Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

So monitor this am said high, no peak. i waiting and did my digital around 1130 and it was positive. silly question would you call this day 1?

Did you check the digital yesterday too, or was today the first day you used it? If you just got a pos on the digital this morning, I bet you will O by tomorrow, and 1dpo would be the day AFTER you O, which would be around Thurs. If you aren't temping, its difficult to say for sure. But that's how I used to guess it before I started temping.

erose- I am temping; however, with that said I work nights and temping doesn't always work. For instance i went to work Monday at 6 pm and i have not gone to bed yet and won't until 9 pm tonight (Tuesday). Therefore I am up over 24 hours and miss a temp. When I work three days in a row it can also be hard bc i don't sleep more than 6-7 hours and its not usually all at once and we don't have blinds so usually the sun heats me up too.

I have been point the cbfm in the am fmu and the digital in the afternoon or evening whenever i have time. i really didn't expect this one to be positive bc i ate and drank a few hours before. i will continue to test. Lots of ewcm. just waiting for my hubby to get home.
Using a mix of tests. Wondorf cheapies, Walmart cheapies, Accuclear which is blue dye, & FRER. None on the same day.

For a UTI, try taking cranberry pills/juice & vitamin C. They shouldn't cause any bad kind of mix. I like the cranberry pills because they are just easier to take. Keep up with fluids like water. Also, if you go to a pharmacy, there are pills called AZO (I think) & they combine the cranberry & vitamin C. Usually you can tell if it is UIT because it is really low & you may have not so clear urine.

Hoping you are one of those women that needs to test a few days after her missed period...as long as AF doesn't show than you are still in the game!

Thanks for the suggestions...not sure if this is a UTI, I have never had one ever. Besides the lower back pain which is dull and on my sides I have no other symptoms...well except constant cramps below my belly button. I will definitely check out the Azo if I am not feeling better tomorrow, thanks.

Yes, Brooke, my temp did go back up. :) I was happy to see that this morning. I'll be even happier if it goes higher, but either way, just stay above the coverline, and i'm happy. I'm so sorry to hear that you think you could have a kidney infection or something.... is the pain really, really severe? do you have pain when urinating too? If it's a regular UTI, beaglemom is right, that AZO stuff is awesome! However, if you feel like its getting worse each day, don't mess around with that...go see a doc!

So excited your temp went back up!! :happydance: Fx'd it goes higher and stays higher!!

No, the pain isn't too severe. It is just like a dull, constant pain. No pain urinating and it seems fine in color - I have a small bladder and usually make multiple trips to restroom throughout the day and haven't noticed an increase. I have had cramps for a few days now. Earlier, I was just searching if lower back pain was common during the tww and I kept getting all this kidney infection/stone information so I got freaked out. I guess I'll see how I feel in the morning and see if I should go to doctor.

Thanks girls for your suggestions! I was just hopeful that the dull back pain was a good sign in the tww. :(
Savvysaver, I hope you feel better!! I think normally with a kidney infection you'd have other symptoms so if it's just the back pain, I'd attribute it more with the TWW. But definitely keep an eye on it and go to the dr if you need to!!

So, I ordered my reading! I paid a little extra and did the 24 hour rush bc I'm just that impatient. Lol. I can't wait to see what she says! I'll let y'all know as soon as I get it!!
Savvysaver, I hope you feel better!! I think normally with a kidney infection you'd have other symptoms so if it's just the back pain, I'd attribute it more with the TWW. But definitely keep an eye on it and go to the dr if you need to!!

So, I ordered my reading! I paid a little extra and did the 24 hour rush bc I'm just that impatient. Lol. I can't wait to see what she says! I'll let y'all know as soon as I get it!!

Thank you allison. At first I was hopeful it was a sign of being prego - I never have back pain (except last month when I pulled a muscle)...but now after a few days I am getting worried - I tend to search the internet and think the worst!

Super excited you ordered a reading - can't wait to hear what she says! Not sure if I should order now or wait until the end of the week when I test...
The psychic must be busy. I haven't heard anything, which really sucks bc I paid for the 24 hour and I'm now coming up on that and she hasn't even emailed me for my info. 2 of the other ladies on the Facebook group have gotten theirs though. One is pregnant and was told she was having a girl and the personality traits and everything she described was apparently pretty descriptive of either her or her husband, so that's cool. And the other one said she would have a boy and the month was January, so we'll see if she conceives then! I really want to know what mine would say if she'd ever get back to me!!!

I woke up so crampy and nauseous today. Ugh. I'm thinking it's the trigger shot making me feel awful, but I'll do what I have to do! Lol. How is everyone else today?
The psychic must be busy. I haven't heard anything, which really sucks bc I paid for the 24 hour and I'm now coming up on that and she hasn't even emailed me for my info. 2 of the other ladies on the Facebook group have gotten theirs though. One is pregnant and was told she was having a girl and the personality traits and everything she described was apparently pretty descriptive of either her or her husband, so that's cool. And the other one said she would have a boy and the month was January, so we'll see if she conceives then! I really want to know what mine would say if she'd ever get back to me!!!

I woke up so crampy and nauseous today. Ugh. I'm thinking it's the trigger shot making me feel awful, but I'll do what I have to do! Lol. How is everyone else today?

I'm anxious to know too! Too bad she's taking longer when you paid extra to have her expedite! I still can't locate her... how did you find her FB page?

Sorry you're feeling crappy this morning... I wonder if it is indeed the trigger shot... did it do that last cycle?
I think you can google cherri22 fertility psychic.

I am the same. No test today, maybe tomorrow. I just started feeling a tight kind of cramp. Hopefully this is also a good thing or means nothing. Nothing new besides still the brown spotting. Not a lot. The spotting has had a few times where it was pink or a darker red. But never a lot & nothing that I would consider a period. Friday is day 33, so I am hoping for good news that day.
Erin, like beaglemom said. Just google Cheri22 and it'll come up. I'm going to email her and ask what the hold up is. I understand if she's busy, I just don't want my money lost in space somewhere. Lol.

Good luck, beaglemom! You have got some awesome self control bc I would be testing everyday. Haha!
Erin, like beaglemom said. Just google Cheri22 and it'll come up. I'm going to email her and ask what the hold up is. I understand if she's busy, I just don't want my money lost in space somewhere. Lol.

Good luck, beaglemom! You have got some awesome self control bc I would be testing everyday. Haha!

I am honestly just tired of seeing one line. I am trying hard not to buy any expensive tests. So I have some cheapies...but basically it just boils down to tired of seeing just one damn line! So usually I wake up knowing my period has started. So if I wake up feeling nothing Friday, I will test with a cheapie. It is also easier to hold off when my husband is also not telling me to test.
Yeah, I know the feeling. I try not to test all the time bc I know it'll just be one line, but then when AF doesn't show, I'm like damnit I should've tested, so now I just do it all the time. Lol. I've been testing out the trigger shot, so it's really weird actually seeing two lines everyday. It's gonna be so sad when I finally get only one. If it's still negative and no AF by Friday though, I'm going to be going crazy for you!!! Lol
I am honestly just tired of seeing one line. I am trying hard not to buy any expensive tests. So I have some cheapies...but basically it just boils down to tired of seeing just one damn line! So usually I wake up knowing my period has started. So if I wake up feeling nothing Friday, I will test with a cheapie. It is also easier to hold off when my husband is also not telling me to test.

Friday testing buddies? I had one in my hand today and I made myself stop and wait...I cannot keep a secret or tell a lie so I have to wait until Friday if I want a birthday surprise for him...now if I don't get a + I will be in trouble since I didn't buy him a present! Fx'd...AF stay away!
Any ladies in her have ovulating symptoms. yesterday i had a positive opk but only a high on my monitor. the monitor was done in the am per instructions and opk done in the early afternoon. i didn't have any symptoms all day until dh and i bd. every so often my boobs would feel like someone stabbing them. then while i was laying there i felt like someone had strings they were pulling around my belly button and sometimes lower pelvis. i felt like a pumpkin being gutted. the pulling sensations were fast and random. none of them lasted a long time in the same area. applying pressure never changed anything or taking deep breaths. i had home nausea but nothing too serious. am i reading into this or did we just catch ovulation? should add. monitor still says huh and opk positive this am with same fmu. temp did go up a little.
Any ladies in her have ovulating symptoms. yesterday i had a positive opk but only a high on my monitor. the monitor was done in the am per instructions and opk done in the early afternoon. i didn't have any symptoms all day until dh and i bd. every so often my boobs would feel like someone stabbing them. then while i was laying there i felt like someone had strings they were pulling around my belly button and sometimes lower pelvis. i felt like a pumpkin being gutted. the pulling sensations were fast and random. none of them lasted a long time in the same area. applying pressure never changed anything or taking deep breaths. i had home nausea but nothing too serious. am i reading into this or did we just catch ovulation? should add. monitor still says huh and opk positive this am with same fmu. temp did go up a little.

Wow, sounds like maybe they could be O symptoms! I have heard some women get little O pains, but I've never experienced them myself. I'm not one of the lucky ones that ever feels O (that I know of). I will get crampy sometimes around that time, but I've never known whether I could really attribute it to O at all. Wish I could be more help here.
Erin, like beaglemom said. Just google Cheri22 and it'll come up. I'm going to email her and ask what the hold up is. I understand if she's busy, I just don't want my money lost in space somewhere. Lol.

Good luck, beaglemom! You have got some awesome self control bc I would be testing everyday. Haha!

Thanks girls, I looked her up, and I got intrigued. :winkwink: I ordered one as well, and I also did the 24-hr rush. I figured, hey, it certainly doesnt hurt anything, and if anything, it will just be something fun for me to think about, and to joke about with DH. I'm not sure if he'll think I'm crazy or not that I paid for a psychic reading (I mean, let's be honest...I'm sure he already thinks I'm crazy with all the CB and FR sticks and wrappers he sees in the trash!). LOL
Any ladies in her have ovulating symptoms. yesterday i had a positive opk but only a high on my monitor. the monitor was done in the am per instructions and opk done in the early afternoon. i didn't have any symptoms all day until dh and i bd. every so often my boobs would feel like someone stabbing them. then while i was laying there i felt like someone had strings they were pulling around my belly button and sometimes lower pelvis. i felt like a pumpkin being gutted. the pulling sensations were fast and random. none of them lasted a long time in the same area. applying pressure never changed anything or taking deep breaths. i had home nausea but nothing too serious. am i reading into this or did we just catch ovulation? should add. monitor still says huh and opk positive this am with same fmu. temp did go up a little.

Wow, sounds like maybe they could be O symptoms! I have heard some women get little O pains, but I've never experienced them myself. I'm not one of the lucky ones that ever feels O (that I know of). I will get crampy sometimes around that time, but I've never known whether I could really attribute it to O at all. Wish I could be more help here.

Thanks. I use to have ovulation pains years ago and md put me on bc because they were so bad. now when i need them to help me know. . . there no where. . . lol
Any ladies in her have ovulating symptoms. yesterday i had a positive opk but only a high on my monitor. the monitor was done in the am per instructions and opk done in the early afternoon. i didn't have any symptoms all day until dh and i bd. every so often my boobs would feel like someone stabbing them. then while i was laying there i felt like someone had strings they were pulling around my belly button and sometimes lower pelvis. i felt like a pumpkin being gutted. the pulling sensations were fast and random. none of them lasted a long time in the same area. applying pressure never changed anything or taking deep breaths. i had home nausea but nothing too serious. am i reading into this or did we just catch ovulation? should add. monitor still says huh and opk positive this am with same fmu. temp did go up a little.

I use the monitor & have always gotten a peak...but I have also heard not to assume you did not ovulate just because you didn't get a peak. Sounds like me on my first cycle of clomid. It was very uncomfortable to have sex that day. Not painful...but almost felt like there wasn't any room in there...like everything was slightly enlarged. But then cycle 2 felt nothing like that. Sounds like the egg is dropping. GOOD LUCK!
Ok ladies, so after lunch I went to the bathroom...and this may be a little gross...I had a little gas & it turned in to diarrhea. The strange thing is it was completely out of nowhere. It did not even feel like I had to go to the bathroom...just felt like I had to pee & then that happened. I had eatten at Red Robin...didn't even eat jalepenos which normally can upset my stomach...just a bacon cheeseburger. Nothing else weird today...just been drinking juice. I feel fine right now. I didn't even feel sick to my stomach at the time. So maybe I have more of a virus than just a cold. Or maybe it is something else. I may not be able to wait until Friday.

Oh & recounted the calendar...my last cycle was 32 days which means my period should start Saturday not Friday. So I am even further away than I thought. UGH!
Ok ladies, so after lunch I went to the bathroom...and this may be a little gross...I had a little gas & it turned in to diarrhea. The strange thing is it was completely out of nowhere. It did not even feel like I had to go to the bathroom...just felt like I had to pee & then that happened. I had eatten at Red Robin...didn't even eat jalepenos which normally can upset my stomach...just a bacon cheeseburger. Nothing else weird today...just been drinking juice. I feel fine right now. I didn't even feel sick to my stomach at the time. So maybe I have more of a virus than just a cold. Or maybe it is something else. I may not be able to wait until Friday.

Oh & recounted the calendar...my last cycle was 32 days which means my period should start Saturday not Friday. So I am even further away than I thought. UGH!

Oh gosh, beaglemom, I can't help but really be getting my hopes up for you, seriously. Maybe it is just a virus flushing its way outta your system, but maybe not... And even though AF isn't supposed to arrive until Sat, 19dpo is amazing! I SO wish you were temping, seriously! Because if you had slightly elevated temps for 19 days, they say that's almost a definite BFP. It's actually 18 days of elevated temps is almost always a BFP, so I'd be doing cartwheels for you right now! Fingers crossed girl! And super high hopes! :thumbup:
Hello, ladies! Mind if I join?

I took my first round of Clomid in May (50mg CD 3-7) and got preggo. Unfortunately, we had a MMC at 8 weeks and a D&C on July 8th. I tried to take another round of Clomid in August, but I don't think it worked, as my body was still healing.

So now, here I am! Getting back on the Clomid train! I finished my last pill last night.

Good luck, beaglemom! I hope you get your BFP!
Ok ladies, so after lunch I went to the bathroom...and this may be a little gross...I had a little gas & it turned in to diarrhea. The strange thing is it was completely out of nowhere. It did not even feel like I had to go to the bathroom...just felt like I had to pee & then that happened. I had eatten at Red Robin...didn't even eat jalepenos which normally can upset my stomach...just a bacon cheeseburger. Nothing else weird today...just been drinking juice. I feel fine right now. I didn't even feel sick to my stomach at the time. So maybe I have more of a virus than just a cold. Or maybe it is something else. I may not be able to wait until Friday.

Oh & recounted the calendar...my last cycle was 32 days which means my period should start Saturday not Friday. So I am even further away than I thought. UGH!

Oh gosh, beaglemom, I can't help but really be getting my hopes up for you, seriously. Maybe it is just a virus flushing its way outta your system, but maybe not... And even though AF isn't supposed to arrive until Sat, 19dpo is amazing! I SO wish you were temping, seriously! Because if you had slightly elevated temps for 19 days, they say that's almost a definite BFP. It's actually 18 days of elevated temps is almost always a BFP, so I'd be doing cartwheels for you right now! Fingers crossed girl! And super high hopes! :thumbup:

I know temping would give me a much better picture. But I never sleep through the night. I usually get up once or twice to let my dogs out. Plus with the way I am right now thinking I have a cold, my temp would probably be off anyways.

Hello, ladies! Mind if I join?

I took my first round of Clomid in May (50mg CD 3-7) and got preggo. Unfortunately, we had a MMC at 8 weeks and a D&C on July 8th. I tried to take another round of Clomid in August, but I don't think it worked, as my body was still healing.

So now, here I am! Getting back on the Clomid train! I finished my last pill last night.

Good luck, beaglemom! I hope you get your BFP!

Thanks & good luck with this round of clomid!

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