Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

Omg, December?! I hope she really means next month December! That would be so awesome! And younger brother? I guess that means I'll be having a boy too...

That is so awesome, and would be a great holiday present!
GingerPanda, I have PCOS as well. I've heard it's pretty common for pcos to thin your lining, making it harder for implantation to happen so it's definitely something to ask about. I've always had the ultrasounds with clomid so they've always measures my lining. If I do get a BFP, I'll continue to take the progesterone until about 10 weeks, so it must do something... If they're checking your progesterone, I'm sure they'd tell you if it was low though. Do you have the insulin resistance type of pcos or just the wacky hormones like me?

Wacky hormones. Actually, the only symptoms of PCOS I have are high testosterone and wonky cycles. I have had cysts once or twice, but that was when I was in my teens, before I was diagnosed. I'll be sure to ask about the progesterone when I go in for my blood draw. :thumbup:

I do OPK and mine was positive on CD15 so I assume I o'd the next day or so. That is actually early because before clomid I use to get a +OPK on CD 18 or 19 of a 28 day cycle.

I don't think any of my symptoms are necessarly pg related. From reading online I think it could just be the clomid. I think it kind of intensives normal cycle symptoms for some people.

I don't remember a lot about my first cycle symptoms because I was so preoccupied with my grandma being in the hosp and her funeral. This is the first time I'm really paying attention

Oh, so your LP is short. I see now! Sorry. I was just confused. Hopefully it means the Clomid is working wonders for you!

I'm sorry about your grandma. :(
AF is the same for me on the clomid. Wonder if I can ask my doc to up my 3rd month. Especially since we know husband has a low count. Also wondering about progesterone myself. I have read online that brown spotting before AF can be a sign of low progesterone.

AF should be fine...I am kicking her ass with ibprofen & today is our Thanksgiving potluck at work...I have requested someone to buy me mt dew. So I am set. I took ibprofen this morning & some strong cold meds...I am kicking her ass & this cold's ass.
Hahaha, beaglemom, that's funny! I would definitely ask about the progesterone. You can even get creams that contain it that you just rub on yourself. On your stomach is where they say to use it I think.

And GingerPanda, I'm the same. I've never had any cysts that I've known of, but they said my ovaries did look polycystic, whatever that means. My testosterone is high and I've always had wacky cycles. So looks like we're pretty similar!
Yay, wonky body twins! WE'RE SPECIAL!

beaglemom...so sorry AF got you this month. Hoping for a bfp for you soon!

allison...December...trying to remember when you O'd...maybe you should test December 1st!! Fx'd!

I am getting nervous over here...my side/back pains are much better, but I am still a little sore, also cramps and zits...I am hoping AF is not on her way. I did have a dream last night that a friend leaned over and asked me "Are you pregnant?" and I said "yes"...I am not sure who my friend was though, I couldn't see her face and that is all I could remember from the dream when I woke up...
AF is the same for me on the clomid. Wonder if I can ask my doc to up my 3rd month. Especially since we know husband has a low count. Also wondering about progesterone myself. I have read online that brown spotting before AF can be a sign of low progesterone.

AF should be fine...I am kicking her ass with ibprofen & today is our Thanksgiving potluck at work...I have requested someone to buy me mt dew. So I am set. I took ibprofen this morning & some strong cold meds...I am kicking her ass & this cold's ass.

How many mg are you on now? I'm only on 25mg, such a low dose! So my doc shouldnt have any problem upping mine. But no matter what dose you're on, as long as you're tolerating it well, your doc might not have a problem with it. Sometimes though, they might want start doing u/s before upping your dose. If you're producing several good follies, they wont want to overstimulate with higher meds. But it doesnt hurt to ask. I think on such a low dose as 25mg, its probably close to impossible to overstimulate! So I'm seriously considering it. Oh, and I also wonder about my prog (I've always gotten the brown spotting). I've always assumed it was ok since my temp rises (it's the prog after egg release that causes the temp to rise). But the more I think about it, just because my temp goes up, yes that means there's prog there, but maybe it doesnt necessarily mean that its high enough to maintain a pregnancy. So i'm thinking about whether I should also talk to them about finally testing all my hormones, cortisol, thyroid, etc. Something is preventing me from getting prego, and I want to know what it is.
Savvysaver, I did the trigger shot on Saturday night so I'm assuming I Oed on Sunday or Monday... Which would actually put me around the 1st to be at 14dpo, so I may wait til then to test just bc of the reading. Lol
I've been breaking out horribly too. I've got a painful one right on my chin that will not go away!!! Uggghhh!!!

And erin, I would definitely go in to have everything checked if it doesn't happen soon! And when you/if you make an appt, try to make it around the beginning of your cycle, like the first couple days so that they can go ahead and do the tests. A lot of them they do in the beginning of your cycle and then they'll do them again after you O. I went right after my period ended so I had to wait like the entire cycle to go back. It was annoying!
AF is the same for me on the clomid. Wonder if I can ask my doc to up my 3rd month. Especially since we know husband has a low count. Also wondering about progesterone myself. I have read online that brown spotting before AF can be a sign of low progesterone.

AF should be fine...I am kicking her ass with ibprofen & today is our Thanksgiving potluck at work...I have requested someone to buy me mt dew. So I am set. I took ibprofen this morning & some strong cold meds...I am kicking her ass & this cold's ass.

How many mg are you on now? I'm only on 25mg, such a low dose! So my doc shouldnt have any problem upping mine. But no matter what dose you're on, as long as you're tolerating it well, your doc might not have a problem with it. Sometimes though, they might want start doing u/s before upping your dose. If you're producing several good follies, they wont want to overstimulate with higher meds. But it doesnt hurt to ask. I think on such a low dose as 25mg, its probably close to impossible to overstimulate! So I'm seriously considering it. Oh, and I also wonder about my prog (I've always gotten the brown spotting). I've always assumed it was ok since my temp rises (it's the prog after egg release that causes the temp to rise). But the more I think about it, just because my temp goes up, yes that means there's prog there, but maybe it doesnt necessarily mean that its high enough to maintain a pregnancy. So i'm thinking about whether I should also talk to them about finally testing all my hormones, cortisol, thyroid, etc. Something is preventing me from getting prego, and I want to know what it is.

I had a clear hsg, so the clomid was my docs next step. She put me on 50 mg as a booster. In the meantime, we found out my husband has a low count. I don't think drastic, but low. SO that is why he is going to the urologists. I have not been monitored at all. So maybe she can up it & add the monitoring. Whatever it takes. I would love the clomid to work...cheaper than IVF & IUI. But we will see what she says.
allison, thanks for the tip! I need to make up my mind now, so that I can get an appt for the first test at the beginning of my next cycle then. Do OBs typically run those? Or would I have to find a fertility specialist?
I don't know. It probably depends on the OB. Mine wouldn't even listen to me when I told her I thought I had pcos, so that's why I went the specialist route. You could always call and ask though!
allison, thanks for the tip! I need to make up my mind now, so that I can get an appt for the first test at the beginning of my next cycle then. Do OBs typically run those? Or would I have to find a fertility specialist?

My OB office says they specialize in fertility. A few years back when I told her of my infertility, but I was not actively trying, she actually pissed me off a bit on how pushy she was about it. But by the next year, she laid off me a bit just saying are you sure?...then after that no more questions until I brought it up. She was very excited to get started. But I think she only goes so far. Not sure if she actually does IVF or IUI. But as Allison said, depends on the doctor. I hope you have an awesome one who listens to you like mine.
Not sure what dpo i am. i would guess today is 1dpo. I got my eighth high on the cbfm. no peaks, only second cycle with it and its still getting use to my levels. i had a smiley on my opk yesterday and the day before, so going to guess i ovulated yesterday? Anyone want to chart stock and see if you see anything different? I did temp and it looks like it agrees with the opks. i did miss a temp bc i worked the night before and didn't go to bed. Hopefully this cycle will give me more knowledge about my cycles for next month. Baby dust to all those waiting to test and starting there new cycle.
Savvysaver, I did the trigger shot on Saturday night so I'm assuming I Oed on Sunday or Monday... Which would actually put me around the 1st to be at 14dpo, so I may wait til then to test just bc of the reading. Lol
I've been breaking out horribly too. I've got a painful one right on my chin that will not go away!!! Uggghhh!!!

And erin, I would definitely go in to have everything checked if it doesn't happen soon! And when you/if you make an appt, try to make it around the beginning of your cycle, like the first couple days so that they can go ahead and do the tests. A lot of them they do in the beginning of your cycle and then they'll do them again after you O. I went right after my period ended so I had to wait like the entire cycle to go back. It was annoying!

Allison, now I am super excited for you! I read up on cheri22 and it looks like she has awesome success, fx'd that December is the month you find out! I hate zits on the chin, that is where my biggest one is now. So painful!

I know you wrote it to Erin...but thanks for the suggestions on the appointments...if I don't get a bfp I am definitely scheduling an appointment so at least I will be prepared with good info!
FutureBabyG, your chart looks good! If I had to guess, I'd say you O'd cd22 or so. Ooh, I'm excited for you! I love seeing others' charts! Your chart had such a good temp rise!!! :) :) :)

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