PAL - July 2012 babies

Not great news for me today. My scan showed a nuchal fold of 6mm and have had several blood tests and a CVS to take some cells from my placenta this morning.

Just got to wait for the results now, which should be in my Thursday so at least we'll know what we're dealing with by Christmas.
I couldn't take it anymore so I went for another scan today. It was very thorough, so I really trust it. Unfortunately it was the same results as the other one. Baby is measuring about 2 weeks behind with a heart rate of 93. Both very bad signs.

Can anyone tell me what to expect from here? I've never miscarried, so I just would like to know about the process a little bit. How long it might take, how painful, etc...
I took my bra off last night and my boobs were screaming!! I was also up at 3:30am guzzling gaviscon with the worst heartburn - yay symptoms are back!! Dan tooth still hurts though. Had 13 vials of blood taken yesterday too, a little overboard on my testing I think but nice that they are tracking me so closely.

Presh I won't go into details of mc cos that may not be the case for you yet. But know I will be here to support you if and when it reaches that stage. You say still 2 weeks behind but has bubs grown since the last u/s? Have you had quantative bloods done to see if HCG still climbing levelled off or falling etc as that will give a good indication too.

Lady whilst that measurement is a scary number at least now with the cvs you will know for sure and can then make your decisions from there. I will be hoping for you that all is well - hugs honey.

Thursday looks like a big day around here, scan for us too. Good luck everyone.
Presh with my first my baby was always measuring behind. Was 6+3 at 9 weeks when it was confirmed it had actually died. I had seen hb prior to this but always measured behind. It took me 6days to pass baby after i started bleeding but everyone is different. Don't forget to discuss d and c id it would be preferred option. Obviously though i imagine sadly you Will have to wait until baby dies. I would love for things to work out for you though hun. Take each day as it comes x
I'm just popping back in to see how everyone's doing! I have my very first scan on Thursday at 11+4 and am trying not to stress - I have no idea what's happening in there - the only clues I have to go on are sore boobs and queasiness, which just seems to be letting up this week. I'm not worried about that as I'm hoping it simply means the placenta has taken over...Oh, and I shouldn't really be showing yet but my 11wk pic sure looks suspicious! lol (hard to hide at work these days!)

LadyFog - I hope things go well for you. I have my NT measurement on Thursday as well...are you over 35? I am, so of course this is nerve wracking. I wish you the very best with this. I have two friends who were given scary numbers (one with *both* his daughters who were predicted Downs), and the babies are all perfectly fine. So, don't worry too much just yet...wait it out, get further tests, try not to worry.

Presh - I really hope things are ok, but if not, you asked what it is like to miscarry (but remember every experience is very different). I miscarried at 8wks+1 and it felt like a heavy period (although my baby wasn't as far along as yours - I really don't know how far along it was as I never had a scan). But the miscarriage itself wasn't especially painful (like heavy period, with lots of large clots, and the sac of course). I was prescribed Misoprostol to complete the miscarriage and that definitely caused more pain - I took a Tylenol 3 with that, and was fine once it kicked in. No more pain. I had to do that 2 days in a row. I hope you are ok. Thinking of you.
Presh so sorry to hear things are not looking well, i think everyone has different experiences i know in my first one i bled for weeks and they went with a d&c to complete it and second time my body wasn't doing the process so i opted for a D&c right away as soon as i found out baby had passed i prefer the d&C route a little less traumatic for me but everyone deals with it differently.

Lady frog: I hope all tests come back ok for you i wish you all the best.

ASM: symptoms are still here nausea comes in waves and not as bad as it was last week boobs are still sore so i am hoping these are positive signs and really hoping for the best, i have a dr appointment next week and they will check for heart beat i am stressing and terrified that it won't be there when i go.
Hi ladies -:wave: well just got back from my cruise and trying to get caught up on my emails and all the posts.
Glad so many of you are having great scans!!! :yipee:

Lady - :hugs: I hope everything comes back OK with your testing.

Presh - I am measuring over a week behind too which has me concerned some. And the HB at my 2nd scan was lower than the 1st (118 to 105)The U/S tech tech said that with the growth and the HB everything still looked normal. Hopefully its nothing to worry about for both of us. With the scan you had today, did they tell you that this was bad news? It still sounds ok since you had a HB. I can tell you about a MC if you really want to know but I won't tell you yet because I am still praying that everything will be OK and you won't have to go through that!!! I have had 2 D&C's and 1 MC so I will definitely be here for support if you ever need it. :hugs:

MissC - on the pregnancy dating that you mentioned... don't the U/S measurements take into account 2 extra weeks so that its inline with your LMP? My scan report shows my date based on LMP and another due date a week later based on scan.

I am still stressing a bit because I don't feel any pregnancy symptoms either and the couple that I did have seem less now, like the frequent peeing etc. I have an appt with the doctor tomorrow but it's just an exam and not an U/S. I am wondering if I can talk him into one.

Ugh! Its terrible that we all stress like this, I can't wait until we all get to the 2nd trimester when the risk of MC starts to go down. Hopefully our stress level will go down some too!!!
I am so hearing you on second tri. week 14 cannot come soon enough!!!!!

On the measurements my understanding is the sac measures from LMP and the baby measures from conception. Doctors will measure 280 days from LMP and a pregnancy is "usually" 266 days from conception and conception being ovulation.

Does all that make sense?
HI ladies, hope your all doing ok.

I had my follow up scan on friday. By OV i had my dates at 8+1. Our little jelly baby is there with a lovely HB measuring a perfect 7+6 weeks :cloud9: so relieved! this is only the very beginning of a long journey but seeing a baby in there is helping me hold on to a little bit of positivity. only 6 months to go!! :crazy:

heres our Jelly baby...

16th December - 7+6 wks.jpg

the white blob on the right is the yold then babys head begins, the small black circle is the brain forming :cloud9: if you look close enough you can see babys buds forming too :)

Presh, I'm sorry the scan didn't turn out well. I don't have much advice on a natural mc as both of my later losses required a D&C. My early loss was so early, that it was bascially my period. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, especially now at Christmas time. Take care of yourself.

Ladyfrog, I'm sorry your scan was bad news as well. I'm glad to hear you'll know everything by Christmas time. I know I've read alot of stories about false positives from these tests. I really, really hope you're one of them.

Beach, I hope you get some answers soon. Do you have another u/s scheduled?

Jox, congrats on your lovely bean! Sounds like everything is moving along great.

Silverlilly, my symtoms seem to come and go now too. Some days I feel great, other days I get a little sick in the evening. Good luck on Thursday.

Mommy_K, I noticed my symptoms really started to come and go around 9 weeks. I'm sure it will all be fine.

MrsC, looking forward to your scan on Thursday.

AFM, just got back from my NT scan and everything looks good. I'm feeling much more confident, but still can't seem to shake this nervous feeling. I hope it goes away soon so I can enjoy this pregnancy!
Thanks round2, good to hear your NT scan went perfectly :)

AFM on symptoms, i have NONE!! nothing at all. Im tired but working loads at the mo. I didnt have symptoms with my boys either so think maybe im having another boy, altho im not as sure this time as i was with Leo!!

got my first appointment with the midwife 2moro !! will make it feel even more real but iam scared at the same time :wacko:

Thinking of you ladies who havent had great news with your scans :hugs: my heart goes out to you i know how awful that feeling is.

Hope everyone else is keeping well :flower:
I'm so sorry to hear some of you ladies are having not so reassuring scans, but don't give up hope, everything could still be OK!

Round2 - glad to hear everything went great with your scan! i can't wait to get to my next scan, it seems so far away!

Heavyheart - I'm sure everything will go great tomorrow!! Do you get a scan??

AFM - I was really sick last week with MS and I've switched my vitamin to theranatals - they have extra B6 and B12 that are supposed to help with nausea and vomiting and it seems to be working! Now I'm just really tired with a bit of nausea and sore bbs. I've also been getting headaches for about a week - hope that's normal.
Hi ladies, well I had my appointment today and everything went well. I was a nervous wreck when I got there, I have had absolutely no symptoms this pregnancy, and I think I made the doctor nervous too so he decided to get me in for a scan. I measured at about 8 weeks today (still behind what my LMP dates should be 9+4 but doc says this is OK) and a HB of 167!!! I was so happy, the last heartbeat at 105 had me a little worried. The baby looked like a little turtle. Round little body with little round bud arms and legs. I will post a pic below. I may need to change the date on my ticker as I seem to be consistently measuring about a week behind. I have another appt exactly 2 weeks from today.

Presh - hope things are going OK for you and this is encouragement for you. I am measuring quite a bit behind still and had a low HB on my last scan but things were looking good at this appointment!

Jox - glad you scan went well! :yipee:

Round2 - glad your appointment went well too!! :happydance:

Confused - glad you are feeling a little better! When is your next appointment?


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Just a quick post to say I got the preliminary results of my CSV and chromosome numbers have come back normal. I am so relieved! Next step is some mor detailed testing (dotting the i's and crossing the t's according to the specialist) and then a scan in 4 weeks to check for anomalies and heart defects. We may well still have a poorly baby so there's a higher risk of miscarriage, but just so relieved to have got over the first and biggest hurdle. It means we can enjoy Christmas after all!

Thinking of anyone who's worried and so pleased for everyone who had had great scans this week!
Ladyfrog, that is fabulous news! I have a friend on here who's NT results came back at a 1:15 chance of having issues. She had the CVS done and got the same results as you. She now has a healthy baby girl. Sometimes, I think these tests cause more worry than good. They do have a high false positive rate. I really hope things continue show a healthy baby for you.

BTW - did you they tell you the gender? My friend learned the gender from her CVS.
Ladyfog - that's great news!!!

So this is all new to me because I am still TTC #1 and have never made it very far but what is this testing that you are doing now? Is this extra testing because if the MC's? With my 3 MC's and age (over 35) I am sure that I will go through all the testing too but nobody has mentioned this yet so I want to be sure that I am prepared and get the proper testing. One risk of taking the progesterone that I'm on is that it keeps a bad pregnancy going that your body would normally terminate. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide! :help:
Thanks Round2. We said we would like to know the gender, but so far they haven't told us - probably just forgot! There's no hurry though, boy or girl I'm just happy we've got some good news!
Beach, the testing we're talking about is an ultrasound followed by a series of blood tests done at a particular times in your pregnancy. It's called different things in different countries. In Canada it's called IPS testing, in the UK it's NT testing. The purpose of the scan is to see if you baby has down syndrome, trisomy 18 or any neural tube defects. The ultrasound is preformed around your 12th week and the objective is to measure the fluid at the back of your babies neck. If the baby has a large amount of fluid, the chances of issues increase. In Canada, this test is optional since it does have a large number false negative results and it only picks up certain issues.
I have my next appt Jan 9th and the testing these other ladies are talking about on jan 12th. I was sick again yesterday and this morning but seem to be doing better this evening...guess its just going to come and go..which is fine with me! I've also regained a bit of energy I think...I don't know lol I'm getting sick of analyzing my symptoms haha.

So glad there has been some good news! My fingers are crossed for you ladyfog but it sounds like the most important text is! Yay :)

Jessie I really love your US picture! So cute!

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