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Glad to hear your fluid levels are OK so you don't have that concern on top of whether your little girl will stop growing. Hopefully she'll be able to stay inside til at least 37 weeks though. Will the give you steroids just in case or wait to see if she needs to come early?
I was wondering about the steroids too. And glad to see a good update, Sweet.

AFM-Scan set for 7+2 so I've got 2 weeks to wait though I can get the date moved up if I have spotting or bleeding start. FX nothing happens in the next few weeks and I can just have a complication-free pg.
We had talked steroids for my last pregnancy but the steroids will not do much after 34 weeks anyways as at that point the lungs are as developed as the steroids will get them to. I had them at 24 weeks after my water broke with my angel and they are not fun (for mom or baby). I'm not opposed to them if the doctor thinks they are necessary but when we talked yesterday he is pretty confident I will make it to at least 36 weeks which is when DS was induced, he was small (5lbs), but otherwise healthy. I will have a slightly better idea next week as when I was there last week she had just started to fall off the growth curve. If there is no improvement next week we may be talking induction earlier than the 38 week mark which is what it is booked for now.

Dairy - I hope the next two weeks passes by quickly and uneventfully for you (I hope the next 30 some odd pass by in that manner as well!)
Brown tinged watery cm and I'm feeling some pretty strong discomfort. I'm thinking it's the start of miscarriage 12. :nope: We'll see how things go but I'm not so positive anymore. It just feels too much like my last few losses for me to be hopeful.
Dairy I really hope this isn't the case but you would know your body best. My thoughts are with you.
So this discharge stopped. My cervix feels weird (sort of burning or tingling?) and it's super low and hard. (I checked. But only twice, I washed my hands like 6 times before I did, and once I felt my cervix, I got my hand out of there stat.) I'm feeling alot of intermittent pressure in my uterus too and a mild backache but I also know this could be nothing.

I keep telling myself that 1. I've had this before with LO, 2. the pressure and backache are things I have from the start so they aren't necessarily related to the spotting, 3. cervical position means doodly at this point because it's different for every woman and despite what Dr. Google says not every woman goes soft and high in early pregnancy, and 4. the spotting could have been leftover IB. I think bubs implanted around 11-12dpo because I had major cramps then and every few days, I get the same thing. I'm due for some of this discomfort and maybe my cervix dropped a bit lower to let out this irritating IB?

So I feel torn between 'ho hum, been here done this before glad the bleeding started though so I don't have to keep looking for it wonder how long before I actually start miscarrying whew' feelings and like I'm grasping at straws here but I'm honestly shocked at how calm I am about the whole thing. The last time I saw blood while pg, I was shaking and in a full on panic/anxiety attack in 30 seconds flat. This time, I'm seriously just dead calm. Maybe that's a good sign? :shrug:
It would help but I'm way too early. I'm only 5+2 today so a scan any earlier than Wednesday of next week (and even that is pushing it) wouldn't see anything but a thickened lining and that wouldn't calm me down at all. I've just got to wait it out though I will be moving my scan date up from 7+2 to sometime mid-late next week for reassurance. But nothing at all since 5pm and this is exactly how LO's pg was. I'd have a bout of spotting or bleeding sometimes with cramping or BH compressions in my belly for up to 3 hours each day (tended to be in the evening too but not always) and then nothing at all til the next bout. I'm FX this was either IB coming out or it's being caused by the same thing that caused the bleeding with LO. (We never did find out what it was with her. No SCHs or bleeds seen on scans so :shrug:) It was really watery and clear and there was no red or pink or clots to be seen. Just watery tan clear cm but there was a quarter sized swipe the first wipe and a slightly smaller one the second. Maybe a streak of it the next time I went pee but nothing but my usual clear white or pale yellow cm since. Praying this was it.
These early days are so hard! Stay busy and positive till next week :hug:
Tui-yeah that they are. Especially when you are like me and have first tri bleeding & cramps even with successful pg.

AFM-no bleeding in 12 hours but my back aches and my belly hurts. Not sure how much of it is amplified by my anxiety and how much is real and how much is my poor bladder screaming at me 'Please don't make me pee anymore! I just went a half hour ago and peeing such a little amount again so soon is only going to make me hurt! You aren't going to see any blood anyway!' So I went just now but it was with a good 4.5 hour hold. I used my last few hpts to check my lines. My Equate blue dye is so dark it's darker than the test line and I maxxed out the First Signal. I'm prob going to have DH stop at a Walmart at some point here so I can grab another Equate cheapie, an FRER (I found you can get the old school ones in the check & confirm duo box with an FRER digi. :thumbup: Expensive but such a LIFESAVER), and prob another First Signal so I can check again in a few days. Unless I don't spot anymore. I hurt too much for there not to be more bleeding though. I honestly can't get a read on whether or not this baby is okay but I couldn't with LO either.

So I'm going to take the weekend vacation DH and I are going on, I'm going to relax as best I can, and I'm going to push fluids in case this is just a bladder thing (can't hurt even if it isn't, right?). FX no more bleeding (though I know better) and my next update is a good scan update.
Nothing else barring a bit of cramping here and there since wednesday evening. Fx all is well.
I'm sorry there was bleeding Dairy! I had bleeding with my rainbow as well and it was terrifying. When I called the next morning the nurse wasn't even concerned because it had stopped and I was a mess having to wait a few days to be scanned. I hope the time until the scan passes quickly and uneventfully for you!
Thanks sweet but unfortunately pink watrry discharge just showed up. :nope: a bit scared but trying to think positive. I had hoped there wouldnt be any more but guess i was wrong. I go for another beta on monday so if i dont miscarry in the meantime i should know something more by tuesday morning. And i am calling to get an early scan or move up my ultrasound appt on monday. I need to know if baby is okay.
so frustrating!! I hope they can bring you in on Monday. When I went for my first ultrasound this pregnancy they dated me just over 5 weeks and although no heartbeat was seen at that time at least they saw something. I hope they see a healthy LO for you :hugs:
The pink stuff went away Sunday but red watery stuff showed up yesterday evening followed by a big blob of dark brown discharge. Not much pain or cramping though-mostly I feel like someone is pinching my ovaries. The dr didn't get back to me yesterday so I'm calling in a scan request this morning as soon as his office opens. Usually they can get me in day of or the next day so FX they can work me in. BUT he did order another beta yesterday and if I had a normal 48 hour doubling time between this one and the previous one, I needed to see 3000. It came back at 6874!! I've NEVER had such phenomenal beta numbers at this point so it's got my hopes up again. :happydance:
There is a gestational sac measuring 5+5 with a yolk sac and the tech said there was a wee little flicker but she couldn't get a good read on it to get a measurement because the yolk sac was in the way. But I'm SO happy to have seen this because I knew I'd ovulated later (cd17) and bubs didn't implant until 12dpo so I was expecting to see something 5+4 to 6+2. Obviously, I would have loved a fetal pole and a hb but to know that everything is measuring right on and there was a little wink of *something* (she couldn't tell if it was bubs and a hb or if it was the start of a fetal pole and my pulse she was picking up) but bubs is there. :happydance:

I go back next Wednesday for a followup but I'm pretty happy with what news I got today.

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