Osama Bin Laden killed!

Bush was a liar, and put fear among people when it wasn't needed. He would bang on about the people having weapons off mass distruction, where did they exactly have these? That killers bee were coming! And god knows what else to scare the people into thinking they were always a target, that terrorists attacks would take place any second, he really IMO ever had a clue. Like taking a holiday when they had been warning about terrorists attacks and then when told he sits and still carries on reading a story to the children at the elementry school, my god he looked so concerned aswell. I just feel you cannot blame the one person being sooley responsable for all the attacks, more attacks will happen but who will they blame now he is dead and who will become the figure head

A. Bush didn't lie about anything. He had poor intel- just like Obama had good intel in this situation.
B. Saddam DID have WMDs, it was clearly established in the past, but when you give someone a heads up(Thank you UN) then they move them. I would encourage you took look up the book Demon in the Freezer which touches on this briefly as well as the Russians having the same thing and doing the same thing- hiding them. Saddam only used WMD on Kurds.... Gee, where would we get that idea that he had WMD? I know, because he did have them and it was established by his past history and UN inspectors before we went in.
C.Should he have stood up and screamed," Oh shit, the WTC is crumbling.. run everything.. run!".... what was he to have done.. there was nothing to do. This is one of the arguments that people make that make no sense at all.
D. Bin Laden was NOT a figurehead until AFTER 09/11 and he clearly took credit for the attack. He BECAME a figurehead when he was on the run for his life.. he clearly had input on the attacks and now they are saying he was still involved in implementation of attacks.

Again, these aren't factual.

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: great post!!! .
Girls no need to get personal with each other, you dont agree probably never will but it doesnt need to get rude or nasty.

I have not read the conspiracies so dont believe them, but playing devil advocate, just because he admitted he was the cause, doesnt mean he was. If he wanted to become notourious (or more so) or the figure head then accepting responsblity was sure to make that happen.
Girls no need to get personal with each other, you dont agree probably never will but it doesnt need to get rude or nasty.

I have not read the conspiracies so dont believe them, but playing devil advocate, just because he admitted he was the cause, doesnt mean he was. If he wanted to become notourious (or more so) or the figure head then accepting responsblity was sure to make that happen.

I agree, but I posted pages ago that I meant shut your mouth in general not directed at her and I even apologized and she comes back and still is coming at me, what more can you do? I said sorry and left alone , your right we wont agree and it's getting crazy I am not 3 and will not act like I am. :flower:
Girls no need to get personal with each other, you dont agree probably never will but it doesnt need to get rude or nasty.

I have not read the conspiracies so dont believe them, but playing devil advocate, just because he admitted he was the cause, doesnt mean he was. If he wanted to become notourious (or more so) or the figure head then accepting responsblity was sure to make that happen.

I agree, but I posted pages ago that I meant shut your mouth in general not directed at her and I even apologized and she comes back and still is coming at me, what more can you do? I said sorry and left alone , your right we wont agree and it's getting crazy I am not 3 and will not act like I am. :flower:

I agree Tasha, but people usually don't cop to something they don't do unless they have some kind of hidden agenda and any agenda he would have to lie about something so horrible isn't exactly honorable. He has a long history of this kind of work. It's unfortunate that we trained the man- that makes it so much worse.

I also agree that the name calling isn't appropriate.. I've found this thread to be a little depressing. I think most of us are united and on the same page, but there has been some serious anger and hostility in this thread. It's been a little shocking and disappointing.

Andy- It was very obvious that you weren't telling people they couldn't have an opinion. It was clear that you were referring to being told directly that our country killed it's own people and that they should shut their mouths about that. That one comment was completely taken out of context.
I have really strong opinions on this so im sorry if i offend anyone,

Me and Dan both believe in the Illuminati/conspiracy's/new world order etc.

I never used to but my eyes have been opened to what this world truly is the past year,
I dont believe osamas dead,I believe osama used to work for bush along with his family.

Obamas staged his death just to shut up us basiclly.
I have really strong opinions on this so im sorry if i offend anyone,

Me and Dan both believe in the Illuminati/conspiracy's/new world order etc.

I never used to but my eyes have been opened to what this world truly is the past year,
I dont believe osamas dead,I believe osama used to work for bush along with his family.

Obamas staged his death just to shut up us basiclly.

I really like the fact you are so honest, but expect a backlash. I think Bush had Osama's family in his pocket but very well hidden to certain eyes bt others new better. I think it's convinient how he suddenly turns up dead? Buried so quickly and then also they are not willing to release photos as proof either
I have really strong opinions on this so im sorry if i offend anyone,

Me and Dan both believe in the Illuminati/conspiracy's/new world order etc.

I never used to but my eyes have been opened to what this world truly is the past year,
I dont believe osamas dead,I believe osama used to work for bush along with his family.

Obamas staged his death just to shut up us basiclly.

Well, I don't think he worked for the Bush family... but we certainly did train him. He worked for the CIA and since Bush Sr. was the Head of the CIA then I can see how someone would make that connection.. but I think it has less to do with us wanting to work with him as much as us wanting to push our own agenda and stick our nose in other people's business.... which has not done anything but hurt us.

Osama wanted to fight Russia and we hated Russia so we trained him deciding he was the lesser of two evils... what we didn't get was that Osama is an ally only to himself and that he deeply hated our culture and our involvement in Israel, so he used us and we allowed it. Very stupid.

I've posted on here several times that I don't like Obama and I would love to say that there is some conspiracy with Obama but it doesn't make sense. If Obama ever got caught his whole life would be over. He would be a political and social pariah. He loves himself too much to hurt himself so badly.
Nice to meet a like minded other katrina :)

If people want to retaliate thats fine,everyone is allowed there own opinion on things just no need to be nasty about it.
I have really strong opinions on this so im sorry if i offend anyone,

Me and Dan both believe in the Illuminati/conspiracy's/new world order etc.

I never used to but my eyes have been opened to what this world truly is the past year,
I dont believe osamas dead,I believe osama used to work for bush along with his family.

Obamas staged his death just to shut up us basiclly.

I really like the fact you are so honest, but expect a backlash. I think Bush had Osama's family in his pocket but very well hidden to certain eyes bt others new better. I think it's convinient how he suddenly turns up dead? Buried so quickly and then also they are not willing to release photos as proof either

I do wonder why we handled the actual mission and the after math like we did.... but Obama has a tendency not to like to have to explain himself. He's pretty secretive.... as well as arrogant and pretentious. I assume he doesn't think he NEEDS to answer to anyone.. he's always been like that.
There is this:

And THIS:https://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/245148/


That group is the UK equivalent of the Westboro Baptist church; newspapers here often like to claim they have 'hundreds' of members or 'hundreds' of people at their protests but the reality is the most that have ever turned up to their protests is maybe 100 people; and that is stretching it, most of their protests its more like 15-30 people and its always the SAME unemployed nutjobs. I live near an area where quite a few members of this cult live, and this is what they are, a cult, just like Westboro, they are not mainstream Muslims in any way even down to their most basic creed they actually have some quite heretical beliefs according to both mainstream sunni and mainstream shia Islam. For example they don't believe in some of the details of what will happen in the afterlife; which all mainstream Muslims hold as sacred. Its complicated but there are many other matters in the basic creed of Muslims that this cult do not believe in.

Also they may dress and look 'Muslim' but from having run ins with these idiots in the past; and living near a lot of their head nutcases; the majority of them don't even pray and some are involved in drug dealing etc; they are basically a political cult as opposed to a religious one. I have known women in this group and they are usually insecure; with personality disorders, or other severe mental disorders, and often have fallen out with all their family and friends because of their behaviour; naturally a cult like this preys on such people.

There is evidence that this group are either on the payroll of the British security services, or at the very least they allow them to operate without arrest because they believe it will lead them to actual terrorists (as opposed to terrorist wannabes as these fools are), if they allow this group to operate with impunity it makes watching certain people within the group a lot easier. Mainstream Muslims including those who dress similarly to in the article but in NO WAY share the beliefs of this cult have kicked people from this group out of mosques and community centres and have often had conferences with the police present, against extremism (including a big one by an organisation called salafi publications in 2005 which only Sky News showed anything about) but this is rarely publicised. As for their leader claiming to be a professor of Shariah or whatever he is these days; that is laughable, he has no such qualifications to make such a claim and aside from the media and his 15-30 mentally disturbed hangers on; no other Muslims believe this lunatic is some type of scholar; oh and his 'school of shariah' is in some warehouse or office complex in East London.
I think 2 reasons,

1.hes not dead.

2.I believe he is a puppet,he knows about the illuminati probably more so than david cameron etc of course he does,hes the president of the usa he didnt just get there for being good at politics hes in a long line of interbreeds along with the royals certain celebs etc etc.
He doesnt want us to know osamas not dead because were commoners and civillians were not high ranking free masons and Illuminati members which are the only people who will know the truth.

The sad fact of the matter is,
None of those in power give a shit about us if they could blow the world up with only them surviving in all our money,theyd do it tommorow.
This book is excellent btw on these so called 'Islamic' extremist cults, and their history.

I have really strong opinions on this so im sorry if i offend anyone,

Me and Dan both believe in the Illuminati/conspiracy's/new world order etc.

I never used to but my eyes have been opened to what this world truly is the past year,
I dont believe osamas dead,I believe osama used to work for bush along with his family.

Obamas staged his death just to shut up us basiclly.

I believe in NWO but I am hoping that Bin Laden really IS dead in this case.
There is this:

And THIS:https://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/245148/


That group is the UK equivalent of the Westboro Baptist church; newspapers here often like to claim they have 'hundreds' of members or 'hundreds' of people at their protests but the reality is the most that have ever turned up to their protests is maybe 100 people; and that is stretching it, most of their protests its more like 15-30 people and its always the SAME unemployed nutjobs. I live near an area where quite a few members of this cult live, and this is what they are, a cult, just like Westboro, they are not mainstream Muslims in any way even down to their most basic creed they actually have some quite heretical beliefs according to both mainstream sunni and mainstream shia Islam. For example they don't believe in some of the details of what will happen in the afterlife; which all mainstream Muslims hold as sacred. Its complicated but there are many other matters in the basic creed of Muslims that this cult do not believe in.

Also they may dress and look 'Muslim' but from having run ins with these idiots in the past; and living near a lot of their head nutcases; the majority of them don't even pray and some are involved in drug dealing etc; they are basically a political cult as opposed to a religious one. I have known women in this group and they are usually insecure; with personality disorders, or other severe mental disorders, and often have fallen out with all their family and friends because of their behaviour; naturally a cult like this preys on such people.

There is evidence that this group are either on the payroll of the British security services, or at the very least they allow them to operate without arrest because they believe it will lead them to actual terrorists (as opposed to terrorist wannabes as these fools are), if they allow this group to operate with impunity it makes watching certain people within the group a lot easier. Mainstream Muslims including those who dress similarly to in the article but in NO WAY share the beliefs of this cult have kicked people from this group out of mosques and community centres and have often had conferences with the police present, against extremism (including a big one by an organisation called salafi publications in 2005 which only Sky News showed anything about) but this is rarely publicised. As for their leader claiming to be a professor of Shariah or whatever he is these days; that is laughable, he has no such qualifications to make such a claim and aside from the media and his 15-30 mentally disturbed hangers on; no other Muslims believe this lunatic is some type of scholar; oh and his 'school of shariah' is in some warehouse or office complex in East London.

That's very interesting. Thanks for explaining it. I figured it was just an extremist group... I am glad it's not as huge as they make it out to be.

That Westboro Baptist Church is pretty extreme too.
I think 2 reasons,

1.hes not dead.

2.I believe he is a puppet,he knows about the illuminati probably more so than david cameron etc of course he does,hes the president of the usa he didnt just get there for being good at politics hes in a long line of interbreeds along with the royals certain celebs etc etc.
He doesnt want us to know osamas not dead because were commoners and civillians were not high ranking free masons and Illuminati members which are the only people who will know the truth.

The sad fact of the matter is,
None of those in power give a shit about us if they could blow the world up with only them surviving in all our money,theyd do it tommorow.

I will agree with one thing- The people in power are less and less interested in what is best for the people....

You don't think the Royal family are lizards do you?
Haha no i dont there lizards,i think they have a reptilian blood line but i dont think they shape shift into lizzards . . . im not that much of a nut job ;)
Haha no i dont there lizards,i think they have a reptilian blood line but i dont think they shape shift into lizzards . . . im not that much of a nut job ;)

Ha! You're a David Icke fan aren't you? I knew it!

He's an interesting guy that one.
I don't know much about any of that Illuminati stuff. I do think there are agencies though that are totally under the radar.

And :saywhat: About reptilian bloodline? :rofl: :wacko:
That's very interesting. Thanks for explaining it. I figured it was just an extremist group... I am glad it's not as huge as they make it out to be.

That Westboro Baptist Church is pretty extreme too.

There was a few weeks back a documentary on this group screened around the same time as a documentary on Westboro; the similiarities between the two groups and just the pure hatred they had; was astounding. They also both have a penchant for picketing soldiers funerals/homecoming parades, which is just sickening.

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