Feeling fine - still having bad sleep but being on maternity leave means I can nap in the day which is bliss - being lazier than I would like but the house is in much better shape - I could deal with Ollie arriving now - his crib is made up - he's in our room but his room is really taking shape too.
Just a cleaning job now but nothing that can't wait and be done once he is here. If it was up to me I would just hire a cleaner to come in and do a once over clean - kitchen cupboards, windows, skirting boards - that sort of thing but OH is determined to do this ourselves - and since he is doing the majority of it I can't really argue ( and can't be bothered to argue either!! ).
All bags packed ready, all his clothes and blankets are washed so I don't feel soooo bad for being lazy - plus if I do anything for more than 10 mins my back starts to kill and I have to sit down - so everything I do is done in short bursts! Plus my spd is worse now - not as bad as some ladies get it but can be v painful. Staiving off the morning nausea by having a substantial breakfast - apparently this helps!!
No real signs yet - am getting the odd period pain, getting tightenings but no patterns, def feeling the pressure when I am upright. Due in 2 days now - my mum reckons I'll be on time as I was but we'll see. MW offered a sweep on Friday when I was at my last appt - in 2 minds whether to do this or not - might ask her to check my cervix and see if it looks favourable....
Wish - glad Lovebug is staying in there - best place for him
Phillipa - Hope everyone's ok - sounds like you're having fun being a mum