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Over 30 & still trying for baby #1

Congrats on moving house :) just to warn you being grumpy and having a short fuse lasted the whole pregnancy for me :/ it soon goes when you see baby's cute face though :)
Grumpy is just one of the extreme emotions I've had...I cry at the drop of a hat! Over ridiculous things!

Not sure about birthing options yet. Babies can still turn apparently there is still plenty of room!

Will post a belly pic at some point!
Yay looking forward to a belly pic, I do miss my bump
Hi ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Melly hope you are feeling well. Grrrr to no scan first appointment. I feel like they should give every appointment but that is just me! Enjoy japan! I think I saw in your journal you were leaving soon.

Highhopes yay for 28 weeks! How time flies! Twins must be hard to carry but overjoying at the same time. I did hsg on 6/2 and everything was fine. I did hate the hsg though!

Itsawonder and mrsduck how are you and the little ones?

Flou good luck this cycle and yay for appointment coming up. Did they say they did all testing needed and they will have a plan?

AFM Tuesday I met with RE and we have a plan moving forward . We will do monitoring so they see when I am ovulating ( ultra sounds, blood work a few days in the cycle ). Once they see I am where I need to be I will be out on femara ( like clomid but less side effects). Once I am very close to ovulation they will do a trigger shot to make the eggs drop then I will do an IUI the next two days after that. This along with diet for pcos/blood sugar ( I was properly diagnosed).
I gained weight this week and have other symptoms so I'm thinking AF may be here in the next few days. Im ok with it so we can get started. We have been really laid back this month not BDing much when we should, regular lube, no OPKs. We had a whatever happens happens attitude this month because need to decrease some of this stress.
Hope everyone is doing well and having a good weekend!
Buttrfly, sounds like they have a good plan in place for you!! Sorry about the diagnosis but at least it lets you access these solutions. :hugs:

I am leaving for Japan in an hour!
Buttrfly sounds like a great plan. I'm not sure what they will say to us on the 7th but I know we are doing everything we can to get our little one at this stage. All the tests me and DH have had have all come back with good results. We just have to hope for the best. I hope we both get our sticky beans soon!

Melly I'm glad the symptoms aren't too bad for you yet and enjoy Japan.

highhopes not long now. I'm so excited for you!

Mrs duck and itsawonder how are you both doing?
Buttrfly it's great that you have a plan for next month, how exciting!!!

Melly have fun in japan.
Buttrfly it sounds like they are going to look after you well and have a plan to make you a mummy asap :) I can't wait to hear your good news :)

Have a lovely time in Japan melly

Flou not long til your appointment I'm looking forward to your bfp too

Highhopes I hope second baby turns so you get the chance of having a natural delivery if that's what you want (plus where's the belly pic?? ;) )

Afm my little chicken is doing well thanks for asking everyone but I did feel very guilty this morning, ruby went to bed at 8pm last night and sometime between then and 6am this morning she must have thrown up all her last feed without me hearing/noticing, normally she will cry but not a murmur and she was all smiles at 6am when she woke up too but when I picked her up the back of her head was soaking wet, one of her arms, her back and all over the Moses basket, clearly she wasn't bothered but I felt so guilty :(
Ohhh don't worry MrsDuck, she clearly didn't mind at all. :hugs:

Hello from Tokyo!
Hows everyone today? Melly how are the pg symptoms? I'm currently 2dpo today. Got a lot going on at the mo. We move into our new house a week today. It will be lovely to go back to just being the 2 of us after having spent the last 3 months at my parents. And I've got my appointment to look forward to on the 7th. Hope everyone is doing well.
Melly i hope you and your appleseed are having a lovely time :)

Flou I hope all goes well with the move :)

Highhopes how are you and the babies?

Buttrfly how are you getting on with he new diet?

Itsawonder how is motherhood treating you?

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend :)
Congrats on the upcoming move flou!! And good luck this month. I also conceived a little after we moved and sounds like melly did too! Maybe I should move again haha ;)

Melly I've been checking out your journal and looks like you are doing well. Hope you are enjoying Japan!

Highhopes how are you and babies doing?

Itsawonder how is your little one?

Mrsduck sounds like Ruby is doing well. Don't be hard on yourself about what happened the other day. You sound like you are doing amazing job and would have been there if you knew what was going on.

AFM had my baseline ultrasound and blood work Friday. Everything looked good so started femara last night. Next monitoring is the 7th. If all is good they will do trigger then ( or I will depending on how it works) and they are looking at the 8th and 9th for iuis. 9th is DH's birthday and oh course that would then mean we would find out the outcome around my birthday. If my body doesn't cooperate the dates would be a bit different. Hard to be hopeful with mixed reviews of IUI but I'm trying!
Our birthdays must be quite close buttrfly. Mines the 15th. Good luck with the iui! I hope you get your bfp soon!
Thanks buttrfly xx

I've got everything crossed for you that you get your birthday bfp, stay positive, it sounds like you are in good hands and they will do everything to get you your baby :)
How are the babies mrs duck and itsawonder?

Hope the iui is going well buttrfly. Excited for u!

Melly any symptoms yet?

Flou GL for your appointment...think it is coming up isn't it?

AFM the bump continues to grow daily. Twin 1 is kicking quite powerfully twin 2 is a lot calmer. The photo is the bump at 26 weeks. I'm
Now 30 weeks! Time is flying!!! Only 7 weeks to go eeeeeek!
I love the bump highhopes, I've just been looking at photos of mine :) you are looking really good, not long to go now. Are you still working?

Ruby is good thanks, she's such a happy baby and growing so fast, she's just gone into her 3-6 month clothes eeeek she'll be at school before I know it haha
HH, 30 weeks! How did that happen?! Didn't you just find out it was twins, like, yesterday? :lol:

Buttfly, how's the femara going? Any side effects? Are they going to be monitoring for follicles on the 7th? How many, how long, etc?

Symptoms are all over the map here. Morning sickness which was getting worse from 5+2 to 6 weeks, and then eased off noticeably for the last few days. Constipation like you wouldn't believe (which is tough in Japan because I can't find anything to I trust to take for it!). Bloated like I'm already five months pregnant. :lol: Pregnancy is so glamourous!!
Aw melly sounds like you are suffering :( 6 more weeks of the pants first tri then you will be in the nice second tri and will feel much better, hang in there :)
We have moved house and currently feels as if we are camping out in our own home.

Had our appointment with the FS today. I'm going to have an hsg but should take 2/3 months to come through. If I conceive they are going to give me an early scan at about 6 weeks and if it seems viable put me on aspirin. If we don't get pg in another year we can apply for nhs ivf. But hoping we will catch soon and it will stick. So at the mo keep trying as we both have good fertility which is good. Just hope it doesn't take too much longer!
I didn't realise NHS covered IVF, that's great, although obviously hopefully you don't need it!!

We are still unpacking from our move three weeks ago!

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