Onto Next Round of Clomid - CD1

BFN :cry:

I usually get up during the night to pee (about 3:30am today) and I tested at 6:30am, so I am not sure if that would be considered fmu or smu?

Felt extreme cramps early this morning like I usually do right before AF shows...if she does have to visit this month, I wish she would miss the train so she doesn't ruin my weekend too. Off to the stores in a bit to buy my hubby a birthday gift...I don't think a negative test would be a good gift :(
BFN :cry:

I usually get up during the night to pee (about 3:30am today) and I tested at 6:30am, so I am not sure if that would be considered fmu or smu?

Felt extreme cramps early this morning like I usually do right before AF shows...if she does have to visit this month, I wish she would miss the train so she doesn't ruin my weekend too. Off to the stores in a bit to buy my hubby a birthday gift...I don't think a negative test would be a good gift :(

Sorry about your results this morning. I am not sure what would be fmu or smu...but you had about 3 hours in between so it should be ok...good luck in the next few days.

I was actually happy to start yesterday as far as the weekend goes...have the bad days while I am at work. Usually after day 2, no heavy flow or cramps. Also no major bitch moods so I can enjoy the time with my husband.
Savvy, so sorry for the BFN this morning since you wanted that for your DH's birthday. But test again tomorrow....his bday is tomorrow, right? So maybe you'll wake up to a great surprise for you both after all. I'm not losing hope til AF arrives for you!
allison, thanks for the tip! I need to make up my mind now, so that I can get an appt for the first test at the beginning of my next cycle then. Do OBs typically run those? Or would I have to find a fertility specialist?

My OB office says they specialize in fertility. A few years back when I told her of my infertility, but I was not actively trying, she actually pissed me off a bit on how pushy she was about it. But by the next year, she laid off me a bit just saying are you sure?...then after that no more questions until I brought it up. She was very excited to get started. But I think she only goes so far. Not sure if she actually does IVF or IUI. But as Allison said, depends on the doctor. I hope you have an awesome one who listens to you like mine.

I'd be so happy if my OB does more fertility stuff than just the clomid. I love my doc so much, and it would just be really great if I could stick with him for as long as I can during this journey, before moving on to a FS. I would think blood tests would certainly be a simple enough thing. Guess I'll find out when I call! I'll do whatever it takes, and I have a feeling after this cycle (if no bfp again), I'm gonna really be feelin' that year mark like a slap in the face.
So sorry Savvysaver! But like Erin said, it's not over til AF shows! Keep us posted, my fingers are crossed for you!

Erin, have you gotten your reading yet?? And I'm so jealous that you and beaglemom have such nice doctors. I really thought I liked my OB, I've been going to her for years. Oddly enough, my boss goes to her too, so we've always talked about how nice she was. So I was really put off when she wouldn't even listen to me. It makes me not even want to go back to her. Does anyone know is FS will follow you thru your whole pregnancy, or will I go to a different dr after a while? Bc I think I'll find a new dr if I have to go back to an OB.
So sorry, savvysaver! Hopefully the cramps are something else, and she-who-shall-not-be-named doesn't show!

allisonmh, all the FS I have heard of will not see you your whole way through pregnancy. Some refer you to a regular OB as soon as you're pregnant, and some will see you til you reach 12 weeks. Depends on the FS. I'm sure there are some out there that go all the way, but I think it's very unusual.
Thanks girls...I was pretty upset this morning. I was just at the grocery store and had to cut my trip short because I was so nauseous, once I got outside I felt better.

Erin, you are right...I would love to get a bfp on hubby's birthday.

I know I am not out yet, I have read of plenty of women who have to wait a few days after their missed period - plus I didn't use fmu and I used a cheap test, which I am going to guess isn't as accurate this early.

Stupid Question...do I call my OB if I want hubby's swimmers tested? I think I would rather have him checked out first since there is a possibility he has complications from his hernia surgery.
Not a stupid question at all. My OB/GYN referred my hubs for his SA. He wrote the prescription for it on an Rx pad and gave it to me, along with the number for the lab. I called the lab, set up the appointment time, and gave hubs the prescription sheet. He turned it in when he went in to make his deposit.

I have also heard of GPs requesting SA as well, so he could try asking his regular doctor if he isn't embarrassed.

Hope that helps!
Not a stupid question at all. My OB/GYN referred my hubs for his SA. He wrote the prescription for it on an Rx pad and gave it to me, along with the number for the lab. I called the lab, set up the appointment time, and gave hubs the prescription sheet. He turned it in when he went in to make his deposit.

I have also heard of GPs requesting SA as well, so he could try asking his regular doctor if he isn't embarrassed.

Hope that helps!

Thank you! Sounds easy enough!
No problem! I thought it was customary for the doctor to have the SA results before prescribing Clomid (because there's no point in forcing ovulation if the hubs is shooting blanks or something), but I guess every doctor does things differently.
No problem! I thought it was customary for the doctor to have the SA results before prescribing Clomid (because there's no point in forcing ovulation if the hubs is shooting blanks or something), but I guess every doctor does things differently.

Oops, sorry for the confusion! I think I am the only one here NOT on clomid. I met Erose on a different thread and followed her here. I was interested in clomid, if I don't get a bfp in the next two cycles I will be requesting an appointment and hopefully clomid. I have never been tested or seen a doctor about becoming pregnant. Because of DH's hernia surgery I want to get him checked out first...with my health issues I don't need anymore stress or meds unless absolutely necessary.
Ah, I see! :haha:

Well, as I said, most doctors will want to check your guy out first (especially if he's had surgery in that area), since that testing is less invasive and cheaper. How long have you been TTC?
grr another high on the monitor today. i didn't do an opk. temp dipped down but i don't know.

my hubby scheduled and FS appointment. i have my ob/gyn yearly appointment in January and then the fs appointment in February. Hopefully we don't have to go that far.
Thanks girls...I was pretty upset this morning. I was just at the grocery store and had to cut my trip short because I was so nauseous, once I got outside I felt better.

Erin, you are right...I would love to get a bfp on hubby's birthday.

I know I am not out yet, I have read of plenty of women who have to wait a few days after their missed period - plus I didn't use fmu and I used a cheap test, which I am going to guess isn't as accurate this early.

Stupid Question...do I call my OB if I want hubby's swimmers tested? I think I would rather have him checked out first since there is a possibility he has complications from his hernia surgery.

My doctor gave me the referral for SA. I could not get any other doctor to do it. He was sent to an IVF lab. But when we had the first one done years ago in FL, we were able to just go to a urologist I think.

No problem! I thought it was customary for the doctor to have the SA results before prescribing Clomid (because there's no point in forcing ovulation if the hubs is shooting blanks or something), but I guess every doctor does things differently.

I think clomid is just the go-to drug. My husband had a normal SA years ago. We knew we needed another one, but the timing was always wrong. Didn't want to waste his boys durig ovulation & didn't want to waste the money during TWW. So finally when I started AF one cycle I told him to take care of himself to start fresh, then a few days later had the SA.

Plus the SA is around $200+ & my clomid is $10 a month.

grr another high on the monitor today. i didn't do an opk. temp dipped down but i don't know.

my hubby scheduled and FS appointment. i have my ob/gyn yearly appointment in January and then the fs appointment in February. Hopefully we don't have to go that far.

Don't get too bogged down on the peak vs high...just do what you need to do during the highs. No peak does not mean no ovulation.
Ah, I see! :haha:

Well, as I said, most doctors will want to check your guy out first (especially if he's had surgery in that area), since that testing is less invasive and cheaper. How long have you been TTC?

This is our 8th month, we are both in our 30's. With my special diet and stomach issues my OB/GYN would have to work with my GI doc to make sure any meds will play nicely. Figuring on calling to set up an appointment for 2014 since most doctors I see have a month or more waiting time.

My doctor gave me the referral for SA. I could not get any other doctor to do it. He was sent to an IVF lab. But when we had the first one done years ago in FL, we were able to just go to a urologist I think.

I think clomid is just the go-to drug. My husband had a normal SA years ago. We knew we needed another one, but the timing was always wrong. Didn't want to waste his boys durig ovulation & didn't want to waste the money during TWW. So finally when I started AF one cycle I told him to take care of himself to start fresh, then a few days later had the SA.

Plus the SA is around $200+ & my clomid is $10 a month.

Wow, I thought the SA would be cheaper than that! I don't care about the cost, I think it will at least eliminate my biggest fear in our TTC journey...then we can go from there what needs to be done. Thanks for the heads up though so I don't freak out when they hand us the bill!

We can't use our regular doctor...he is a relative and we aren't telling anyone we are TTC. So I will have to go through my OB/GYN.
Yeh it is not cheap. SOme insurance may cover it, but most don't.

I forgot to mention...once the results came back, they mailed it to my husband & to my doctor. She was the one that read the results & referred us to urologist. But not really read them...just had a nurse call & set up the appointment. I had to google what "low" is to compare to the report.

I am feeling a little depressed. Things are hard anyways because my husband works nights & an extra night now because he is in retail & Christmas is coming. So it is 4 on then 1 half night then 3 off. Tonight is his half night, so I at least get to eat dinner with him & be with him for a bit before he leaves. This schedule should be over come January & he will be back on days. So that's part of it. The other thing is my doctor has not called me back yet & I know they are closed now. CD 5 is on Monday, so I went ahead & picked up my clomid. My last cycle on clomid. It feels so depressing for me. There may still be a chance she will up it, but probably not. So I am kind of feeling crazy. I want to buy a ton of ovulation tests & test twice a day every day even though I have the monitor. I just feel like I need a back up. I don't know. I feel just all over the place. Maybe I am hormonal. Anyways...I am just ready to be with my husband for more than 15 minutes this evening.

I really hope this cycle is better on you guys than it was on me. This just feels so exhausting. The thought of IUI & IVF scares me. What if it doesn't work & what if this just isn't going to happen for us. If we put all our money in these things, will we even be able to consider adoption when it is all over. And how many attempts to I put in? I think I will feel a little better after my husband has his appointment. That's week after next. At least maybe they can tell us if these things are even an option.

Good luck to everyone on the rest of this cycle. I hope your journey is way shorter than mine.
Huh, our insurance didn't cover it, and the SA was $90. I guess it depends on where it's done.
beaglemom - I am sorry your husband has to work such a terrible shift while you are TTC, at least it sounds like he will have a better shift once the new year comes.

Hopefully after your appointment you will know more information to be able to make some choices. I am not sure of your age or how long you have been TTC. Our friend and his wife are 39/40 and they found out about a year ago they both could not conceive. They have tried a few rounds but it gets expensive and they have had no luck. They are currently looking into adoption.

I would not wish this on anyone. It just breaks my heart to read your story and other women's stories. I hope this last round of clomid does the trick and you get your sticky bean. :hugs:
Basically We tried for about 4 years after we were married...then stopped for about 6 years...then I turned 30 & I felt like we needed to try again. We were happy those 6 years just being married. But we both feel it is time to move forward again. I have basically not taken birth control since 2003. We have been actively trying again since about August. I am 32 next April & husband just turned 36. So we are still young...& hopeful. Before these last few months, we have not been any more aggressive than just trying to time it. But during those 6 years off, we never thought about it.

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