I have tried a number of things over the years. I had a natural miscarriage labeled a "fluke" followed by a twin pregnancy at (2 hb seen at 6 weeks, 1 hb seen at 8 weeks and at 12 week scan no hb and baby measuring 9 weeks), this was followed by a loss at 25 weeks when I was finally referred to a specialist. My next pregnancy we tried progesterone but it was a natural mc at 7 weeks followed by another pregnancy on progesterone and aspirin and another mmc at 13 weeks after this I was diagnosed with Ashermans and had a hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue. I became pregnant with my rainbow immediately after and was followed weekly while taking progesterone until 12 weeks, aspirin until 34 weeks and antibiotics from 17-34 weeks as well as prenatal, vitamin C and vitamin D. DS was born at 36 weeks due to placental failure, is a late term IUGR baby but otherwise healthy.
I became pregnant again after DS was born and for this pregnancy am just taking aspirin and antibiotics but stopped both last week.