PAL after Recurrent Losses - come join us!

Sunny, I was given progesterone as a precaution though I was never diagnosed with a deficiency. I only had my progesterone tested once and at 7dpo it was 14 which is normal. But my LP has always been pretty short. I was told to take the progesterone after I got a bfp, but I didn't listen and took it 3dpo.

Honestly I don't think that's my issue. I have adenomyosis and I think I just needed a baby to implant in the right place in my uterus away from the adeno. My first pregnancy went to 10 weeks with a strong hb and was growing fine and I wasn't taking progesterone. It was a blood clot that ended the pregnancy.

I think you need progesterone though. Fight for it!

So I just did the prenatal yoga class. I felt like a fraud! Everyone was 22-37 weeks pregnant! I was the only one without a visible belly. I'm glad I went, but I'm still very intimidated by very pregnant women. I felt out of place. I'll probably keep going as it is healthy for me and the baby. It was just weird. Oh well!
Tasha, I read your post and I'm sorry you've had such a rough go of it. Have your doctors suggested upping your blood thinners or trying a different kind? I think clexane is still pretty mild.

Sunny, I know that feeling of needing to preoccupy yourself. My post-loss hobby was furninture shopping! Needless to say it's been a very expensive could of years for us!

I've also never been diagnosed with progesterone problem, but I demanded it for this pregnancy anyways.

Hearty, loved you're 'coming out' story. So glad you got that special moment. Did you ever post on FB? As for the yoga, I did it with my 1st pregnancy and felt like a fraud too, it was nice to be active though. Have you tried pre-natal aquafit? I've signed up for a class that starts in March.

AFM, just got back from my morphology scan. Everything looks good so far. However, my little man was moving so much they couldn't get all the photos they needed so I have to go back in a few weeks.
Extra scans and photos Round! Yay! Glad everything went well. You are almost half way there. Crazy!!!

I'll look into an aquafit class. I'm not aware of any pools in my area, but I'll do a little research. Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't posted on FB yet. I'm conflicted as I'm not a big FB poster in general. Maybe after my anatomy scan I'll do it.

Tasha, I read your thread, but I have no suggestions hon. I'm so sorry. I know the other ladies are taking good care of you though. xoxo
Sunny - if u can afford I would go private. Have u had any test results back ?

I went st marys private as I couldn't deal with the waiting list. I went under raj rai he was lovely - he explained all my issues. I've seen a good few experts in rmc and he was my favorite by far - so lovely I'd recommend him. My results were only 4 weeks as I have had been under testing previously so he didn't waste my cash and repeat everything eg chromosome don't need repeating etc.

Going private always saw the consultant , in a quick time frame. Not sure how it works with nhs as I would have had to waiting list 4 months and in meantime I've been analysed, medication and prego again - if I'd of waiting on nhs I'd still not be prego as wanting testing b4 ttc again. Good luck xxxxxx
Sunny, I was given progesterone as a precaution though I was never diagnosed with a deficiency. I only had my progesterone tested once and at 7dpo it was 14 which is normal. But my LP has always been pretty short. I was told to take the progesterone after I got a bfp, but I didn't listen and took it 3dpo.

Honestly I don't think that's my issue. I have adenomyosis and I think I just needed a baby to implant in the right place in my uterus away from the adeno. My first pregnancy went to 10 weeks with a strong hb and was growing fine and I wasn't taking progesterone. It was a blood clot that ended the pregnancy.

I think you need progesterone though. Fight for it!

So I just did the prenatal yoga class. I felt like a fraud! Everyone was 22-37 weeks pregnant! I was the only one without a visible belly. I'm glad I went, but I'm still very intimidated by very pregnant women. I felt out of place. I'll probably keep going as it is healthy for me and the baby. It was just weird. Oh well!

I will deffo fight for the progesterone, i am good at getting what i want and love a good fight :)
your not a fraud at all, you have every right to be there as much as the other ladies :hugs:

Tasha, I read your post and I'm sorry you've had such a rough go of it. Have your doctors suggested upping your blood thinners or trying a different kind? I think clexane is still pretty mild.

Sunny, I know that feeling of needing to preoccupy yourself. My post-loss hobby was furninture shopping! Needless to say it's been a very expensive could of years for us!

I've also never been diagnosed with progesterone problem, but I demanded it for this pregnancy anyways.

Hearty, loved you're 'coming out' story. So glad you got that special moment. Did you ever post on FB? As for the yoga, I did it with my 1st pregnancy and felt like a fraud too, it was nice to be active though. Have you tried pre-natal aquafit? I've signed up for a class that starts in March.

AFM, just got back from my morphology scan. Everything looks good so far. However, my little man was moving so much they couldn't get all the photos they needed so I have to go back in a few weeks.

Ohhh shopping :) shopping always helps, planning on sprucing the house up when i get home, good job that oh has a new job starting soon with better wages :)
Thanks ladies
Round2, they havent suggested that. I think at my next appointment (March) I am really going to have to push for a proper course of action, a plan is needed and might help me to feel more hopeful. I will ask about possibly changing from clexane. Thank you.

Thank you Heart
Sunny - your local gp can do progesterone blood tests and they can prescribe it 4 u - I'd book in for reg doc for standard blood tests....also st marys don't believe in immune testing just one thing to bear in mind
Sunny - if u can afford I would go private. Have u had any test results back ?

I went st marys private as I couldn't deal with the waiting list. I went under raj rai he was lovely - he explained all my issues. I've seen a good few experts in rmc and he was my favorite by far - so lovely I'd recommend him. My results were only 4 weeks as I have had been under testing previously so he didn't waste my cash and repeat everything eg chromosome don't need repeating etc.

Going private always saw the consultant , in a quick time frame. Not sure how it works with nhs as I would have had to waiting list 4 months and in meantime I've been analysed, medication and prego again - if I'd of waiting on nhs I'd still not be prego as wanting testing b4 ttc again. Good luck xxxxxx

Thanks pretty, i'm waiting for the appointment for st marys to come through on the nhs, suits me at the moment as i'm not back in the uk for a few weeks, but as soon as i get back i will get on it, if its quicker privately i'll go private.

have you had any experience with a mr shehata? i've read that he is the only one that does nk cells testing? i was under the impression st marys did the nk cells test, can anyone confirm either way?
I'll probably see both if i can, cover all my bases

OH isnt too keen on all this testing, he is just refusing to talk about the whole thing full stop. i do understand we deal with things differently to the men, but last time he bottled it all up and we ended up nearly splitting up. Feels like history repeating itself in more ways than one :growlmad:
Sunny - your local gp can do progesterone blood tests and they can prescribe it 4 u - I'd book in for reg doc for standard blood tests....also st marys don't believe in immune testing just one thing to bear in mind

thanks for that, i'll go and see gp too when i get back, i do remember asking them for prog test when i was pregnant with number 3 and they talked me out of it, i've since read that its an expensive test :growlmad:
Looks like i need to see all of them to cover all my bases...
Sunny that's such a difficult spot to be in. My husband bottles things up to a degree, but as I'm a trained therapist, I've found tricky ways to get him to open up. We were at a point where he didn't believe in IUI or IVF nor did he want to adopt. I told him that left me in an impossible bind as he knew when he married me that I wanted a child. I told him that I respected his decision, but I would have to pursue a divorce. I couldn't believe I used the "D" word, but I was serious. I knew I needed to try as hard as I could to have a child with or without him. I needed to pull out all the stops. If it didn't work, at least I knew I did all that I could. If he wasn't willing to, then he had to let me do it on my own. He got scared at how serious I was. He made the decision to keep moving forward which is why we started to pursue surrogacy. Surrogacy is even scarier than IVF in some ways because you are bringing lawyers and a third person into the relationship. So it made doing IUI a breeze.

Is it possible to tell your husband how concerned you are about your relationship? Is there a way to tell him that you are scared that by not communicating with each other, it is causing a rift in the relationship? You might want to assure him that you are very invested in the marriage and want to make it work, but need him to open up a little more. You can't read his thoughts and he can't read yours. Do you have any idea why he is against testing? If he's not talking, there isn't a good way to come to common ground. Is there any way to explain to him that these tests might reveal a simple fix to your losses. And if you are in a happier place, the relationship will be too.

I don't know, just some thoughts I'm having off the cuff. You need to make some decisions for yourself. Are you willing to end the relationship in order to have a child? It is a very personal relationship. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at the same time, you need to know your own limits.
I went under Paul Armstrong for immune testing - He did nk testing for me. There is also a better consultant gorgy for immune testing if u go down lit. Lit is only available private ( just so u know). I know quite a few consultants do nk tests but womb result is better and more realiable than blood test. When we was talking to mr raj at st marys he didn't believe in immune testing and nk testing But not sure about rest of them at st marys.

I remember lots of people going with doc s on this site - good luck !
Sunny that's such a difficult spot to be in. My husband bottles things up to a degree, but as I'm a trained therapist, I've found tricky ways to get him to open up. We were at a point where he didn't believe in IUI or IVF nor did he want to adopt. I told him that left me in an impossible bind as he knew when he married me that I wanted a child. I told him that I respected his decision, but I would have to pursue a divorce. I couldn't believe I used the "D" word, but I was serious. I knew I needed to try as hard as I could to have a child with or without him. I needed to pull out all the stops. If it didn't work, at least I knew I did all that I could. If he wasn't willing to, then he had to let me do it on my own. He got scared at how serious I was. He made the decision to keep moving forward which is why we started to pursue surrogacy. Surrogacy is even scarier than IVF in some ways because you are bringing lawyers and a third person into the relationship. So it made doing IUI a breeze.

Is it possible to tell your husband how concerned you are about your relationship? Is there a way to tell him that you are scared that by not communicating with each other, it is causing a rift in the relationship? You might want to assure him that you are very invested in the marriage and want to make it work, but need him to open up a little more. You can't read his thoughts and he can't read yours. Do you have any idea why he is against testing? If he's not talking, there isn't a good way to come to common ground. Is there any way to explain to him that these tests might reveal a simple fix to your losses. And if you are in a happier place, the relationship will be too.

I don't know, just some thoughts I'm having off the cuff. You need to make some decisions for yourself. Are you willing to end the relationship in order to have a child? It is a very personal relationship. I hope it doesn't come to that, but at the same time, you need to know your own limits.

Thanks amanda, i wish i knew your 'tricks' on getting him to talk, maybe its too soon, i dont think he is against the testing really he just really wont talk about it in anyway yet...
We have had problems and in the past i have thought that he was my last chance to have a child, and stuck with it, thing is he has been so amazing looking after me, he seems to thrive on it, but when i need to talk he runs a mile. Should i give him more time do you think?

I went under Paul Armstrong for immune testing - He did nk testing for me. There is also a better consultant gorgy for immune testing if u go down lit. Lit is only available private ( just so u know). I know quite a few consultants do nk tests but womb result is better and more realiable than blood test. When we was talking to mr raj at st marys he didn't believe in immune testing and nk testing But not sure about rest of them at st marys.

I remember lots of people going with doc s on this site - good luck !

Oh no more names, whos paul armstrong? where is he? what is lit? womb results, OMG this is getting very complicated now arrggghhh
sorry, getting confused now :wacko:
I found a HB :cry: I couldn't record it cause I kept loosing it and I had to really push down to get it. But it was about 161bpm and I heard it before the monitor recognized it. It was beautiful :cry:
Hey ladies, Had my regular Dr's visit today. Got to hear the heart beat, she found it right away and it was around 160.
Good but not as reassuring as a scan.

She did give me the paperwork to call and schedule my anatomy/gender scan!! Howvere she did tell me that the longer we wait for the scan the more accurate the gender part would be. And if they don't find the gender they wouldn't do another scan and we would have to pay for a private one. EEEEK! We are 15 weeks today. And they are prepared to do the scan anytime from 18-21 weeks. Not sure how long we can wait.

I also have to go back for the second blood draw to go with the NT scan stuff next week. i am so ready to have that and the anatomy scan done with so we can have peace to know that the baby is healthy. I can't wait.

Wishing you all a happy Thursday :)
tasha - with the clotting disorders you have, I think you should be on more than 40mg of blood thinner - I did 40 mg and I don't even have a clotting disorder. did they say anything about that?

croy- I wish the place I go to for second tri scan would do it at 18 weeks! making me wait till 19.
happy you heard heartbeat.

florida - happy you heard heartbeat too! i'm not getting a doppler, just too hard if you only hear 1 and not the other but so common to only find 1 as the placenta is usually blocking one of them. i have one with anterior and one with posterior placentas. we did hear both at last appt though when I was 14+2.

sunny - google LIT testing, it's to see if some of your dna markers match too much with your DH and they can inject you with his white blood cells or something like that to help it...

heart- that bump will be poppin soon :) was the class good though? worth it? I am scared to even stretch... still in the worry club.
I was able to record it, I'm so so happy.. Just wanted to share the video
tasha - with the clotting disorders you have, I think you should be on more than 40mg of blood thinner - I did 40 mg and I don't even have a clotting disorder. did they say anything about that?

croy- I wish the place I go to for second tri scan would do it at 18 weeks! making me wait till 19.
happy you heard heartbeat.

florida - happy you heard heartbeat too! i'm not getting a doppler, just too hard if you only hear 1 and not the other but so common to only find 1 as the placenta is usually blocking one of them. i have one with anterior and one with posterior placentas. we did hear both at last appt though when I was 14+2.

Thank you hopeful, they havent said that. My clotting strength is stupid strong so you might be right. I am really going to have to push for a better plan in March I think.
Sunny it's hard for me to give you tricks since I don't really know you or your husband. In my case, I start talking about me and my feelings. It disarms him. I tell him I'm feeling sad and need a hug. I tell him I'm feeling very confused and hopeless and am not sure what to do. I basically just keep all of the emotional talk about me and look to him to help me solve it. Men are generally "fixers." They prefer to solve a problem rather than discuss their emotions. But while solving a problem, they can easily be swayed to talk about how they are feeling too. It at least helps open the lines of communication.

Your loss was so recent that perhaps it is too soon for you to talk about. But if you keep moving forward with testing, and not talk about it with him, do you think that will cause a greater divide?

Croy, that's a great hb! Too bad you didn't get a scan, but that little one is just fine, I'm sure of it. As hard as it is, I would probably wait until 20 weeks if you can't afford another one. The second blood results will give you a 90% - 95% probability that things are ok with the baby. I'm getting those bloods drawn on Monday. I can't wait for the results. Love the orange on your ticker. Only 10 more hours for me! Is your nausea gone?

Hiya Hopeful! How are you feeling these days?
Gorgeous sound Florida! Don't trust the display on the monitor though. You should count the beats for 10 seconds and then multiply by 6. That's a more accurate way I've found.

Well done!

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