PAL - July 2012 babies

I've been craving chicken liver pate! I've been eating cold cooked meats and smoke salmon as that's OK in the UK though. I've even had rare steak as as long as the outside is cooked, as that's OK now as well.
Yea, I wonder how important it is to avoid deli meats as it seems the US is the only place that says to not do it! I love steak too and usually medium rare and we're told not to have that either but thankfully red meat has set me stomach off for a month or so now, but I think I'm getting closer to being able to eat whatever. so that might be another thing I'll be craving soon!! lol

I just had my first trimester screening and all went perfectly! So relieving! I don't think hearing that heartbeat will ever not bring tears to my eyes!
Congrats on the scan confused!

We had a scan today too. Saw a mysterious hose shape thingy between the legs. The tech wouldn't confirm it, but she said it's looking very boyish!!
we don't eat smoked salmon here in Australia either unless it is cooked in a pasta dish or something that is how I satisfy my craving for that. Soft cheeses I eat all year round and as long as it is made locally and with pasteurised milk that is OK too. Deli meats are a serious risk due to cross contamination no matter what country you are in. You can also get a packaged liverwurst that tastes just like pate - it is one of my favourite mid morning snacks on toast. Although lately its been crackers and cheddar with vegemite and pickled gherkins!!! hmmmmmmmm pregnant much!!

Our NT scan went really really well. Bubs was measuring 2 days ahead and my worst risk was for downs at 1 in 307 which for my age is AWESOME apparently!!
Glad scans went well :thumbup:

It's crazy how much guidelines vary from country to country on what we can eat! It's more the liver than than the listeria that I'm worried about with pate because of the vit A. I'm sure the French still eat Brie and Camembert!
We had our scan yesterday too and everything is looking great. They couldn't do the NT measurement because baby was measuring ahead and so had past the cut off for size. I got a bi upset because it was an increased nuchal fold that indicated turner syndrome with Emily but the sonographer was lovely and sat for ages talking to us and said that even though they can't do the official measurement from what she could see it wouldn't concern her in the slightest. By this time with Emily the cystic hygroma had grown so large that it was so obvious on the u/s so I have relaxed a little.

We even announced it on Facebook. Scary stuff!
Fantastic news collie its fantastic to feel positive about this pregnancy isn't it. I know we have still got a long way to go but we are inching towards the finishing line every day :flower:
hi ladies, how are you all?

nice to hear of all the scans being had. I had mine on monday. JB was measuring a few days ahead of my ov dates so my offical due date is now the 24th July :) from the scan piccys im definitely thinking i may be getting me a little lady :cloud9: only 4 weeks till i can find out :)

hope you are all ok xxx
Here is my 14 week scan pic :thumbup: Feel free to guess on gender :haha: I'm hoping we will get to find out at our next scan at 17 weeks as my consultant is doing it.


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Our baby known as Mini Fudge is due on the 28th of July 2012 Please can we be added. Many Thanks xx
Welcome gemarooney and mini fudge!

Have you had any scans yet? X
Here is my 14 week scan pic :thumbup: Feel free to guess on gender :haha: I'm hoping we will get to find out at our next scan at 17 weeks as my consultant is doing it.

what a beautiful scan pic collie! :hugs: iam feeling its a little girl :thumbup: xxx
hi everyone I havent posted since adding my name :blush: Im no good with keeping up with threads. I have a scan tomorrow and am so nervous Ill be 15 weeks sat and my baby girl quit growing between 15 and 16 weeks so its going to be a hard next few weeks :nope: Ill have a scan every 2 weeks though so Im glad my Dr is so nice about it :)

Collie-- I think baby looks like a boy! :) thats a very clear scan pic!
Have any of you had anyone say to you- "It's early still"- when you tell them you're 13 wks? It bothered me a little- I was thinking to myself... well, I'm in second trimester now- 3 months bubs has been with me...and that means I'm 1/3 of the way already... so is that really early? I guess I'm proud of being this far! It's the furthest any of my pregnancies have made it. I've finally started relaxing about things going wrong. I want other people to celebrate that with me - not act really cautious about my progress. If 13 wks is still early- at what point does it stop being- when you're 1/2 way gone?
Oh Honey how inconsiderate of someone - did they know of your previous history of miscarriage? Some people - I really struggle to understand how some people think they are well intentioned when all they are doing is stabbing a knife in your heart and get all offended if you pull them up on it.

The sad thing about miscarriage is you join a club where you can share your heartache and devastation with people that know and really DO understand but along with that comes all the other stories. I have a friend that lost at 27 weeks so I guess at no point does it become safe according to statistics and other stories etc etc. Basically the second conception happens and you become a mum there is no SAFE point for the rest of your life - will bubs survive the birth will bubs fall out of that tree, will bubs be OK driving the new car, will bubs be ok having their own baby!!! Not wanting to sound all doom and gloom but if we embrace this as part of motherhood I think we can cope with it all better.

I fell into the category of once a HB is detected at 8 weeks your mc rate drops significantly down to as little as 1% well that stat did shit all for me as I lost at 12w1d. The day before my NT scan. Now I have had my NT scan I am dreading the morph what if bubs isn't OK when we get to that one, another friend had a baby stop growing at 16 weeks and found out at the 18 week scan. I am 14 weeks tomorrow which means 1st trimester will be officially over (my doc says 1st trimester is 14 weeks) but until I can feel bubs moving every day I don't think I will be able to relax and start to enjoy.

All that said I swear I can feel ziggy, feels like a little bubble popping every now and then and it's not followed up by passing wind so I don't think it's gas!!

I got my hospital referral through yesterday and meet with the MW and OB on 1st Feb, can't wait, hopefully I can get one of them to doppler me to reassure cos waiting until 18-20 weeks is gonna kill me to know bubs is still ok. I am seriously considering a doppler but do wonder if it will make me stress more if I can't find the hb.
Hi everyone, haven't posted for a while but hope everyone is doing OK.

Welcome letia - How did the scan go today? Its so tough going through milestones of previous pregnancies so I hope you got good news :hugs:

Future - I keep feeling like I've come a long way in my pregnancy but still cant bring myself to believe Ive passed through the early stage yet - I guess I've got the added complication of babys NT measurement, but I suppose it's different for everyone. 13 weeks for anyone not PAL would be a long way and they'd be expecting all to go well so enjoy it and if your feeling positive then enjoy it!

AFM - heart scan on Tuesday so fingers crossed we get good news. If not, at least we know what we're dealing with. I just want to see baby wriggling around in there.

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