Over 30 and TTC

Fifi-Folle unfortunately I won't be testing this month as my DH was in hospital when I OV so there is no chance for me this month. I'm due to OV on Christmas Day this month though so hopefully I will be testing in January.

SD's Mum is an absolute nightmare my DH was only with her for a month before she got pregnant "accidentally on purpose" despite the fact he didn't love her he stayed as long as he could (for his daughter) but due to her drinking and drug taking left when SD was a year old. That was 10 years ago and she has been a pain ever since. It's got a lot worse in the last year since we got married and some of the things she says to my SD are horrendous. Before we got married she used to tell her all the time that we wouldn't go through with it etc, then as it got closer she started telling her once we were married we wouldn't be bothered about her anymore. Now that she has been proved wrong on that front she has started on the baby thing. At the end of the day she is jealous of our relationship, jealous of my relationship with my SD (who has repeatedly said she wishes I were her Mum) and terrified that she is going to lose her daughter as SD has said she wants to come and live with us in the future. Rather than bad-mouthing us her time would be better spent getting off the booze and trying to be a better Mum. Unfortunately she lacks any emotional intelligence or self awareness and prefers to see herself as a victim.The vile woman says the most horrendous things that you can't imagine any mother would say to her children. For example she think's nothing of calling my SD a c**t . People like her just don't deserve to have children. Rant over...LOL!

I've had a very productive day today. I made a list of things I need to do around the house if I happen to get my BFP and a small person will be moving in. I made a good start today by clearing out the cupboard under the stairs - I have been putting it off for months. I think it's better for my state of mind to stay positive and I guess it's that "nesting instinct" in all of us that makes us want to sort domestic thing's out. I guess it's my way of having a bit of control over this crazy TTC rollercoaster...

Hope everyone is having a good evening
Hey Ladies, how are you doing? Well, we just back from a great trip to the mountains in Banff with DH- did I mention it just happend to be "O" time :thumbup:
Anyway, feeling good, today is DPO1, and it was nice to spend some time together without our usual stresses in the city.
I got very sore (.)(.)'s this ovulation, normally i get slightly sore (.)(.)'s a day or 2 after O, but this time it was slightly before, during and still a bit today, wierd. Has anyone else had very sensitive nipples during O?
Hoping for all of us to get our Christmas :bfp:
Look forward to hearing from everyone
oh and my profile pic is a picture of Banff, the Hoodoos- its from the summer though when we went for a hike. We are having a very bad cold spell right now, I didnt even go boarding this trip- too cold for me..lol
Mrs J08, sorry to hear your DH was in hospital, hope it's nothing serious (what a weird saying, who would hope it was something serious!!!?!) anyway I hope he's better for next month! Such a hard situation you are in with SDs Mum. My FIL has a son with a similar sort of woman (alcoholic rather than drugs) she decided on the day of our wedding that she didn't want my little half-BIL to come to the wedding so drove halfway across Scotland to come and get him, my poor DH was at the hotel when it happened, not nice. She is now in a new relationship and BIL is now 12 so things have calmed down. It's amazing the way kids just get on with it, my BIL is a lovely kid (OK it's a bit odd when we go out as a family, waitresses and people think he's our kid - I'm like - I'm not old enough to have a 12 year old, oh no - I AM!!!)
THat's a lovely idea sorting out the house for future BFP. We are making a similar list but for selling, got a new kitchen put in, getting quotes for decorators and pleading with my parents to store our stuff (I've been in this flat since I was 17, lots of equity but also lots of STUFF) and DH has actually started taking an interest in looking at houses, we went to see one which looked great on paper but it was awful in reality - right next to the motorway, tiny rooms, kitchen needed replaced and garden was absolutely awful - we have more room in our 3 bed flat with a bigger garden. So that's one ruled out. But after 9 years of being together DH seems to be ready to settle down!!!
Britt11 - Banff is gorgeous, my parents took an RV holiday last year across Canada, Mum was reliving her youth, she spent 3 years in Canada - worked in Vancouver Island and also in Newfoundland, spent one summer holiday crossing the country in her Pontiac with her friend. Fingers crossed the fresh air and countryside has done the trick for you!!!
I'm recovering from chemical pregnancy - this has been the weirdest period I have had, I had super heavy bleeding Fri night/Saturday then since Sunday it has only been really light coloured spotting, most bizarre. Made me realise that I had another chemical in Sept though, similar bleeding although not as bad and same symptoms before the bleeding. My hormones are still wobbly, couldn't face speaking to SIL last night (she's 9 weeks preg we found out when I was miscarrying) I just started crying. D'oh. But AF is gone now so let the B'ding commence (unless the GP says I shouldn't, thought I should check with them on Monday).
Hi ladies

Fifi - house hunting? Fab. I hope you find something you both like soon. At the moment we are living in my one bed garden flat in London which will be fine for a baby but not really past 18 months but we are a bit stuck because of negative equity. DH has a flat he is in the process of selling which has equity in it so as soon as that is sold we can put this one on the market. I think we might rent for a while until the housing market settles. We can't afford to be in negative equity again and are planning to move closer to my parents in the next 1-2 years anyway so it makes sense. We will be able to get a lot more for our money if we move nearer my parents on the coast - london prices are ridiculous. I think it's perfectly understandable that you are upset and a little sensitive at the moment, don't be too hard on yourself. I am sure your SIL understands and once you have come to terms with things more you may well find she is a great support and can also understand the stress of TTC.

Britt11 - I hope you had a successful trip to Banff and it turns out to be a conceptionmoon! The picture on your profile looks absolutely gorgeous. My husband has family in Canada and we hope to make it there for a holiday at some point

AF hasn't arrived yet - she's due today. I wish she would just hurry up and then I can look forward to Christmas. I know she's going to rear her ugly head any minute. I get loads of PMT symptoms so hopefully if I do eventually get pregnant I'll probably know because I won't get any symptoms at all! LOL!

Hope everyone is well. sprinkling lots of :dust: on this lovely thread

Thing is DH hasn't told his family. I asked him to but he doesn't feel comfortable telling them over the phone, at least I think that's why he hasn't told them. He said I could tell them when we are down on 19th, but I would rather they knew beforehand otherwise they will be going on and on about SILs pregnancy. MIL had several m/c apparently before having DH so she MIGHT be understanding but more likely she will be like "oh, that's nothing, I was x weeks when I lost one" She's not the most supportive, caring, sharing person, more competitive and self-centred. Argh. I'll prob tell SIL on phone as I need to speak to her anyway about sewing project I am doing for her.
Totally understand what you are saying about London prices, we have friends down there and even the ones on large salaries rent because they would struggle to afford anything. Edinburgh is expensive but not as bad and my parents were very sensible and made me get a student mortgage when I was 17 which is why we have a flat in the centre of town, it was a struggle when I was a student but even with the downturn in the market the prices in our area are still silly (I wouldn't pay what people are having to now!!!)
There are a lot of nice towns within easy reach of London, hopefully you will find somewhere lovely to rent once your flats have sold.
Anyway better get back to sewing...
Hello girls, good to hear from you. Fiff-folle, I'm glad AF is done and you can start to hopefully feel normal and put this behind you. Again, it must have been so hard but hopefully you get the Ok from the doc to start again right away. Almost all my friends that have been pregnant have lost the first one or 2 before it finally takes, i think the body just has to prepare. BTW, your story on Canada was hilarious, lol!! Your mom sure got to see the countryside- Vancouver Island to Newfoundland-wow! I havent even been that far east.
I was in London for my first time in 2007 and I loved it, what an amazing city, we stayed right by Regeants park (sp?)- I can see what the hype is all about. I loved that everyone was in the pubs by like 4pm every day of the week it seemed, lol. My only complaint was almost getting run over about 5 times, because I was looking the wrong way...lol, tourists hey. Its definitely a busy place and would take some time getting used to.
FX'd for BFP's ladies!! MrsJ, do you really think your out? when is AF due? Perhaps early preg symptoms? Have you tested??
talk soon
Hi Britt - yes I am definitely out as DH was in hospital the week I OV so it would have to be an immaculate conception. LOL! We only decided to start TTC two days before he unexpectedly went into hospital so we haven't even been able to physically try yet. December will be my first month and I'm due to OV on Christmas day. I joined B&B 3 weeks ago and I feel like I've been TTC for ages, even though in actual fact I haven't officially started yet. I can't work out if that's a good or a bad thing? I've certainly gained a lot of knowledge in the past few weeks.

I live in West London near a place called Kew Gardens that you might have heard of? Central London is very busy and the general pace of life in London is fast. But, you don't have to travel far (4 or 5 miles) particularly to the south and west and you are in the suburbs where life is a lot slower and there are lots of parks and the River Thames weaving it's way out of London.

Have a nice evening
Mrs Jo..the immaculate conception..well it is christmas lol. I've heard about London being an expensive property wise. I dont get over that way unless OH is playing a gig and then its mostly Camden way. I say I'm going for the gig but its for the shopping too. Much better than the choice of shops over here!I can sympathise about your SD's mum, my SD is 4 and her mum is a complete fruitcake, she has dragged my OH through court and all sorts making up lies since she found out he was with me and . I just stay away from her now as much as poss.

Fifi, glad the witch has left the building, I'm sure theres a BFP in store for you very soon! I think as a rule doctors usually say you should wait a month before ttc again but so far i havent heard of anyone who has actually taken that advice. I can understand you not feeling like you can speak to SIL yet, it takes time and theres no point if its just going to upset you.

Britt, hope you had a good time in the mountains, your profile picture looks amazing. I had sore bbs last month when i think i ov , lasted about two or three days.

We're waiting to hear when my SIL has gone into labour, she's a week overdue and been moaning and complaining non stop. Currys and pineapple arent doing a thing and nor has a sweep. I know how she feels but part of me wants to say, hey your lucky you conceived so easy , i cant even get that far...but know its the wrong thing to say. Also spent the eve with my best mate who is 7 weeks pregnant. I'm still quietly envious ...cant help that.

And my 13 year old has just got a poem published so I'm off out to buy the book tomorrow and the last of the christmas decs...poundland here i come lol.
hello ladies, hope you are doing well this morning (or evening where ever you are). Anything new? Well I am 4dpo possibly 5dpo (got +ve opk on Mon) and i had the wierdest thing happen last night. I had very bright, almost crayon colour pink cm- very little of it, one bathroom visit and could have missed it if i wasnt paying attention, it was also accompanied by cramping and twinges and a pinch sensation last night. I read a bit on the internet last night and it sounds like its very unlikely I could have implanted that early, like 3 or 4 dpo(oh my ticker is not correct). Anyone ever had this experience before or heard of an implant that extremely early? feel fine today, absolutely no symptoms except still have white cm. I had the sore boobs at ovulation ect days ago...I really think its too late to be anything O related.
thanks ladies, look forward to hearing how you are doing.
Well I had no option but to speak to SIL yesterday, she phoned when DH was still at work and her number doesn't come up on caller ID so I picked up (I probably would have done anyway). Told her why I wasn't forthcoming with congratulations, she was really understanding and nice, so his family now know that we are ttc, my parents know as Mum is good person to get advice from as a midwifery tutor (before she retired) but DH has not wanted to tell his family, they don't get on brilliantly.
Anyway I'm still feeling poo, still have AF type cramps even though the witch lef the building days ago, guess it may be something to do with chemical. But we have been out and done most of our Xmas shopping, I am now hugging wheat bag to my tummy and trying to ignore the pain I am in (fed up of endo pain, it's a bl**dy nightmare). But at least it's almost all done!!! Realised today that it's going to be a sober Xmas, how odd, I'll be in two week wait and DH is on a diet, though he said he might have 2 glasses of wine! Changed days!!! Good prep for when we have baby though!

Britt is it possible that you ov'd earlier? Or that the egg didn't manage to pop out at the start of the week and it has come now? It could also be that the ov bleeding is a bit late, I have heard of that happening. I guess you will find out in a week's time!!!

Angel dust that's fab about your kid's first publication! How proud are you??? Hope your SIL has popped now, I remember how my friends were when they were overdue, both of them got to 2 weeks past due date and were threatened with inductions, I think the fright of that scared them into labour :-D

MrsJ08 how are you? Kew is a nice area, there are some lovely bits in London, we stayed with friends in Belsize Park which was lovely, then with another whose flat looks over the Tower, but personally I would prefer the suburbs, same with Edinburgh really, we'll probably move to the outskirts of town, head into suburbia and middle age lol.

Hope everyone is well
how is it possible for something to be so fun and so depressing at the same time? I just came from our units holiday celebration for kids (Im a non-official unit photog;)) and was surrounded by literally dozens of babies, infants and toddlers! (I will have to share some of the cutie pies when I load them :))
Thanks Fifi-folle, good point I guess it is possible who knows. Perhaps those OPK tests arent an exact science as well. Either way, what ever happend last night was sure odd....mean trick on the body if it was nothing, especially for someone TTC. Like I said absolutely no symptoms so who knows, like you said i will test in a weeks time.
Fifi-folle, I am so sorry you are still having cramps, i have heard that is pretty normal after a chemical or m/c, I sincerely hope you start to feel better soon.
Where is everyone else at?
hopefully enjoying the holiday season
Hi all

B&B is back hurrah - seems like the server was done for ages.

Fifi - sorry to hear you are still having cramps I hope they start to ease now. I think it's good you have spoken to SIL and things are out in the open. If you hadn't had the chemical it would have made sense for you to stay quiet about it but under the circumstances you need the support and understanding of people knowing about it. My best-friend has been over today and I was so tempted to tell her we are TTC but I didn't in the end. I think she might have noticed my Folic Acid/Vitamins when she put something in my bedroom, but if she did she didn't say anything. AF reluctantly half-heartedly arrived today. I think my cycle may be moving towards 28 days as the cycle before last was 28, this one has been 27 and I OV on CD14 or 15 this month so it would make sense. When I first came off BCP it was 25 days for 2 months and then 26 days for 4 months. I suppose it changing by one or two days isn't that much of a big deal but it's a little frustrating OV wise as I don't want to use OPK. I suppose it's just something else to obsess over. (I'm sorry to anyone who is reading this and has irregular cycles as you probably want to tell me to shut up)

ablacketer - I can relate to that mixed feeling sensation. I volunteer at a play scheme so am often surrounded by babies and under 5's. Most of the time I love it but it's hard with babies and pregnant women sometimes. On Thursday there was a baby that was born premature at 26 weeks, she was so tiny it made me want to cry. Fortunately she is doing really well now but it made me think about how hard it must have been for her parents.

Britt11 - sending you lots of :dust: for testing in a week.

Hope everyone else is well?? I've been busy doing Christmas baking and chutney making.

It's my niece's 2nd birthday party tomorrow so I'm going to have to tolerate my pregnant step-sister and evil step-mother. I'll have to psyche myself up for that one in the morning!

Have a nice night girls
thank you honey. Fibro is a nasty one. My poison is endo but quite a few of the girls on endo forum have fibro too. Your doc's comment is like one my Mum makes basically saying that God doesn't give you more crap than you can deal with. Pah. You just have to deal with it. There's nothing else for it. I mean I have been in constant pain for over a year now, then this and of course earlier in the week I was told I would be withdrawn from my uni course due to my continuing absence. Sorry I am having a lousy time of it and letting it get to me. Naughty Fiona. Must be positive!
DH has cancelled his golf tomorrow because he doesn't want to leave me so it's Christmas shopping to keep me busy!

Wow I have not been able to login and post since this post. What is up with the board? Anyways fibro is a nasty one. Endo is awful too. My mom had that. You do just have to deal. What are you taking for pain? I am taking supplements. They are helping me alot I just need some adjustments. Glad your DH is being there for you.
Just thought I would drop by and say hi. Hope everyone had a nice weekend? I was getting really frustrated with B&B being down.

The birthday party yesterday wasn't as difficult as I expected. I think my husband was impressed that I coped so well being surrounded by pregnant women and small people. On the inside I was finding it hard but I was determined not to show it. I had a bit of a cry when I was on my own today instead.

Feeling a bit low at the moment but I think it's just because AF is here. I'm having lots of cramps and I've got a stupid cold too. I figure I'm entitled to feel sorry for myself now and again.

On the plus side there wasn't a Mum at the party under 30 so there is plenty of hope for us girls.

Sprinkling lots of :dust: on this thread.

Glad the party wasnt too bad! Hope your feeling better soon, always feels worse having a cold and AF all together...and they think man flu is bad!

I have been having my first month of playing with opks...and i had a positive on fri....Yay! well ipresume it was positive, it was very dark so fingers crossed! Did the dance fri, sat and today to hoping we caught the right moment. Didnt tell OH that i was ov just incase he felt underpressure (i know he would). Had the sore bbs as an ov symptom but not much else.

SIL has officially gone into labour! She went in to be induced today which upset her a bit as she wanted to go naturally, but have just heard she is well on the way so should have some happy news tomorrow morning.

Hope evryone had a great weekend and feeling all festive!
:dust: For everyone.xxx
Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? hopefully well, I have another hour of work this morning than off to get my hair done :)
So i have been going through some wierd stuff. I am only 8dpo today max (maybe 7dpo) and i have had light pink spotting on 4dpo, 6dpo and 7dpo which is last night after an intense soccer game. Not sure whats going on, i normally dont have mid cycle spotting this sure is wierd to happen 3 times..cant imagine IB happens 3 times.
other than that,no major symptoms to report, no nausea or heart burn, just bloated really, a few cramps earlier nothing major though.
I will likely be doing an early test on Friday, agghh, not sure if this is anything but it is strange. Hoping and FX'd!
Hiya Britt, I read somewhere that it can take a few days for implantation to happen so i guess the spotting could be over a few days too. If you dont usually get mid cycle spotting then i would see that as a very good sign!

I'm off to the hospital tomorrow to meet my new lil niece, Penny Lane , born this morning. I'm in two states of mind though...I'm really looking forward to seeing her but also its reminding me of what i cant achieve yet. Damn that sounds awful but i cant help it...I just guess its because I'm feeling a bit pessimistic today. I know i can test in a week or two but I'm just dreading the whole 'staring at a BFN' routine again. Need some PMA and fast!

:dust: for all of us!!!!
thanks Angel dust, definitely appreciate your feedback. Definitely hoping its a good sign and not a negative sign. Where is everyone else?? hope your doing great, looking forward to some updates

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