PAL after Recurrent Losses - come join us!

Davies - your an addict already lol... i sometimes used it twice a day at beginning and used it all the way through till i could feel him - now if i use it he goes mad - hates it and kicks me to bits.

Hopeful - I promise the energy comes back - it was a few weeks into 2nd trimester but i started to feel energetic and excited again. I think first was even worse for being tired - im getting used to it now
I no Lou can't help it lol already used(was only small) the bottle of gel that came with it! Haha had to buy a new one! I tried aloe Vera but found it was to sticky didn't work aswell!!

Hopeful I can't wait to have some energy I do nothing all day!! I'm waiting to be given a start date for when I have to go in the travel agents I'm dreading trying to be there for 9!!
I have always wanted surprise as I just will need it! Can't wait for u all to find out! We all had such similar tastes an symptoms! Can u imagine if we all had the same! I live doing Chinese predictions, an when I was in Orlando I brought an intel gender test last year! An I used that it came back as girl but the reviews on them are really bad!! So who knows! I will b genuinely happy with either sex just healthy bubs! Xx
Fili, dare I say that unless you have the fetus tested you won't know whether it was a treatment failure?
Sorry. I'm not saying this to defend Mr S's treatment but just that from a scientific point of view unless you know for sure that this pregnancy was 'normal' you can't know. Urgh, can't express myself properly today, sorry, foggy brain.
As far as I understood it the one pregnancy you had tested went to 9 weeks and was growing normally until then? Sorry, I know you've given the details before.

You're so incredibly brave holding up like this. Feel free to tell me off for interfering in your thought processes at any time!

Sending you big big :hug: for tomorrow. Will your DH be going with you?
For all ladies having trouble on trousers, I switched early on to leggings. Bought comfy maternity leggings at H&M for £7 and wore them despite not yet having a bump, just wanting to feel less restricted. Along with a top or dress that covered my bum (panty lines) I felt much more comfortable.
Hi pip I wondered where you were! Hope you're doing ok. My third was the same behind dates, hb, hb stops, this one is just on a different time scale and even slower to reveal itself. The other one reached just over 1cm but the hb stopped one day before 9 weeks. A couple of consultants have said I have had the 'same' mc. This mc is pretty much exactly the same as my second in terms of what we see when scan wise and I had no treatment for that. I'm a little different from you aside from the nk cells in that I've never been diagnosed with anything and st marys say I can just go ahead with no trestment but I asked for all the tests to be repeated anyway just in case they were too close to pregnancy (6 weeks after mc) just to be doubly safe but i know they wont find anything. I might return to mr s one day but we've decided on hep and aspirin next time or no treatment at all... Might be a mistake but...
I'm not letting dh go with me tomorrow, it is not fair he has to wait so long too when he's really busy I don't see why I should drag this out for him too. I won't be upset at all and I know what to expect so I'm happy to go on my own.
Hello lovelies, how is everyone today? I’m at work and not happy about it! Monday mornings have never been my friend. I had an awful night trying to fall asleep and stay asleep. I’m completely exhausted today. Not sure how I’m going to make it through. My boss is out today so at lunch I’m going to use her office to take a little nap.

Thanks for all the kind words about Tim’s cousin. Just to clarify, his cousin is a woman and has a 3 year old and a 5 month old! She was holding the 5 month old when I told her and her husband about my new pregnancy. Her husband was much more congratulatory than she was. So annoying!

Florida so happy you have a scan scheduled. Is it on Jan 14? I’ll put it on the front page. I’ve only had nausea but haven’t thrown up. I want to throw up sometimes but can’t. I hope the blood isn’t anything.

Fili I’m so glad you got your scan scheduled for tomorrow. I know how much you want to move on, so for your sake, I’m hoping you get the news you are looking for. You are a brave, strong woman.

Mandy, welcome, welcome!!! So excited for you! You don’t have to read this whole thread! LOL. We can chat.

Jen, I constantly want to cry for no reason. You are pregnant!

Hopeful I was wondering where you were yesterday. Sorry you weren’t feeling well. I know headaches can be common due to all the hormones. I love comfy clothes! The weather has been so nice here that I can wear some of my spring/summer clothes. I dug out some very loose pants that I’m wearing today. I lost a lot of weight over the summer and gave away most of my bigger clothes. Now I’m regretting it! Luckily I kept some of them.

Davies, Pip said she used baby oil for her doppler. Once I run out of the gel, I’m switching to baby oil. I hope my doppler comes today. I doubly hope I find the hb!

Pip, I’m going to buy maternity leggings. Those sound divine. Thanks for the tip!

Hi to everyone else! We have several scans coming up this week.
hey amanada i felt like you today , i had interupted sleep due to the dog jumpin up on the bed loads of times then i was up at like 5am too pee lol xxx
Heart, yes, appt is January 14th at 9am! :D So excited. I know I won't see much, probably just a blob and hopefully a HB!

yay for a nap in the bosses office! :)
Heart will try baby lotion next time haven't got any!
Hopeful no won't fly now until after baby have 9-12 months off then go back so! Ages away! I miss it though!! X
Now theres a quite a few of us thought id pinch this get to know each other quiz:

Due date?

How Long did you ttc this one?
5 long years after IVF and 5 iuis and a series of mc's i got my natural pg'cy threugh accupuncture

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
I told DH to get a bottle of Magners Cider on way home, he forgot and just a got beer so i sent him out again (wasnt best pleased) in the meantime i went and did a test and it was positive, he came back and i said i better not have that drink, his face dropped as id made him go out and then i said im pg his face soon changed :kiss: We found it hard to get excited though with other loses

How did you/will you tell other people?
I told my mum and DH parents but didnt tell anyone else till i was 16 weeks after i found out gender, people were shocked i kept it a secret so long - i wanted to wait longer but was showing

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Only very close family and one set of friends

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
yes we did baby boy and its been checkd at 3 other scans

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
would like to go natural but im not ruling out any drugs - but doing a course in hypnobirthing

Worst pregnancy symptom?
Feeling so tired in1st and 2nd trimester oh and heartburn

Have you bought any baby bits?
Loads now, just need to sort nursery

If not when will you buy your first item?

Any names chosen yet?
He is going to be called Ethan also like Luca - if he was a girl probably Lottie or Bella

Your occupation?
Wedding decorator

How long have you been with partner?
7 years - 3.5 years married
Due date?

How Long did you ttc this one?
13 months, first month using a CBFM we had BFP - we were awaiting RPL testing but Dr told us not to stop trying in the mean time. Had 3 losses in this time frame.

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
He came home from work and walked into the kitchen so I followed him in, threw my arms round his neck and told him I was pregnant. He smiled but he had told me when we'd BD'd that he'd got me pregnant, lol :)

How did you/will you tell other people?
I told different people (friends) in different ways. Will tell family with a scan pic text to them. Those I see more regularly will get to see the actual scan pic.

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?

Only close friends and my mum

Will you find out the gender of your baby?

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
Ideally I'd like a home birth so just G&A

Worst pregnancy symptom?
Throwing up :(

Have you bought any baby bits?
No. I have a lot from Laura so probably won't buy a lot, only essentials. Unless we're having more than one of course...

If not when will you buy your first item?
Probably once I believe it's real and all going to be ok, I can't put a time scale on that right now because I have bad doubts

Any names chosen yet?
Emily Ruth for a girl. Cannot decide on boys names so let's hope it's a girl!

Your occupation?

How long have you been with partner?
3.5 years, married for 2.5yrs
Davies, I think Pip said baby oil, not baby lotion. I just checked online and my doppler is probably getting delivered today! Too bad I have a therapy appointment right after work. Would it be weird if I brought the doppler to my appointment and I tried it there? LOL! I think I'll wait till I'm at home.

Florida, you'll be 6+4 so you'll see something, but don't get discouraged if you don't see a hb. I hope you do though. I updated the front page with your date.

Lou, how fun! Not sure I can answer all of these yet, but will give it a go.

Due date?
August 3, 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?
I've been trying for 4 years. Have had 4 mcs in the past 3 years and lost a tube due to an ectopic. I did IUI right after my ectopic and got pregnant the first try!

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
I was testing out the trigger shot from IUI. I told him I thought the tests were getting darker but would confirm it the next day. He asked me before I had a chance to tell him the next day.

How did you/will you tell other people?
I told my mother, father and step-mother the day I found out. I told my siblings that day too. I waited until I had several good scans and a strong hb before telling friends. I told my boss because I had a bleed and had to take time off work. Am waiting to tell the rest of my work until well into the second tri.

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Yes, most people who know me know about my losses. Some co-workers don't but a lot of them do.

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
Absolutely! Just hoping to get that far!

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
I can't think that far into the future. Just trying to get through today.

Worst pregnancy symptom?
Heartburn, nausea and the constant worry!

Have you bought any baby bits?
Nope. Too scared to.

If not when will you buy your first item?
Probably in the third tri.

Any names chosen yet?
No. I can't think that far ahead either. Too scared.

Your occupation?

How long have you been with partner?
Together 13 years, married 6.5 years
I love these!!

Due date?
August 2, 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?
Technically we conceived this pregnancy by mistake, we had been trying for about 18 month and had 5 pregnancies all ending in m/c before 6 weeks. We moved onto adoption, completed our home study and were excited about building our family that way when I felt weird, took a test and looks like we might have our miracle after all.

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
Because of our losses I feel as tough the joy of the two lines was not around in our house. I told him when i took the test. We were both very non excited, just waiting to find out. Then blood test after blood test as the tests went up we would get slightly more hopeful, and the same with the scans. Now we are starting to actually get excited :)

How did you/will you tell other people?
We told our parents over Christmas which was fun, and have told a few of our close friends - mostly because I have been sick in the evenings and we wanted our lose friends to understand why we were not being sociable, especially because it was the holiday season. After we hit our week 13, second trimester, I will announce it on my blog and FB and put a scan picture up, I think people will be surprised because they all know about our adoption plans and have been so excited for us about that. It will feel so good not to have to keep it a secret any more!

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Yes, everyone. Our church family was so supportive, sending flowers and meals and just loving us so well. I write a blog so everyone knows our business! ha ha! I think it was therapeutic for me to write about how I was feeling through them.

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
I never thought I would want to, but my hubby really wants to and I am so certain it is a boy I want to find out so I can adjust my thinking if its a girl. I would be thrilled with either.

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
I am open to anything, I will try and do as much naturally as possible because I know recovery is usually easier and quicker with natural deliveries, but I am open to the idea that I might need drugs and when it comes to it I just want the baby out and healthy.

Worst pregnancy symptom?
So tired, and feeling nauseous at the same time. But I really have not had it too bad (yet at least)

Have you bought any baby bits?
No, still not sunk in that we are actually having a baby! I did buy a belly band, but that;s more a pregnancy buy!

If not when will you buy your first item?
Maybe after the gender scan. Then I can have fun designing the nursery.

Any names chosen yet?
I love the name Elliott and my husband likes Grayson for boys, we also like Asher and Owen but maybe for middle names, plus hubbys middle name is Shaw so its likely he (or she) will have 3 names. I like the names to have strong meaning but I have to like them too. For girls we like Olivia, and I like Lexi but we would have a harder time picking that I think.

Your occupation?
I am a pre school teacher, but at the moment I am back at school as a full time student. I think I want to study counseling in the future so trying to get some education under my belt before baby so when the kids are older I wouldn't have to start all over with school.

How long have you been with partner?
We have been together 3 and a half years married almost 2 and a half. We didn't mess around, we were engaged after only a few months and married just 5 months after that - when you know you just know.

Looking forward to getting to know the rest of you better!! Great idea!
Oh, what a great way to get to know each other!

Due date?
July 2, 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?
I've been TTC#2 for 2 years (first one took one month!). I've had 2 MMC's between 8 -10 weeks and an early loss around 4.5 weeks. After my last loss we had troubles getting pregnant again, so turned to IUI to conceive this one.

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
It was very anti-climatic! We were cooking dinner together and I told him I thought I was pregnant but it could be from the trigger. A few days later he casually asked me if the tests were still dark and I say 'yup'.

How did you/will you tell other people?
We told our parents right away as we needed help with baby-sitting to get to all our appointments. I told friends on a need to know basis. After our NT scan I sent an email around and told a few other people. Lots of our friends have no idea still. I'll let them figure it out!

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Immediate family and some close friends.

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
Oh ya, hopefully in a few days!

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
DRUG me up please!!!

Worst pregnancy symptom?
Heartburn, headaches, exhaustion!

Have you bought any baby bits?
No...doesn't feel right yet.

If not when will you buy your first item?
After we know the gender?

Any names chosen yet?
Na, I've thought about some, but can't find anything I like.

Your occupation?
Computer Programmer

How long have you been with partner?
Together 12 years, married 7.5 years
Due date?*
27th august 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?*
6months mmc diagnose June passed July chemical sept and oct bfp dec x dec bfp was predicted by 4 different mediums x

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?*
I tested on Sunday 11th an got bfp but didn't want to tell hubby I'd tested early had thrush so needed to go to doc so told him I'd test before I went on the Thursday done it before he went to work pretended I was surprised think he was shocked and didn't believe it even a week later after digi he said but what if your not think the chemicals confused him x

How did you/will you tell other people?
Told my 2 bf's even before my hubby x told my mum on the Thursday an since then been telling the people that I would tell if we had a loss x not that exciting though just get pitying looks x miss the excitement x

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?*
All friends an family know about mmc only close friends an family know about chemicals x

Will you find out the gender of your baby?*
Yes! Never had a chance to before I have 3 girls would love another one but obviously hubby would love a boy just want to know so I can be organised an not have a wardrobe full of cream clothes that never get worn x

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?*
Only ever had gas & air so hoping it'll be same again would really love to do it without as it just makes you feel drunk an everything is a bit of a blur but don't think I'm that strong lol x

Worst pregnancy symptom?*

Have you bought any baby bits?
Not since this bfp but with mmc bought loads so it's all in a drawer and at my mums I have bath, baby seat, 3in1 travel system, steriliser an lots of wee bits an bobs never for one min thought anything would go wrong so started buying straight away x

If not when will you buy your first item?
After 12wk scan...I think x

Any names chosen yet?*
All my girls end in an *EY so I like Kenzey*or Cody for both boy and girl if it's my hubby not keen though he likes Lennon or Scotland! Don't think he'll be getting to choose name lol x

Your occupation?*
Cmmunity Care worker also have my own wee hobby/ business ,making cards, invites *& gifts for all occasions specialising in weddings*

How long have you been with partner?
8.5yrs together married 5.5yrs x
aww yay :D

Due date?
September 4th, 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?
21 months total TTC w/ 2 losses prior to this pregnancy

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
Wanted to hold off and do something special but ended up just waiting till he got home then showed him the digi

How did you/will you tell other people?
My family knows, will tell everyone else via FB after first tri

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Only family and a couple of very close friends

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
yes!! no patience to wait

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
I'm no superwoman, so will probably be using drugs, I have a zero pain tolerance!

Worst pregnancy symptom?
So far fatigue and MS :(

Have you bought any baby bits?
I've had a baby stash that been slowly building since we originally started TTC :)

If not when will you buy your first item?

Any names chosen yet?
Aubrey for a girl and DH is coming up with weird names for a boy :wacko:

Your occupation?
insurance agent

How long have you been with partner?
6 1/2 years together, 4 year married next month
Due date?
August 8th, 2012

How Long did you ttc this one?
2 and a half years but had three missed miscarriages in that time

How did you tell your significant other about your pregnancy?
I wanted to fumble about in my handbag and just hand him the test on one of our date nights but I ended up blurting it out the day after my bfp!!

How did you/will you tell other people?
I told my grandma before I even told oh. Told my boss (because of time off and she knows about my history and my colleague (who's more like a good friend) cos she was really worried about me! Just told my mum yesterday. Well confirmed it really cos she already knew!! I'll tell the rest of my family and friends and children after a successful 12 week scan

Did anyone know about your previous MC's?
Yes, pretty much everyone who means anything to us. Their support was invaluable.

Will you find out the gender of your baby?
definitely. I neeeeed to know! Will find out at a private gender scan at 16 weeks :)

Are you planning to go natural or do you want drugs?
I'm hoping to just use gas and air. I can do it!! I've done it before! The only thing I'm strict on is no epidural. I had one with Ella (my oldest) and it wasn't a good experience :(

Worst pregnancy symptom?
insomnia and irritability!!!

Have you bought any baby bits?
Definitely not!! Although I have been browsing mothercare !!!

If not when will you buy your first item?
After the 12 week scan.
Any names chosen yet?
Not decided on a first name but the middle name for a girl will be Peta and for a boy, Peter. Named after my late FIL.

Your occupation?

How long have you been with partner?
5 wonderful years. Getting married July 14th 2012 (I'll be 36 weeks pregnant!!!

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