Thanks for all the messages and congrats ladies! Really appreciated! My lil man (called Gavin Edward, since I forgot to mention that the first time!) did end up getting transfered to the Childrens Hospital, but my MD thought I was stable enough to be discharged with him. We got transfered on Monday evening, just about 36 hours after his birth. When I got to Childrens, I got a bunch of lectures about how I should not have left the hospital I was at and that I needed the care. They dont know how crazy I would have gone if I could not have been discharged to be with him at Childrens!
Anyway, Gavin is still struggling with both low blood sugars and low platelets. They havent figured out what is going on with either one of those issues. Today he is 4 days old and finally got his first 5ml of formula! And he was MAD when he realized thats all he was going to get! Now they are putting a feeding tube in him and going to start him on continuous feedings. (He had this for a few hours at the last hopspital he was at, but they thought he wasnt ready for it when he got to Childrens, and they stopped it). Hopefully this will make my lil guy feel a little better (at least he will have a full tummy). Praying he tolerates it well or he will have to go back on the straight sugar-water. I know I havent been very good at updating but I will try to be better! Things have been crazy and we want to spend as much time with him as we can. Hope everyone else is doing well! Its finally August and more rainbows will be arriving soon!