PAL after Recurrent Losses - come join us!

Hi Ladies,
I'm new here and I hope you don't mind me jumping in. I've had two mc's last year (one at 6.5 weeks and the other was a mmc and didn't have any symptoms. I went for my 10 week first scan and baby was only 6 wks and no heartbeat). I just found out last week I'm pg again and I'm soooo nervous. I haven't even told my husband yet.

Diary Momma, I'm so glad to read that your scan was good. Have you been for another follow up since?
Nessaw, how is everything with you?
SweetV, when are you due?
Just an update folks. Anatomy scan all good. Measuring a little ahead. And....we think we are team pink! :pink:

Hope everyone else is good.
Tui-awwwww, lovely to see good scan news and was it confirmed that your bump is pink or is it just guessing?

Mediterranean-welcome! FX this is your super sticky lucky rainbow beanie baby.

AFM-morning sickness is pretty much a constant companion for me now in the afternoons but no more spotting. I did get the actual scan report though and it's basically what the dr told me. He left out a few things though-the corpus luteum cyst is on the right which makes me EXTREMELY happy because my left ovary tends to make blighted ovums while my rainbows have all been right sided ov. And they did see a small probable hematoma so that's likely the cause of my bleeding last week. Doesn't say if it's near the baby or not but I'm guessing it's absorbing because I haven't had any more bleeding since Monday. I go for my followup on Wednesday and I can't wait to see bubs!
That's amazing news diary Momma!!! I'm so happy for you that the appt went well. Thanks for the well wishes.

I have my first scan on feb 23 am I'll be 7+4 according to LMP but I ovulated late so I think I'll actually be 6+4. I've never had a scan that early and while I want to im scared if they can't see anything that I'll freak out. To those that have had a scan in the 6th week, what were they able to see?
Dairy, I had a very cautious sonographer that kept saying she can't guarantee anything as they do get it wrong sometimes blah blah......but she seemed to think it was a girl. Probably won't get another scan so we will just be a little guarded lol. I have plenty of boy stuff so no biggy. The cost of a private scan is way more than we would spend on pink all-in-ones :haha:

Med, see my tickers :)
I decided to move my scan up a day because it worked better with my schedule this week. Glad I did because an hour after I rescheduled I started spotting brown again. It's pretty much gone again but I felt better having things checked out anyway.

But bubs was there. Measuring pretty much right on with my own estimated dates and a steady hb of 132. :happydance: There is still a small hematoma but the radiologist will have to measure it to see if it's changed in size at all. But it's likely the cause of my spotting so I'm not worrying about it at all.

Also, to whoever asked about scans at 6 weeks...If you are 6+4, you should see a gestational sac and a yolk sac at the very least but I would strongly suspect you'd see a fetal pole and hb too. I've seen a fetal pole with a hb as early as 6+1 so it's entirely possible that you will see the same.
Dairy that's great news. Sorry the bleeding has continued but hopefully stays brown and not too much longer.

Meditteranean - Welcome! I'm having a planed induction on February 26th and I am 35+3 now. I've had 2 mmc and I know how hard it can be to get to the second tri and passed that hurdle. I had a scan this pregnancy when I thought I should be about 6 weeks and they dated me at 5 with a fetal pole seen and no heartbeat. i went back a week later and they dated me over 7 weeks and a strong heartbeat. A few days at this point makes a world of difference.

Tui - congrats on the anatomy scan! They always say here they aren't sure.

afm - scan today to check for proper cerebral activity and all looks good. Growth scan next week and still on track to come no earlier than the 26th. We are finally getting every thing ready and I packed my bag on Saturday now I just have to get the baby's bag ready and I'm good.
Thanks for the info diarymomma and SweetV. I sure hope they can see something this time. I can't take another loss. I have yet to tell my hubby but I know I should soon.

SweetV you really don't have long to go now!!!! Do you know what you're having? Did you do or take anything with this pregnancy? Had you with your mc's? I'm on a tincture (gross liquid of herbs) from a naturopath and progesterone even brought ive never had my levels checked. It can't hurt and I feel better than not doing anything.
I have tried a number of things over the years. I had a natural miscarriage labeled a "fluke" followed by a twin pregnancy at (2 hb seen at 6 weeks, 1 hb seen at 8 weeks and at 12 week scan no hb and baby measuring 9 weeks), this was followed by a loss at 25 weeks when I was finally referred to a specialist. My next pregnancy we tried progesterone but it was a natural mc at 7 weeks followed by another pregnancy on progesterone and aspirin and another mmc at 13 weeks after this I was diagnosed with Ashermans and had a hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue. I became pregnant with my rainbow immediately after and was followed weekly while taking progesterone until 12 weeks, aspirin until 34 weeks and antibiotics from 17-34 weeks as well as prenatal, vitamin C and vitamin D. DS was born at 36 weeks due to placental failure, is a late term IUGR baby but otherwise healthy.
I became pregnant again after DS was born and for this pregnancy am just taking aspirin and antibiotics but stopped both last week.
Oh my SweetV my heart breaks for you hearing about all you've gone through to get your son and now this baby. I am thrilled for you that you made it this far and can give birth any day now! You must be so excited! I don't know anything about Ashermans but presuming the antibiotics helps? Was there a need to take the baby aspirin with Ashermans or just an extra precaution? I hope this labour is easy, you deserve it :)
Meditteranean - thank you :hugs:. I'm trying to enjoy every last minute as I know this will be my last pregnancy although it gets harder everyday with the typical third tri complaints. After everything we have decided our family is now complete. Ashermans is scaring of the uterus, they said that due to the amount of scar tissue that could have been causing issues and relate to my first trimester losses. The aspirin is to provide more blood flow and the antibiotics are because of the stillbirth (there was infection found in the placenta). My beautiful rainbow also had infection of the placenta even though I was on antibiotics for the majority of the pregnancy which is why I chose to take them again this time. PARL is never an easy journey and I know there are others here that have been through more than I.
SweetV, thanks for the info. There are so many health issues during pregnancy that it just seems so unfair, as if we don't go through enough with carrying and birthing a child, we have to deal with infertility, miscarriages of all types, stillbirths, symptoms, etc.
Is it believed that the scar tissue was caused by your first trimester losses? I'm so glad that you don't have to worry about miscarriages ever again being that this little one will complete your family. It's great you were able to keep this little one's gender a surprise. Did you also wait until birth to find out with your first rainbow? I'm not sure I'd have enough willpower to do that but I think it's very exciting. More reason to push harder :)
Meditteranean - I wish I had the willpower lol. We did find out with our rainbow. He was very, very eager to show off at every ultrasound that he was indeed a boy :haha:. My DH wanted the surprise but I'm too much of a planner. They told me that they think this one is a girl but I've asked at every ultrasound (I have gone biweekly from 17 weeks, so I've had quite a few) and they continue to say girl so that's what I'm going with. :cloud9:
Sweet-can they test for the placenta infection early in pregnancy? If and when I decide to try again I want to be fully informed of issues so I can ask for testing or treatment.
They can not unfortunately. It was explained that it is something that just happens and I am actually part of a study this time to see if it is something they will be able to predict in the future. The downside of all of the measurements they are taking for the study is that they don't even know if I will test positive for infection this time but they have discovered that if it was determined once there is a 80-90% chance of reoccurrence so it is very likely.
That's kind of scary! And you take antibiotics for months? Do they have you on probiotics to counter the damage from the antibiotics? Obviously they don't know why some people have this problem?
It's just so amazing that you are soon to welcome your rainbow. I'm so happy for you.
How long did it take you to want to ttc again? It all just scares the hell out of me that I don't know if I'll get there. But I don't want my ttc years to end with such sadness.

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