Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Lol at u cleaning for the cleaner.

I will be thinking about u tomorrow at 10.30am! Very exciting :)

My shop is open tues-sat but my mam works in there if i dont and she likes to take over and think its her shop, so i just let her lol but she is an amazing help. Im so lucky as she always helps me with my business.

Its gone very dark here now. The rain is about to come down heavy!

I agree about getting my body ready again. I just have to wait until it sorts itself out. I think AF can come anytime and i could be waiting 8 weeks or more. But once i do get AF and can take clomid then i feel like ive got a good chance of getting a bfp. Im feeling positive now!


It's a beautifully sunny, frosty morning here, much better, hope its stays like this! Hope it's the same with you.

I'm not having a good start to the day again, I was sick in night & after breakfast. I don't know if its just cos I'm nervous/excited but I don't think that's what it is. I hope it's not my morning sickness getting worse again. I just hope I'll be able to keep liquid down for the scan.

Do you employ other people to teach with you? Have you had to interview people? We've had one applicant for my maternity cover job already, which is exciting, so I will have to do interviews soon with my boss. Haven't got a clue what I'd ask! As my boss is a psychologist, I'm hoping she could suss people out!

We're on page 10! What a lot of chatting!


How did the scan go?? All good i hope :).

I hope u enjoy your lunch out and pushchair shopping!!

I dont employ anyone but i do hire out my studio to other classes and groups for £10 an hour so i have a busy programme of activities on my timetable but its not me teaching everything and i dont need to pay anyone, they pay me lol. It works well.
You will have to think of some questions to ask. Where do u see yourself 5 years from now lol i hate that question :).

10 pages? We are on page 37 according to my phone

It all went well! Everything that should be there was there & in the right place. Baby was jiggling all over the place & flipped over twice! He had his legs crossed at the ankles and was resting his feet against my v full bladder, which probably didnt help my discomfort! He had one arm up above hs head most of the time, looked v laid back!

We came home for lunch as my stomach is still dodgy. Off to the shops now. xxx

Ps we didnt find out gender.
Im so glad it went well. With my bad experiences i was scared to open this thread when i saw u had posted a reply. I had to say a little prayer before opening it. Thank god everything is ok. Im so pleased for u. Its crazy that we only met on the internet and i feel i really care about your life and baby. Im so happy that your baby is doing well.

Enjoy your shopping trip!
Oh dear, I'm sorry I scared you! Everything is fine. I feel the same about your life. We've spoken everyday for about 4 months, so you're definitely part part of my life!

Both DH & I were worried after your experiences - the first thing we saw after the heartbeat was the brain which had black circles in it. The lady took what felt like ages to tell us they were normal air spaces, we both worried they were cysts.

I was so desperate to pee during the scan! When she wanted to look at baby's heart, he hid under my tummy button, so I had to empty my bladder. When I came back, he'd dropped down about 4 inches in my abdomen, I could believe how much of a difference the full bladder makes! It was the same sonographer we had in the other hospital, so that was nice.

I keep noticing my DH relaxing in exactly the same position baby was in yesterday, it's v funny! He's definitely the father!!

As well as looking at pushchairs & deciding we still want the same one, I went to the bra fitting shop again. My boobs have gone up 2 cup sizes since I last went at 4 weeks! The new bra is much more comfortable!

We watched The Avengers last night & I fell asleep! It's the first time I have actually fallen asleep, you are a bad influence on me!! I woke up to watch the end, I don't think I missed much!

My little brother is coming home from uni for the weekend & DH is picking him up from the station, so I get to see him this eve - yey! I have to go to work today cos I took yest off, but I'm hoping I'll be able to escape earlier to see him.its just me in the office, so I should be able to get on with my work better.

I think I should ask anyone I interview "what do you see yourself doing in 1 years time?" And if they say still working here, they won't get the job cos they're trying to steal my job!! Lol.

I read this on my Ipad, so I must get bigger pages, cos I'm only on page 10. How odd!

What are you up to today? Is it sunny? It's looking lovely here at the moment. It's 2 years once we moved into our house - it feels like we're still new here!

Yes im so glad your scan went well. Sorry i scared u with the brain cysts. That must of been a bit worrying until the sonographer spoke and told u it was fine. When do u go for your next appointment? Is it midwife at 24 weeks?

It will be nice for u to see your brother. Im going to visit my brother this morning before working in my shop. Then tonight DH and i are having tea with my mum. U do know 'tea' is an evening meal and not the drink? lol i dont think people down south call it tea do they? :)

I would definately like a share of your boobs. Mine are so pathetic now, i feel a bit self conscious.

The weather looks nice today and lots of birds are singing. Have a good day at work. Remember, even when u are in the office 'alone' u are never alone because baby is with u! It must be bring your child to work week lol or 8 months. Have u got a date for finishing work?

Congrats on 2 years in your home.


My next appointment is 17th June. I think that's meant to be my 24 week one, but we're having it a week early cos of hol. I can't remember if anything exciting happens at that one, I think it's just a check up. It's hard to believe we won't see baby again till he's born. We've been counting down to scans, not sure what to count down to now. (The birth still seems too far away) Actually, the next few weeks have lots with anniversary, weekend away & my birthday, so that should go quite quickly.

The whole "tea/dinner" thing is a controversial issue in our house lol! Before I met DH I had lunch & dinner. But he calls lunch "dinner", which kept confusing me lots. So I said we'd call meals lunch & tea, then there's no confusion. So that's what I call them, but he has stuck with dinner for lunch, so I'm no less confused! I don't know where his family gets "tea" from, there's no link to the north. All of my family call them lunch & dinner. What do you call the midday meal? Hope you enjoyed tea at your mums.

Are your boobs smaller than they were before? I'm sure you have nothing to feel self conscious about, probably no one else can notice.

Because I'm on my own in the office most of the time, I often end up having little chats to baby when I'm at work! I thought the other day, that will be one thing I will miss about being pregnant, having my baby with me to talk to whenever I want. I'm leaving at the end on August, as it makes sense for the new person to be there from the start of the school year. During the summer holidays there is less work to do, so my hours may reduce once I have trained the new person. Still only one applicant, but the closing date is 31st May, so there's still time.

We had fish & chips last night with my brother & my parents,which was really nice. My brother is really in to cricket & has come home to play in a match for local team. DH & I threw balls to him so he could practice beforehand on the field outside our house. It was really nice to be out in the sun (although a bit chilly)

We've found somewhere nice (hopefully) to go on holiday in Kent. We're staying in one of a few lodges in a private holiday park. Last year where we stayed in France had a table tennis table, & we got really into playing it. This place has one too so we should enjoy that. We're both about as rubbish as each other, so it makes it a fair contest!

Hope you have a good Saturday! xxx

I will reply later as im running late for tired....i didnt want to get out of bed!

Im sooo tired now after work!

Sounds like u had a nice evening with your brother etc.

I call the midday meal dinner. At school we called it dinner time and had dinner ladies (like the sitcom). Did u have lunch ladies? :). I do sometimes call it lunch, mainly if its a small amount like sandwich or something or out with friends 'ladies that lunch' lol.

My temp is still low but my nipples have got a tiny bit sort, so something must be happening in my body! My boobs were small before lol im just jealous of yours :).

We are staying home tonight so will watch the eurovision! We are having an indian for 'tea' (dinner!).

Have a nice evening xxx
Yay that you're watching Eurovision too! Don't tell me who wins or how we score please, I'm going to bed after the singing ends & recording results to watch tmr. We've bought some cheese from all over Europe (well, as much of europe as tesco covered! to eat while watching. My parents & brother should be over to watch with us. (It's all unpasturised cheese, so I'm not eating it, but I've got some nice cheddar made at dairy where DH works).

We had dinner ladies but lunch break. That's the same argument DH uses to say why it should be dinner lol!

Glad your body's doing something, sounds promising!

What's your DH called? In fact, don't tell me, I'll guess. I think Martin! (Hope you dont think thats a horrible name!) Maybe you should give me the first initial or this could take a while! My DH's name begins with T.

Enjoy Eurovision! xxx
Oooh i like this guessing game! My DHs name isnt Martin lol, it begins with an R. Is your DH called Thomas or Tony? I feel like we are playing 'guess who' :).

Dont worry i wont tell u the eurovision results, although im guessing nil pwa! I lol at cheese from all over europe........well Tesco!!!! Ha ha :). That tickled me!

My DH is guessing that your DH is called Mr T. Trust him to say that lol xxx
Lol re Mr T! Neither of you have got it yet I'm afraid! Richard?

Did you enjoy Eurovision? I stayed up to watch it all - once it got to 10pm I was too tired to go to bed!! It's the latest I've stayed up since Feb! We really enjoyed it, very amusing. My brother & I wrote scores for each act & DH just analysed my scores! My brother & DH were drinking, so my brothers scores got more random as the night went on! We had subtitles on & my favourite moment of the evening was when they were singing the interval act about Sweden & the subtitles said about how they eat meatballs "seasoned with some horse!"!!! The song actually said sauce. Which songs did you like? My favourite was the Armenian one, with te man in the glass box. I also liked the Denmark one, as well as Russia, Malta & Norway. I didn't like our entry, but at least we got a few points!

I'm halfway there today! Woohoo! Our little outing can be to celebrate that as well as our anniversary. Weather is looking ok at the moment, so it should be alright. We're buying a picnic from Waitrose & then saving a short walk somewhere we havent been before where there are lovely views & wild flowers.

What are you up to today? xxx

Ps. Yikes - a cantaloupe! That seems large! The scan said baby's femur was 3cm & he weighs 290g.
Richard is correct! My 12 points go to u!


I liked the song with the glass box too. That was my favorite! I also thought that Sweden song was funny. I was laughing at the 'seasoned with horse' too and the ikea part 'good luck with assembling all the parts'.Our entry was rubbish. Bonnie Tyler cant even talk anymore nevermind sing lol.
Well done for staying up so late. Sounds like u had fun and your brother enjoyed himself :).

Congrats on 20 weeks! Have a lovely day out. I hope the weather stays nice.
We are having dinner at my mums house and just being lazy today......i hope!!
I did a smiley opk this morning as my nipples are slightly sore but it was a blank circle. I will do another in a couple of days. Im just taking them for fun really. Ive only got 2 more left and wasnt planning on buying more until af comes and i can start properly!

Have fun xxx

Yes, you got it! Trevor! My brother's called Richard too, it's a nice name. Does he shorten it? My brother is Rick to his friends and Rich to his family. Trevor is Trev to his colleagues & sometimes his family, but usually Trevor to me!

Did you have a nice dinner? We had a lovely time on our walk. The weather wasn't great, it rained when we got there so we sat in car til it stopped. We found a lovely picnic spot looking out over wild orchids & cowslips & a view for miles. No one else chose the path we chose, so it was really private & secluded. There was a. Airfield close by & an old plane (by-plane??) was doing loop the loops while we ate - we like to think it was our own private airshow!! Afterwards we went round a nearby village & found a picture for our kitchen that matched one we bought last year for our anniversary, so we bought that as a sort of joint present!

Shame your OPK wasn't smiling. Maybe it will be soon. Are you definitely meant to ovulate this cycle or could you just skip it? It will be good when you get AF & then know where you are. Can you get clomid from your GP or do you have to go back to the specialist for a new prescription? How many cycles worth have you got at the moment?

Are you teaching today? DH is on nights this week, so he'll be with me this morning & then he's off to work after lunch. I don't have any plans for after he's gone to work, but I'm sure ill think of something. He hasn't been on nights for 3 weeks, so I can barely remember what it's like!!

Aww your picnic sounds lovely and buying the picture is a nice idea! We have a picture in our kitchen which is called 'after the rain' , that would of been apropriate too :). What gifts of leather did u give?

I usually call DH Richard but his family & friends mostly call him Rich. Im not very good at shortening peoples names unless they introduce themselves as the shortened name, it feels wrong lol.

I probably wont ovulate as this isnt really classed as a cycle but i enjoy doing opks for fun. I might do another tomorrow morning. Ive got 4 months worth of clomid left! Id like to think that will be enough but we are going to go back to our FS anyway. I just need an appointment with GP to refer us again.

Im teaching tonight. Ive got a friend coming round at 11am (the one who cancelled because her hubby was ill) so i need to tidy up now! Then i pick my niece up from school and go to dancing til 8pm.

Have a nice relaxing day! Watch jeremy kyle ha ha....only joking xxx

We haven't exchanged gifts yet, as our actual anniversary isn't until tomorrow. T is working lates this week, so we'll only be together in the morning. I think we're going out for lunch after exchanging gifts & hopefully watching the wedding video. I really can't believe it's been 3 years! It seems like yesterday. Today was spent getting the hall ready, which took all day, but involved my parents & my SIL & us all working together, v fun. I think we finished at 9:30 at night, then opened wedding cards before I slept at my parents & T went to our home. Did you spend night before wedding apart?

I don't like to shorten people's names either. At school I used to hate it when people who weren't my friends would shorten my name at school, especially PE teachers. I hated PE, I've never been sporty.

Did you do an OPK this morning? What did it say?

How was your friend coming round? Was it difficult with not having seen her since your loss?

Does your mum dance? How do come to have a dance school? When did you buy it? Have you taught dance since you left school? I was wondering bout how it all came about yesterday!

Off to work today. I feel like it will be busy today as it was quiet last week. I wonder if we'll have has any more job applications.


Ive wasted another opk this morning as it was neg, but i enjoyed it lol.

Happy anniversary for tomorrow. I hope u have a nice morning together. We spent the night before apart too. R stayed at our house with his best men and i slept at my brothers house because it is right near the Hall and a modern house that looks nice on the photos. Do u watch your dvd each year? Have u put your dress on since? I havent.

My mum didnt dance but wishes she did. I started aged 6 and asked to go. I loved it and went a few times per week. I then always wanted to become a dance teacher as i combine my two biggest passions, dance and children. I did dance at college then a dance degree at uni. I started my school in 2004 in a community centre. It got bigger so i moved into my studio in 2009. I only rent my studio, not own it. I hire out my studio to lots of other groups and opened my shop in 2011 which is the unit next to my studio.

Have a good day at work. Not having many apps for your job is good, less people to try steal your position.


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