Over 30 and TTC

Wow I have not been able to login and post since this post. What is up with the board? Anyways fibro is a nasty one. Endo is awful too. My mom had that. You do just have to deal. What are you taking for pain? I am taking supplements. They are helping me alot I just need some adjustments. Glad your DH is being there for you.

It was a bit annoying not being able to get in to the site on the weekend, although it just shows how addicted I am to it already!!! I am on Tramadol and paracetamol on a daily basis and Oramorph for when the pain is really bad. Hate taking them but not taking them is worse! Trying everything to ease the endo pain, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, endo diet (wheat and dairy free), exercise when I can and of course ttc which my last gynae told me was my only other option other than the Pill, which sends me nuts. Argh. It really has been the worst year of my life. Add to that I was doing teacher training when I fell ill and now am having to take an "interruption to studies", but it does mean I am no longer considered a student so can apply for incapacity benefit as I have had no income at all.

Shaerichelle what supplements are you taking? I am on Milk thistle (to remove old oestrogen, chinese herbs, vit c (antioxidant), multi vits and folic acid (obviously)

Anyway heading towards ov just now so poor old DH is being taken advantage of on a daily basis!!!

Angel dust - congratulations on becoming an Aunt to Penny Lane (I take it the parents are Beatles fans?!? Hope you don't take offence at this comment, none is meant) Hope your PMA is improving, we all go through phases like that, esp if you are sensitive to progesterone, so once you have ovulated your mood can dip (speaking from experience here) You are so sensible not telling DH that you're ov'ing, mine seemed a little underpressure last night, still performed but didn't seem himself, although he is v busy at work and working hard at gym to lose weight.

Britt - hoping that it's implantation bleeding or even decidual bleeding. Really hope it's pregnancy related in a good way iykwim, if not then maybe see your doc (all midcycle bleeding should be checked out)

MrsJ08 - hope you are feeling a bit better and AF is on her way out. Well done for coping with the party, I find it is the thought of situations that is worse than the actual event, I was the same with my birthday meal, there were 3 toddlers but they're more of a distraction than anything. Ooh chutney and baking, mmmm. I need to get on to making mince pies for FIL as we're going down there on Saturday to deliver Christmas pressies (esp the play tent I have made for niece, I am very proud of it, just hope SIL likes it!)

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone
It was a bit annoying not being able to get in to the site on the weekend, although it just shows how addicted I am to it already!!! I am on Tramadol and paracetamol on a daily basis and Oramorph for when the pain is really bad. Hate taking them but not taking them is worse! Trying everything to ease the endo pain, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, endo diet (wheat and dairy free), exercise when I can and of course ttc which my last gynae told me was my only other option other than the Pill, which sends me nuts. Argh. It really has been the worst year of my life. Add to that I was doing teacher training when I fell ill and now am having to take an "interruption to studies", but it does mean I am no longer considered a student so can apply for incapacity benefit as I have had no income at all.

Shaerichelle what supplements are you taking? I am on Milk thistle (to remove old oestrogen, chinese herbs, vit c (antioxidant), multi vits and folic acid (obviously)

Anyway heading towards ov just now so poor old DH is being taken advantage of on a daily basis!!!

My DH just does it regardless. No wonder I have very little energy! I am taking Sam-e for seritonin to help build it, magnesium citrate for sleep and digestive, vitamin d3 and fish oil, prenantal vitamin,rice protien, feel like I am forgetting something, lol. Have you tried doing yoga? https://www.womens-health.co.uk/yoga_endo.html I do it a few times a week with my fibro. I am also gluten free and mostly I dont drink alcohol. Its usually a glass of red wine here or there thats it! It makes me mad:growlmad: that there isnt more help out there for people in pain! I am going to try the Bowen Method, its accupressure..tomorrow. I am praying it does. I have also been out of work since April 08. They fired me due to illness..I hope you get to feeling better so you can move about your daily life. I know how hard it is. :hugs:
Hi ladies

How is everyone doing???????? It's snowing here (London) at the moment. It was the playgroup Christmas party today, the children loved it. For some reason all the pregnant women didn't bother me today. I must be subconsciously feeling more positive!

Is anyone testing in the next week or so? The :witch: left the building for me today after only 3.5 days so I'm on countdown to OV. Not sure when it's going to happen as my cycle is changing slightly but it should be around the 27th.

good luck mrs j!

ugh, Im having one of the worst set of cramps Ive had in a while.

looking at my ovulation calculator I get to try to catch the eggy twice in january... so either twice the chance or twice the disappointments. yikes!
Hey girls nice to hear from you.
MrsJ, glad you had a nice time at your party. Snow in London, must be pretty.
Ablack sorry to hear of your cramps, I hope you catch the eggy too, onwards to 2010.
Fifi, Shareishelle (sp?) how are you guys doing.
Yes MrsJ, i will be testing tomorrow morning, I will only be 10DPO, so not totally hopeful. Okay truth, i snuck one in yesterday and BFN... :) a bit early though at 8 days
Hi all,
Been feeling sore the past few days, guess ov is just round the corner, no +ve on opk yet though but it should happen at the weekend (assuming chemical hasn't thrown my cycle into chaos). Off down to in laws tomorrow, finally finished sewing niece's present from Santa (commission from SIL) but still want to make a few cushions and a dolly. And have mince pies to make for FIL. Feeling strangely optimistic about this cycle, don't know why, probably my hormones, blame them for everything!

FX for you Britt!!!
Ablacketer - hope the cramps are easing, mine are always worst on the first couple of days. I recommend a wheat bag and paracetamol (although in my case it's stronger painkillers than that)
MrsJ08 - playgroup Xmas party sounds nice, nothing like a bunch of little people having fun to make you smile! Well done on your optimism, fingers crossed it's like a premonition!
Shaerichelle - how did the Bowen Technique go? It sounds like a cross between reflexology and shiatsu! I used to do yoga regularly but too sore to do it properly these days. I do it on the Wii Fit but it's not really the same. Swimming is as active as I manage, but then this week I only managed 30 mins.
Sorry to hear that you were fired for illness, although it's against the law it happens too often, I was made to resign from a job years ago due to ill health (which I now realise was endo). Uni has been great and I have been given a leave of absence until April and then I can try the final placement or can do it in September. Hoping I can get it finished, at least then I would have my teacher training certificate, even if I don't use it, it's better to have it completed if I can.

thanks ladies. hubby loaned me one of his booboo meds yesterday and I felt better. well enough to ice 5 dozen christmas cookies! lol
Hey girls, just a quick note, as I am on a conf call right now.
Fiffi, I really hope you catch the eggy this cycle.
Ablacketer, glad to hear your starting to feel better.
How are you Sharielle, MrsJ?
well here is my update:
tested this morning at 10dpo......BFN! booo
sad about it, but then again i will test again in 2 days. I should just wait until AF due and stop wasting money :)
anyway FX'd for everyone, I cant believe Christmas is a week away!! aggghh
Hello ladies - have you got room for another member?

I'm 35 and was part of the original TTC and over 30 thread. I got a BFP at the end of September but unfortunately we found out at our 12 week scan at end of November that our bean had stopped growing at 6wks. Am now waiting for my first AF to turn up after the surgery I had a result of our MMC - am hoping she will arrive in the next couple of weeks and then once she has been we will be TTC again.

I'm in two minds how to go about it this time. We hadn't been particularly trying that hard last time and as soon as I stopped stressing about it then we fell after my third cycle so am thinking to try and adopt the same approach this time. I might use OPKs just so I can try and get to grips with my cycle again as I have no idea if it's going to be the same as before.

I've been taking Pregnacare since May so I am making sure I'm getting my Folic Acid and all the vitamins etc I need. I'm also going to invest in some Conceieve Plus to help those swimmers on their way.

Heres hoping some of us will be celebrating BFPs very soon :)
Hi ladies, Was bummed yesterday with a BFN. So today is day 30, so I thought either AF or a BFP. Nope BFN. I am upset. I think I am having some hormone issues. Not quite sure. I think I am going to start charting soon.

Sorry ablacketer about the cramps, I have been having them a lot lately too. They are frustrating.

fifi-folle I didnt get the Bowen done. He is having me do a whole bunch of blood tests. He said that sometimes when your porgestrone and estrogen levels are off that it could mean your cholestrol is low. I didnt know that! I hope that is my issue. I hear ya about yoga.. I am so achey and tired I cant even exercise anymore. I do have a wii fit and try to use that . I hear ya. I am also trying to finish school, even if I cant use it, but designing makes me focus on something else besides pain.:)

Do any of you have hormone issues?

Hope all is well.
Hi ladies

Sorry I have been quiet. My SD was with us this weekend and I can't really visit the site when she is here. As she's 11 she is extremely nosey and quite often tries to see what I'm doing on the laptop so don't want to risk it. We don't want her to know we are TTC, we haven't told anyone.

Shaerichelle - I'm sorry you are feeling so fed up. I hope your problem is low cholesterol as I'm guessing that's something that can be remedied relatively easily. I had some blood tests for hormone levels and they were ok but have to have an ultrasound in January because of abdominal pain. Fingers crossed they get to the bottom of things for you.

ablacketer - hope you are feeling better and your cramps have gone? Good news about January - that's pretty cool getting two chances in one month.

Fifi-folle - how are you feeling? has ovulation happened for you yet? I know this has been a really tough month for you so my thoughts are with you. Sending you lots of :dust:

Britt 11 - how are things with you - sorry about your BFN at 10dpo - that is pretty early to test though, your not out until the :witch: arrives. I know you must have been desperate to test after your lovely weekend away. Finger's crossed for you. I'm not allowed to test until I'm 4 days late. I don't know if I'll be able to stick to it but I'm going to try. DH is getting a bit strict about these things I think he's worried about my state of mind and the effect a BFN can have, so he's trying to save me some disappointment. It's difficult though because at the end of the day if you are TTC you are always going to be disappointed to get a BFN whenever you take the test.

Smiley Shazza - Welcome, it's nice to meet you. I'm really sorry for your loss, I hope your cycle returns to normal very soon. I'm glad you are staying positive and I think relaxing is the way to go. I saw Conceive Plus in Boots the other day and debated buying. I think I'll buy some in the New Year. I'm taking Sanatogen folic acid and multi-vitamin - the tablets are huge.

Sending everyone lots of :dust: and good wishes. I'm on CD8 so I'm waiting patiently to OV. Hoping I might OV early and it happens on Christmas Day.

Hi everyone, hope you're all well and had a good christmas!

I have been a bit down today as the stupid :witch: arrived. It wasnt like i had any symptoms to make me think otherwise but i was just feeling extra hopeful as it was christmas and all that.

Went to visit my sister today who i dont see very often. We have always clashed a little i guess because she married into money and has perfect house, perfect job, new car etc etc while i always felt like the black sheep who had tattoos, got pregnant too young, and am now trying for my third child which will make three kids with three different fathers. I'm happy though, its just I can always see that divide . I had a really good time though and at least i could have a few glasses of wine with no worries.

Her little boy is only 19 months old but while i was there he poured fruit shoot into the ps3 which as you can imagine was the end of the ps3! He's such a cutie but i had totally forgotten how hectic it was having a toddler about. Reminded me that alot of my house is going to have to be babyproofed if im doing all this again!
I am actually praying that AF comes soon! She still hasn't arrived and we can't even think about trying again until she has been.

I hope you all had a good Christmas and enjoy your New Year :)
Hi ladies

Angel Dust - I did chuckle about your PS3 story!! Money doesn't make you happy at the end of the day and it's natural to clash with relatives - especially at Christmas.

SmileyShazza - I hope AF comes for you soon.

Things have been a bit crazy with me. Hubby got taken into hospital again at 5am on Monday morning. I had to call an ambulance for him. This time he has made a relatively quick recovery and they let him out this evening. I'm so relieved I hated the idea of him being in hospital on New Year's Eve.

I'm not quite sure what the situation is with me this month regarding a BFP. I am not sure when I ovulated (as I don't use OPK) but I think it was CD13 or 14 as I had cramps and a fair bit of CM. We only BD on CD 9 and CD14 so I'm not holding out much hope. That puts me 3 or 4 days past ovulation. I think my mind is playing tricks on me because I've been having twinges and cramps all day and they woke me up in the night too. This evening I've had really sore (.)(.) I'm 100% sure I'm wishful thinking that they are PG symptoms unfortunately as it's too early. It's probably just from sitting for hours at the hospital. AF is due on the 11th Jan but I have a diagnostic scan on the 7th. I'm assuming that if by some miracle I am pg the scan will pick it up so I won't have to waste money on tests this month. I think I'm going to use OPK next month for the first time I think I need reassurance that I am OV when I think I am.

Where is everyone else in their cycles and does anybody have any symptoms?

Sorry to hear about your husband, glad to hear they let him out so he didn't have to spend New Year in there.

I am now back on CD1 as AF finally turned up today :happydance: this means once she has gone we can start trying again if we want to - not quite sure if we will do straight away or just see how things go for the first month and properly start in February. Need to have a chat to OH about that.

I hope you all had a great New Year and that this one brings some sticky BFPs for us all :)
Hi Smiley Shazza

Thanks for your kind words. New Year has been kind of difficult as we've been having hassle from my SD's mother. I ignore it most of the time as she is a drunken psycho but sometimes it just get's on top of me. DH is out of hospital but not 100% I just think it would have been too much for me if we had started the new year with him in hospital.

I'm glad AF has arrived for you and your cycle is back on track.

Happy New Year to everyone

Hello girls, sorry I have been neglecting this thread. Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. Sorry to hear that your DH has been in hospital again MrsJo8 and the SD's Mum is causing problems again, you are having such a tough time of it I really hope things improve over the course of this year, with of course a lovely BFP!!!
Angel_dust - OMG PS3 and fruit shoot, not a good combination! Sorry AF arrived. Roll on new cycle!
Shaerichelle - been keeping up with you on the charting thread, really hope you get BFP soon, or even AF.
Smiley-shazza - hi! How funny is it that you want AF! I had a few months of that when I had finished my Zoladex injections and was willing AF to arrive so we could TTC, now I pray she doesn't arrive!!!

As for me, AF is due tomorrow or the next day, got lots of symptoms but I think most of them are in my head! I was hopeful when my temp was going up, now it's gone down a bit, but it is still over the cover line so hoping it's ok.
Fiona's phantom symptoms: cold type symptoms (had this last month w. chem), feeling nauseous, off wine, feeling emotional, veiny boobs, had weird sexy dream last night not something I do normally, esp as I have been totally off sex the past couple of weeks, sensitive sense of smell, sore legs, sore back, not sleeping well.
Tested again today, BFN but it wasn't FMU as I had to wait until DH went out to the gym (he doesn't want me to test til Wednesday as by then I will be past the number of CDs I was last month when I started bleeding, if that makes sense, my cycles are normally 28-30days.

Anyway I hope you are all well, x
Shaerichelle - been keeping up with you on the charting thread, really hope you get BFP soon, or even AF.
Fiona's phantom symptoms: cold type symptoms (had this last month w. chem), feeling nauseous, off wine, feeling emotional, veiny boobs, had weird sexy dream last night not something I do normally, esp as I have been totally off sex the past couple of weeks, sensitive sense of smell, sore legs, sore back, not sleeping well.
Tested again today, BFN but it wasn't FMU as I had to wait until DH went out to the gym (he doesn't want me to test til Wednesday as by then I will be past the number of CDs I was last month when I started bleeding, if that makes sense, my cycles are normally 28-30days.

Anyway I hope you are all well, x

BFN this am. Getting blood test Monday.. So I can be prepared for my doc appt tuesday. I feel very preggo. I remember these things with my son. If its negative Monday.. I am going to take some herbs to start my cycle and regulate it. This is awful. Decided that I might have to do BCP for a few months to get preggo like I did with DS.

I had a dream the other night about the baby girl. She looked like my hubby. He is Indian. Dark hair dark skin and he was carrying her in her car seat.

I have also had cold symptoms for a few weeks now, the naseua and feeling like I need to eat alot. My doc said I recently got anemia. Sense of smell is very heightened and I cant lay on my breasts. They hurt worse at night and like you not sleeping well. Seems I fall asleep way late.

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