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Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

I told DH last night that they got your bloods wrong and said u didnt even ovulate. He said u must be the virgin mary lol your expecting a miricle child :) xxx
I told DH last night that they got your bloods wrong and said u didnt even ovulate. He said u must be the virgin mary lol your expecting a miricle child :) xxx

I've read that quite a lot on BnB actually, women that were told they didn't ovulate and then they were pregnant. It makes you wonder sometimes if they really know what they are talking about lol
That's so weird about us both having 2 best men. I don't even know anyone else who did! We have so many similarities! Lol at your DH thinking its a miracle baby!

Glad your classes went well. Hope you had a restful evening. I went to my parents yesterday to see my brother - we ended up ironing plants!!! He had to collect plant samples & press them to hand in as coursework on Friday. He's left it too late to press them the traditional way & had heard you coukd iron them to speed it up! So that's what we did! It seemed to work quite well.

In the eve I finished a knitted hat for baby. It is the first complete item (apart from the odd scarf) I have ever knitted & it actually looks alright, so I'm very pleased with it! Don't know what to knit next - the next pattern in my "teach yourself to knit" book isn't very cute. I might make another hat for my cousins baby. Or maybe one in the next size up for my baby.

I wasn't sick again yesterday - 2 days in a row!!!! Unheard of! Feel dodgy this morning, but nothing so far.

What are you up to today? It's ridiculously windy here. Had to send DH downstairs in middle of night to put a towel across the door to stop the wind howling under it! We've bought some plants that need planting, but I don't know if we'll get a chance today. DH has got on well with painting our new garage door, maybe he'll finish that, as well as some ikea assembly. Does Hollie mind the wind? My parents dog Tal isn't keen as it blows his big ears all over the place!

Crikey, navel orange! That seems big! Bit of a difference from a poppy seed! xxx
Congrats on your orange & another sick free day!

Ive never ironed a plant before lol i dont even iron most of my clothes ha ha!!

My garden is quite full with plants and when some die, new ones come. But it all looks a bit scruffy at the moment. I need to get out there and tidy it up. Id love to get a little wooden play house in my garden for my child and put number 35 on the front because thats our house number.

We have lots of DIY to do too but its on hold at the moment. If this test comes back ok then we seriously need to get cracking.

Do u have curtains over your front door? That might help with the wind. We have some but i need to get them taken up first before hanging them. Its windy here today too. Hollie doesnt mind, she doesnt like thunder but is fine with everything else. Except..hoover...dusting.. .sweeping brushes.. lol etc she likes to chase them.

Well done knitting a hat. That sounds hard to me! You will need a few hats with it being Oct and then winter :)

Today DH is going to work. Im going to do housework...what fun!!! Nothing interesting planned. I dont feel like meeting up with friends just yet.

Hope u have a nice day and DH gets jobs done. What colour are u having your garage door? Xxx
Hello! How are you today? 3 non-vomiting days here, v excited! And I had fish & chips for tea last night - my favourite takeaway which I haven't had since being pregnant. I didn't eat much & I didn't eat the batter, but it was still exciting!

The little playhouse sounds adorable, I really hope it's not too long before you can get that. We only have a small garden & a patio, just enough room for a swing or similar. We have a gate on to a playing field from the back & can walk across it to a park in about a minute, so LO should have plenty of space to play.

Did you get some housework done? DH put on about 15 doors, so he's 1/2 way through. MIL continued to freak me out a bit - she's bought 36 packets of wet wipes! I suppose they can be used for other things, not just babies (that's how I'm trying to ignore that they have been bought so early). She has bought me a top from asda that says "love my bump" in huge letters on the front & has a big heart on it. It's really not my taste. I don't want to seem ungrateful or upset her, cos its sweet she's bought something for me, but I really cant wear it. It's way too in your face! I'm sort of hoping to wear normal tops that just have extra room. I still want to look like me. I've never worn anything with a big slogan & my SIL didn't when she was pregnant, so I don't quite know what she was thinking. It's going to be very awkward.

What time is your appointment tomorrow? Have you been reading up about whats involved? Do you have to take it easy afterwards? Are you feeling nervous?

I so hope my MIL never finds my posts on here! I've never mentioned the name of the forum & she'd never guess my username, although she has seen the pic of the booties. I'm probably safe though aren't I?
Yes im sure u are safe on here. If somebody found the thread i dont think they could tell who it was or even be bothered to read it all.

I wouldnt like that slogan top either. U could wear it for bed lol.
The house that i grew up in sounds in a situation like yours with a park and feild out the back gate. My brother lives there now. He bought the house back 12 years after my mu sold it. I love that house!
We have a decent sized garden and if u walk up the road a few yards then u get into the woods and hills and there are lots of play things there.
My appointment is 9.45am so nice and early. I need to rest for 24 hours after but im going to rest longer. Straight after my CVS DH is going to drive to this popular ice-cream shop and buy some for me on our way home. I need a treat for afterwards lol.
I had fish and chips last sat....yummy! Im glad u are getting to enjoy them again.

Fx for another sick free day! U will probably make it to a full week :)
Ive just seen a TV advert for Asda where a lady has bought loads of packets of baby wipes! Lol i cant believe your MIL bought 36! Thats loads!

Im getting nervous for the big needle tomorrow for my CVS. Im a bit scared. I hope baby is ok. Im going to be very upset if baby has a chromosome problem as ive now been given a second chance after the brain cyst. I dont know what to think anymore. Im getting frightened about the procedure and results xxx
It's only natural to be scared, but you've just got to try to relax as much as you can. The NHS website describes it as "uncomfortable rather painful", so maybe it won't be too bad. It's worse for larger ladies, so that's not you.

The fact that baby is still growing must mean something positive. And also that they couldn't see any other markers. You've just got to cross your fingers, you can't do anything to change the results. At least you'll know one way or another in 3 days, and maybe it will be fine. I can completely understand you being worried, I would be too. I'm continuing o hope & pray for your LO, lets just hope that makes a difference. At least you can take it easy after, you don't have to run around after another child or anything. And the ice cream will help, I'm sure!

Thank u. You are great for support. I know i just have to have it done and see what the results say. I will try to relax as much as possible during and afterwards. Im going to work soon so im sure that will help take my mind off it.

Hope u are having a nice day. The sun is out here and its not windy anymore xxx
Glad you've got work to take your mind off it. Have you got a good book or magazine you can read tomorrow afternoon? Or a film you can watch? Maybe it's time to treat yourself if not.

I'm having quite a constructive day, catching up with washing. Haven't managed to actually do this much for weeks, hope DH will be pleased with me. It's sunny but windy here, so good drying weather. It's actually quite mild when the wind isn't blowing too, which is nice. I'm just hoping the rain holds off till its all dry.

I wish I could find something that tastes nice to drink. I don't drink hot or fizzy drinks, never have. I have Tropicana tropical juice with breakfast, but find it too acidic if I drink it at other times. I used to drink blackcurrent squash before I got pregnant, but that was the first thing I started hating the taste of. I force myself to drink lemon squash, but don't enjoy it. I've tried orange, apple & tropical squash, but no good. It would be so much easier to keep myself hydrated if I liked what I drank. What do you drink? Have you got any ideas?

Well done getting your washing done. Its a hard boring task at the best of times.
I never drink fizzy drinks either! Never have done. I used to drink coffee but gave it up when i got my bfp. I still drink hot chocolate. I actually love water so drink lots of that or cranberry juice as well. I drink milk but i dont like milk so i put a tiny bit of nesquik strawberry milkshake in it andi can drink it like that. I love J2O! Im quite fussy when it comes to food and drink. I dont like much lol

We are planning on watching dvds tomorrow as DH is off work so he can do all the cooking too xxx
That's really nice that your DH has the day off too, so e can look after you. Much better than being on your own. What are you watching? My DH really likes watching American series on DVD. He can watch some artwork when he's on the night shift, so that's when e watches the gory ones. At the moment we're watching Mad Men & Big Bang Theory. We also have one more series of House to watch. He's never watched Friends so I'm trying to convince him to I've that a go, but I'm losing the battle! I loved watching that when it was on.

I love j2o too, although mainly apple & mango. I haven't tried that recently, maybe I should again. I haven't tried cranberry juice, maybe that would make a change. I get really bored of water, so need to add something to it. My favourite cafe does this delicious chocolate milkshake made from homemade Italian style ice cream. It is so nice! When you talked about ice cream earlier it made me want some & now you've mentioned milkshake I've aken it as a sign I need to buy some! Just got to convince DH he feels like an outing there one day soon!


Another day, another scan lol.

I dont know what films we will watch today. I like girly ones rather than the action ones DH likes. He had never watched Friends either when we first met but i got him to watch them and he loves it! Im sure your DH would too, its just giving it a chance. My brother likes Big Bang Theroy but i tried to watch it and couldnt get into it. All the characters seem so strange but i didnt really give that much of a chance.

Nearly ice-cream time! I hope u get your ice-cream milkshake soon....it sounds yummy!

I will let u know how today goes.

Good luck for today, I hope it goes ok & isn't too uncomfortable. I will be thinking of you.

We have the girls vs action film problem in our house too. DH thinks I don't like films, just because I don't like the films he likes. He seems to be the one who gets to choose most of the time, not sure how that's fair!! We don't tend to go to the cinema that much cos we can't agree on what to see. If I have to watch one of his films, I prefer to do it in comfort at home!

Hope you enjoy your ice cream! xxx
Lol my DH thinks the same, that i dont like films! And he chooses most of them too. We usually watch them in bed then i just go sleep lol.

Im back home now watching loose women! Lol

The CVS went well. It didnt hurt much and i could do it again if i needed to. But the scan showed the placenta doesnt look as healthy and its smaller than last scan. Also the babies head has grown but the body hasnt. Doc gave us 80% chance of a chromosome disorder and even if it doesnt im at high risk of placenta failing or baby not growing properly. Ive pretty much lost all hope now. I cant believe ive got this far to be honest. I cant see a chance of survival.

I'm glad the cvs wasn't too painful. I'm really sorry to hear that the placenta is shrinking and baby isn't growing as he should. That doesn't sound good. It does seem hard o have hope with news like that. At least you only have 2 days to wait for the results, not like the usual week of agonising. Do you have to go back to the hospital for the results? I really hope they wouldn't tell you that kind of thing over the phone.

Has the cvs caused any bleeding? Is it sore where the needle went in? It's good you feel you could do it again if needed.

Do you feel sort of like you were prepared for the worst or are you finding this news very upsetting?

Have you agreed on a film yet? We have a sofa bed in the living room, so if its a film I don't want to watch I ask for that to be opened & we watch it on that. Much more comfy! When we have very young (6-8 yr old) clients at work, I have to supervise them while their parents talk to my boss, which usually means watching a film. Today I was paid to watch Enchanted for 45mins with a 6 year old - it's not a bad job!

It's my mums birthday today so I'm hoping she will call in on her way home from work so I can pass on her present. I've also bought her a small chocolate cake - if she doesn't call in, I may have to eat it myself, what a shame!!

Hope you manage to have a relaxing afternoon.


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