Sorry I have been missing in action recently ladies... I have good reason. Joshua William decided to make an early arrival at 35+5 on Monday morning. Very shocked but slowly adjusting and getting used to each other!
My waters went at 8.45 on Sunday evening whilst I was lying on the sofa and just ten seconds before OH got in from work. By 8.46am on Monday morning, a very impatient little boy was born. He had to have some help with forceps as he was facing sideways and because of that I couldn't push him down. Still he got here in the end and we are so in awe of him. He weighed 6lb (or 2.74kg) which is not bad from a premature little mite!
This week has been amazing but also a massive roller coaster of emotion, which when mixed with tiredness can be difficult. My friend who recently had a baby warned me of the hormones that you get when your milk comes in - I'm so glad she did as I spent a day in a complete mess. Ladies, when you get there - remember that is is normal to cry at stupid little things or even at nothing (my Mum kept saying things like "you should keep an eye on how you are feeling and speak to the dr if it gets any worse" - which made me wonder whether it was normal or not) and that it doesn't last long! Just expect it though!
Anyway, I hope all you ladies are holding up and that you are not getting too uncomfortable? How are you all feeling? Are your bags packed now (I hope so - mine wasn't!)? I hope you are all well x