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Ah heart beautiful!! I would go back into it if I was you then you can stay at home lol!! Croydon change your college course child are in the us sounds the way forward!! Your right hopeful, we get some crap care but good benefits. Shame the country is being bled dry by people on benefits! An people like myself an my hubby that work pay out a fortune in tax coz of this! Rang over! Lol gonna try sleep night ladies xx
Davies- our country is bled dry by people taking advantage of the system too with the govt programs

Heart- wish I could find someone like you to nanny
I nannied part time during uni, too. And I was an au pair. Hopeful, you never know, you might find a gem!

Davies, I'm on benefits at the mo :blush: I don't see how I could scrounge off the system, though. They only pay £67/week. That goes up when I get maternity allowance but once ducky is six months old everything stops. Plus, I won't have a job I can go back to part time.
A lot of my friends, mostly professionals, have suddenly found themselves without jobs recently. It's very scary!

On a happier note, babytimes, your scan is incredible! You either have a very talented sonographer or an extremely photogenic baby. Probably both ;)
Do you think you might add a pregnancy tracker soon so we can follow your progress?

Heart, I love your alien! What fun pics, especially the eyes on the first one. Your child is going to love them when you show them in a few years :haha:
Pip, do you have any scan pics of Ducky to share? I want to see what a boy looks like! Only if you feel comfortable sharing of course!

My husband has gorgeous green eyes. I would love to have a green eyed baby. I loved seeing those little eyes peek out at me.
Not yet, heart. My doc usually has his PA email them through after the appointment. I've had pics sent within 24h and other times ten days later. I'll let you know when I get them and pop them at the front of my journal.
Did I mention that I graduated from Mr S today? :happydance:

(Oh, and to answer your earlier question: I stopped the progesterone at 16 weeks but I believe that 12 weeks is a more common stopping time)
Ok, I'll be looking at your journal for an update.

I'm going to stop them at 12 weeks I think. Did you wean off or stop cold turkey?
I am actually a pre school teacher and former nanny too - but I was also older by the time I was out of the class room and nannying! I wonder if you could put the feelers out with family and friends to see if they knew anyone who would be a good nanny, I got my jobs from word of mouth recommendations. It helped me feel more confident in the families I was working for as well as them having more confidence in me. Just a thought.

I am in school trying to get out of child care and education! ha ha but my hubby has brought up the idea of us having a day care in our house, the next time we move buying a place with a basement or space for it. I am not sure that I would like it as much as he would like the money it would generate! ha ha

Excited that hubby was able to move meeting around so he can come with me tot he doctor tomorrow. I would have been fine going alone, but now I know he is going to be there I am really happy :) Just praying everything is ok, and we see or hear a heartbeat and a lovely healthy growing baby. I NEED a doppler, well, I would really like one. If everything is ok tomorrow I will order one. Seeing all your posts makes me envious that you can get that reassurance.

Had less symptoms today, but still a bit uncomfortable which I guess is totally normal, but I was not feeling sicky or even too tired and I only got up to pee once last night. I hope its normal PAL freak out before the scan and nothing sadder.
Croy it's going to be a perfect scan! And yes, you do NEED a doppler. I can't say enough about it. I find the strongest hb right when I wake up before I pee. It's the first thing I do in the morning now and it makes my day. It also made me so much less stressed for my scan today. I already knew we would see a hb because I had heard it twice today before the scan.

I couldn't be a preschool teacher now. I work with the elderly population and love it. I think I would get burned out being a mom and a preschool teacher. But that's me. My symptoms are really waning. I still don't feel 100% with my stomach, but I can eat. Really, it's nothing to worry about. But of course it's easier said than done and yes, it's PAL Normal indeed!
I wonder how 9 is holding up. She is supposed to have a scan tomorrow too I just noticed. I took a peek at her posts and it looks like she might have had a court date to deal with her husband. Poor thing.
Just wrote a long post an bloody deleted it!!! Ahhhhh!!
How is everyone today?? I'm good just listened to hb!! It's always hard for me to find first thing!! Think my bubs is embedded hopefully not a morning person lol!!

Pip I really didn't mean to offend you, I no lots of people who at some point throughout there life have had to claim benefits pls don't think I'm judging you or others, genuine claims when like you say people have lost there jobs etc its terrible an must b hard to try an live off that amount every week! My dig was aimed at these people who pop out 7 kids just coz of how much they can get off the government!! People who both don't work coz they can't be bothered an they ate better off on benefits! I watched Jeremy Kyle a few months back an was shocked at the people an how blatant they are about it! One woman had something like 6 kids her rent paid partner didn't work, even though he wasn't the dad, she got something like £2000 a month she said she spent £200 a week on food but Jeremy Kyle says what about the tobacco ur smoking an drink u have etc!! There the peoe that infuriate me! Sorry if you think I have spoken out of turn I really didn't mean to offend anyone!
I have a friend who's single mum an claiming benefits my sil claims carers benefit for her disabled son, genuine claims an of course it's a good job we have it, just don't like people who take advantage of it!

Hope everyone's ok an sorry if I upset or offended anyone xxxx
Morning girls I'm in hospital today for phase 2 of my treatment. Hoping I will mc today and it should all be over as a day patient. I'm coming home as soon as I can. Hubby is coming with me.
Davies did you take clomid for this cycle? Did you take it even though you ov on your own or did you not ov on your own? When I get back home I'm going to work out my next ttc timeline! And a plan of action!
Davies, I'm not upset, I just don't see how anyone can live the high life off the system. It just isn't that generous :shrug:

Unless you defraud it in some way. That really annoys me. People in London letting out their council flats for a huge profit, for instance :growlmad: they can't even be prosecuted!

Lol at Jeremy Kyle watching. I've had to stop that. Too many I'm 99% certain he's the dad stories. How can you be just 99% sure? :rofl:
Fili, sending you lots of hugs and strength for today. I hope they make it so it isn't too painful physically :hugs:
Fil, lots of love and thoughts today.
Pip, we are struggling on benefits too. My partner had a good job and last year the company folded, owing him £13,000 in wages. Now we get by on the tiny amount of housing benefit, and tax credits we get. He doesn't get any job seekers or anything as I work 16 hours a week and he gets working tax credits for me but it barely covers our outgoings. We have to budget food, petrol, nappies, and all rent bills and living expenses to the last penny and it leaves us about £10 a week spare. Certainly not the high life! We are in a bad position to be trying for a baby but I don't want us being skint now to be the reason I never had another baby. Just hoping he gets a job soon. Anyway I didn't mean to have a go, just wanted to say that it is a struggle and we are not living the high life! I'm not offended by anyone's comments though :) just came on to peruse all the gorgeous scan pics! Congratulations all of you on such beautiful pictures and Pip! A boy! Wonderful news.xx
Thinking of you today fili xxxx

Lovely pics heart and baby x only 8more sleeps till mine an hopefully I'll be puttin a pic up in our hall of fame x

Hope everyone else ok today xxxx
I used to think people who didnt work seemed better off than me but then i lost my job (£21k/yr) and DH lost his job and had to work p/t. Now my life is just constant stress and worry as to how we will pay our bills. We've had to start using cloth nappies because we couldn't keep up with the cost of disposables, DH applies for 3-4 jobs a wk but so far no luck and with Laura it's now not feasible for me to work and pay the crazy childcare costs. If DH gets a full time job then the CSA will be back on him for stupid sized repayments for his son (and his ex wife is one of those fiddling, working as a hairdresser while claiming she's unemployed AND living alone with her bf there paying her bills) its just insane.

This country is going to the dogs but its not going to change because those in power fon't have the first clue what its like to live on the bones of your ass.
I wonder how 9 is holding up. She is supposed to have a scan tomorrow too I just noticed. I took a peek at her posts and it looks like she might have had a court date to deal with her husband. Poor thing.

morning lovely preggo ladies!

I was thinking of 9 too so took a peek at her journal, unfortunately its not good news

I hope you dont mind me sharing this with everyone 9. Hope you are ok :hugs: xx
9 babies so so sorry xxx
Fili thinking of you today my lovely, I took clomid to get pg everytime they found out from day 21 bloods that I didn't ov properly so I was put on clomid cd 3-7 worked best for me always took 2-4 months to pg, at first I wondered if the clomid made me mc but I hope it's not true! I tried for a year an didn't get pg! Good luck today Xxx

If anyone has mistaken me about the benefits thing I am sorry my comments refer to the people who aren't in a crap situation that just on benefits coz they can't b arsed an they fraudulently claim disability benefits to get more!! Like Jeremy Kyle like these people sun letting property ! Not people who are in a situation through no fault of there own! Really sorry I said it, didn't mean to upset xx

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