Thank you for all your advice a good wishes. I am 6 weeks 2 days today, i am going to try to stay positive but it is really hard!
Hippylittle J they did the serial HCG levels last time and they doubled, so i think i am just going to wait. It was such a rollercoater with my first miscariage, basically started bleeding at 7 weeks, they scanned me and told me there was no chance but would do serial hcg levels. They rang me and told me they had doulbled and had another scan at 8 weeks, they found a hearbeat and told me everything looked good. 2 days later I was bleeding heavily (christmas day) and as i had open access to the gyne ward rang them, they told me to go in and scanned me, told me they couldnt find heart beat but told scanner wasnt as sensitive as in the epau, so not to give up hope. A week later i was bleeding so heavily had to go back and passed the pregnancy in the tolielts while waiting to be seen. Today i had to go back into these same toilets to give a urine sample, i couldnt help think it was a sign. Since then i have had a further 2 pregnancys but havnt got this far since the first one last January.
I am still feeling really tired, moody, emotional, sickly, and very very sorry for myself.
I hope you are all well and have better luck than me on your upcomming scans and see what you need to. x