PAL - July 2012 babies

Hi Ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I pop-in aswell. I've been stalking, but too afraid to post. My last pregnancy I joined a PAL group and left brokenhearted after another loss. But I've decided, regardless of what happens this time, I need some support from those going through the same thing.

A bit about me. I've had a MMC in March 2010. Found out at 13 weeks the baby had died at 8 weeks. An early loss in August 2010 at 4.5 weeks. And another MMC in Nov 2010, baby died between 8 and 9 weeks.

This pregnancy, I've had two u/s already and have seen a healthy heartbeat. I'm scheduled for another scan Nov 30. I'll be 9 weeks by then and if sucessful, it will be a huge milestone. Needless to say, I'm freaking out already!

For those of you having brown spotting. I had some from 6w1d to 6w4d. The doctor was not concerned, but scanned me anyway and everything was fine.

Good luck ladies! Hope we all have a very long time together on this thread.
welcome Round2 and wishing you a very happy and very healthy 9 months x
Hey round! I am being brave too and refusing to let the past stop me from joining treads, if the worst happens again then i will deal with it but in the mean time i am going to enjoy being preggers with others in the same position xxx
Hey round! I am being brave too and refusing to let the past stop me from joining treads, if the worst happens again then i will deal with it but in the mean time i am going to enjoy being preggers with others in the same position xxx

Ya, that's a good attitude to have Raz. I trying....slowly! How ya feeling?

I just fnished my 4th breakfast and am scrounging for more food!
Welcome round2 :) x
Lots of new cooking rainbows :headspin: Welcome ladies!

LOL @ synchronised weeing SarahJane!

Sorry the nosebleed scared you Sarah but glad thats all it was :hugs:

:hugs: Preshfest I'm sure everything is fine - in my last pregnancy my symptoms would come and go to but it was nothing to worry about.

Raz sorry you're having trouble sleeping it sucks. So far I am managing to sleep OKish although up a number of times for the loo and tossing and turning a lot. PS your dog in your avatar is gorgeous x

Jox glad the injections are going ok, sorry they sting though :(

InVivo - PMA girly :hugs: Everything will be fine, it has to be. Not long till the 29th - thats when I have my scan too :thumbup:

Well for me the sickness has well and truly started - the last few days have been bad but today has been awful - I've barely been able to do anything without throwing up! Even when showering!!
Hey round! I am being brave too and refusing to let the past stop me from joining treads, if the worst happens again then i will deal with it but in the mean time i am going to enjoy being preggers with others in the same position xxx

I'm doing the same... With my ectopic in July, we hadn't told anyone that I was pregnant, so no one found out until I was in the hospital losing it. So this time, we decided to at least tell close family and a select few of my friends (none of his). I figure we deserve to be excited about this pregnancy and there's no harm in getting very excited! If we lose it then we will deal with it, but I don't think being excited now is going to make losing it even worse.

Also... This baby deserves for it's family to love it and be thankful for it's existence. ESPECIALLY if it isn't going to survive.... But it's going to dammit!!!
Presh- I feel the same way. I decided not to live in fear for this pregnancy. If something bad is going to happen my worrying wont prevent it. I'd rather be happy and celebrate now and mourn later if I have to again. So far we've told a few close friends- we're going to tell our parents soon. We'll probably wait a little longer to make an announcement to everyone else.
sarahjane, glad your scan went well :hugs:, you will see a little heartbeat fluttering away on monday :hugs:

Hi newbies :flower: h&h 9months xx

Been stalking but not really posting recently, hope everyone is keeping well xx:hugs:
what a comfort this place is. Sometimes you do feel so alone but coming here and finding your support is wonderful. Sad that there are so many of us that understand though.

We have been to the lowest of depths and yet the positivity here is fantastic. Keep it up ladies!

We are yet to tell outside of my internet buddies but I think after we have that first scan and everything looks good we will, we have so many people rooting for us. We didn't tell until after the first scan with the first miscarriage but so glad we didn't wait until after the "magic 12 weeks" cos we lost ziggy the very next day was so cruel but cos we had told epople we had some amazing support. Last bfp we didn;t tell anyone and at 4w5d I was gutted but with noone to share. I guess there is no right time to tell but I think we all need to tell someone cos we need support good or bad. We need support for our fear and we need support should those fears be founded. BUT all that said we all JUST need a cheersquad cos it's gonna be a bright and beautiful July with so many rainbows to light up the world. And remember you can't get a rainbow without rain so I guess this is the end of the storm and now a gentle rain will just keep us until the magical day when the sun comes out and we hold our precious babies.
Hi ladies :wave: and welcome to everyone that has just joined!

Silver - have you contacted the dcotor about the bleeding? It can be normal to have bleeding but I would get checked out just in case, especialy since it's been going on for a couple weeks.

sthorp - it's normal to be stressed. I'm a mess!! Hopefully we can all get to a point where we can start to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Your sickness sounds like a good sign!

SJ - glad your scan went well today! Deep breathing is going so so for me!! LOL

Collie - sorry you're not feeling well, but I think this is a great sign!! Keep up the puking!!!
Sarah - I would have paniked too!!

Presh - FX that everything is OK tomorrow. Hopefully some rising numbers will give you some peace of mind. I have not really had any symptoms this pregnancy yet (I hope that's OK)

Invivo - FX for your scan on the 29th!

As for me, I had to call my doctors office MYSELF today (ugh! I hate going there, but it's the specialist so hopefully if everything is OK in a few weeks I can go back to my regular OB).

Anyway, I got my beta results and they are 371 (at 4+5). I think that seems to be in the normal range, my dates might be off slightly due to late OV. They said my progesterone was borderline (I forgot to ask the exact number) but they are prescribing progesterone to take for about 10 days until my first ultrasound. The only problem is that its very expensive and my insurance is saying that they won't cover it because it's for infertility. I am trying to tell them that I'm already pregnant and that I am not taking it for infertility so I am now waiting to see if they are able to get some kind of approval for this. I have bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow again.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
Hi ladies :wave: and welcome to everyone that has just joined!

Silver - have you contacted the dcotor about the bleeding? It can be normal to have bleeding but I would get checked out just in case, especialy since it's been going on for a couple weeks.

sthorp - it's normal to be stressed. I'm a mess!! Hopefully we can all get to a point where we can start to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Your sickness sounds like a good sign!

SJ - glad your scan went well today! Deep breathing is going so so for me!! LOL

Collie - sorry you're not feeling well, but I think this is a great sign!! Keep up the puking!!!
Sarah - I would have paniked too!!

Presh - FX that everything is OK tomorrow. Hopefully some rising numbers will give you some peace of mind. I have not really had any symptoms this pregnancy yet (I hope that's OK)

Invivo - FX for your scan on the 29th!

As for me, I had to call my doctors office MYSELF today (ugh! I hate going there, but it's the specialist so hopefully if everything is OK in a few weeks I can go back to my regular OB).

Anyway, I got my beta results and they are 371 (at 4+5). I think that seems to be in the normal range, my dates might be off slightly due to late OV. They said my progesterone was borderline (I forgot to ask the exact number) but they are prescribing progesterone to take for about 10 days until my first ultrasound. The only problem is that its very expensive and my insurance is saying that they won't cover it because it's for infertility. I am trying to tell them that I'm already pregnant and that I am not taking it for infertility so I am now waiting to see if they are able to get some kind of approval for this. I have bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow again.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!

Tomorrow I'll be 4+4 and I'm hoping to see a beta at 276, so our numbers are similar! But that is definitely within the normal range. :happydance:
BeachChica, I haven't contacted my doctor yet because from everything I have read, it seems like there is not much that can be done if something is wrong...and my doctor isn't very helpful anyways! I have my first midwife appointment on Tuesday (it will be 8 weeks), and they said they will probably get me a scan earlier than the 11wk scan the doctor booked for me (which would be my *first* scan! It seems you ladies are all getting scans MUCH earlier). I'm not sure if I am getting - or seeking - the proper care. I'm taking it easy, resting a lot, and talking comfort in the fact that my boobs are still sore and I'm pretty queasy - didn't have these symptoms before my MC. So far, no more reddish spotting - just light brown now. I suspect the midwife would say this is 'normal' and just the uterus growing and clearing out...only the scan will tell. Right? maybe others have more experience? Should I be doing more, or just relax and wait?
Silver- every one of my MC's they got me in for a ultrasound right away as soon as I called about the bleeding. I did not have the cramping yet either and blood was brown. They do this to check that everything looks OK. If you are 7+ weeks they should see a HB etc. My scan I had around that time (MC #3), they did not see a HB for fetal pole so I was scheduled for a D&C right away, so that I would not have to endure the excruciating pain of a MC. Not sure why they would make you wait and prolong the worrying. It sounds like at your place you might have to dial up the drama a bit and INSIST on a scan now. I would.

Presh - FX, keep us posted!
My number at 4+3 was 4,369... I'm beginning to worry about being too high.
This is from a chart I saw online:
4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
So... even though I was between week 4&5 my number was already in the 5 wk range. I haven't gotten another beta since being 5 wks... but I'm thinking that if over the last 4 days my number has doubled again, then I'd already be in the 6 week range.

Has anyone else been 1 wk ahead of the charts?
Is there anything I should be worried about because my numbers are high?
My number at 4+3 was 4,369... I'm beginning to worry about being too high.
This is from a chart I saw online:
4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
So... even though I was between week 4&5 my number was already in the 5 wk range. I haven't gotten another beta since being 5 wks... but I'm thinking that if over the last 4 days my number has doubled again, then I'd already be in the 6 week range.

Has anyone else been 1 wk ahead of the charts?
Is there anything I should be worried about because my numbers are high?

Future - are you sure on your dates? What did your doctor say about the numbers? I would think they would have mentioned something if they thought there was something wrong. Also high numbers can mean multiples!!!! :winkwink:
Hi Beach-
I'm really sure about my dates... LMP on October 18th.
The only thing Dr. said was that it is going up nicely.
Future I wouldn't worry. My first blood test was 771 at 3w6d. And at 4w1d it had more than doubled. My Dr said my levels were great and I know I couldn't have my dates wrong as I had a m/c with bleeding starting oct22nd. As for any spotting, I learned from the first time around that they can and will do any early scan if you take a stand. Id definitely do it.
Collie, thank you. I hate the first couple of months of pregnancy. I'm a nervous wreck and very hard to live with. Next Tuesday seems much to long away.

Raz, that's exactly my attitude to this pregnancy. I'm enjoying every minute of this baby while I have it here with me. My sister (who had 4 pregnancies and 4 healthy babies) tells me not to get my hopes up. I don't think a loss could hurt any more if I tried to be cautious, though.

BeachChica, hope your insurance doesn't take too long to see sense about the progesterone. That's an extra stress you don't need.

Still spotting here, not every time and it's still only a very slight discolouration of CM not actual blood. I've bled more and had a successful pregnancy, bled less and had a MMC. No way to know until Tuesday.

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