Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

I dont know if this means anything, but thought I'd share... when I woke up this morning, I had a major temp drop (below cover line). I was SO discouraged to see this since I've been confused about my chart as it is. I did have a strange light pain this morning that I've never had before. It was my left lower abdomen, and it felt sorta like a pinch or something... and when I stretched a little, it almost seemed tight if that makes any sense. Don't know any other way to explain it. Anyway, that went away, and I went off to work. Well, I was posting in one of the 35+ forums about my temp dropping, and a couple of ladies mentioned that it could be an implantation dip. When i read that, I thought of the pain I had this morning too. Interesting that I'd have a pain I've never felt before on the same day as a temp drop. I'm not getting my hopes up too much, because I have temp dips after O in my other charts. But I couldn't help but think about that little pinching I felt this morning. I never, ever get stuff like that. Well, we will see if my temp spikes again tomorrow.
I dont know if this means anything, but thought I'd share... when I woke up this morning, I had a major temp drop (below cover line). I was SO discouraged to see this since I've been confused about my chart as it is. I did have a strange light pain this morning that I've never had before. It was my left lower abdomen, and it felt sorta like a pinch or something... and when I stretched a little, it almost seemed tight if that makes any sense. Don't know any other way to explain it. Anyway, that went away, and I went off to work. Well, I was posting in one of the 35+ forums about my temp dropping, and a couple of ladies mentioned that it could be an implantation dip. When i read that, I thought of the pain I had this morning too. Interesting that I'd have a pain I've never felt before on the same day as a temp drop. I'm not getting my hopes up too much, because I have temp dips after O in my other charts. But I couldn't help but think about that little pinching I felt this morning. I never, ever get stuff like that. Well, we will see if my temp spikes again tomorrow.

Good luck with this. I do not temp but I have def heard of the implantation temp drop. I have also heard of the pinch sensation. Is the timing right for implantation? I hope you have a spike tomorrow :) It seems I am always having weird stuff going on in my uterus area. Between my period, ovulation, & clomid I don't think my uterus ever gets a break!
The timing "could" be right. FF says implantation happens between 7-10 days, but could be a few days earlier or later as well (i guess it depends on how feisty the embryo is, hehe!). I'm 6dpo according to my chart, but I don't really know for sure if that's the day I O'd since I never got a truly positive OPK. The drop is only supposed to happen for one single day, and then the temp is supposed to go right back up. I searched FF for charts of women who got BFPs with the keyword Implantation Dip in there, and a lot of them had dips around 5-6dpo. Others around 9dpo. But there are also a lot of BFP charts that had no dip at all. I'm not thinking too much more into it, but I do hope my temp at least spikes back up tomorrow. I need them to stay high! :wacko:
How is everyone today? I'm pretty sure I already Oed, so let the TWW begin!! I start taking the progesterone again tomorrow... Yay... Lol.

So has anyone ever gotten a reading from the "baby psychics" in here? A couple ladies from another thread started a Facebook page and all of them ordered a reading so now I want to do one! I'm waiting to hear what theirs say before I do it though bc I don't know what to expect. It seems kinda strange, but interesting at the same time. Haha
How is everyone today? I'm pretty sure I already Oed, so let the TWW begin!! I start taking the progesterone again tomorrow... Yay... Lol.

So has anyone ever gotten a reading from the "baby psychics" in here? A couple ladies from another thread started a Facebook page and all of them ordered a reading so now I want to do one! I'm waiting to hear what theirs say before I do it though bc I don't know what to expect. It seems kinda strange, but interesting at the same time. Haha

Nothing new with me...another negative test this AM.

I would be interested in the psychic thing. I have alsways found it interesting & have always wanted to get a reading done in general but never did. I know it is mainly for fun.

Oh, totally forgot...I am totally sick today. Went to bed with a slightly sore throat & a very achey body...then woke up with a horrible sore throat. Trying to be careful in what cold meds I take just in case, but I can't just not take anything. I have to kill this virus!!! I hate being sick.
beaglemom, sorry about another BFN, but at least AF still hasn't arrived, that's good! If you're 18dpo like your ticker says, and AF still isnt here, I can't help but still feel super hopeful for you! That's a pretty good long luteal phase so far. I'm SO sorry that you're ill... I hate being sick, it's the worst. Feel better! :awww:

allison, yay, on to the TWW! So, where are the baby psychics? I dont know that I've ever seen them on here...?
Beaglemom, no AF yet is a great sign!!! I was that late last cycle, but only bc I was taking the progesterone, so I see no other reason than you're gonna get a BFP soon!!! : )

The one everyone is using is Cheri 22. I've seen a couple posts on here about her, she has a website that you order them thru. It seems pretty interesting. Apparently she tells you a month, which could be conception, the date you find out or the due date. She'll also give you a gender and somewhat of what the personality will be. So it's all kind of speculation but it still seems like it could be fun to hear. It's only $12, so I think I might just do it. Lol.
Beaglemom, no AF yet is a great sign!!! I was that late last cycle, but only bc I was taking the progesterone, so I see no other reason than you're gonna get a BFP soon!!! : )

The one everyone is using is Cheri 22. I've seen a couple posts on here about her, she has a website that you order them thru. It seems pretty interesting. Apparently she tells you a month, which could be conception, the date you find out or the due date. She'll also give you a gender and somewhat of what the personality will be. So it's all kind of speculation but it still seems like it could be fun to hear. It's only $12, so I think I might just do it. Lol.

Thanks. The clomid did give me a longer cycle last month. So if it were 32 again this month, I should start Friday. But by my calculations, I ovulated a few days early this cycle. So hoping it stays away & I am just one of those women who get a positive result late.
Beaglemom, no AF yet is a great sign!!! I was that late last cycle, but only bc I was taking the progesterone, so I see no other reason than you're gonna get a BFP soon!!! : )

The one everyone is using is Cheri 22. I've seen a couple posts on here about her, she has a website that you order them thru. It seems pretty interesting. Apparently she tells you a month, which could be conception, the date you find out or the due date. She'll also give you a gender and somewhat of what the personality will be. So it's all kind of speculation but it still seems like it could be fun to hear. It's only $12, so I think I might just do it. Lol.

That does sound kinda fun, hehe! :)

I live near a town called Cassadaga, and it's full of mostly psychics and mediums. Literally, that's what the whole town is known for, it's called the "Psychic Capital of the World". Weird, right? Supposedly psychics are drawn to that area because of the "energy" or something like that. Anyway, I always thought it might make for a fun day for me and DH to go see the town and get a reading, just for fun. :winkwink:
Fingers are crossed for you, beaglemom!!

And Erin, that does sound fun. I've always been kinda weirded out by psychic stuff bc I'm scared they'll tell me something I don't want to know, but I'm so curious at the same time. A lot of people have told me that they won't flat out tell you bad things, so I'm kinda thinking it might be cool now. I might still be scared to go in person, but online for entertainment purposes... Why not, right? Lol
Fingers are crossed for you, beaglemom!!

And Erin, that does sound fun. I've always been kinda weirded out by psychic stuff bc I'm scared they'll tell me something I don't want to know, but I'm so curious at the same time. A lot of people have told me that they won't flat out tell you bad things, so I'm kinda thinking it might be cool now. I might still be scared to go in person, but online for entertainment purposes... Why not, right? Lol

Oh yea, trust me, I'm terrified of hearing something I don't want to hear, LOL! I'm not a firm believer in that kind of stuff, but I'm also not necessarily a non-believer either. Who knows. Let me know if you do the online one with Cheri22! It would be fun to compare readings. :)
Beaglemom, no AF yet is a great sign!!! I was that late last cycle, but only bc I was taking the progesterone, so I see no other reason than you're gonna get a BFP soon!!! : )

The one everyone is using is Cheri 22. I've seen a couple posts on here about her, she has a website that you order them thru. It seems pretty interesting. Apparently she tells you a month, which could be conception, the date you find out or the due date. She'll also give you a gender and somewhat of what the personality will be. So it's all kind of speculation but it still seems like it could be fun to hear. It's only $12, so I think I might just do it. Lol.

Thanks. The clomid did give me a longer cycle last month. So if it were 32 again this month, I should start Friday. But by my calculations, I ovulated a few days early this cycle. So hoping it stays away & I am just one of those women who get a positive result late.

Well if your calculations are right, then honestly, 18 days with no AF is excellent, seriously. I know the clomid made both our cycles longer, so its hard to tell just yet, but it sounds very promising.
Erin, I think I'll probably do it later today. I just want to know what some random person would say. Curiosity will get the best of me. Lol
Fingers are crossed for you, beaglemom!!

And Erin, that does sound fun. I've always been kinda weirded out by psychic stuff bc I'm scared they'll tell me something I don't want to know, but I'm so curious at the same time. A lot of people have told me that they won't flat out tell you bad things, so I'm kinda thinking it might be cool now. I might still be scared to go in person, but online for entertainment purposes... Why not, right? Lol

Oh yea, trust me, I'm terrified of hearing something I don't want to hear, LOL! I'm not a firm believer in that kind of stuff, but I'm also not necessarily a non-believer either. Who knows. Let me know if you do the online one with Cheri22! It would be fun to compare readings. :)

I would be interested in a reading. It sounds fun! Let me know!

Erin...did your temp go back up?

Beaglemom...signs are looking good. Are you using a good quality test. I have read some women get late bfps...

Allison. ..yay tww...count down begins!

Real bad back pain today. ..wondering if it is my kidneys? I am scared and don't want to take meds...
Fingers are crossed for you, beaglemom!!

And Erin, that does sound fun. I've always been kinda weirded out by psychic stuff bc I'm scared they'll tell me something I don't want to know, but I'm so curious at the same time. A lot of people have told me that they won't flat out tell you bad things, so I'm kinda thinking it might be cool now. I might still be scared to go in person, but online for entertainment purposes... Why not, right? Lol

Oh yea, trust me, I'm terrified of hearing something I don't want to hear, LOL! I'm not a firm believer in that kind of stuff, but I'm also not necessarily a non-believer either. Who knows. Let me know if you do the online one with Cheri22! It would be fun to compare readings. :)

I would be interested in a reading. It sounds fun! Let me know!

Erin...did your temp go back up?

Beaglemom...signs are looking good. Are you using a good quality test. I have read some women get late bfps...

Allison. ..yay tww...count down begins!

Real bad back pain today. ..wondering if it is my kidneys? I am scared and don't want to take meds...

Using a mix of tests. Wondorf cheapies, Walmart cheapies, Accuclear which is blue dye, & FRER. None on the same day.

For a UTI, try taking cranberry pills/juice & vitamin C. They shouldn't cause any bad kind of mix. I like the cranberry pills because they are just easier to take. Keep up with fluids like water. Also, if you go to a pharmacy, there are pills called AZO (I think) & they combine the cranberry & vitamin C. Usually you can tell if it is UIT because it is really low & you may have not so clear urine.
So monitor this am said high, no peak. i waiting and did my digital around 1130 and it was positive. silly question would you call this day 1?
So monitor this am said high, no peak. i waiting and did my digital around 1130 and it was positive. silly question would you call this day 1?

Did you check the digital yesterday too, or was today the first day you used it? If you just got a pos on the digital this morning, I bet you will O by tomorrow, and 1dpo would be the day AFTER you O, which would be around Thurs. If you aren't temping, its difficult to say for sure. But that's how I used to guess it before I started temping.
So monitor this am said high, no peak. i waiting and did my digital around 1130 and it was positive. silly question would you call this day 1?

If using a clear blue monitor, I would say the fist day I do not have a peak after getting a peak....so typically I will get a peak maybe for 2 days then another high. That first day after the peak goes away I would say is day 1. If using other opks, I would say the day 2 after is day one...so just to make it easier, I would say day after tomorrow is day 1. Or you can keep testing & the first day you get a negative after having a positive would be day 1.

Sorry if this sounds confusing
Yes, Brooke, my temp did go back up. :) I was happy to see that this morning. I'll be even happier if it goes higher, but either way, just stay above the coverline, and i'm happy. I'm so sorry to hear that you think you could have a kidney infection or something.... is the pain really, really severe? do you have pain when urinating too? If it's a regular UTI, beaglemom is right, that AZO stuff is awesome! However, if you feel like its getting worse each day, don't mess around with that...go see a doc!
So monitor this am said high, no peak. i waiting and did my digital around 1130 and it was positive. silly question would you call this day 1?

Did you check the digital yesterday too, or was today the first day you used it? If you just got a pos on the digital this morning, I bet you will O by tomorrow, and 1dpo would be the day AFTER you O, which would be around Thurs. If you aren't temping, its difficult to say for sure. But that's how I used to guess it before I started temping.

erose- I am temping; however, with that said I work nights and temping doesn't always work. For instance i went to work Monday at 6 pm and i have not gone to bed yet and won't until 9 pm tonight (Tuesday). Therefore I am up over 24 hours and miss a temp. When I work three days in a row it can also be hard bc i don't sleep more than 6-7 hours and its not usually all at once and we don't have blinds so usually the sun heats me up too.

I have been point the cbfm in the am fmu and the digital in the afternoon or evening whenever i have time. i really didn't expect this one to be positive bc i ate and drank a few hours before. i will continue to test. Lots of ewcm. just waiting for my hubby to get home.

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