PAL - July 2012 babies

:wave: welcome to all the newbies!!!

SJ and RM - FX for you!!! Hope everything will be OK.

MissC - I know exactly what you mean about the anxiety!

sarah986 - glad your scan went well!! :thumbup:

Confused - so glad everything went well today with your appointment, the numbers look great!!! Its nice to get some piece of mind it's it!? We all are going to be a ball of nerves by the time we get to the end of this!!!

Like Collie said... "We will get through this *deep breaths*" :hugs:
Can I join too? I'm due July 7th - my miscarriage was July 10th at 8 +1, and I'm not even sure what happened. I took the tissue to the ER and all they said was that "they couldn't see anything". I don't know if it was a MMC or blighted ovum...all I know is it ended, and now that I'm pregnant again I'd scared every single day, every single time I go to the bathroom. I just hit the 7 week mark, and I've been spotting for 2 weeks (brown), and this morning it had turned pinkish/red. I was so scared I'd end up in the ER again today, but it stopped, and I've had no cramping at all...but I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. This constant worry is so awful! I just wish I knew things were ok. I'm glad to have found you all...
sorry for the whinge was feeling really stressed yesterday, not so bad today. I so want to enjoy this pregnancy cos it will definitely be my last but I wonder at what point the terror will go away. Can't wait to get the first scan done and at least know that at this stage all is viable etc.
Joining, too! Have had 2 MC's in the last 12 months, but this time feels right - can't pinpoint it, but we're pretty sure this one is sticking.

Currently 5w5d, due July 19th, first u/s is at 7w0d and we're hoping for heartbeat!
Hello everyone just wondering if i can join in please? My name is steph 32 and trying to complete my family with no 4. Have had two mc this year one in april and twins in july. I have found being pregnant again quite hard to deal with and i do feel quite anxious that things may be going wrong in there and am on red alert for any bit of spottin or anything else. I don't even want to book an appointment with the mw until i get safely to 8 weeks.

I guess this all won't seem real until i see a baby shape with a hb on that 12 week scan!
Welcome everyone who has just joined, just wanted to nip in with an update

Scan this morning showed Sac and yolk but no heartbeat yet. (I didn't expect a heartbeat really though) - all measuring ok and they can't see why I have been bleeding. I do have an ovarian cyst which could be the culprit!

At the moment I am just enjoying the fact that I am still pregnant.

I have another scan booked for Monday morning and am hoping to see a nice healthy beating heart at that appointment.
That's great news Sarah. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you see the little heart beat fluttering away on Monday xx
Welcome to the new ladies, sorry for your losses and will be hoping these are your rainbow babies xxx

Sarah jane - Great news about the scan and that you are getting another one next week, i am sure they will see the HB next time :hug:

Miss_C - Feel free to winge hun i think we are all going to have days like that as well as panic meltdowns xx
Thanks everyone.

raz/mummystobe- how are you both feeling today?

Miss_c - agree with razcox, this is a place where you can moan, worry, winge and do whatever you need to so that you can get through the next 9 months. I hope you are feeling better today x

Collie and Beachchica - how are the deep breathing exercises going? lol xxx
Oh Sarah I'm glad everything looked ok for how far along you are :hugs: and next Monday you WILL see the heartbeat! PMA!

Deep breathing exercises are all a go here - I was up last night at 2am and 5am for the toilet and 7am trying not to be sick! Ate some toast when I got up at 9 and I'm still desperately trying not to bring it back up 3 hours later!! Its going to be a long 9 months :haha:
I think we may be in weeing synchronisation Coll :haha: - I got up at 2 and 5 also for a wee break! My sickness isn't bad tho, just little waves occasionally which is actually more than I had with Evelyn.

You are right about PMA, as I have got this far despite horrid bleeding there is no reason why my baby bump won't have a little flashy heart next Monday. I may join you on the deep breathing!
Thats great news sarah, and that heartbeat will be there next time.

I had a nose bleed in the shower this morning, the blood hit the shower tray and scared me half to death, i didnt know were it was coming from, then another drip and realized it was coming from my nose. I was shaking. My sickness is still here but not as bad as it was, stil gets worse in evening.

Welcome all newbies.xx
Ugh... I feel like I'm losing my symptoms!! I had a dream last night that I lost the baby, too. Kind of stressed out right now. Luckily I have another blood draw tomorrow, so hopefully my numbers are rising appropriately.................
I am having trouble sleeping at the mo, must have been 1am before i dropped off after a trip to pee. then in the morning i am shattered. Got really bad HB as well but cant find the chewy sweetie type things you can take for it. The tablets make me feel sick which is worse then the HB.

Resisted the urge to POAS this morning, saving my digi until tomorrow as i am not sure I am as far as my ticker says as thats by LMP and not OV. I have no idea when I oved but i think it was the sat or sun 29th/30th . . . .

Sarah - It made me smile about the nose bleed, i can just imagine the moment of panic seeing the blood only for it to be a nose bleed. At work the loo paper is recycled and can sometimes turn a brown colour (like old blood) when you wipe, i swear it gives me a mini heart attack everytime.
Sj - soo pleased your scan went well this morning. I hope monday comes round very quickly for you :)

Hello and congrats to all the new ladies :wave:

nothing from me, still no symptoms at all but I didnt with my boys either so beginning to think it may be another boy (unless MS kicks in over the next few weeks). MW on thursday :)

Clexane injections are going fine, pretty much getting used to doing them now altho they do sting :-( worth it tho.

lots of love xxx
Anyone suffering from ms i am 5 weeks today by lmp but by ov date 5+3 and i feel a heavy feeling in my stomach all day long which is really bothering me but is not proper nausea. I was sick at weekend in response to a smell but just wondering if anyone else is having this unsettled stomach and if when ms kicked in properly for you.
SarahJane, so glad to hear that everything looks well. Hang in there, I bet Monday feels like it's a loooong way away!

I've had brown CM on and off for two days now -- not enough to call spotting but enough to scare me half to death. EPU don't want to see me until Tuesday 29th because they don't like to scan before 7 weeks. I'm trying to stay positive but history and experience are against me.
SarahJane we can do this wait together, i had the spotting on friday had a scan they saw a gestational sack and yolk my next scan is on tuesday next week so lets both hope to see a flickering heart!
So far my spotting stopped as quickly as it started on friday thank goodness, i have been nauseous the past few days and not much of an appetite either but no complaints coming from me i say bring it on!
Just curious my levels were checked on Saturday (5+3 weeks) they were at 9036! is that average i feel like i stress if they are low then stress cause they are high any little thing i find reason to worry i hate it. I had levels checked yesterday and just waiting to hear what they are. I have a great doctor who is letting me get them checked weekly to keep me some what at peace for now.
We are both gonna see heartbeats next week Mommy_k!
Nausea is a great sign. bring on the MS...

As for the numbers, I am no expert but they sound high to me x
Mommy k - Your numbers are in the range of normal so try not to worry at 5+3 levels go from 5,680-13,660. Here is a useful link for anyone worried about numbers:

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