Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

February, but I'm counting down.

I'm so envious of your life on skis! I only took it up a few years ago as an adult and I really enjoy it.
That's fantastic! Falling to this day still makes me laugh a smile. There's nothing like coming up with a face full of snow (as long as no one gets hurt..)

Let me know if you ever need tips.
Yes, unfortunately my husband broke his leg badly on a black run right after we started skiing (probably too early for us to have been on a black run!) and had to have three surgeries, so now he doesn't ski as much and is sticking to the greens so far, which has curtailed our ski holidays a bit. But I have still managed to go on my own a few times - there are often science conferences (*cough* boondoggles *cough*) in Aspen so I have been to a couple of those, and the skiing is so good!
Hi, everyone!

Flou and Itsawonder, I hope you are feeling good. I can't wait to see scans and pics!

I've never been skiing in my life, I grew up in Florida and while I love the cold weather, I never quite got into winter sports. I prefer to knit by a roaring fire!

AFM, my husband and I had major drama with the house we're buying, but the sellers actually accepted our offer for a credit, so it looks like things might go through after all. We're cautiously excited, but not getting our hopes up yet.

I did finally get my period, later than it should have been even if I did O later than I thought, and it was really late, basically a day and a half and so light I didn't even need to use tampons. I feel like it was probably a chemical pregnancy. Sort of sad, but since it's unresolved and always will be, I'm trying to be super positive and hope that I'm extra-fertile and that this cycle will be my lucky one.

In other news, I have three cats, one of whom we adopted from a shelter, and she brought in a cat cold that the other two (older ones, 9-10 years) got about a year and a half ago. They've been sick on and off, and my oldest, favorite cat is sick again. She was really sick a couple of months ago and seemed to be doing better, but now she's feeling icky again. Lots of kitty drippy nose, and she just doesn't look like herself. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow, and really hoping she's okay. It seems silly, but that's actually what's MOST on my mind right now... I feel like my "big three" are the house, the cat, and a baby, and it's seemed so long that NOTHING was working out, so now I am superstitiously afraid that if something looks like it's going to happen (the house), the other two won't go through (cat and baby). I'm crazy, right?
I hope your cat is okay, it's awful when they're ill, I can understand the sense of impending doom.

If your period was very short and light, could it have been implantation bleeding? Have you done a pregnancy test?
CallMe - so sorry about your cat. Mine is 16 and, with old age, she is often on my mind. I hope yours is better soon.

Good luck with the house. I hope it goes through.

Sorry about AF as well. Hope you get some holiday luck.

Melly - Often I have seen injuries with new skiers and new skiers on runs that are above their level. It's always tempting to go bigger. Also, every resort has different ratings which is hard. A blue at my resort is a black elsewhere etc.

Glad to hear you still ski, even if it's not frequent. Colorado is supposed to have a great winter so could be a good year to hit Aspen if you can. I have never skied there but I have skied Vail and Beaver creek -also for conferences and for fun Silverton, Telluride and Crested Butte. Really want to get to Jackson Hole, WY and Alta, UT. I've heard good things about Squaw Valley in Tahoe for steep terrain as well but have not yet been. On my list of to do's.

Mostly though, I can't wait for my little one to start skiing. (Okay, birth first but you get it.) Most kids here start at age 2.

(It's a huge powder day today so I really wish I was outside and not at my desk!)
All this talk of snow is making me feel quite Christmassy :) although I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet aaaagh!
Squaw was the first place on the west coast I went skiing! In my first winter of skiing I moved from the east coast to the west coast, so I was barely starting blues, and going from east coast blues to west coast blues was a HUGE difference. I remember looking down some of the 'blues' on Squaw and being totally unable to bring myself to even start over the edge. :haha:

Most of my skiing has been in/around Tahoe because I lived in San Francisco for the last three years - so Squaw, Heavenly, Sierra, Northstar and Kirkwood are the resorts I've skiied at there. Then Sunday River on the east coast (tiny place!) and Aspen.

MrsDuck - I think I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday! Was so proud of myself. :haha: Barring any last minute people I've forgotten. Last night I was starting to wrap them all up and dreading the postage costs of sending so much stuff to Australia!

We will be in Cleveland for Christmas and I am suuuper excited about the prospect of my first white Christmas.
Chanukah ends tonight so shopping is done luckily. I do have to get a b-day gift for DH though, whose bd is in a few weeks. We usually skip the holiday presents and just do b-days. What to get????

Melly - I grew up skiing the east as well and have skied the tiny hills like Sunday River and Wachuset (sp?). Also skied Gunstock, Loon, Wildcat, N. Conway, Stowe, etc., etc. Huge difference between east and west!
Hi ladies i just thought i would stop by and pass on my sad news. Yesterday i lost my baby. I'm heartbroken. I know you will all understand how that feels. I woke up yesterday with some slight red bleeding and pain one my right hand side. I went to A&E even though i wasn't bleeding much at that stage i was in pain on one side. They passed me on to a doc who passed me on to an early pregnancy unit. They examined me and gave me a scan. I had an internal scan. They couldn't locate my baby but they had a good look at my ovaries in case of ectopic pregnancy. Left ovary looks normal but the right, where i was having pain, looked bumpy and there was fluid around the ovary. Possibly had a ruptured cyst. They took blood to test for hcg and i will have another test tomorrow. As long as the numbers go down then I'm fine. They aren't ruling out ectopic until they see those numbers fall. I am at home but if the pain gets worse im to go straight back. Ive had more bleeding with this mc than my last so i think i had a cyst which ruptured. Did this cause my mc, the opinion seems divided. There are lots of women who have mc at the same time as a ruptured cyst and equally there are plenty of pregnant women who have cyst while pg that do or don't rupture that go on to have healthy babies. I am devastated at the mo and i want time away for awhile. I plan on enjoying Christmas and i hope you all have a lovely Christmas. I hope to be back in the new year and when i return i hope i see some more bfps!
Aw flou I am devastated for you :hugs: I totally understand you needing some time away and I hope all the Christmas festivities does a little to take your mind off your loss. I really am heartbroken for you. I hope you come back soon xxx
:hugs: Flou I am so sorry for you. Enjoy your Christmas and look forward to seeing you again.
Oh flou. :( That's the post you never want to see. I'm sorry. :hugs: Definitely take some time and let yourself grieve. Do whatever you need to do - release a balloon, write a letter, light a candle - or whatever feels right to you. I wish I could give you a big warm hug in person but an internet hug will have to do. We'll be here when you need us.
Flou I'm so so sorry. We all know how heartbreaking that is. I'm so sorry this is happening to you xxx
Flou I'm so very sorry to hear this :( it's just not fair. Understand taking some time away. Feel good and we are here when you need us.
Flou - I am so, so, sorry for your loss. Honestly, I can't even find to express what I feel in my heart. Sending love and hugs from afar.

I do hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy and refreshing New Year. I think we all hope to see you back when you are ready.
Hi ladies,

Flou thinking of you:hugs: .

Melly it isn't weird...fun sex is great especially with all the pressure of ttc the fun gets lost we we all def need it! :)

Mrsduck two more days until scan! Yay!! I am sure you count down the hours- I would be!

Itsawonder how are you doing? So glad everything came back as doing well. You have so much strength waiting to hear sex :) it will make it worth it for that surprise in the end! Hope you enjoyed the rest of your Chanukah! Do you celebrate both or just Chanukah! I only celebrated Chanukah growing up so with DH celebrating both it is nice to have some diversity. We out Chanukah colors and ornaments on the tree too :)

Callmeal so sorry to hear about your cat... What did the vet have to say? I understand about your thoughts :/. It's so hard to stay positive when negative things are going on around you. :hugs:

Cntrygrl how are you doing with your cycle and ovulating?

AFM yesterday was the would have been due date. I took it much easier than I expected. I wonder if this is the hump I needed to get over in a way. I'm on CD 18 today. BDing has been a mixed bag. I don't know if I have mentioned it to you ladies but fertile time is often pretty emotional for both DH and I. He has had some performance issues that have gotten in the way- not every time thankfully. Because this is not an issue during fun times we know it is the stress and pressure of trying to conceive. He is beating himself up about it and I'm trying to get him out of it but I get how he feels as my pain in the past has been a culprit of not being able to complete the task. Trying so hard just to think it will happen when it is meant to. Wish this stuff was easier! Because my cycles have been later I am going to look at testing on the 25th if no AF. Any words on encouragement or tips would really be helpful. Thanks for listening to my venting.
Buttrfly-- I finally O'ed on CD22. Currently in the TWW, but not expecting anything since we've been doing natural cycles since the end of July.
Sorry for my absence, friends.... Flou, so sorry to hear of your loss. I'll be thinking of you and hope to see you back when you're ready.

I've had a really hard week... we changed the cats' medicines on Wednesday, one started getting better, the other stopped eating and started vomiting. I took her in to the vet Friday morning and they gave her fluids. By Friday night she had gone completely blind. We took her to the emergency vet and they think she had a brain tumor. We wanted to take her home and keep her comfortable through the weekend so we could talk to our regular vet on Monday, but Friday night was horrible and she was suffering, so we had to put her down yesterday morning. I'm heartbroken. There's too much loss in my past four months, and my Grace cat was my oldest and most comforting friend when I lost my baby. I'm not sure what to do next.

We were trying to do SMEP this month and I think we may have lost that chance too, although my temps are completely screwed up from the stress and lack of sleep. I may be stalking but not replying in the next few days, I'm really hanging on by a thread here.

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