Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Hello, ladies! Mind if I join?

I took my first round of Clomid in May (50mg CD 3-7) and got preggo. Unfortunately, we had a MMC at 8 weeks and a D&C on July 8th. I tried to take another round of Clomid in August, but I don't think it worked, as my body was still healing.

So now, here I am! Getting back on the Clomid train! I finished my last pill last night.

Good luck, beaglemom! I hope you get your BFP!

Welcome Ginger, happy to have you! Let me say how terriby sorry I am about your m/c. I know how hard that must be, I can only imagine. :hugs: Hugs to you, Hun! Here's to hoping that the Clomid does the trick again, and that you get a sticky bean this time! :flower:
If I dont get my BFP this cycle (although I haven't lost hope, as I'm only 8dpo!), I'm gonna be trying REALLY hard in Dec, and I am determined to get a BFP before 2014. So if it doesnt work out this cycle, I'll start a new thread in Dec about getting a BFP for the New Year, and I'd love for you ladies to join, as I love keeping up with you girls (although I'm hoping and praying for BFPs for everyone this cycle, and really praying that I won't be starting a new thread at all). I mentioned to savvy that my parents will be coming down to visit in mid-January. Since they live 11.5 hours away, I was thinking how great it would be to tell them in person. I have a VERY close-knit family, and too many of the things I share w/them, has to be shared over email, phone, or Skype. It would mean SO much to me and to them, to be able to tell them something like that in person. I'm truly praying that this can happen.
Erin, I'm so glad you ordered one too! I can't wait to compare ours! And yeah, my husband thinks I'm crazy for sure. I haven't told him about the reading yet, I was just going to tell him when I got it. He's wanted to go to a psychic before though, so he might not think I'm too crazy for that. Lol.

FutureBabyG, so sorry you had those pains. That sounds horrible! I don't really have many O symptoms either. I usually get a little crampy, but it's always hard to pinpoint since I don't temp or anything. Let's just hope you caught at the exact time! Hope you're feeling better today though!

Beaglemom, I think the clomid can mess with your digestive system bc I've had that happen too before. And you're only one day off. I bet if you still tested on Friday you'd be ok. Keep us posted!!

And welcome GingerPanda! So sorry about the mc. I can't even imagine how hard that was! Are you taking anything in addition to the clomid now? I'm on progesterone also which they say helps keep the lining thick to avoid MCs. When are you expecting to O?
And Erin, that would be awesome to be able to tell your family in person! I hope I get a BFP before 2014 too. We said we'd start having kids in early 2013, so I'd like to at least keep that same year!!! I visited my grandparents last month and was really hoping id get to tell them then, but sadly the BFP didn't come! I hope hope hope you have better luck than I did bc I know how exciting that'll be for everyone!!
Ok ladies, so after lunch I went to the bathroom...and this may be a little gross...I had a little gas & it turned in to diarrhea. The strange thing is it was completely out of nowhere. It did not even feel like I had to go to the bathroom...just felt like I had to pee & then that happened. I had eatten at Red Robin...didn't even eat jalepenos which normally can upset my stomach...just a bacon cheeseburger. Nothing else weird today...just been drinking juice. I feel fine right now. I didn't even feel sick to my stomach at the time. So maybe I have more of a virus than just a cold. Or maybe it is something else. I may not be able to wait until Friday.

Oh & recounted the calendar...my last cycle was 32 days which means my period should start Saturday not Friday. So I am even further away than I thought. UGH!

beaglemom, I hope you are feeling better now! With all my tummy troubles I know I read that gas/diarrhea are common early pregnancy symptoms...I remember thinking "ugh, just what I need is more stomach issues!". So lets keep our fingers crossed it is an early pregnancy symptom. Also, one other thought - sometimes when my hubby gets really congested his stomach hurts from drainage - I know you mentioned you had a stuffy nose/cold...maybe drainage is irritating your stomach?

Hello, ladies! Mind if I join?

I took my first round of Clomid in May (50mg CD 3-7) and got preggo. Unfortunately, we had a MMC at 8 weeks and a D&C on July 8th. I tried to take another round of Clomid in August, but I don't think it worked, as my body was still healing.

So now, here I am! Getting back on the Clomid train! I finished my last pill last night.

Welcome GingerPanda! A few of us are at the end of our cycles (including myself) and a few more ladies are in the middle of the tww! We are all hoping to see lots of bfp's soon!

If I dont get my BFP this cycle (although I haven't lost hope, as I'm only 8dpo!), I'm gonna be trying REALLY hard in Dec, and I am determined to get a BFP before 2014. So if it doesnt work out this cycle, I'll start a new thread in Dec about getting a BFP for the New Year, and I'd love for you ladies to join, as I love keeping up with you girls (although I'm hoping and praying for BFPs for everyone this cycle, and really praying that I won't be starting a new thread at all). I mentioned to savvy that my parents will be coming down to visit in mid-January. Since they live 11.5 hours away, I was thinking how great it would be to tell them in person. I have a VERY close-knit family, and too many of the things I share w/them, has to be shared over email, phone, or Skype. It would mean SO much to me and to them, to be able to tell them something like that in person. I'm truly praying that this can happen.

I really hope we all get our bfp's this month and you can create a new thread in the pregnancy forums! Trying to keep positive thoughts for positive results!!

btw...my side back pain isn't as bad today. It is still there but not as bad as it was yesterday. I am going to wait and see, if it starts to feel worse or isn't better by Friday after I test...then I will call the doctor.
The stomach issues could very well be related to my cold/sinus issues. Just weird how it seemed to come out of nowhere & I didn't have an upset stomach. I am having some cramps this evening. So far no difference in the spotting...hoping it stays light.

Looks like a few of us are coming up on test day...good luck :)
It's so odd how going through this has made me hyper aware of my body and things that are happening. I'm not sure if anything is really symptoms because I can't remember what is typical for me each month. My periods are so regular that I never pay attention because it's always CD 28 and Hello AF. The only real symptom I have is that I occassional get a migrane on CD 26 or 27.

I'm not going to read in to anything but I wanted to just share how I'm feeling because then I can refer back to it later.

Yesterday, CD 20/4 DPO I had the worst headache, almost migraine, I felt like I do before AF. Today still have a headache and bad cramping/pressure. I also had a bit of nausea. All day I had cramping on and off and a warm feeling like I had to use the restroom. It also felt like my woman parts were going to fall out of my body like they were heavy or being tugged on. I went to the bathroom more often today only because I seriously felt like I was going to get AF and was worried. I kept expecting to see blood but nothing. The only thing that I saw was a lot of watery CM, again I'm not sure if this is regular for me because I never paid attention. I was super exhausted today and not hungry. I've had some middle back pain today. No breast changes that I've noticed.

I really enjoy following along with everyone and seeing how you are all doing. Praying for everyone!
Well I am out ladies :( I felt it last night...bad cramping. I told my husband I thought it was over. He said to keep hoping...then I woke up with bad cramps & it had started. So this cycle was 30 days long. And today I will pick up my final prescription for clomid...then the first week in December, my husband goes to the urologist. It really sucks right now, but I know good things are coming.

At least now I can take the good meds for my cold.

I am wishing everyone else better luck than me.
Well I am out ladies :( I felt it last night...bad cramping. I told my husband I thought it was over. He said to keep hoping...then I woke up with bad cramps & it had started. So this cycle was 30 days long. And today I will pick up my final prescription for clomid...then the first week in December, my husband goes to the urologist. It really sucks right now, but I know good things are coming.

At least now I can take the good meds for my cold.

I am wishing everyone else better luck than me.

Sorry to hear this beaglemom. I hope you can take your medications and sleep well. Get rested up for next cycle. Third times a charm,right?
Hi Allison,

Thanks for being patient with me while I got back to your reading. They are showing me a GIRL and they relate her to DECEMBER so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

You will find that your daughter has your creative spirit. is able to see what goes well together and take a leap of faith. She has a good heart, and is often the one that is going to be protective of the family including of her younger brother. They are showing her going out of her way to help people. She is kind, honest and friendly. The type that you know that your going to have a good time with hanging out with her.

She does not take things too seriously and is certainly able to laugh at her own mistakes, knowing that no one is perfect.

She has her hair just past her shoulders her hair is darker and her eyes are brown. They are showing her as someone who loves poetry and is often writing this about every situation in her life. Eventually turning them into songs and entering them into local radio competitions with a few of her friends singing it. She wins some pretty good prizes!

When ti comes to career paths, they are showing her linked to working in interior design.

When ti comes to marriage I am seeing her closer to 28. They will have two girls of their own

Let me know if you have any questions
Best Wishes

Omg, December?! I hope she really means next month December! That would be so awesome! And younger brother? I guess that means I'll be having a boy too...
I'm so sorry beaglemom! Third times a charm though. Keep positive, and just think about how it is going to happen, not when. At least you're being proactive and your husband is going to the dr. It could give you some answers at least. Good luck!

And welcome back, MissStacy! I hate symptom spotting. I feel like I get cramps and such so randomly, but then when I get them in the TWW, I'm like omg is it something? Lol. If you're only 5dpo, I surely wouldn't worry about AF right now. Just take it easy and think positively. : )
Ugh, beaglemom, so sorry. I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised. I had high hopes with your symptoms and your long LP. I know AF was a major bummer. Seeing the BFNs and getting AF can be really emotionally draining on us. GL in your 3rd cycle of clomid. Ive read a ton of success stories in the 3rd cycle (it's very common). I've decided that if this 2nd cycle on clomid doesn't work for me, I'm having dr bump up my dose for the 3rd.

Allison, your reading certainly has some positive info in it! Wow, December...wonder which it is... conception, news, or birth? :) I hope I get mine today. If i do, I'll post.

MissStacy, great to see you again! Ya know, watery cm is considered fertile too. Not to the extent that EWCM is, but still considered fertile. You sure you already O'd? I can't recall now if you track with OPKs or not.
Curious... Any of the clomid users have shorter AF? After my first cycle, I only had 2 days of it. Lots of brown spotting leading up, but only 2 days real AF. I'm wondering if that was from the clomid or just a fluke.
Erin, I think she normally does her readings at night, so you'll probably get it tonight. Mine came in at 11:30 last night, and of course I fell asleep like 10 minutes before that! Lol. It's definitely pretty positive, I can't really say how accurate though. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm very creative, so I don't know how she'd get that from me. But we'll see. Maybe I have a creative side I don't know about yet. Lol
And yes, it seems like AF is shorter for me too. Last one I thought would be awful and it wasn't. I had been googling stuff about the progesterone and everyone said it makes it heavier and all that good stuff, but it really wasn't at all. I think it was 4 days, so not too much shorter than my regular 5, but it was definitely lighter than usual.
Oh my gosh, I have so much to catch up on! :)

Thanks for all the welcomes!

ERosePW (Erin?):
It would be so sweet to tell your family in person! I understand what it's like to live several hours away from your family, and so this is also a dream that I have. I'm really hoping you get to tell them when they visit in January!

As for shorter AFs, I have not had that issue. They seem to be the same for me as always. But I've also not taken consecutive months of Clomid, so maybe that will change if I have to move up to 100mg next cycle. Experiment time!

Thanks, it was hard... But we tell ourselves that when we get pregnant again, it'll be the same little soul. So we didn't lose the baby so much as get delayed in having it. That being said, I was due at the beginning of February, and it would mean SOOOO much to me to get pregnant before then. :)

I'm not taking anything in addition to the Clomid except for my prenatals. I'm having a blood draw to check my progesterone on CD 20. I don't think my doctor will give me progesterone until I've had another loss, and I don't really want to self-medicate and mess myself up. I have PCOS, so I'm afraid I'll make myself worse. lol

The first time I ovulated on Clomid and got pregnant, I ovulated on CD 13. I'm expecting it sometime around then.

Your psychic reading sounded really positive! And also had a lot of specific things in it. A boy and a girl would kind of be the dream, wouldn't it? And December! Hopefully you get BFP'd up soon and find out in December! I dunno how I personally feel about psychics. Working the paranormal field has me kind of skeptical of them... but I do like the positivity!

Thanks! Hopefully we get a ton of BFPs in here ASAP. And I hope your back feels better soon!

Ouch, headaches and migraines are the worst! I hope you feel better soon. I think 4/5 DPO is kind of early for symptoms, but it's not unheard of.

Did you O really late this cycle? You say you usually have 28 day cycles, but today is CD 20 and 4 DPO.

I'm so sorry you're out! You're right that good things are definitely coming. I hope your husband's appointment goes well, and that you quickly recover from your cold. I also hope that AF is at least kind to you while she's here, and those bad cramps subside.

If I missed somebody, I'm sorry!
GingerPanda, I have PCOS as well. I've heard it's pretty common for pcos to thin your lining, making it harder for implantation to happen so it's definitely something to ask about. I've always had the ultrasounds with clomid so they've always measures my lining. If I do get a BFP, I'll continue to take the progesterone until about 10 weeks, so it must do something... If they're checking your progesterone, I'm sure they'd tell you if it was low though. Do you have the insulin resistance type of pcos or just the wacky hormones like me?
I do OPK and mine was positive on CD15 so I assume I o'd the next day or so. That is actually early because before clomid I use to get a +OPK on CD 18 or 19 of a 28 day cycle.

I don't think any of my symptoms are necessarly pg related. From reading online I think it could just be the clomid. I think it kind of intensives normal cycle symptoms for some people.

I don't remember a lot about my first cycle symptoms because I was so preoccupied with my grandma being in the hosp and her funeral. This is the first time I'm really paying attention

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