could give someone. I've known my friend literally since pre-k, so as close as we are, I'd assume she'd be close with my baby no matter what. I guess it just depends on the friendship. I really hope it doesn't get to that point for either one of us though. I really want to experience being pregnant. And I really hope AF doesn't show up for you!! My fingers are crossed that those are your raging pregnancy hormones!!! : )

Yeh totally depends on the friendship & the friend...the other thing is she is 2 hours away now. I would also feel like I miss out on everything going on. I think it is an awesome thing to offer & to be able to do. I would not be able to...maybe after having a baby of my own, I would feel differently. I have also thought about adoption & do not think I would want an open adoption. I know that may sound awful & again I may change my mind as the situation moves forward...but just how I feel now with no emotions attached, I would want a closed adoption. I know it sounds selfish...but I just feel that way.

I think you have to totally explore all of these things & be completely honest with yourself.
My friend is actually living in Hawaii right now, so it definitely wouldn't work at the current time, but luckily she's moving back home next year. That would require a lot of thought before I went through with it anyways. I still have a lot of trying to do! Lol. As for adoption, I don't know. I'd want to be selfish too and go the closed adoption route, but I'd be worried as my child grew up that they would want to know their real mom and hold it against me that I hadn't let them know them. It would definitely depend on the biological parents too though. If they were nice people who genuinely just wanted a good home for their baby, I may be open to the open route, but definitely not if they were drug addicts or something of that sort. I really haven't even thought too much into adoption, I guess I'm just trying to stay hopeful that I can have my own. : /

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