Jules, sorry they don't cover Harmony, it is a lot to think about. I'm 38 so I worry too. We have the nuchal fold plus a blood test in the UK normally on our national health service. We can pay privately for Harmony if we want.
Marple, that is big, is it on a scan as they often measure bigger than they are? Mine did, and so did a friend's, hers was predicted to be 11lbs! He was 10lbs in the end.
I checked the measurements from my first scan, they saw the yolk sac, which was very early, but the gestational sac was 4mm which was spot on for 4 weeks.
Blue - when are you due?
Marple - when is your next appointment?
Jules, congratulations on your scan! Can you speak to your doctor to see if they would write off the genetic testing charges?
Marple, have they considered a c-section if she is very big?
I think I'm due in July but I haven't calculated it. Last pregnancy I folded over the bit of paper with the due date on until I got to 12 weeks and the not knowing helped my anxiety. This time I've been planning what to do after a scan if it does/doesn't work out and I'm finding that helps too. Feeling like it's not happening does help me.
I'm on day four of a fever, but it's stayed under 101 so I think it's okay. I've been drinking so much water and I think that's helping my body manage the temp.Thanks, Jules. Forgot to say, hope you are feeling better now?
Marple - hopefully it will be straightforward and you won't need a c-section
I'm on day four of a fever, but it's stayed under 101 so I think it's okay. I've been drinking so much water and I think that's helping my body manage the temp.