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Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Builders do make a lot of mess and noise but will be worth it!
Bet your looking forward to seeing your brother..thats nice :)
I will upload a Hollie the collie pic soon lol xxx

Up early again for the builders. I think they should be finished today. Then it will just be a big clean up! I have a confession to make tho - I have hired a cleaner for a few weeks. I was feeling really bad that DH had to do everything after working a ridiculous number of hours, while I just sit here feeling sick. I saw an ad on the village notice board & rang o ask if she'd be happy to just help for a few weeks, till I'm back on my feet. I feel embarassed that I have had to resort to this, but I felt like it was the best thing for DH & I. Do you think it's really lazy?

Are you working again today? I've got to work this morning & then let DH have my car,as his brakes stopped working last night! He's working nights, so I have to ring the garage & hope they can squeeze him in. The idea of him driving to garage does not make me happy, but he insists its fine.

Hope you're feeling as ok as poss today. xxx
So many things seem to be braking lately. My brother is back again this morning trying to fix the boiler. I hope u can get your DH car into the garage to be repaired.
I dont think its lazy at all for u to get a cleaner. Some people have them all the time. If u feel too sick then its a good solution. You can give it a try and see how you like having a cleaner. Id probably clean up before they came lol so we didnt seem too dirty :)
Im ok today thanks. Hubby and i are both off today so just relaxing. Thursday is getting closer!

The cleaner came for the first time last Wed & I spent the AM tidying first, lol! Just light work I could do, she then did the bathrooms & ironing. It was definitely a help & I thinking will be again tomorrow.

We asked the builder to quote for some outside work & he's said he can do it tomorrow, so now they'll be back tomorrow! We must be mad! Hopefully it will be quieter as it will be outside. We might as well get it all over & done with at once, but I was looking forward to some peace tomorrow!

Hope your boiler is getting mended. DH got the car to the garage, now we've just got to hope it's not too expensive!

What time is your appointment on Thurs? Not long now. xxx
What work are u getting done outside?

The boiler is still not working. We are buying a few parts to try. To be honest I don't even care at the moment but its a distraction at least.

My appointment Thursday is 11.30am but I just got a voice mail from the hospital telling me to ring them back but by the time i listened to it and rang they are closed now. I will need to ring in the morning. They are either telling me, my scan appointment is getting moved or my pregnancy i high risk but i cant really get any news wrose than i did last week.

I hope they are not postponing your appointment. A shame you couldn't get through tonight, I hope you don't worry about it too much over night.

We're having a gate post put in & 2 proper gates made. DH has tried twice, but both attempts have failed as its so windy here (we live in the hills) & he's not that great at DIY.

My brother came over to see me with my mum & dad this afternoon, which was lovely. He seems to have had an amazing 4 weeks in Malaysia. We looked at 1/2 of his photo, which took 2 hours! It was certainly an endurance test!! He goes back to uni on Sun, so I'm hoping to see him as much as possible before then.
Rang hospital and they said my blood test showed very very low levels of pregnancy hormone and the babies level is low too. They said they will talk to me more about it tomorrow. But DH and i are guessing that the baby is dying on its own. They said they cant give me a risk for downs because the levels are so low and off the scale xxx
Oh no, I'm so sorry. That is so sad. Maybe you're guessing wrong, but it doesn't sound good. How are you feeling? Have you got someone with you?

Sending lots of hugs. Xxx
Im feeling ok thanks. The phone call didnt upset me. I was expecting bad news and are pretty much understanding that this dream is over for us :-( so sad but we are thinking about trying again etc to help us focus.
I will let u know what they say tomorrow.
My brother is here again but i havent told him about the phone call as there is no point.
I feel guilty of thinking about moving on and ttc again when the baby is still here but it helps. Ive still got clomid so will take that again when i can start ttc again. If i can get preg quickly then i could be your buddy again :)
Will be nice to keep in touch anyway as id like to stick with u through your journey and i can still chat to u about my ttc journery etc
I'm really gad you are taking it ok. Like you said, you got the worst news last week, so at least you've had some time to get used to it.

You don't need to feel guilty, it's only natural that you'd think about trying again. At least now you know your body can get pregnant, where as before you must've wondered if that coukd happen. I would love to share the TTC journey with you, or whatever happens next. I'd hate to not know what was happening in your life, having heard all about it for last 9 weeks! I'd really miss you! I was going to say, if you don't feel you can come on the forums afterwards tomorrow, do you want me to PM you my email address, but it sounds like you are hopeful of being able to still come on here.

I have been following your story MrsBroodyPants, so so sorry :( :(
I think i will still be able to come on here and talk. I will see how i feel. You have been really good support.

I hope your garden gates are looking good xxx
Aww, what a cutie! The puppy pic is adorable & she still looks lovely now! I love how you've got her sitting in front of the ruins, v nice pic! xxx
We have that picture of her infront of the priory on canvas in our hall.
It's Guisborough Priory which is in the town where we live. We also had pictures taken there on our wedding day.
How lovely that that's a canvas print. We have canvases from our honeymoon in bedroom - it's so nice to have your own pictures up.

Our similarities continue - on our wedding day we had pictures taken at Glastonbury Abbey, which is also a ruined abbey, destroyed by Dissolution of the Monastries in 1540s! We went there especially to take the pictures. The rest of the guests went on to the reception, as we didnt want to pay for them all to enter!

We did the same! Our guests didnt come with us either and it was lovely to have a bit of time just the two of us straight after becoming husband and wife. I love weddings! Havent got any weddings a head now on my calendar.
My nephew is getting Christened on 21st April. I was really looking forward to it before but now i might find it difficult. My brother said its totally fine if i dont go but i do want to go. I will just have to see whats happening around that time.
Ive been looking at cottages and log cabins to book a quiet week away with the DH and dog. I think i need to relax and get away for a bit. Id love a little rural holiday where we take long walks, just talk and eat and watch dvds where nobody can disturb us :). I dont mind where, i will go anywhere in UK. Have u thought more about booking something? Xxx

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