So my appointment went well!
I talked to her about everything from my cycles to my mc to opks everything. I put all the little details in my journal. I did get a script for progesterone! I take my first suppository tonight.
I get day 21 blood work on Friday (even though I'll only be 6dpo) and I will get the results on Monday.
Carly I really liked my new doctor thank goodness! It looks like you are getting closer to your fertile window how exciting!
Sarah Oh my I had no idea you went through all of that! I am so sorry you had to go through that I cannot imagine how hard it was. You are one tough mother that is for sure.
Sweetscarlet, Faith, & Mommy2Rosie if you don't mind I'd like to share what has helped me with opk testing.
This is all what worked for me and of course different things can work for different people. Since a lot of women probably read this thread for the topic of opks, in hopes of possibly helping someone else I thought I would put my two cents in. So first a little background about me to give a fuller picture: I have pcos and I do ovulate but it is very irregular and then my luteal phase has varied in length. I have had false positive opks before which is common for women suffering with pcos or otherwise ovulate irregularly. I found a method of testing that has caught my O every time since starting even though I've ovulated between cd 24-44 and even though my cm has not been reliable. I tried the Clearblue Digital Advanced in the beginning, I had high hopes they would work well for me. At $2 a test it was a bit pricey but I was willing to use them if they were truly helpful. After using the tests for over a period of about 3 months I realized they weren't for me. I had SEVERAL days of high results, nearly two weeks, I started testing only every other day or two because of these results. And to be honest I didn't want to end up spending over $30 a month on a test that weren't helping. My first cycle sticking to these tests I totally missed my O. The only way I knew I had ovulated was by confirmation of 3 high temps on my bbt chart. And obviously I already was out of my fertile window. Being the research junky that I am I got ahold of all the information I could on the CBDA ovulation tests. For someone who has high estrogen or estrogen dominance several high results are likely to happen. Since a high level of estrogen is common in women with pcos that is why I had so many high results long before my ovulation. Also for anyone who has irregular ovulation unless you test everyday with this system from your earliest O date there is a likelihood you could miss your O. Now if you are willing to use these tests everyday, are not bothered by possibly having multiple high results, or you aren't worried about the price then by all means you should not have any issues with the system. I see the appeal of the digital result because there is no interpretation involved and in the beginning that is what really drew me to them because I was afraid the non-digital tests would stress me out.
What I have done the past three cycles that has drastically helped me has also been much nicer to my pocketbook. I started by buying a 50 count of Clinical Guard opks from amazon, although I eventually switched to Wondfo because the strip is a bit thicker. I believe it cost me less then $10 for each set of tests. Starting at the earliest I thought I could ovulate I would take a test each morning with first morning urine. If I even questioned that it was darker then the morning before I would try to wait about 4 hours (trying not to drink any fluids) and I would test again with second morning urine. If I was in a point of my cycle that I normally ovulate or I had signs that I would ovulate soon, I would automatically test again with smu. When I received positives I would test up to three times a day and keep track of the dark progression of the tests until I received my first negative. Thanks to this method I have been able to catch the O each time and have been able to plan baby dancing at appropriate times. When I have gotten false positives it didn't affect our timing overall because we still BD after getting positives and we make sure to act like I'm fertile until O is absolutely confirmed. Only then do we take a break from our every other day ritual
Sorry this is so long to everyone else lol!