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My tests were done after DD!

My midwife said she was going to run the three most common tests - thyroid, lupus coagulant and one more.

She also stated that she would really just rather me see an RE in apposed to doing more tests as they could treat me better and that she felt like since I wasn't making it past a certain point and I did have DD that it was genetic and basically just keep trying or see the specialist. I may call them, but I'm not sure, the thought of it causes a lot of stress as it's an hour away, I usually have to wait an hour and DD is at that stage where she will not sit still and doesn't quite grasp the meaning of NO!
3x it probably is best to see a specialist in my opinion, buy oh has to be on board.
If you do go, maybe try to find someone to watch your DD so you will be able to give your full attention to the appointment.

As for your losses being genetic, I think that without further information that is a hasty call. In general, once you have had more than two losses random genetic problems are an unlikely cause. I'm not saying it couldn't be genetic as you or your husband could have an inherited issue such as a balanced translocation. If that is the case it can be useful to find out more about it and what effect it might have on future pregnancies.

As it is, I still hope that you won't need to see any more specialists and that this one is your sticky chum :D
Thanks, I hope this is it too...I just told DH that if something happened to this one, we may take a few years off and get some testing through the OB...he was okay with that. I'm not really sure what his deal with the RE is, I think we both feel that they are too involved...seriously, I havent taken a tylenol in 2 years and when I did take it, I took it like once a year!! I am taking vitamins, baby apirin, extra folic acid and yes, I did take clomid for the first time this cycle, I have been offered it before but never took it. We are both like this, the thought of having to go to an RE every 2 weeks is just not acceptable, I've even decided not to see my OB until I am at least 8 weeks, even though they would probably give me early ultrasounds and tests etc. I just don't like the thought of someone getting that involved and getting someone to keep Olivia the first time, sure, but getting someone to keep her everytime is not possible, only two ppl are allowed to keep her and they both work, I'm a stay at home mom and my baby has never been to day-care and probably never will. We're just very...odd I guess lol! Maybe it's not that bad, if anyone has experience with an RE, please comment and tell me how it was. And just to show how crazy I really am: I wouldn't let Olivia leave the house for the first 3 months of her life, as a result of that and breastfeeding, she didn't get sick for the first time until last month at 14 weeks. DH's parents are the only ones allowed to keep her and that's only his mom and stepdad, I do not trust anyone else period!
pip- they do lovenox and prednisone here for implantation issues with ivf patients too! Seems like some of the clinics don't think it's that big of a deal to be on them for first tri and it seems to work for alot of people. Too bad they didn't do big studies on it but they cant really determine in the end what worked for sure. Then other clinics are all against it and from the rpl forums I'm on, most of those girls that go to those drs just keep on having early losses. And if they get lucky and get lovenox, the drs are the most against prednisone which really sucks as maybe that's the part of the key to helping them.
My clinic didn't suggest it until after unexp 4 mc and they said I could try it as they have a lot of success with it, I had a huge folder of many articles where clinics had it work for them too (which I didn't need in the end as they didn't need convincing ;)

Happy 23 weeks to you and ducky!

3x- my re is also my Obgyn she does it all as they specialize in rpl and high risk. Maybe you could find an re that is also Obgyn? Maybe hard to find though.. You aren't odd for staying home. .i wish I could stay home but my family is 3 hours away and I need the money from my job. You are lucky to stay home with her!
3x, I don't think you're crazy! Like Hopeful, I don't have family near me. I live in California and they all live on the East Coast. I'm going to have to work and will have to rely on non-family.

I had a lot of my tests done through my regular Ob/Gyn. By the time I saw an RE, most of the tests had already been done. It wasn't that time consuming as you think it might be.

Hopeful your doctor sounds amazing. You are very lucky!

Ok girls, I've decided to stay on the progesterone. Here's my reasoning. The past few days I've been feeling a very sharp quick pain in the same spot over and over. It's exactly where I usually feel my adenomyosis. Adenomyosis is usually counteracted by progesterone. I'm wondering if I'm feeling it now because my progesterone is dropping. I also read that women with autoimmune disorders should stay on progesterone until 16 weeks. I googled and found out adenomyosis is an autoimmune disorder! It's even on the Social Security list of disabilities now! If I ever get debilitating pain from it, I can get Social Security disability. Who knew? So now my current train of thought is that I should stay on it until 16 weeks. That's only one more week. I'll probably just do it every other day.

Maybe I have nothing to worry about, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm popping one in tonight.
Heart do it when u feel right my lovely I nearly did myself last night but thought no I can do this! Think something's switched in my head! So no prog again last night I think it helps coz I can chill out at home an lay down! Hubby not back til mon!! X
Happy 23 weeks pip!! :yipee: what does it feel like to be 23 weeks I mean emotionally and physically!?! :cloud9:
Sunny - he is just another London consultant - I would not recommend him - I had a pretty terrible journey and got a very bad skin infection after LIT and nearly lost all my movement and nerves in my arms they swelled up bigger than my legs ...... its a very niche testing area - lots of people dont believe it - but I all know after5 mc it produced my first baby.
Morning girls,

Im good thank you - u? busy day?

Hows everyone today? Busy weekends?

Im good got my parents here until Tues got be be the entertainer !
Also I have been wondering if you are in US and you dont have insurance - do you just pay for all your services? so basically its like going private all the time if you need a hospital help etc?
3x, you're not that weird, honestly! I can't say that I'll be the same but I know of a lot of people who are as protective as you are.
As I've never been to an RE, only obstetricians/gynaecologists, I can't help you out in what they do. With my specialists it usually takes two appointments to figure things out: At the first appointment they go through all the history and decide what tests would be most important (you can usually have them done there and then - loads of blood from you, just one vial for karyotyping from DH :haha:, other bloods if necessary, such as day 3 and day 21 bloods can probably be done locally to you as they aren't very specialised). At the second appointment you get the results and a plan of action.

Some vary but in general that's how it has worked for me.

Again, all theory here as we don't want you to need this info!!!

Hopeful, I read about IVF clinics using prednisolone. They suggest that it works especially well for women who have been unsuccessful previously and would normally have a low chance of achieving pregnancy (for example after 3 or 4 failed attempts). I suppose that as long as you are monitored and are aware of the risks from steroids, why not?

Yes, it wasn't something I was going to try myself and I hesitated before going down this route but I am so glad I did now (obviously)! Who knows whether the tests are accurate or what the exact mechanism is, but it worked for me and I know of others it has worked for, too.
It is pretty incredible!

How do I feel at 23 weeks? Elated! Energised! Excited about upcoming v-day! Loving my bump! Loving the kicks! Generally, just so grateful and not entirely believing it is true yet :cloud9:
Hey girls I got my final dentist appointment today at 2 and I'm getting the extraction done today hubby has half day at work so he is going to meet me there eeek not looking forward to it but I will be glad to have it done already he has been great recently I've haing the bed too myself I've been feel hot at night ESP my feet and I hate having hot feet I can't sleep weird I know xxx
Ah good luck jen, I'm very tired today, feeling lazy duvet day I think I was meant to meet my friend she fancied a walk in the woods I said I can't think of anything worse I need to sleep for bit will call her this afternoon x
congrats on reaching 23 weeks pip! that is amazing i bet you feel over the moon, and those kicks must feel unreal in an awesome kinda way! xx
Thanks gorgeous I will be leaving shortly its only a 5 min walk from home xx
Well I have my results back from the forth miscarriage and it was chromosomally abnormal! It had trisomy 13 or 18 (the consultant couldn't remember which one from reading the notes earlier) which basically means it was a bad luck formation at conception. So that's one normal loss and one abnormal one! Arggh! I don't know what to think about this!
fili...... KERMIT!!! oooooo I luuuuuurve the muppets :D I brought izzy a kermit soft toy the other day hehe

:hugs: about the results tho. As awful as it sounds just think how poorly baby could have been if you hadnt mced. You will have your forever baby. A happy healthy bouncing baby
Fili, as sad as it is, it has one very important meaning: it was not a treatment failure! If the results had come back as normal then it would have meant that your treatment didn't work and you needed to change something.

There was nothing you did or didn't do that resulted in your baby's death - bless its little cotton socks :kiss:

How are you feeling? :hugs:

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