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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

Flou my bday is the 24th! Congrats on the move. I'm a little frustrated for you that the FS is not doing more...maybe that's just me though. I just can't believe they are waiting another year and then looking at IVF? Maybe I'm not understanding so I apologize. I just know some ladies with unexplained infertility where all the tests check out but they need extra help. Good luck to you with all...I really hope your sticky BFP comes soon.

Thanks mrsduck. Glad Ruby is doing well! Funny how fast they grow :) would love to see new pictures of her

Melly sorry for all the sickness but sounds good at the same time to have symptoms! Do you feel better now that you are home? Yes they looked at follicles yesterday...the left side looked good 21 and 19 which I heard is good. She then gave me the ovidrel injection and I was good to go...first IUI today and second tomorrow :D going so fast no side effects on the femara when I took it luckily!

Highhopes love the bump! I love seeing pictures of bumps. How fast time is flying! What's the plan from here?

Itsawonder how is everyone doing over there?

As I said first IUI was today because everything looked great, I was amazed my stubborn body cooperated and I am having a normal length cycle! Second IUI tomorrow, DH's count was great and IUI felt like nothing! Blood work to check progesterone and estrogen on 7/14 then 7/23 beta test. It feels great to be followed closely.
I started a journal if anyone is interested in following :)
Hope you ladies are doing well!
Melly how is the sickness? :sick:

Flou congrats on the move, I'm glad fertility is good and hopefully you catch that eggy very soon

Buttrfly the 24th is the 1 year anniversary of me being cancer free so I'll remember your birthday :) I'm glad all is going really well and you didn't have any nasty side effects and yay for lots of follies, I can't wait I hear of your bfp, I've got everything crossed for you

Buttrfly I'll post some more pics of ruby when I get chance to resize some pics :)

Highhopes how are you and your babies?

Itsawonder how are you doing?
I'm sure I replied in here to Buttrfly about going to find her journal but obviously not!

Sickness is basically just low-level constant nausea. Fun! No actual vomiting, just unsettled/lump in my throat/stomach in knots feeling all the time. It's bearable.
I'm glad you aren't actually being sick, but feeling sick is almost as bad :(

Are you going to find out if you are team pink or blue?
I think I want the surprise, but my husband thinks he wants to find out. :lol: So we'll see how long we can hold out!!

My first scan is booked for 11 days from now! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!

How's everyone doing?
I've just had a 2 day early birthday present. I've just got my bfp! I'm completely in shock and very nervous and scared. At least I'm off work until September (independent school teacher) so can get through the yucky months at home.
Congrats flou!!! Amazing news! What is the specialist office going to do to assist in the pregnancy process? How are you feeling? When was AF due?
AF was due last Wednesday but with the move to our new house I just put a delay down to stress. But then yesterday I said to DH that I thought I was pg. Sore bbs, constipation and hot flashes were my early symptoms. So I decided to test this morning and it was positive. I'm not feeling too bad. Occasionally feel sick but I think this is due to constipation more than pg hormones. The FS mentioned at our appointment last week giving me a scan at 6 and half weeks and using a low dose aspirin. I've got an appointment with my GP on Thursday so I am going to ask about being prescribed the aspirin and to discuss the possibilities of an early scan. I'm not sure I want one though which might sound strange but I'm a bit scared of getting attached at the mo. I'm going to wait until I've spoken to my GP and then decide what to do. The ironic thing is I've been moving heavy boxes all week!
Yay I love loggin on to good news :)

Melly yay for your scan being booked I bet you're excited, I hope you get pics

Flou I'm really pleased for you congratulations I told you new house new baby ;) I know what you mean about not wanting to get attached but there's nothing better than seeing that flicker on the screen :) I'll have a look for my 6 week scan :)

How is everyone else?
FLOU!!!! Hooraaaaaay, wonderful news!!!

The day I got my BFP was the day we were moving house and I said to my husband at one point "I'm so glad I found out right in time to be carrying heavy boxes all day!" :lol: So I hear you.
Flou that's fab news! I'm SO happy for u! Xx

FC for your iui this month buttrfly. When do u test? Xx
33 and Trying for 3rd i an temping takeing pregnacare and takeing one teaspoonful of pure Honey with a sprinkel of cinnamon also drinking decaf Green Tea x x
Welcome caz!!

Well, I started actually vomiting today. Hooray morning sickness! Stick little bubba, stick!
Melly i hope the sickness isn't too bad and hopefully its because you have a sticky bean!

hi caz, sorry for your losses. I hope you get a sticky bean soon!

I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow. I haven't been feeling too bad so far. Sometimes it doesn't actually feel like I'm pg but then I will get a twinge (or sleep for an hour which I did this afternoon!) I still feel so apprehensive and nervous but I just want to enjoy it and I can't. We went to Ikea today to get some bits for our new house and I couldn't bear to look in the kids section. DH had to nearly guide me through with my eyes closed! I'm hoping after the first 12 weeks I might relax and be able to enjoy it more. Only 7 more weeks to go....
Ladies- I have not forgotten you. We have had family in town almost every day. I think of you often and will catch up soon.

Flou- congrats!!!!!!!

How is everyone else?
Hi girls morning sickness is bad I had that up to 16 week with the dd but with the son never had it much xx
I decided to go for the early scan. It will be on the 1st August when I'm 7+2. I'm a mixture of nervous and excited about it.
Ooooh flou, how exciting. I can understand your nerves, big hugs :hugs: But I am excited for you. My scan is in four days!!
Good luck melly!

buttrfly how are you feeling? Your test date must be coming up soon. I have my fxd for you.

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