PAL - July 2012 babies

Good luck all you ladies today with scans!

i feel stupid asking this but just curious, my breasts are not as sore as they were is the past few weeks i still have my ms but i am afraid this is a sign of something bad and was just wondering what everyone's symptoms are and if this is some what normal for this stage.

Ya my boob pain has drastically decresed in the last few weeks. They used to hurt all day long, now they're only sore when squeezed (which I do 1000 times a day!).

It's normal, but still concerning to a PAL lady!

I had to laugh because i do the same thing all day and i can only say that to you ladies because i know you do the same. Its sad we are so stressed that we have to check for symptoms like that. Mine dont hurt so much in the morning but by the evening the are more tender although not sure if they are more tender because i have squeezed them all day lol.
ok ladies...I need HELP!!! I just had my first scan and the baby is in my uterus!!! BUT. I'll be 6wks tomorrow and they said baby was measuring more like 4wks. They didn't seem worried, though and I go back in two weeks for another scan. But is that possible for it to be measuring that far behind and still be ok? I thought you couldn't even see it on ultrasound at 4wks?! I'm so confused.
Presh, I'm pretty sure at 4 weeks you would barely see anything. I had a scan once at 4w5d and all I saw as gestational sac. Did you see anything inside of your sac? Did they say anything about a yolk sac or fetal pole. Maybe they meant 4 weeks conception (which would make you 6 weeks).
Presh, I'm pretty sure at 4 weeks you would barely see anything. I had a scan once at 4w5d and all I saw as gestational sac. Did you see anything inside of your sac? Did they say anything about a yolk sac or fetal pole. Maybe they meant 4 weeks conception (which would make you 6 weeks).

Yes, they saw a yolk sac and thought they saw a glimpse of a fetal pole, but that part was really quick so they couldn't say for sure. But there was a yolk sac....
Oh well, yolk sac doesn't start till 5 weeks....fetal pole comes after that. I think she must have meant 4 weeks from conception. Absolutely no way you'd see that at 4 weeks. It sounds like you are right on target.
Oh well, yolk sac doesn't start till 5 weeks....fetal pole comes after that. I think she must have meant 4 weeks from conception. Absolutely no way you'd see that at 4 weeks. It sounds like you are right on target.

Hopefully that's what she meant.. but she knew the date of my LMP and asked how long my cycles are...they are only 28 days, so who knows. I'm going to try not to worry, though.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, they measured her at 6lbs right before I had her. She was 8. So you just never know! And I wonder what the difference in measurements is from 4-6 weeks. it's probably like 2mm!! haha
Presh i've attached a photo of my sonogram at 4wks 5days. All you can see is a gestational sac, so they couldn't have meant 4wks. 4wks would mean you just missed your period, so they must not have meant that. Plus, if you saw a yolk sac you're doin good!! 6 weeks is still early to see a HB, and every pregnancy is different! My SIL couldn't even find her daughter until she was 7wks and she's an ultrasound tech so she was scanning herself daily! lol. Hang in there but I would call back and ask for a scan a week earlier...2 weeks is a long time!
sorry it didn't attach - there it is!

Oh, and they said that is right on track for 4wks 5days


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ok ladies...I need HELP!!! I just had my first scan and the baby is in my uterus!!! BUT. I'll be 6wks tomorrow and they said baby was measuring more like 4wks. They didn't seem worried, though and I go back in two weeks for another scan. But is that possible for it to be measuring that far behind and still be ok? I thought you couldn't even see it on ultrasound at 4wks?! I'm so confused.

I had my first scan today too. Am 6+4 by LMP but only roughly 6 weeks by Ov. they say Sac and Yold sac but no hb, i was expecting it tbh and am also booked in for a rescan in 2 weeks. She said i was measuring at 5/5.5 weeks, i know im 6 weeks. I think sometimes they just say it so that if your a few days behind at your next scan you dont worry iykwim x

im sure all will be fine xxx
Yea, my SIL says that the ultrasound machines aren't sensitive enough between 4-6 weeks to accurately date the pregnancy. And she's been scanning for over 15 years, so I wouldn't worry too much :) I know that's so much easier said than done because I'm already worrying and I haven't even gotten to my scan! (well besides the one I posted but that was because they were afraid I was having an ectopic because I was having pain from a corpus luteum cyst).
Thank you so much for your replies! This has all really helped me feel better. And in any case, every baby develops differently, so how can they say how many weeks they think you are and sound SO sure about it. It's all just so silly to me! They should have just said, "It's there, it looks fine, let's scan again in a few weeks." Would that be so hard?!?! hhahaaa.
Hi Ladies! :wave:
My doctors appointment did not start well but it did end well... I will try to keep this short. Got to my appt in the radiology dept (as I said everything is so separate at the hospital) well after waiting about 25 min I went and said something to the lady at the desk to be sure they had my appt for the right time. Well she went back to get the radiology tech and when she got me she was already not in a good mood. She had absolutely no bedside manner!!! Never said anything about what she was going to be doing (if this was my first time getting a vaginal ultrasound I would have been kinda freaked). She said absolutely nothing during my ENTIRE procedure but kept making all these contorted faces when she was taking my pics. I could not see the screen and when I asked her questions she said she couldn't tell me anything because she was not a doctor. So I'm now really nervous and thinking the worst based on her facial expressions. I asked if she saw a heartbeat because she never turned the volume on and she said it was faint0 She never gave me any pictures to take which also made me think things are bad and sent me on my way. Now I'm stressed and my blood pressure is probably through the roof!! I marched upstairs to see my doctor and told the nurse about the experience and they decided to see me right away (instead of waiting until 3pm). They got me in for another ultrasound up in their OB office and this time my doctor came into the room too. Much better experience!!!! Got to see the heartbeat, we talked about things, they said everything looked good, and printed out 2 pics for us to take. The lady at the downstairs place also told the doctor that she saw some bleeding but when they checked me upstairs it was a small spot about 1cm that they said was probably just the implantation spot and sometimes it bleeds a little as the uterus stretches (I guess this is why people get some spotting). Anyway, I felt much better. The baby is measuring a little smaller than my dates 5w6d when I should be about 6w5d based on LMP. My doctor said that this is still OK and could be just off slightly due to late OV. They said the HB also looks good. They were going to repeat my U/S in 2 weeks but since I will be on my cruise then they are going to repeat 1 week from today just to make sure things are progressing well before I get on a boat.
MommyK - Don't worry about your symptoms, I felt the same things with my boobs (feeling more sore before than they are now) I don't know if I'm reading into it too much or what but everything seems to be OK.

Ladies - my dates got pushed back too. Don't worry, its still early.

Oh here's my pic from today..... so tiny!!!


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Hi ladies glad for the news of more successful scans :happydance:

I'm worrying my symptoms are fading and the only real symptoms i have right now are occasional boob soreness and tingling lots of peeing and really tired. I am trying my best not to panic but i think as it is the due date of my first loss today i am feeling sad and even more worried than usual.
Hi Everyone :hi: - do you mind if I join you?

I am finally feeling brave enough to join a PAL forum after sticking with my TTC forum for the last few weeks. I am now technically 9+1 although days from LMP make me 9+4. I had a scan a couple of weeks ago but am still so nervous but just taking each day at a time. I've been feeling nauseous and exhausted since about 5-6 weeks so trying to think that's a good sign this time.

Beachchica :hugs: so glad the scan was OK and everything looks well, I was thinking about you all day yesterday! Sorry that the sonographer had such terrible bedside manner. I had a bad experience with my first MC - they just didn't know what to say and I just felt embarrassed on top of being sad. Glad it was a happy scan for you!

Looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few months :flower:
Hi ladies glad for the news of more successful scans :happydance:

I'm worrying my symptoms are fading and the only real symptoms i have right now are occasional boob soreness and tingling lots of peeing and really tired. I am trying my best not to panic but i think as it is the due date of my first loss today i am feeling sad and even more worried than usual.

sthorp - try not to worry, symptoms do come and do. I woke up one day about 7 weeks to find all my symptoms had gone, panicked, went to the Drs and they thought the worst too. Then they all came back again! It's awful though when you've been there before and you get really paranoid about everything - hopefully your scan will put your mind at rest - can they make it any earlier for you?

Your due date is such a hard day too :hugs: hopefully you will feel a little better once today has passed - I know I felt a weight lift once I had got through it. You are lucky to have a new little bean to be focusing on too :hugs:
Hey ladies congrats on all the great scans.

Beach chica sorry you had such an awful experience with your first nurse, i prob would have burst into tears at that point thinking the worst. Its awful that anyone can behave in that way about something so precious. Glad your doc had a much better bedside manner and even gave u pics.

Preshfest, hope your mind has been put at ease a little. Before my consultant started my last scan she told me not to worry if i was measuring few days behind or ahead as things are so small at this stage it can be difficult to get an accurate measurement.

Ladyfog welcome, youve come to the right place for some support :hugs:
Ladyfog - Welcome to the thread *waves*

Beach chica - Sorry you had such an awful start, some people just dont understand what its like to have suffered a loss and how hard it is to try again. Glad it all worked out though xx

Steph - Try not to worry about it (though its hard as we all do!) symptons do come and go so i am sure you will be back to feeling crappy again soon x
Yep that's why they don't like scanning before 6 weeks really as they can not be so accurate. Your next scan will give you a better indication of whether everything is ok. Fingers crossed for you all.

I have my 10 week scan tomorrow and am so so nervous. x
Goodluck tomo mlyn im sure it will all be jus perfect.xx

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