I had my appointment today. My dating scan is scheduled for Thursday morning. I found out my insurance doesn't cover the Harmony test. My next option is an amniocentesis, but my husband doesn't want me to do that since there is a very tiny chance of miscarriage. The last option is the nuchal translucency test, which my doctor didn't feel was a good option as it doesn't give a definite result and can give false results. I am 42, so it's hard thinking of going through this whole pregnancy and not knowing if something is wrong. I know three women who had babies in their 40's that were down syndrome. One is my sister in law, who gave birth at 42. I would really want to be prepared if that is my reality.
She charted me as high risk for three things - age, having cholestasis in a previous pregnancy, and having hypertension in a previous pregnancy. Also, my blood work came back saying I was slightly anemic. She said that will probably get worse in pregnancy, so I need to start supplementing now. And my urinalysis came back a little off. She said I was dehydrated and that I should consider having several small high-protein snacks a day. Anyone know why she would suggest that?
She did find the heart beat on the doppler at 155-160. I look forward to seeing the wee one Thursday morning!