I have been MIA for a few weeks cos 1) My 3 year ild had surgery for tonsils and adenoids removal and recovery has been rough, then I got sick with a nasty head cold and chesty cough ending up with a sinus infection and bloody mucus coming out of my nose - so painful - but it cleared up for a few days and I then ended up in hospital with vertigo - sheesh rough last month or so!!!
Ziggy is doing OK so far, have another scan on Friday at 34 weeks to check growth and position etc etc, pretty sure he has dropped down quite a lot judging by the pain in my pubic area, stabbing pains in my wanny are NOT pleasant. I have a gut feeling that this baby will come early - dunno why but just feel it. Nursery is painted and I will pick up the layby this weekend with all the bedding curtains etc etc and will pack the bags next week just to be sure. Appointment with OB on Wednesday next week too following the scan and I know she is gonna push me on a decision for a section but at this stage still hoping for VBAC although my blood levels have crept up a little in the last week or so but I haven't been very strict either so gonna be very careful this week with foods and get some proper readings before then.
Anywhoo that's my update and I'll go have a read of what you have all been up to now!!