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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

Buttrfly - this was the first month I made damn sure we had sex every day from CD11 to CD14. So four days straight. :lol: Even though we were travelling! That was the only thing we did 'differently'. We had hit two or three days out of four the previous four cycles and I kept wondering if we were just missing the right day! So this time I was like, nope, EVERY DAY.

MrsDuck, the only 'new' or 'different' symptom this month was sore boobs! Frankly I am still in disbelief. I start to understand why people look at their tests over and over - in case it was just a trick or something and it's really not there!
Melly- congrats!!! Happy Father's Day indeed! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy journey.

Mrs. Duck- thanks for the recent picture. She is perfect :)

Flou-good luck at your appointment
Melly I bet you don't have to pinch your boobs anymore to hurt! I understand being in disbelief! Will you call the doctor today to get a first appointment?

Itsawonder how are you and your family?

Sorry about AF flou:( best of luck this cycle and yay for upcoming appointment!

Highhopes how are you and your babies doing?

Mrsduck seems like Ruby is doing great. Love seeing pictures!

I did go to the nurtitionist Friday and my diet is completely changed. It's more of a blood sugar diet which I guess I need. Apparently when I'm eating healthy I'm not eating enough carbs with meals and I'm crashing. She is concerned at how this probably affected my last pregnancy and these blood sugar issues could have definitely been part of the miscarriage. It really stinks but what can I do except move forward. Meal planning is a huge part right now.
RE appointment tomorrow for answers..yay!!
Aw thanks ladies, she gets away with murder, she's got me and hubby wrapped around her little finger due to that cute face haha

Melly when do you go to the drs?

Itsawonder how are you doing? Are you enjoying being a mummy? :)

Buttrfly it's amazing the power of a diet, I didn't realise how important it is. I hope all goes well at your appointment tomorrow

Highhopes how are you and your babies?

Flou how are you? Where are you in your cycle?

I hope bfp's are like buses and we are about to have our next flurry of them :)
MrsDuck, I guess I should!! I emailed my GP to ask when and with whom I should make my appointments. Eeeeeee!!

Buttrfly, I hope the new diet helps you feel good and healthy! And to fall prenant. :lol:
Thanks for asking ladies - we are happy and well. Being a mom is harder than I ever imagined but it is the most rewarding thing I have done. Rivkah is so sweet and I can sit and look at her all day (and all night since I am up feeding most of the time). I can't imagine life without her.
Melly it's so exciting I'm really pleased for you :)

Itsawonder I could have written that, it's so true. I'm currently looking at ruby having her nap and I just want to go over and pick her up for a cuddle mwaaah
Awwww you guys are making me look forward to the mushy obsession part. :lol: Not so much the lack of sleeping!

My doctor asked me to drop by the walk-in nurse's clinic yesterday to do an 'official' pee test - the nurse was like 'it's a faint positive, I usually tell people to come back in a week and try again' :roll: :( I told her I'd been in Japan for the next two weeks and that I just wanted to get the ball rolling if we could, rather than come back at 7+ weeks and not have set anything up! So she got out a bunch of paperwork for me to sign, and made a 'prenatal registration' appointment for me on July 10th. The paperwork for the appointment says in big, bold, underlined letters at the top "THERE WILL BE NO SCAN AT THIS APPOINTMENT". :lol: I guess people come in with high hopes and then get disappointed!
Melly what fab news, congrats! Hopefully there will be more bfps and this is the beginning of a flurry in our group!

Mrs duck I can't believe how fast ruby is growing! Is her personality showing yet? Does she smile? She looks gorgeous!

Itsawonder how are you? How have the first few weeks been?

Flou and buttrfly I hope your next round of appointments etc go ok. Buttrfly have u got a date for the hsg?

Afm, I'm 28 weeks today yay! I'm huuuuuuge. Twin 1 is very active and kicks constantly. Twin 2 seems a bit more relaxed. The nursery is nearly ready. Need to get my hospital bag packed as with twins anything can happen! Can't believe how fast time is flying.
Hooray for 28 weeks! I'm sure you are huge. :lol: Can we get a belly shot? That's so cool that the twins are already showing different traits!
Congratulations Melly i am so pleased for you! I wish you h&h 9 months.

AFM I am cd 9 so gearing up to O soon, probably in just over a week. We finally have a house and will be moving into our new home as of the 5th July! Can't wait!
YAYYYYY congrats on the move-in date, that makes it feel so real. Only 2.5 weeks away! Are you going to pack/move yourselves? Are you doing anything to the house before you move in?
I love the ticker melly, has it sunk in yet? Yay for getting your appointment date :)

Highhopes you're allowed to be huge you have 2 in there, I was huge and just had the 1 ;)
Yes she is very laid back thankfully and she's so funny if she wants something or doesn't want to do something she turns down the bottom lip and looks so cute so generally gets her own way haha yes she's smiling now especially after she's had a good sleep but as soon as I get the camera she stops. Hubby gets so many smiles and she's just on the verge of starting to chuckle first thing in the morning when he gets her out of her Moses basket <3 <3

Highhopes how many weeks will they let you get to?

Flou yay for finding a house, not long til you move in, new house, new baby ;)
Ruby sounds so cute with her smiles and chuckles!

Melly have u got an appointment booked in for when u get back?

Flou great news on the new house. A good time for new beginnings. FC xx

I will be induced at around 37-38 weeks so max time I have left is 10 weeks. Had a scan today, twin 1 is head down and twin 2 is breech.
Awwww MrsDuck, those smiles and almost-chuckles must be so precious!

Wow, hh, 10 weeks! That makes it sound practically like tomorrow!!

I have an appointment on July 10th for 'prenatal registration'. There's a big bold statement at the top of the form for the appointment - THERE WILL BE NO SCAN DONE AT THIS APPOINTMENT. :lol: Sounds like people have been let down before.
Melly are you feeling pregnant yet? ;)

Highhopes are you having a normal delivery even though one is breech?
MrsDuck, no not really! I don't feel any different. My husband would probably tell you I've been more tired and grumpy this week, but we did just move house on Sunday so every night we've been out purchasing things for the house and arguing about where furniture should go and tripping over boxes, so it's been a tiring, grumpy-making week anyway. :lol:

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